Removing more miscellaneous throw specifiers. (#1488)
[cvc5.git] / src / options / options.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file options.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Tim King, Morgan Deters, Paul Meng
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2017 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Global (command-line, set-option, ...) parameters for SMT.
13 **
14 ** Global (command-line, set-option, ...) parameters for SMT.
15 **/
17 #include "cvc4_public.h"
19 #ifndef __CVC4__OPTIONS__OPTIONS_H
20 #define __CVC4__OPTIONS__OPTIONS_H
22 #include <fstream>
23 #include <ostream>
24 #include <string>
25 #include <vector>
27 #include "base/listener.h"
28 #include "base/modal_exception.h"
29 #include "base/tls.h"
30 #include "options/argument_extender.h"
31 #include "options/language.h"
32 #include "options/option_exception.h"
33 #include "options/printer_modes.h"
35 namespace CVC4 {
37 namespace options {
38 struct OptionsHolder;
39 class OptionsHandler;
40 }/* CVC4::options namespace */
42 class CVC4_PUBLIC Options {
43 /** The struct that holds all option values. */
44 options::OptionsHolder* d_holder;
46 /** The handler for the options of the theory. */
47 options::OptionsHandler* d_handler;
49 /** The current Options in effect */
50 static CVC4_THREAD_LOCAL Options* s_current;
52 /** Listeners for options::forceLogicString being set. */
53 ListenerCollection d_forceLogicListeners;
55 /** Listeners for notifyBeforeSearch. */
56 ListenerCollection d_beforeSearchListeners;
58 /** Listeners for options::tlimit. */
59 ListenerCollection d_tlimitListeners;
61 /** Listeners for options::tlimit-per. */
62 ListenerCollection d_tlimitPerListeners;
64 /** Listeners for options::rlimit. */
65 ListenerCollection d_rlimitListeners;
67 /** Listeners for options::tlimit-per. */
68 ListenerCollection d_rlimitPerListeners;
70 /** Listeners for options::useTheoryList. */
71 ListenerCollection d_useTheoryListListeners;
73 /** Listeners for options::defaultExprDepth. */
74 ListenerCollection d_setDefaultExprDepthListeners;
76 /** Listeners for options::defaultDagThresh. */
77 ListenerCollection d_setDefaultDagThreshListeners;
79 /** Listeners for options::printExprTypes. */
80 ListenerCollection d_setPrintExprTypesListeners;
82 /** Listeners for options::dumpModeString. */
83 ListenerCollection d_setDumpModeListeners;
85 /** Listeners for options::printSuccess. */
86 ListenerCollection d_setPrintSuccessListeners;
88 /** Listeners for options::dumpToFileName. */
89 ListenerCollection d_dumpToFileListeners;
91 /** Listeners for options::regularChannelName. */
92 ListenerCollection d_setRegularChannelListeners;
94 /** Listeners for options::diagnosticChannelName. */
95 ListenerCollection d_setDiagnosticChannelListeners;
97 /** Listeners for options::replayFilename. */
98 ListenerCollection d_setReplayFilenameListeners;
101 static ListenerCollection::Registration* registerAndNotify(
102 ListenerCollection& collection, Listener* listener, bool notify);
104 /** Low-level assignment function for options */
105 template <class T>
106 void assign(T, std::string option, std::string value);
107 /** Low-level assignment function for bool-valued options */
108 template <class T>
109 void assignBool(T, std::string option, bool value);
111 friend class options::OptionsHandler;
113 /**
114 * Options cannot be copied as they are given an explicit list of
115 * Listeners to respond to.
116 */
117 Options(const Options& options) CVC4_UNDEFINED;
119 /**
120 * Options cannot be assigned as they are given an explicit list of
121 * Listeners to respond to.
122 */
123 Options& operator=(const Options& options) CVC4_UNDEFINED;
125 static std::string formatThreadOptionException(const std::string& option);
127 static const size_t s_maxoptlen = 128;
128 static const unsigned s_preemptAdditional = 6;
130 public:
131 class CVC4_PUBLIC OptionsScope {
132 private:
133 Options* d_oldOptions;
134 public:
135 OptionsScope(Options* newOptions) :
136 d_oldOptions(Options::s_current)
137 {
138 Options::s_current = newOptions;
139 }
140 ~OptionsScope(){
141 Options::s_current = d_oldOptions;
142 }
143 };
145 /** Return true if current Options are null */
146 static inline bool isCurrentNull() {
147 return s_current == NULL;
148 }
150 /** Get the current Options in effect */
151 static inline Options* current() {
152 return s_current;
153 }
155 Options();
156 ~Options();
158 /**
159 * Copies the value of the options stored in OptionsHolder into the current
160 * Options object.
161 * This does not copy the listeners in the Options object.
162 */
163 void copyValues(const Options& options);
165 /**
166 * Set the value of the given option. Use of this default
167 * implementation causes a compile-time error; write-able
168 * options specialize this template with a real implementation.
169 */
170 template <class T>
171 void set(T, const typename T::type&) {
172 // Flag a compile-time error. Write-able options specialize
173 // this template to provide an implementation.
174 T::you_are_trying_to_assign_to_a_read_only_option;
175 }
177 /**
178 * Set the value of the given option by key.
179 */
180 void setOption(const std::string& key, const std::string& optionarg)
181 throw(OptionException, ModalException);
184 /** Get the value of the given option. Const access only. */
185 template <class T>
186 const typename T::type& operator[](T) const;
188 /**
189 * Gets the value of the given option by key and returns value as a string.
190 */
191 std::string getOption(const std::string& key) const
192 throw(OptionException);
194 // Get accessor functions.
195 InputLanguage getInputLanguage() const;
196 InstFormatMode getInstFormatMode() const;
197 OutputLanguage getOutputLanguage() const;
198 bool getCheckProofs() const;
199 bool getContinuedExecution() const;
200 bool getDumpInstantiations() const;
201 bool getDumpModels() const;
202 bool getDumpProofs() const;
203 bool getDumpSynth() const;
204 bool getDumpUnsatCores() const;
205 bool getEarlyExit() const;
206 bool getFallbackSequential() const;
207 bool getFilesystemAccess() const;
208 bool getForceNoLimitCpuWhileDump() const;
209 bool getHelp() const;
210 bool getIncrementalParallel() const;
211 bool getIncrementalSolving() const;
212 bool getInteractive() const;
213 bool getInteractivePrompt() const;
214 bool getLanguageHelp() const;
215 bool getMemoryMap() const;
216 bool getParseOnly() const;
217 bool getProduceModels() const;
218 bool getProof() const;
219 bool getSegvSpin() const;
220 bool getSemanticChecks() const;
221 bool getStatistics() const;
222 bool getStatsEveryQuery() const;
223 bool getStatsHideZeros() const;
224 bool getStrictParsing() const;
225 int getTearDownIncremental() const;
226 bool getVersion() const;
227 bool getWaitToJoin() const;
228 const std::string& getForceLogicString() const;
229 const std::vector<std::string>& getThreadArgv() const;
230 int getSharingFilterByLength() const;
231 int getThreadId() const;
232 int getVerbosity() const;
233 std::istream* getIn() const;
234 std::ostream* getErr();
235 std::ostream* getOut();
236 std::ostream* getOutConst() const; // TODO: Remove this.
237 std::string getBinaryName() const;
238 std::string getReplayInputFilename() const;
239 unsigned getParseStep() const;
240 unsigned getThreadStackSize() const;
241 unsigned getThreads() const;
244 // TODO: Document these.
245 void setInputLanguage(InputLanguage);
246 void setInteractive(bool);
247 void setOut(std::ostream*);
248 void setOutputLanguage(OutputLanguage);
249 void setSharingFilterByLength(int length);
250 void setThreadId(int);
252 bool wasSetByUserCeGuidedInst() const;
253 bool wasSetByUserDumpSynth() const;
254 bool wasSetByUserEarlyExit() const;
255 bool wasSetByUserForceLogicString() const;
256 bool wasSetByUserIncrementalSolving() const;
257 bool wasSetByUserInteractive() const;
258 bool wasSetByUserThreadStackSize() const;
259 bool wasSetByUserThreads() const;
261 // Static accessor functions.
262 // TODO: Document these.
263 static int currentGetSharingFilterByLength();
264 static int currentGetThreadId();
265 static std::ostream* currentGetOut();
267 /**
268 * Returns true iff the value of the given option was set
269 * by the user via a command-line option or SmtEngine::setOption().
270 * (Options::set() is low-level and doesn't count.) Returns false
271 * otherwise.
272 */
273 template <class T>
274 bool wasSetByUser(T) const;
276 /**
277 * Get a description of the command-line flags accepted by
278 * parseOptions. The returned string will be escaped so that it is
279 * suitable as an argument to printf. */
280 std::string getDescription() const;
282 /**
283 * Print overall command-line option usage message, prefixed by
284 * "msg"---which could be an error message causing the usage
285 * output in the first place, e.g. "no such option --foo"
286 */
287 static void printUsage(const std::string msg, std::ostream& out);
289 /**
290 * Print command-line option usage message for only the most-commonly
291 * used options. The message is prefixed by "msg"---which could be
292 * an error message causing the usage output in the first place, e.g.
293 * "no such option --foo"
294 */
295 static void printShortUsage(const std::string msg, std::ostream& out);
297 /** Print help for the --lang command line option */
298 static void printLanguageHelp(std::ostream& out);
300 /**
301 * Look up long command-line option names that bear some similarity
302 * to the given name. Returns an empty string if there are no
303 * suggestions.
304 */
305 static std::string suggestCommandLineOptions(const std::string& optionName);
307 /**
308 * Look up SMT option names that bear some similarity to
309 * the given name. Don't include the initial ":". This might be
310 * useful in case of typos. Can return an empty vector if there are
311 * no suggestions.
312 */
313 static std::vector<std::string> suggestSmtOptions(
314 const std::string& optionName);
316 /**
317 * Initialize the Options object options based on the given
318 * command-line arguments given in argc and argv. The return value
319 * is what's left of the command line (that is, the non-option
320 * arguments).
321 *
322 * This function uses getopt_long() and is not thread safe.
323 *
324 * Preconditions: options and argv must be non-null.
325 */
326 static std::vector<std::string> parseOptions(Options* options,
327 int argc, char* argv[])
328 throw(OptionException);
330 /**
331 * Get the setting for all options.
332 */
333 std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > getOptions() const;
335 /**
336 * Registers a listener for the notification, notifyBeforeSearch.
337 *
338 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
339 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
340 *
341 * This has multiple usages so having a notifyIfSet flag does not add
342 * clarity. Users should check the relevant flags before registering this.
343 */
344 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerBeforeSearchListener(
345 Listener* listener);
348 /**
349 * Registers a listener for options::forceLogic being set.
350 *
351 * If notifyIfSet is true, this calls notify on the listener
352 * if the option was set by the user.
353 *
354 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
355 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
356 */
357 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerForceLogicListener(
358 Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet);
360 /**
361 * Registers a listener for options::tlimit being set.
362 *
363 * If notifyIfSet is true, this calls notify on the listener
364 * if the option was set by the user.
365 *
366 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
367 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
368 */
369 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerTlimitListener(
370 Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet);
372 /**
373 * Registers a listener for options::tlimit-per being set.
374 *
375 * If notifyIfSet is true, this calls notify on the listener
376 * if the option was set by the user.
377 *
378 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
379 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
380 */
381 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerTlimitPerListener(
382 Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet);
385 /**
386 * Registers a listener for options::rlimit being set.
387 *
388 * If notifyIfSet is true, this calls notify on the listener
389 * if the option was set by the user.
390 *
391 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
392 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
393 */
394 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerRlimitListener(
395 Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet);
397 /**
398 * Registers a listener for options::rlimit-per being set.
399 *
400 * If notifyIfSet is true, this calls notify on the listener
401 * if the option was set by the user.
402 *
403 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
404 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
405 */
406 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerRlimitPerListener(
407 Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet);
409 /**
410 * Registers a listener for options::useTheoryList being set.
411 *
412 * If notifyIfSet is true, this calls notify on the listener
413 * if the option was set by the user.
414 *
415 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
416 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
417 */
418 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerUseTheoryListListener(
419 Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet);
422 /**
423 * Registers a listener for options::defaultExprDepth being set.
424 *
425 * If notifyIfSet is true, this calls notify on the listener
426 * if the option was set by the user.
427 *
428 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
429 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
430 */
431 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerSetDefaultExprDepthListener(
432 Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet);
434 /**
435 * Registers a listener for options::defaultDagThresh being set.
436 *
437 * If notifyIfSet is true, this calls notify on the listener
438 * if the option was set by the user.
439 *
440 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
441 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
442 */
443 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerSetDefaultExprDagListener(
444 Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet);
446 /**
447 * Registers a listener for options::printExprTypes being set.
448 *
449 * If notifyIfSet is true, this calls notify on the listener
450 * if the option was set by the user.
451 *
452 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
453 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
454 */
455 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerSetPrintExprTypesListener(
456 Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet);
458 /**
459 * Registers a listener for options::dumpModeString being set.
460 *
461 * If notifyIfSet is true, this calls notify on the listener
462 * if the option was set by the user.
463 *
464 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
465 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
466 */
467 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerSetDumpModeListener(
468 Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet);
470 /**
471 * Registers a listener for options::printSuccess being set.
472 *
473 * If notifyIfSet is true, this calls notify on the listener
474 * if the option was set by the user.
475 *
476 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
477 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
478 */
479 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerSetPrintSuccessListener(
480 Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet);
482 /**
483 * Registers a listener for options::dumpToFileName being set.
484 *
485 * If notifyIfSet is true, this calls notify on the listener
486 * if the option was set by the user.
487 *
488 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
489 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
490 */
491 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerDumpToFileNameListener(
492 Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet);
494 /**
495 * Registers a listener for options::regularChannelName being set.
496 *
497 * If notifyIfSet is true, this calls notify on the listener
498 * if the option was set by the user.
499 *
500 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
501 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
502 */
503 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerSetRegularOutputChannelListener(
504 Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet);
506 /**
507 * Registers a listener for options::diagnosticChannelName being set.
508 *
509 * If notifyIfSet is true, this calls notify on the listener
510 * if the option was set by the user.
511 *
512 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
513 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
514 */
515 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerSetDiagnosticOutputChannelListener(
516 Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet);
518 /**
519 * Registers a listener for options::replayLogFilename being set.
520 *
521 * If notifyIfSet is true, this calls notify on the listener
522 * if the option was set by the user.
523 *
524 * The memory for the Registration is controlled by the user and must
525 * be destroyed before the Options object is.
526 */
527 ListenerCollection::Registration* registerSetReplayLogFilename(
528 Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet);
530 /** Sends a std::flush to getErr(). */
531 void flushErr();
533 /** Sends a std::flush to getOut(). */
534 void flushOut();
536 private:
538 /**
539 * Internal procedure for implementing the parseOptions function.
540 * Initializes the options object based on the given command-line
541 * arguments. This uses an ArgumentExtender containing the
542 * command-line arguments. Nonoptions are stored into nonoptions.
543 *
544 * This is not thread safe.
545 *
546 * Preconditions: options, extender and nonoptions are non-null.
547 */
548 static void parseOptionsRecursive(Options* options,
549 options::ArgumentExtender* extender,
550 std::vector<std::string>* nonoptions)
551 throw(OptionException);
552 };/* class Options */
554 }/* CVC4 namespace */
556 #endif /* __CVC4__OPTIONS__OPTIONS_H */