Remove read_only from options. (#6513)
[cvc5.git] / src / options / datatypes_options.toml
1 id = "DATATYPES"
2 name = "Datatypes theory"
3 header = "options/datatypes_options.h"
5 # How to handle selectors applied to incorrect constructors. If this option is set,
6 # then we do not rewrite such a selector term to an arbitrary ground term.
7 # For example, by default cvc5 considers cdr( nil ) = nil. If this option is set, then
8 # cdr( nil ) has no set value.
9 [[option]]
10 name = "dtRewriteErrorSel"
11 category = "expert"
12 long = "dt-rewrite-error-sel"
13 type = "bool"
14 default = "false"
15 help = "rewrite incorrectly applied selectors to arbitrary ground term"
17 [[option]]
18 name = "dtForceAssignment"
19 category = "regular"
20 long = "dt-force-assignment"
21 type = "bool"
22 default = "false"
23 help = "force the datatypes solver to give specific values to all datatypes terms before answering sat"
25 [[option]]
26 name = "dtPoliteOptimize"
27 smt_name = "dt-polite-optimize"
28 category = "experimental"
29 long = "dt-polite-optimize"
30 type = "bool"
31 default = "true"
32 help = "turn on optimization for polite combination"
34 [[option]]
35 name = "dtBinarySplit"
36 category = "regular"
37 long = "dt-binary-split"
38 type = "bool"
39 default = "false"
40 help = "do binary splits for datatype constructor types"
42 [[option]]
43 name = "cdtBisimilar"
44 category = "regular"
45 long = "cdt-bisimilar"
46 type = "bool"
47 default = "true"
48 help = "do bisimilarity check for co-datatypes"
50 [[option]]
51 name = "dtCyclic"
52 category = "regular"
53 long = "dt-cyclic"
54 type = "bool"
55 default = "true"
56 help = "do cyclicity check for datatypes"
58 [[option]]
59 name = "dtInferAsLemmas"
60 category = "regular"
61 long = "dt-infer-as-lemmas"
62 type = "bool"
63 default = "false"
64 help = "always send lemmas out instead of making internal inferences"
66 [[option]]
67 name = "dtBlastSplits"
68 category = "regular"
69 long = "dt-blast-splits"
70 type = "bool"
71 default = "false"
72 help = "when applicable, blast splitting lemmas for all variables at once"
74 [[option]]
75 name = "dtNestedRec"
76 category = "regular"
77 long = "dt-nested-rec"
78 type = "bool"
79 default = "false"
80 help = "allow nested recursion in datatype definitions"
82 [[option]]
83 name = "dtSharedSelectors"
84 category = "regular"
85 long = "dt-share-sel"
86 type = "bool"
87 default = "true"
88 help = "internally use shared selectors across multiple constructors"
90 [[option]]
91 name = "sygusSymBreak"
92 category = "regular"
93 long = "sygus-sym-break"
94 type = "bool"
95 default = "true"
96 help = "simple sygus symmetry breaking lemmas"
98 [[option]]
99 name = "sygusSymBreakAgg"
100 category = "regular"
101 long = "sygus-sym-break-agg"
102 type = "bool"
103 default = "true"
104 help = "use aggressive checks for simple sygus symmetry breaking lemmas"
106 [[option]]
107 name = "sygusSymBreakDynamic"
108 category = "regular"
109 long = "sygus-sym-break-dynamic"
110 type = "bool"
111 default = "true"
112 help = "dynamic sygus symmetry breaking lemmas"
114 [[option]]
115 name = "sygusSymBreakPbe"
116 category = "regular"
117 long = "sygus-sym-break-pbe"
118 type = "bool"
119 default = "true"
120 help = "sygus symmetry breaking lemmas based on pbe conjectures"
122 [[option]]
123 name = "sygusSymBreakLazy"
124 category = "regular"
125 long = "sygus-sym-break-lazy"
126 type = "bool"
127 default = "true"
128 help = "lazily add symmetry breaking lemmas for terms"
130 [[option]]
131 name = "sygusSymBreakRlv"
132 category = "regular"
133 long = "sygus-sym-break-rlv"
134 type = "bool"
135 default = "true"
136 help = "add relevancy conditions to symmetry breaking lemmas"
138 [[option]]
139 name = "sygusFair"
140 category = "regular"
141 long = "sygus-fair=MODE"
142 type = "SygusFairMode"
143 default = "DT_SIZE"
144 help = "if and how to apply fairness for sygus"
145 help_mode = "Modes for enforcing fairness for counterexample guided quantifier instantion."
146 [[option.mode.DIRECT]]
147 name = "direct"
148 help = "Enforce fairness using direct conflict lemmas."
149 [[option.mode.DT_SIZE]]
150 name = "dt-size"
151 help = "Enforce fairness using size operator."
152 [[option.mode.DT_HEIGHT_PRED]]
153 name = "dt-height-bound"
154 help = "Enforce fairness by height bound predicate."
155 [[option.mode.DT_SIZE_PRED]]
156 name = "dt-size-bound"
157 help = "Enforce fairness by size bound predicate."
158 [[option.mode.NONE]]
159 name = "none"
160 help = "Do not enforce fairness."
162 [[option]]
163 name = "sygusFairMax"
164 category = "regular"
165 long = "sygus-fair-max"
166 type = "bool"
167 default = "true"
168 help = "use max instead of sum for multi-function sygus conjectures"
170 [[option]]
171 name = "sygusAbortSize"
172 category = "regular"
173 long = "sygus-abort-size=N"
174 type = "int"
175 default = "-1"
176 help = "tells enumerative sygus to only consider solutions up to term size N (-1 == no limit, default)"