Fix statistics option handler (#6703)
[cvc5.git] / src / options / options_handler.cpp
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Aina Niemetz, Tim King, Mathias Preiner
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * Interface for custom handlers and predicates options.
14 */
16 #include "options/options_handler.h"
18 #include <cerrno>
19 #include <ostream>
20 #include <string>
22 #include "base/check.h"
23 #include "base/configuration.h"
24 #include "base/configuration_private.h"
25 #include "base/cvc5config.h"
26 #include "base/exception.h"
27 #include "base/modal_exception.h"
28 #include "base/output.h"
29 #include "lib/strtok_r.h"
30 #include "options/base_options.h"
31 #include "options/bv_options.h"
32 #include "options/decision_options.h"
33 #include "options/didyoumean.h"
34 #include "options/language.h"
35 #include "options/option_exception.h"
36 #include "options/resource_manager_options.h"
37 #include "options/smt_options.h"
38 #include "options/theory_options.h"
40 namespace cvc5 {
41 namespace options {
43 // helper functions
44 namespace {
46 void throwLazyBBUnsupported(options::SatSolverMode m)
47 {
48 std::string sat_solver;
49 if (m == options::SatSolverMode::CADICAL)
50 {
51 sat_solver = "CaDiCaL";
52 }
53 else if (m == options::SatSolverMode::KISSAT)
54 {
55 sat_solver = "Kissat";
56 }
57 else
58 {
59 Assert(m == options::SatSolverMode::CRYPTOMINISAT);
60 sat_solver = "CryptoMiniSat";
61 }
62 std::string indent(25, ' ');
63 throw OptionException(sat_solver + " does not support lazy bit-blasting.\n"
64 + indent + "Try --bv-sat-solver=minisat");
65 }
67 } // namespace
69 OptionsHandler::OptionsHandler(Options* options) : d_options(options) { }
71 unsigned long OptionsHandler::limitHandler(std::string option,
72 std::string optarg)
73 {
74 unsigned long ms;
75 std::istringstream convert(optarg);
76 if (!(convert >> ms))
77 {
78 throw OptionException("option `" + option
79 + "` requires a number as an argument");
80 }
81 return ms;
82 }
84 void OptionsHandler::setResourceWeight(std::string option, std::string optarg)
85 {
86 d_options->resman.resourceWeightHolder.emplace_back(optarg);
87 }
89 // theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h
91 void OptionsHandler::checkInstWhenMode(std::string option, InstWhenMode mode)
92 {
93 if (mode == InstWhenMode::PRE_FULL)
94 {
95 throw OptionException(std::string("Mode pre-full for ") + option
96 + " is not supported in this release.");
97 }
98 }
100 // theory/bv/options_handlers.h
101 void OptionsHandler::abcEnabledBuild(std::string option, bool value)
102 {
103 #ifndef CVC5_USE_ABC
104 if(value) {
105 std::stringstream ss;
106 ss << "option `" << option
107 << "' requires an abc-enabled build of cvc5; this binary was not built "
108 "with abc support";
109 throw OptionException(ss.str());
110 }
111 #endif /* CVC5_USE_ABC */
112 }
114 void OptionsHandler::abcEnabledBuild(std::string option, std::string value)
115 {
116 #ifndef CVC5_USE_ABC
117 if(!value.empty()) {
118 std::stringstream ss;
119 ss << "option `" << option
120 << "' requires an abc-enabled build of cvc5; this binary was not built "
121 "with abc support";
122 throw OptionException(ss.str());
123 }
124 #endif /* CVC5_USE_ABC */
125 }
127 void OptionsHandler::checkBvSatSolver(std::string option, SatSolverMode m)
128 {
129 if (m == SatSolverMode::CRYPTOMINISAT
130 && !Configuration::isBuiltWithCryptominisat())
131 {
132 std::stringstream ss;
133 ss << "option `" << option
134 << "' requires a CryptoMiniSat build of cvc5; this binary was not built "
135 "with CryptoMiniSat support";
136 throw OptionException(ss.str());
137 }
139 if (m == SatSolverMode::CADICAL && !Configuration::isBuiltWithCadical())
140 {
141 std::stringstream ss;
142 ss << "option `" << option
143 << "' requires a CaDiCaL build of cvc5; this binary was not built with "
144 "CaDiCaL support";
145 throw OptionException(ss.str());
146 }
148 if (m == SatSolverMode::KISSAT && !Configuration::isBuiltWithKissat())
149 {
150 std::stringstream ss;
151 ss << "option `" << option
152 << "' requires a Kissat build of cvc5; this binary was not built with "
153 "Kissat support";
154 throw OptionException(ss.str());
155 }
157 if (options::bvSolver() != options::BVSolver::BITBLAST
158 && (m == SatSolverMode::CRYPTOMINISAT || m == SatSolverMode::CADICAL
159 || m == SatSolverMode::KISSAT))
160 {
161 if (options::bitblastMode() == options::BitblastMode::LAZY
162 && d_options->bv.bitblastModeWasSetByUser)
163 {
164 throwLazyBBUnsupported(m);
165 }
166 options::bv::setDefaultBitvectorToBool(*d_options, true);
167 }
168 }
170 void OptionsHandler::checkBitblastMode(std::string option, BitblastMode m)
171 {
172 if (m == options::BitblastMode::LAZY)
173 {
174 options::bv::setDefaultBitvectorPropagate(*d_options, true);
175 options::bv::setDefaultBitvectorEqualitySolver(*d_options, true);
176 options::bv::setDefaultBitvectorInequalitySolver(*d_options, true);
177 options::bv::setDefaultBitvectorAlgebraicSolver(*d_options, true);
178 if (options::bvSatSolver() != options::SatSolverMode::MINISAT)
179 {
180 throwLazyBBUnsupported(options::bvSatSolver());
181 }
182 }
183 else if (m == BitblastMode::EAGER)
184 {
185 options::bv::setDefaultBitvectorToBool(*d_options, true);
186 }
187 }
189 void OptionsHandler::setBitblastAig(std::string option, bool arg)
190 {
191 if(arg) {
192 if (d_options->bv.bitblastModeWasSetByUser) {
193 if (options::bitblastMode() != options::BitblastMode::EAGER)
194 {
195 throw OptionException("bitblast-aig must be used with eager bitblaster");
196 }
197 } else {
198 options::BitblastMode mode = stringToBitblastMode("eager");
199 d_options->bv.bitblastMode = mode;
200 }
201 }
202 }
204 // printer/options_handlers.h
205 const std::string OptionsHandler::s_instFormatHelp = "\
206 Inst format modes currently supported by the --inst-format option:\n\
207 \n\
208 default \n\
209 + Print instantiations as a list in the output language format.\n\
210 \n\
211 szs\n\
212 + Print instantiations as SZS compliant proof.\n\
213 ";
215 InstFormatMode OptionsHandler::stringToInstFormatMode(std::string option,
216 std::string optarg)
217 {
218 if(optarg == "default") {
219 return InstFormatMode::DEFAULT;
220 } else if(optarg == "szs") {
221 return InstFormatMode::SZS;
222 } else if(optarg == "help") {
223 puts(s_instFormatHelp.c_str());
224 exit(1);
225 } else {
226 throw OptionException(std::string("unknown option for --inst-format: `") +
227 optarg + "'. Try --inst-format help.");
228 }
229 }
231 // decision/options_handlers.h
232 void OptionsHandler::setDecisionModeStopOnly(std::string option, DecisionMode m)
233 {
234 d_options->decision.decisionStopOnly = (m == DecisionMode::RELEVANCY);
235 }
237 void OptionsHandler::setProduceAssertions(std::string option, bool value)
238 {
239 d_options->smt.produceAssertions = value;
240 d_options->smt.interactiveMode = value;
241 }
243 void OptionsHandler::setStats(const std::string& option, bool value)
244 {
245 #ifndef CVC5_STATISTICS_ON
246 if (value)
247 {
248 std::stringstream ss;
249 ss << "option `" << option
250 << "' requires a statistics-enabled build of cvc5; this binary was not "
251 "built with statistics support";
252 throw OptionException(ss.str());
253 }
254 #endif /* CVC5_STATISTICS_ON */
255 std::string opt = option;
256 if (option.substr(0, 2) == "--")
257 {
258 opt = opt.substr(2);
259 }
260 if (value)
261 {
262 if (opt == options::base::statisticsAll__name)
263 {
264 d_options->base.statistics = true;
265 }
266 else if (opt == options::base::statisticsEveryQuery__name)
267 {
268 d_options->base.statistics = true;
269 }
270 else if (opt == options::base::statisticsExpert__name)
271 {
272 d_options->base.statistics = true;
273 }
274 }
275 else
276 {
277 if (opt == options::base::statistics__name)
278 {
279 d_options->base.statisticsAll = false;
280 d_options->base.statisticsEveryQuery = false;
281 d_options->base.statisticsExpert = false;
282 }
283 }
284 }
286 void OptionsHandler::threadN(std::string option) {
287 throw OptionException(option + " is not a real option by itself. Use e.g. --thread0=\"--random-seed=10 --random-freq=0.02\" --thread1=\"--random-seed=20 --random-freq=0.05\"");
288 }
290 // expr/options_handlers.h
291 void OptionsHandler::setDefaultExprDepthPredicate(std::string option, int depth) {
292 if(depth < -1) {
293 throw OptionException("--expr-depth requires a positive argument, or -1.");
294 }
295 }
297 void OptionsHandler::setDefaultDagThreshPredicate(std::string option, int dag) {
298 if(dag < 0) {
299 throw OptionException("--dag-thresh requires a nonnegative argument.");
300 }
301 }
303 // main/options_handlers.h
305 static void print_config (const char * str, std::string config) {
306 std::string s(str);
307 unsigned sz = 14;
308 if (s.size() < sz) s.resize(sz, ' ');
309 std::cout << s << ": " << config << std::endl;
310 }
312 static void print_config_cond (const char * str, bool cond = false) {
313 print_config(str, cond ? "yes" : "no");
314 }
316 void OptionsHandler::copyright(std::string option) {
317 std::cout << Configuration::copyright() << std::endl;
318 exit(0);
319 }
321 void OptionsHandler::showConfiguration(std::string option) {
322 std::cout << Configuration::about() << std::endl;
324 print_config ("version", Configuration::getVersionString());
326 if(Configuration::isGitBuild()) {
327 const char* branchName = Configuration::getGitBranchName();
328 if(*branchName == '\0') { branchName = "-"; }
329 std::stringstream ss;
330 ss << "git ["
331 << branchName << " "
332 << std::string(Configuration::getGitCommit()).substr(0, 8)
333 << (Configuration::hasGitModifications() ? " (with modifications)" : "")
334 << "]";
335 print_config("scm", ss.str());
336 } else {
337 print_config_cond("scm", false);
338 }
340 std::cout << std::endl;
342 std::stringstream ss;
343 ss << Configuration::getVersionMajor() << "."
344 << Configuration::getVersionMinor() << "."
345 << Configuration::getVersionRelease();
346 print_config("library", ss.str());
348 std::cout << std::endl;
350 print_config_cond("debug code", Configuration::isDebugBuild());
351 print_config_cond("statistics", Configuration::isStatisticsBuild());
352 print_config_cond("tracing", Configuration::isTracingBuild());
353 print_config_cond("dumping", Configuration::isDumpingBuild());
354 print_config_cond("muzzled", Configuration::isMuzzledBuild());
355 print_config_cond("assertions", Configuration::isAssertionBuild());
356 print_config_cond("coverage", Configuration::isCoverageBuild());
357 print_config_cond("profiling", Configuration::isProfilingBuild());
358 print_config_cond("asan", Configuration::isAsanBuild());
359 print_config_cond("ubsan", Configuration::isUbsanBuild());
360 print_config_cond("tsan", Configuration::isTsanBuild());
361 print_config_cond("competition", Configuration::isCompetitionBuild());
363 std::cout << std::endl;
365 print_config_cond("abc", Configuration::isBuiltWithAbc());
366 print_config_cond("cln", Configuration::isBuiltWithCln());
367 print_config_cond("glpk", Configuration::isBuiltWithGlpk());
368 print_config_cond("cadical", Configuration::isBuiltWithCadical());
369 print_config_cond("cryptominisat", Configuration::isBuiltWithCryptominisat());
370 print_config_cond("gmp", Configuration::isBuiltWithGmp());
371 print_config_cond("kissat", Configuration::isBuiltWithKissat());
372 print_config_cond("poly", Configuration::isBuiltWithPoly());
373 print_config_cond("editline", Configuration::isBuiltWithEditline());
374 print_config_cond("symfpu", Configuration::isBuiltWithSymFPU());
376 exit(0);
377 }
379 static void printTags(unsigned ntags, char const* const* tags)
380 {
381 std::cout << "available tags:";
382 for (unsigned i = 0; i < ntags; ++ i)
383 {
384 std::cout << " " << tags[i] << std::endl;
385 }
386 std::cout << std::endl;
387 }
389 void OptionsHandler::showDebugTags(std::string option)
390 {
391 if (!Configuration::isDebugBuild())
392 {
393 throw OptionException("debug tags not available in non-debug builds");
394 }
395 else if (!Configuration::isTracingBuild())
396 {
397 throw OptionException("debug tags not available in non-tracing builds");
398 }
399 printTags(Configuration::getNumDebugTags(),Configuration::getDebugTags());
400 exit(0);
401 }
403 void OptionsHandler::showTraceTags(std::string option)
404 {
405 if (!Configuration::isTracingBuild())
406 {
407 throw OptionException("trace tags not available in non-tracing build");
408 }
409 printTags(Configuration::getNumTraceTags(), Configuration::getTraceTags());
410 exit(0);
411 }
413 static std::string suggestTags(char const* const* validTags,
414 std::string inputTag,
415 char const* const* additionalTags)
416 {
417 DidYouMean didYouMean;
419 const char* opt;
420 for (size_t i = 0; (opt = validTags[i]) != nullptr; ++i)
421 {
422 didYouMean.addWord(validTags[i]);
423 }
424 if (additionalTags != nullptr)
425 {
426 for (size_t i = 0; (opt = additionalTags[i]) != nullptr; ++i)
427 {
428 didYouMean.addWord(additionalTags[i]);
429 }
430 }
432 return didYouMean.getMatchAsString(inputTag);
433 }
435 void OptionsHandler::enableTraceTag(std::string option, std::string optarg)
436 {
437 if(!Configuration::isTracingBuild())
438 {
439 throw OptionException("trace tags not available in non-tracing builds");
440 }
441 else if(!Configuration::isTraceTag(optarg.c_str()))
442 {
443 if (optarg == "help")
444 {
445 printTags(
446 Configuration::getNumTraceTags(), Configuration::getTraceTags());
447 exit(0);
448 }
450 throw OptionException(
451 std::string("trace tag ") + optarg + std::string(" not available.")
452 + suggestTags(Configuration::getTraceTags(), optarg, nullptr));
453 }
454 Trace.on(optarg);
455 }
457 void OptionsHandler::enableDebugTag(std::string option, std::string optarg)
458 {
459 if (!Configuration::isDebugBuild())
460 {
461 throw OptionException("debug tags not available in non-debug builds");
462 }
463 else if (!Configuration::isTracingBuild())
464 {
465 throw OptionException("debug tags not available in non-tracing builds");
466 }
468 if (!Configuration::isDebugTag(optarg.c_str())
469 && !Configuration::isTraceTag(optarg.c_str()))
470 {
471 if (optarg == "help")
472 {
473 printTags(
474 Configuration::getNumDebugTags(), Configuration::getDebugTags());
475 exit(0);
476 }
478 throw OptionException(std::string("debug tag ") + optarg
479 + std::string(" not available.")
480 + suggestTags(Configuration::getDebugTags(),
481 optarg,
482 Configuration::getTraceTags()));
483 }
484 Debug.on(optarg);
485 Trace.on(optarg);
486 }
488 OutputLanguage OptionsHandler::stringToOutputLanguage(std::string option,
489 std::string optarg)
490 {
491 if(optarg == "help") {
492 d_options->base.languageHelp = true;
493 return language::output::LANG_AUTO;
494 }
496 try {
497 return language::toOutputLanguage(optarg);
498 } catch(OptionException& oe) {
499 throw OptionException("Error in " + option + ": " + oe.getMessage() +
500 "\nTry --output-language help");
501 }
503 Unreachable();
504 }
506 InputLanguage OptionsHandler::stringToInputLanguage(std::string option,
507 std::string optarg)
508 {
509 if(optarg == "help") {
510 d_options->base.languageHelp = true;
511 return language::input::LANG_AUTO;
512 }
514 try {
515 return language::toInputLanguage(optarg);
516 } catch(OptionException& oe) {
517 throw OptionException("Error in " + option + ": " + oe.getMessage() + "\nTry --lang help");
518 }
520 Unreachable();
521 }
523 /* options/base_options_handlers.h */
524 void OptionsHandler::setVerbosity(std::string option, int value)
525 {
526 if(Configuration::isMuzzledBuild()) {
527 DebugChannel.setStream(&cvc5::null_os);
528 TraceChannel.setStream(&cvc5::null_os);
529 NoticeChannel.setStream(&cvc5::null_os);
530 ChatChannel.setStream(&cvc5::null_os);
531 MessageChannel.setStream(&cvc5::null_os);
532 WarningChannel.setStream(&cvc5::null_os);
533 } else {
534 if(value < 2) {
535 ChatChannel.setStream(&cvc5::null_os);
536 } else {
537 ChatChannel.setStream(&std::cout);
538 }
539 if(value < 1) {
540 NoticeChannel.setStream(&cvc5::null_os);
541 } else {
542 NoticeChannel.setStream(&std::cout);
543 }
544 if(value < 0) {
545 MessageChannel.setStream(&cvc5::null_os);
546 WarningChannel.setStream(&cvc5::null_os);
547 } else {
548 MessageChannel.setStream(&std::cout);
549 WarningChannel.setStream(&std::cerr);
550 }
551 }
552 }
554 void OptionsHandler::increaseVerbosity(std::string option) {
555 d_options->base.verbosity += 1;
556 setVerbosity(option, options::verbosity());
557 }
559 void OptionsHandler::decreaseVerbosity(std::string option) {
560 d_options->base.verbosity -= 1;
561 setVerbosity(option, options::verbosity());
562 }
564 } // namespace options
565 } // namespace cvc5