Allow to use the initial assignment for CAD (#5177)
[cvc5.git] / src / options / arith_options.toml
1 id = "ARITH"
2 name = "Arithmetic theory"
3 header = "options/arith_options.h"
5 [[option]]
6 name = "arithUnateLemmaMode"
7 category = "regular"
8 long = "unate-lemmas=MODE"
9 type = "ArithUnateLemmaMode"
10 default = "ALL"
11 read_only = true
12 help = "determines which lemmas to add before solving (default is 'all', see --unate-lemmas=help)"
13 help_mode = "Unate lemmas are generated before SAT search begins using the relationship of constant terms and polynomials."
14 [[option.mode.ALL]]
15 name = "all"
16 help = "A combination of inequalities and equalities."
17 [[option.mode.EQUALITY]]
18 name = "eqs"
19 help = "Outputs lemmas of the general forms (= p c) implies (<= p d) for c < d, or (= p c) implies (not (= p d)) for c != d."
20 [[option.mode.INEQUALITY]]
21 name = "ineqs"
22 help = "Outputs lemmas of the general form (<= p c) implies (<= p d) for c < d."
23 [[option.mode.NO]]
24 name = "none"
26 [[option]]
27 name = "arithPropagationMode"
28 category = "regular"
29 long = "arith-prop=MODE"
30 type = "ArithPropagationMode"
31 default = "BOTH_PROP"
32 read_only = true
33 help = "turns on arithmetic propagation (default is 'old', see --arith-prop=help)"
34 help_mode = "This decides on kind of propagation arithmetic attempts to do during the search."
35 [[option.mode.NO_PROP]]
36 name = "none"
37 [[option.mode.UNATE_PROP]]
38 name = "unate"
39 help = "Use constraints to do unate propagation."
40 [[option.mode.BOUND_INFERENCE_PROP]]
41 name = "bi"
42 help = "(Bounds Inference) infers bounds on basic variables using the upper and lower bounds of the non-basic variables in the tableau."
43 [[option.mode.BOTH_PROP]]
44 name = "both"
45 help = "Use bounds inference and unate."
49 # The maximum number of difference pivots to do per invocation of simplex.
50 # If this is negative, the number of pivots done is the number of variables.
51 # If this is not set by the user, different logics are free to chose different
52 # defaults.
53 [[option]]
54 name = "arithHeuristicPivots"
55 category = "regular"
56 long = "heuristic-pivots=N"
57 type = "int16_t"
58 default = "0"
59 help = "the number of times to apply the heuristic pivot rule; if N < 0, this defaults to the number of variables; if this is unset, this is tuned by the logic selection"
62 # The maximum number of variable order pivots to do per invocation of simplex.
63 # If this is negative, the number of pivots done is unlimited.
64 # If this is not set by the user, different logics are free to chose different
65 # defaults.
66 [[option]]
67 name = "arithStandardCheckVarOrderPivots"
68 category = "expert"
69 long = "standard-effort-variable-order-pivots=N"
70 type = "int16_t"
71 default = "-1"
72 help = "limits the number of pivots in a single invocation of check() at a non-full effort level using Bland's pivot rule"
74 [[option]]
75 name = "arithErrorSelectionRule"
76 category = "regular"
77 long = "error-selection-rule=RULE"
78 type = "ErrorSelectionRule"
79 default = "MINIMUM_AMOUNT"
80 read_only = true
81 help = "change the pivot rule for the basic variable (default is 'min', see --pivot-rule help)"
82 help_mode = "This decides on the rule used by simplex during heuristic rounds for deciding the next basic variable to select."
83 [[option.mode.MINIMUM_AMOUNT]]
84 name = "min"
85 help = "The minimum abs() value of the variable's violation of its bound."
86 [[option.mode.VAR_ORDER]]
87 name = "varord"
88 help = "The variable order."
89 [[option.mode.MAXIMUM_AMOUNT]]
90 name = "max"
91 help = "The maximum violation the bound."
92 [[option.mode.SUM_METRIC]]
93 name = "sum"
95 # The number of pivots before simplex rechecks every basic variable for a conflict
96 [[option]]
97 name = "arithSimplexCheckPeriod"
98 category = "regular"
99 long = "simplex-check-period=N"
100 type = "uint16_t"
101 default = "200"
102 read_only = true
103 help = "the number of pivots to do in simplex before rechecking for a conflict on all variables"
105 # This is the pivots per basic variable that can be done using heuristic choices
106 # before variable order must be used.
107 # If this is not set by the user, different logics are free to chose different
108 # defaults.
109 [[option]]
110 name = "arithPivotThreshold"
111 category = "regular"
112 long = "pivot-threshold=N"
113 type = "uint16_t"
114 default = "2"
115 help = "sets the number of pivots using --pivot-rule per basic variable per simplex instance before using variable order"
117 [[option]]
118 name = "arithPropagateMaxLength"
119 category = "regular"
120 long = "prop-row-length=N"
121 type = "uint16_t"
122 default = "16"
123 read_only = true
124 help = "sets the maximum row length to be used in propagation"
126 [[option]]
127 name = "arithDioSolver"
128 category = "regular"
129 long = "dio-solver"
130 type = "bool"
131 default = "true"
132 read_only = true
133 help = "turns on Linear Diophantine Equation solver (Griggio, JSAT 2012)"
135 # Whether to split (= x y) into (and (<= x y) (>= x y)) in
136 # arithmetic preprocessing.
137 [[option]]
138 name = "arithRewriteEq"
139 category = "regular"
140 long = "arith-rewrite-equalities"
141 type = "bool"
142 default = "false"
143 help = "turns on the preprocessing rewrite turning equalities into a conjunction of inequalities"
145 [[option]]
146 name = "arithMLTrick"
147 smt_name = "miplib-trick"
148 category = "regular"
149 long = "miplib-trick"
150 type = "bool"
151 default = "false"
152 help = "turns on the preprocessing step of attempting to infer bounds on miplib problems"
154 [[option]]
155 name = "arithMLTrickSubstitutions"
156 smt_name = "miplib-trick-subs"
157 category = "regular"
158 long = "miplib-trick-subs=N"
159 type = "unsigned"
160 default = "1"
161 read_only = true
162 help = "do substitution for miplib 'tmp' vars if defined in <= N eliminated vars"
164 [[option]]
165 name = "doCutAllBounded"
166 category = "regular"
167 long = "cut-all-bounded"
168 type = "bool"
169 default = "false"
170 help = "turns on the integer solving step of periodically cutting all integer variables that have both upper and lower bounds"
172 [[option]]
173 name = "maxCutsInContext"
174 category = "regular"
175 long = "maxCutsInContext=N"
176 type = "unsigned"
177 default = "65535"
178 read_only = true
179 help = "maximum cuts in a given context before signalling a restart"
181 [[option]]
182 name = "revertArithModels"
183 category = "regular"
184 long = "revert-arith-models-on-unsat"
185 type = "bool"
186 default = "false"
187 read_only = true
188 help = "revert the arithmetic model to a known safe model on unsat if one is cached"
190 [[option]]
191 name = "havePenalties"
192 category = "regular"
193 long = "fc-penalties"
194 type = "bool"
195 default = "false"
196 help = "turns on degenerate pivot penalties"
198 [[option]]
199 name = "useFC"
200 category = "regular"
201 long = "use-fcsimplex"
202 type = "bool"
203 default = "false"
204 help = "use focusing and converging simplex (FMCAD 2013 submission)"
206 [[option]]
207 name = "useSOI"
208 category = "regular"
209 long = "use-soi"
210 type = "bool"
211 default = "false"
212 help = "use sum of infeasibility simplex (FMCAD 2013 submission)"
214 [[option]]
215 name = "restrictedPivots"
216 category = "regular"
217 long = "restrict-pivots"
218 type = "bool"
219 default = "true"
220 help = "have a pivot cap for simplex at effort levels below fullEffort"
222 [[option]]
223 name = "collectPivots"
224 category = "regular"
225 long = "collect-pivot-stats"
226 type = "bool"
227 default = "false"
228 help = "collect the pivot history"
230 [[option]]
231 name = "useApprox"
232 category = "regular"
233 long = "use-approx"
234 type = "bool"
235 default = "false"
236 help = "attempt to use an approximate solver"
238 [[option]]
239 name = "maxApproxDepth"
240 category = "regular"
241 long = "approx-branch-depth=N"
242 type = "int16_t"
243 default = "200"
244 help = "maximum branch depth the approximate solver is allowed to take"
246 [[option]]
247 name = "exportDioDecompositions"
248 category = "regular"
249 long = "dio-decomps"
250 type = "bool"
251 default = "false"
252 help = "let skolem variables for integer divisibility constraints leak from the dio solver"
254 [[option]]
255 name = "newProp"
256 category = "regular"
257 long = "new-prop"
258 type = "bool"
259 default = "true"
260 help = "use the new row propagation system"
262 [[option]]
263 name = "arithPropAsLemmaLength"
264 category = "regular"
265 long = "arith-prop-clauses=N"
266 type = "uint16_t"
267 default = "8"
268 help = "rows shorter than this are propagated as clauses"
270 [[option]]
271 name = "soiQuickExplain"
272 category = "regular"
273 long = "soi-qe"
274 type = "bool"
275 default = "false"
276 help = "use quick explain to minimize the sum of infeasibility conflicts"
278 [[option]]
279 name = "trySolveIntStandardEffort"
280 category = "regular"
281 long = "se-solve-int"
282 type = "bool"
283 default = "false"
284 read_only = true
285 help = "attempt to use the approximate solve integer method on standard effort"
287 [[option]]
288 name = "replayFailureLemma"
289 category = "regular"
290 long = "lemmas-on-replay-failure"
291 type = "bool"
292 default = "false"
293 read_only = true
294 help = "attempt to use external lemmas if approximate solve integer failed"
296 [[option]]
297 name = "dioSolverTurns"
298 category = "regular"
299 long = "dio-turns=N"
300 type = "int"
301 default = "10"
302 read_only = true
303 help = "turns in a row dio solver cutting gets"
305 [[option]]
306 name = "rrTurns"
307 category = "regular"
308 long = "rr-turns=N"
309 type = "int"
310 default = "3"
311 read_only = true
312 help = "round robin turn"
314 [[option]]
315 name = "dioRepeat"
316 category = "regular"
317 long = "dio-repeat"
318 type = "bool"
319 default = "false"
320 read_only = true
321 help = "handle dio solver constraints in mass or one at a time"
323 [[option]]
324 name = "replayEarlyCloseDepths"
325 category = "regular"
326 long = "replay-early-close-depth=N"
327 type = "int"
328 default = "1"
329 read_only = true
330 help = "multiples of the depths to try to close the approx log eagerly"
332 [[option]]
333 name = "replayFailurePenalty"
334 category = "regular"
335 long = "replay-failure-penalty=N"
336 type = "int"
337 default = "100"
338 read_only = true
339 help = "number of solve integer attempts to skips after a numeric failure"
341 [[option]]
342 name = "replayNumericFailurePenalty"
343 category = "regular"
344 long = "replay-num-err-penalty=N"
345 type = "int"
346 default = "4194304"
347 read_only = true
348 help = "number of solve integer attempts to skips after a numeric failure"
350 [[option]]
351 name = "replayRejectCutSize"
352 category = "regular"
353 long = "replay-reject-cut=N"
354 type = "unsigned"
355 default = "25500"
356 read_only = true
357 help = "maximum complexity of any coefficient while replaying cuts"
359 [[option]]
360 name = "lemmaRejectCutSize"
361 category = "regular"
362 long = "replay-lemma-reject-cut=N"
363 type = "unsigned"
364 default = "25500"
365 read_only = true
366 help = "maximum complexity of any coefficient while outputting replaying cut lemmas"
368 [[option]]
369 name = "soiApproxMajorFailure"
370 category = "regular"
371 long = "replay-soi-major-threshold=T"
372 type = "double"
373 default = ".01"
374 read_only = true
375 help = "threshold for a major tolerance failure by the approximate solver"
377 [[option]]
378 name = "soiApproxMajorFailurePen"
379 category = "regular"
380 long = "replay-soi-major-threshold-pen=N"
381 type = "int"
382 default = "50"
383 read_only = true
384 help = "threshold for a major tolerance failure by the approximate solver"
386 [[option]]
387 name = "soiApproxMinorFailure"
388 category = "regular"
389 long = "replay-soi-minor-threshold=T"
390 type = "double"
391 default = ".0001"
392 read_only = true
393 help = "threshold for a minor tolerance failure by the approximate solver"
395 [[option]]
396 name = "soiApproxMinorFailurePen"
397 category = "regular"
398 long = "replay-soi-minor-threshold-pen=N"
399 type = "int"
400 default = "10"
401 read_only = true
402 help = "threshold for a minor tolerance failure by the approximate solver"
404 [[option]]
405 name = "ppAssertMaxSubSize"
406 category = "regular"
407 long = "pp-assert-max-sub-size=N"
408 type = "unsigned"
409 default = "2"
410 read_only = true
411 help = "threshold for substituting an equality in ppAssert"
413 [[option]]
414 name = "arithNoPartialFun"
415 category = "regular"
416 long = "arith-no-partial-fun"
417 type = "bool"
418 default = "false"
419 read_only = true
420 help = "do not use partial function semantics for arithmetic (not SMT LIB compliant)"
422 [[option]]
423 name = "pbRewrites"
424 category = "regular"
425 long = "pb-rewrites"
426 type = "bool"
427 default = "false"
428 help = "apply pseudo boolean rewrites"
430 [[option]]
431 name = "nlExt"
432 category = "regular"
433 long = "nl-ext"
434 type = "bool"
435 default = "true"
436 read_only = true
437 help = "incremental linearization approach to non-linear"
439 [[option]]
440 name = "nlExtResBound"
441 category = "regular"
442 long = "nl-ext-rbound"
443 type = "bool"
444 default = "false"
445 read_only = true
446 help = "use resolution-style inference for inferring new bounds in non-linear incremental linearization solver"
448 [[option]]
449 name = "nlExtFactor"
450 category = "regular"
451 long = "nl-ext-factor"
452 type = "bool"
453 default = "true"
454 read_only = true
455 help = "use factoring inference in non-linear incremental linearization solver"
457 [[option]]
458 name = "nlExtTangentPlanes"
459 category = "regular"
460 long = "nl-ext-tplanes"
461 type = "bool"
462 default = "false"
463 read_only = true
464 help = "use non-terminating tangent plane strategy for non-linear incremental linearization solver"
466 [[option]]
467 name = "nlExtTangentPlanesInterleave"
468 category = "regular"
469 long = "nl-ext-tplanes-interleave"
470 type = "bool"
471 default = "false"
472 help = "interleave tangent plane strategy for non-linear incremental linearization solver"
474 [[option]]
475 name = "nlExtTfTangentPlanes"
476 category = "regular"
477 long = "nl-ext-tf-tplanes"
478 type = "bool"
479 default = "true"
480 read_only = true
481 help = "use non-terminating tangent plane strategy for transcendental functions for non-linear incremental linearization solver"
483 [[option]]
484 name = "nlExtEntailConflicts"
485 category = "regular"
486 long = "nl-ext-ent-conf"
487 type = "bool"
488 default = "false"
489 read_only = true
490 help = "check for entailed conflicts in non-linear solver"
492 [[option]]
493 name = "nlExtRewrites"
494 category = "regular"
495 long = "nl-ext-rewrite"
496 type = "bool"
497 default = "true"
498 read_only = true
499 help = "do context-dependent simplification based on rewrites in non-linear solver"
501 [[option]]
502 name = "nlExtPurify"
503 category = "regular"
504 long = "nl-ext-purify"
505 type = "bool"
506 default = "false"
507 read_only = true
508 help = "purify non-linear terms at preprocess"
510 [[option]]
511 name = "nlExtSplitZero"
512 category = "regular"
513 long = "nl-ext-split-zero"
514 type = "bool"
515 default = "false"
516 read_only = true
517 help = "initial splits on zero for all variables"
519 [[option]]
520 name = "nlExtTfTaylorDegree"
521 category = "regular"
522 long = "nl-ext-tf-taylor-deg=N"
523 type = "int16_t"
524 default = "4"
525 help = "initial degree of polynomials for Taylor approximation"
527 [[option]]
528 name = "nlExtIncPrecision"
529 category = "regular"
530 long = "nl-ext-inc-prec"
531 type = "bool"
532 default = "true"
533 read_only = true
534 help = "whether to increment the precision for irrational function constraints"
536 [[option]]
537 name = "nlRlvMode"
538 category = "regular"
539 long = "nl-rlv=MODE"
540 type = "NlRlvMode"
541 default = "NONE"
542 help = "choose mode for using relevance of assertoins in non-linear arithmetic"
543 help_mode = "Modes for using relevance of assertoins in non-linear arithmetic."
544 [[option.mode.NONE]]
545 name = "none"
546 help = "Do not use relevance."
547 [[option.mode.INTERLEAVE]]
548 name = "interleave"
549 help = "Alternate rounds using relevance."
550 [[option.mode.ALWAYS]]
551 name = "always"
552 help = "Always use relevance."
554 [[option]]
555 name = "brabTest"
556 category = "regular"
557 long = "arith-brab"
558 type = "bool"
559 default = "true"
560 read_only = true
561 help = "whether to use simple rounding, similar to a unit-cube test, for integers"
563 [[option]]
564 name = "nlCad"
565 category = "regular"
566 long = "nl-cad"
567 type = "bool"
568 default = "false"
569 help = "whether to use the cylindrical algebraic decomposition solver for non-linear arithmetic"
571 [[option]]
572 name = "nlCadUseInitial"
573 category = "regular"
574 long = "nl-cad-initial"
575 type = "bool"
576 default = "false"
577 help = "whether to use the linear model as initial guess for the cylindrical algebraic decomposition solver"
579 [[option]]
580 name = "nlICP"
581 category = "regular"
582 long = "nl-icp"
583 type = "bool"
584 default = "false"
585 help = "whether to use ICP-style propagations for non-linear arithmetic"