Remove read_only from options. (#6513)
[cvc5.git] / src / options / quantifiers_options.toml
2 name = "Quantifiers"
3 header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
5 # Whether to mini-scope quantifiers.
6 # For example, forall x. ( P( x ) ^ Q( x ) ) will be rewritten to
7 # ( forall x. P( x ) ) ^ ( forall x. Q( x ) )
8 [[option]]
9 name = "miniscopeQuant"
10 category = "regular"
11 long = "miniscope-quant"
12 type = "bool"
13 default = "true"
14 help = "miniscope quantifiers"
16 # Whether to mini-scope quantifiers based on formulas with no free variables.
17 # For example, forall x. ( P( x ) V Q ) will be rewritten to
18 # ( forall x. P( x ) ) V Q
19 [[option]]
20 name = "miniscopeQuantFreeVar"
21 category = "regular"
22 long = "miniscope-quant-fv"
23 type = "bool"
24 default = "true"
25 help = "miniscope quantifiers for ground subformulas"
27 [[option]]
28 name = "quantSplit"
29 category = "regular"
30 long = "quant-split"
31 type = "bool"
32 default = "true"
33 help = "apply splitting to quantified formulas based on variable disjoint disjuncts"
35 [[option]]
36 name = "prenexQuant"
37 category = "regular"
38 long = "prenex-quant=MODE"
39 type = "PrenexQuantMode"
40 default = "SIMPLE"
41 help = "prenex mode for quantified formulas"
42 help_mode = "Prenex quantifiers modes."
43 [[option.mode.NONE]]
44 name = "none"
45 help = "Do no prenex nested quantifiers."
46 [[option.mode.SIMPLE]]
47 name = "simple"
48 help = "Do simple prenexing of same sign quantifiers."
49 [[option.mode.NORMAL]]
50 name = "norm"
51 help = "Prenex to prenex normal form."
53 [[option]]
54 name = "prenexQuantUser"
55 category = "regular"
56 long = "prenex-quant-user"
57 type = "bool"
58 default = "false"
59 help = "prenex quantified formulas with user patterns"
61 # Whether to variable-eliminate quantifiers.
62 # For example, forall x y. ( P( x, y ) V x != c ) will be rewritten to
63 # forall y. P( c, y )
64 [[option]]
65 name = "varElimQuant"
66 category = "regular"
67 long = "var-elim-quant"
68 type = "bool"
69 default = "true"
70 help = "enable simple variable elimination for quantified formulas"
72 [[option]]
73 name = "varIneqElimQuant"
74 category = "regular"
75 long = "var-ineq-elim-quant"
76 type = "bool"
77 default = "true"
78 help = "enable variable elimination based on infinite projection of unbound arithmetic variables"
80 [[option]]
81 name = "dtVarExpandQuant"
82 category = "regular"
83 long = "dt-var-exp-quant"
84 type = "bool"
85 default = "true"
86 help = "expand datatype variables bound to one constructor in quantifiers"
88 [[option]]
89 name = "iteLiftQuant"
90 category = "regular"
91 long = "ite-lift-quant=MODE"
92 type = "IteLiftQuantMode"
93 default = "SIMPLE"
94 help = "ite lifting mode for quantified formulas"
95 help_mode = "ITE lifting modes for quantified formulas."
96 [[option.mode.NONE]]
97 name = "none"
98 help = "Do not lift if-then-else in quantified formulas."
99 [[option.mode.SIMPLE]]
100 name = "simple"
101 help = "Lift if-then-else in quantified formulas if results in smaller term size."
102 [[option.mode.ALL]]
103 name = "all"
104 help = "Lift if-then-else in quantified formulas."
106 [[option]]
107 name = "condVarSplitQuant"
108 category = "regular"
109 long = "cond-var-split-quant"
110 type = "bool"
111 default = "true"
112 help = "split quantified formulas that lead to variable eliminations"
114 [[option]]
115 name = "condVarSplitQuantAgg"
116 category = "regular"
117 long = "cond-var-split-agg-quant"
118 type = "bool"
119 default = "false"
120 help = "aggressive split quantified formulas that lead to variable eliminations"
122 [[option]]
123 name = "iteDtTesterSplitQuant"
124 category = "regular"
125 long = "ite-dtt-split-quant"
126 type = "bool"
127 default = "false"
128 help = "split ites with dt testers as conditions"
130 # Whether to pre-skolemize quantifier bodies.
131 # For example, forall x. ( P( x ) => (exists y. f( y ) = x) ) will be rewritten to
132 # forall x. P( x ) => f( S( x ) ) = x
133 [[option]]
134 name = "preSkolemQuant"
135 category = "regular"
136 long = "pre-skolem-quant"
137 type = "bool"
138 default = "false"
139 help = "apply skolemization eagerly to bodies of quantified formulas"
141 [[option]]
142 name = "preSkolemQuantNested"
143 category = "regular"
144 long = "pre-skolem-quant-nested"
145 type = "bool"
146 default = "true"
147 help = "apply skolemization to nested quantified formulas"
149 [[option]]
150 name = "preSkolemQuantAgg"
151 category = "regular"
152 long = "pre-skolem-quant-agg"
153 type = "bool"
154 default = "true"
155 help = "apply skolemization to quantified formulas aggressively"
157 [[option]]
158 name = "aggressiveMiniscopeQuant"
159 category = "regular"
160 long = "ag-miniscope-quant"
161 type = "bool"
162 default = "false"
163 help = "perform aggressive miniscoping for quantifiers"
165 [[option]]
166 name = "elimTautQuant"
167 category = "regular"
168 long = "elim-taut-quant"
169 type = "bool"
170 default = "true"
171 help = "eliminate tautological disjuncts of quantified formulas"
173 [[option]]
174 name = "extRewriteQuant"
175 category = "regular"
176 long = "ext-rewrite-quant"
177 type = "bool"
178 default = "false"
179 help = "apply extended rewriting to bodies of quantified formulas"
181 [[option]]
182 name = "globalNegate"
183 category = "regular"
184 long = "global-negate"
185 type = "bool"
186 default = "false"
187 help = "do global negation of input formula"
189 #### E-matching options
191 [[option]]
192 name = "eMatching"
193 category = "regular"
194 long = "e-matching"
195 type = "bool"
196 default = "true"
197 help = "whether to do heuristic E-matching"
199 [[option]]
200 name = "termDbMode"
201 category = "regular"
202 long = "term-db-mode=MODE"
203 type = "TermDbMode"
204 default = "ALL"
205 help = "which ground terms to consider for instantiation"
206 help_mode = "Modes for terms included in the quantifiers term database."
207 [[option.mode.ALL]]
208 name = "all"
209 help = "Quantifiers module considers all ground terms."
210 [[option.mode.RELEVANT]]
211 name = "relevant"
212 help = "Quantifiers module considers only ground terms connected to current assertions."
214 [[option]]
215 name = "termDbCd"
216 category = "regular"
217 long = "term-db-cd"
218 type = "bool"
219 default = "true"
220 help = "register terms in term database based on the SAT context"
222 [[option]]
223 name = "registerQuantBodyTerms"
224 category = "regular"
225 long = "register-quant-body-terms"
226 type = "bool"
227 default = "false"
228 help = "consider ground terms within bodies of quantified formulas for matching"
230 [[option]]
231 name = "strictTriggers"
232 category = "regular"
233 long = "strict-triggers"
234 type = "bool"
235 default = "false"
236 help = "only instantiate quantifiers with user patterns based on triggers"
238 [[option]]
239 name = "relevantTriggers"
240 category = "regular"
241 long = "relevant-triggers"
242 type = "bool"
243 default = "false"
244 help = "prefer triggers that are more relevant based on SInE style analysis"
246 [[option]]
247 name = "relationalTriggers"
248 category = "regular"
249 long = "relational-triggers"
250 type = "bool"
251 default = "false"
252 help = "choose relational triggers such as x = f(y), x >= f(y)"
254 [[option]]
255 name = "purifyTriggers"
256 category = "regular"
257 long = "purify-triggers"
258 type = "bool"
259 default = "false"
260 help = "purify triggers, e.g. f( x+1 ) becomes f( y ), x mapsto y-1"
262 [[option]]
263 name = "partialTriggers"
264 category = "regular"
265 long = "partial-triggers"
266 type = "bool"
267 default = "false"
268 help = "use triggers that do not contain all free variables"
270 [[option]]
271 name = "multiTriggerWhenSingle"
272 category = "regular"
273 long = "multi-trigger-when-single"
274 type = "bool"
275 default = "false"
276 help = "select multi triggers when single triggers exist"
278 [[option]]
279 name = "multiTriggerPriority"
280 category = "regular"
281 long = "multi-trigger-priority"
282 type = "bool"
283 default = "false"
284 help = "only try multi triggers if single triggers give no instantiations"
286 [[option]]
287 name = "multiTriggerCache"
288 category = "regular"
289 long = "multi-trigger-cache"
290 type = "bool"
291 default = "false"
292 help = "caching version of multi triggers"
294 [[option]]
295 name = "multiTriggerLinear"
296 category = "regular"
297 long = "multi-trigger-linear"
298 type = "bool"
299 default = "true"
300 help = "implementation of multi triggers where maximum number of instantiations is linear wrt number of ground terms"
302 # Trigger selection mode.
303 #
304 # These modes are used for determining which terms to select
305 # as triggers for quantified formulas, when necessary, during E-matching.
306 # In the following, note the following terminology. A trigger is a set of terms,
307 # where a single trigger is a singleton set and a multi-trigger is a set of more
308 # than one term.
309 #
310 # MIN selects single triggers of minimal term size.
311 # MAX selects single triggers of maximal term size.
312 #
313 # For example, consider the quantified formula :
314 # forall xy. P( f( g( x, y ) ) ) V Q( f( x ), y )
315 #
316 # MIN will select g( x, y ) and Q( f( x ), y ).
317 # MAX will select P( f( g( x ) ) ) and Q( f( x ), y ).
318 #
319 # The remaining three trigger selections make a difference for multi-triggers
320 # only. For quantified formulas that require multi-triggers, we build a set of
321 # partial triggers that don't contain all variables, call this set S. Then,
322 # multi-triggers are built by taking a random subset of S that collectively
323 # contains all variables.
324 #
325 # Consider the quantified formula :
326 # forall xyz. P( h( x ), y ) V Q( y, z )
327 #
328 # For ALL and MIN_SINGLE_ALL,
329 # S = { h( x ), P( h( x ), y ), Q( y, z ) }.
331 # S = { P( h( x ), y ), Q( y, z ) }.
332 #
333 # Furthermore, MIN_SINGLE_ALL and MIN_SINGLE_MAX, when
334 # selecting single triggers, only select terms of minimal size.
335 #
336 [[option]]
337 name = "triggerSelMode"
338 category = "regular"
339 long = "trigger-sel=MODE"
340 type = "TriggerSelMode"
341 default = "MIN"
342 help = "selection mode for triggers"
343 help_mode = "Trigger selection modes."
344 [[option.mode.MIN]]
345 name = "min"
346 help = "Consider only minimal subterms that meet criteria for triggers."
347 [[option.mode.MAX]]
348 name = "max"
349 help = "Consider only maximal subterms that meet criteria for triggers."
350 [[option.mode.MIN_SINGLE_MAX]]
351 name = "min-s-max"
352 help = "Consider only minimal subterms that meet criteria for single triggers, maximal otherwise."
353 [[option.mode.MIN_SINGLE_ALL]]
354 name = "min-s-all"
355 help = "Consider only minimal subterms that meet criteria for single triggers, all otherwise."
356 [[option.mode.ALL]]
357 name = "all"
358 help = "Consider all subterms that meet criteria for triggers."
360 [[option]]
361 name = "triggerActiveSelMode"
362 category = "regular"
363 long = "trigger-active-sel=MODE"
364 type = "TriggerActiveSelMode"
365 default = "ALL"
366 help = "selection mode to activate triggers"
367 help_mode = "Trigger active selection modes."
368 [[option.mode.ALL]]
369 name = "all"
370 help = "Make all triggers active."
371 [[option.mode.MIN]]
372 name = "min"
373 help = "Activate triggers with minimal ground terms."
374 [[option.mode.MAX]]
375 name = "max"
376 help = "Activate triggers with maximal ground terms."
378 [[option]]
379 name = "userPatternsQuant"
380 category = "regular"
381 long = "user-pat=MODE"
382 type = "UserPatMode"
383 default = "TRUST"
384 help = "policy for handling user-provided patterns for quantifier instantiation"
385 help_mode = "These modes determine how user provided patterns (triggers) are used during E-matching. The modes vary on when instantiation based on user-provided triggers is combined with instantiation based on automatically selected triggers."
386 [[option.mode.USE]]
387 name = "use"
388 help = "Use both user-provided and auto-generated patterns when patterns are provided for a quantified formula."
389 [[option.mode.TRUST]]
390 name = "trust"
391 help = "When provided, use only user-provided patterns for a quantified formula."
392 [[option.mode.RESORT]]
393 name = "resort"
394 help = "Use user-provided patterns only after auto-generated patterns saturate."
395 [[option.mode.IGNORE]]
396 name = "ignore"
397 help = "Ignore user-provided patterns."
398 [[option.mode.INTERLEAVE]]
399 name = "interleave"
400 help = "Alternate between use/resort."
402 [[option]]
403 name = "incrementTriggers"
404 category = "regular"
405 long = "increment-triggers"
406 type = "bool"
407 default = "true"
408 help = "generate additional triggers as needed during search"
410 [[option]]
411 name = "instWhenMode"
412 category = "regular"
413 long = "inst-when=MODE"
414 type = "InstWhenMode"
415 default = "FULL_LAST_CALL"
416 predicates = ["checkInstWhenMode"]
417 help = "when to apply instantiation"
418 help_mode = "Instantiation modes."
419 [[option.mode.PRE_FULL]]
420 name = "pre-full"
421 help = "Run instantiation round before full effort (possibly at standard effort)."
422 [[option.mode.FULL]]
423 name = "full"
424 help = "Run instantiation round at full effort, before theory combination."
425 [[option.mode.FULL_DELAY]]
426 name = "full-delay"
427 help = "Run instantiation round at full effort, before theory combination, after all other theories have finished."
428 [[option.mode.FULL_LAST_CALL]]
429 name = "full-last-call"
430 help = "Alternate running instantiation rounds at full effort and last call. In other words, interleave instantiation and theory combination."
431 [[option.mode.FULL_DELAY_LAST_CALL]]
432 name = "full-delay-last-call"
433 help = "Alternate running instantiation rounds at full effort after all other theories have finished, and last call."
434 [[option.mode.LAST_CALL]]
435 name = "last-call"
436 help = "Run instantiation at last call effort, after theory combination and and theories report sat."
438 [[option]]
439 name = "instWhenStrictInterleave"
440 category = "regular"
441 long = "inst-when-strict-interleave"
442 type = "bool"
443 default = "true"
444 help = "ensure theory combination and standard quantifier effort strategies take turns"
446 [[option]]
447 name = "instWhenPhase"
448 category = "regular"
449 long = "inst-when-phase=N"
450 type = "int"
451 default = "2"
452 help = "instantiation rounds quantifiers takes (>=1) before allowing theory combination to happen"
454 [[option]]
455 name = "instWhenTcFirst"
456 category = "regular"
457 long = "inst-when-tc-first"
458 type = "bool"
459 default = "true"
460 help = "allow theory combination to happen once initially, before quantifier strategies are run"
462 [[option]]
463 name = "instMaxLevel"
464 category = "regular"
465 long = "inst-max-level=N"
466 type = "int"
467 default = "-1"
468 help = "maximum inst level of terms used to instantiate quantified formulas with (-1 == no limit, default)"
470 [[option]]
471 name = "instLevelInputOnly"
472 category = "regular"
473 long = "inst-level-input-only"
474 type = "bool"
475 default = "true"
476 help = "only input terms are assigned instantiation level zero"
478 [[option]]
479 name = "quantRepMode"
480 category = "regular"
481 long = "quant-rep-mode=MODE"
482 type = "QuantRepMode"
483 default = "FIRST"
484 help = "selection mode for representatives in quantifiers engine"
485 help_mode = "Modes for quantifiers representative selection."
486 [[option.mode.EE]]
487 name = "ee"
488 help = "Let equality engine choose representatives."
489 [[option.mode.FIRST]]
490 name = "first"
491 help = "Choose terms that appear first."
492 [[option.mode.DEPTH]]
493 name = "depth"
494 help = "Choose terms that are of minimal depth."
496 [[option]]
497 name = "fullSaturateQuant"
498 category = "regular"
499 long = "full-saturate-quant"
500 type = "bool"
501 default = "false"
502 help = "enumerative instantiation: instantiate with ground terms from relevant domain, then arbitrary ground terms before answering unknown"
504 [[option]]
505 name = "fullSaturateQuantRd"
506 category = "regular"
507 long = "full-saturate-quant-rd"
508 type = "bool"
509 default = "true"
510 help = "whether to use relevant domain first for enumerative instantiation strategy"
512 [[option]]
513 name = "fullSaturateLimit"
514 category = "regular"
515 long = "full-saturate-quant-limit=N"
516 type = "int"
517 default = "-1"
518 help = "maximum number of rounds of enumerative instantiation to apply (-1 means no limit)"
520 [[option]]
521 name = "fullSaturateInterleave"
522 category = "regular"
523 long = "fs-interleave"
524 type = "bool"
525 default = "false"
526 help = "interleave enumerative instantiation with other techniques"
528 [[option]]
529 name = "fullSaturateStratify"
530 category = "regular"
531 long = "fs-stratify"
532 type = "bool"
533 default = "false"
534 help = "stratify effort levels in enumerative instantiation, which favors speed over fairness"
536 [[option]]
537 name = "fullSaturateSum"
538 category = "regular"
539 long = "fs-sum"
540 type = "bool"
541 default = "false"
542 help = "enumerating tuples of quantifiers by increasing the sum of indices, rather than the maximum"
544 [[option]]
545 name = "literalMatchMode"
546 category = "regular"
547 long = "literal-matching=MODE"
548 type = "LiteralMatchMode"
549 default = "USE"
550 help = "choose literal matching mode"
551 help_mode = "Literal match modes."
552 [[option.mode.NONE]]
553 name = "none"
554 help = "Do not use literal matching."
555 [[option.mode.USE]]
556 name = "use"
557 help = "Consider phase requirements of triggers conservatively. For example, the trigger P( x ) in forall( x ). ( P( x ) V ~Q( x ) ) will not be matched with terms in the equivalence class of true, and likewise Q( x ) will not be matched terms in the equivalence class of false. Extends to equality."
558 [[option.mode.AGG_PREDICATE]]
559 name = "agg-predicate"
560 help = "Consider phase requirements aggressively for predicates. In the above example, only match P( x ) with terms that are in the equivalence class of false."
561 [[option.mode.AGG]]
562 name = "agg"
563 help = "Consider the phase requirements aggressively for all triggers."
565 [[option]]
566 name = "poolInst"
567 category = "regular"
568 long = "pool-inst"
569 type = "bool"
570 default = "true"
571 help = "pool-based instantiation: instantiate with ground terms occurring in user-specified pools"
573 ### Finite model finding options
575 [[option]]
576 name = "finiteModelFind"
577 category = "regular"
578 long = "finite-model-find"
579 type = "bool"
580 default = "false"
581 help = "use finite model finding heuristic for quantifier instantiation"
583 [[option]]
584 name = "quantFunWellDefined"
585 category = "regular"
586 long = "quant-fun-wd"
587 type = "bool"
588 default = "false"
589 help = "assume that function defined by quantifiers are well defined"
591 [[option]]
592 name = "fmfFunWellDefined"
593 category = "regular"
594 long = "fmf-fun"
595 type = "bool"
596 default = "false"
597 help = "find models for recursively defined functions, assumes functions are admissible"
599 [[option]]
600 name = "fmfFunWellDefinedRelevant"
601 category = "regular"
602 long = "fmf-fun-rlv"
603 type = "bool"
604 default = "false"
605 help = "find models for recursively defined functions, assumes functions are admissible, allows empty type when function is irrelevant"
607 [[option]]
608 name = "mbqiMode"
609 category = "regular"
610 long = "mbqi=MODE"
611 type = "MbqiMode"
612 default = "FMC"
613 help = "choose mode for model-based quantifier instantiation"
614 help_mode = "Model-based quantifier instantiation modes."
615 [[option.mode.NONE]]
616 name = "none"
617 help = "Disable model-based quantifier instantiation."
618 [[option.mode.FMC]]
619 name = "fmc"
620 help = "Use algorithm from Section 5.4.2 of thesis Finite Model Finding in Satisfiability Modulo Theories."
621 [[option.mode.TRUST]]
622 name = "trust"
623 help = "Do not instantiate quantified formulas (incomplete technique)."
625 [[option]]
626 name = "fmfOneInstPerRound"
627 category = "regular"
628 long = "mbqi-one-inst-per-round"
629 type = "bool"
630 default = "false"
631 help = "only add one instantiation per quantifier per round for mbqi"
633 [[option]]
634 name = "mbqiInterleave"
635 category = "regular"
636 long = "mbqi-interleave"
637 type = "bool"
638 default = "false"
639 help = "interleave model-based quantifier instantiation with other techniques"
641 [[option]]
642 name = "fmfInstEngine"
643 category = "regular"
644 long = "fmf-inst-engine"
645 type = "bool"
646 default = "false"
647 help = "use instantiation engine in conjunction with finite model finding"
649 [[option]]
650 name = "fmfFreshDistConst"
651 category = "regular"
652 long = "fmf-fresh-dc"
653 type = "bool"
654 default = "false"
655 help = "use fresh distinguished representative when applying Inst-Gen techniques"
657 [[option]]
658 name = "fmfFmcSimple"
659 category = "regular"
660 long = "fmf-fmc-simple"
661 type = "bool"
662 default = "true"
663 help = "simple models in full model check for finite model finding"
665 [[option]]
666 name = "fmfBoundInt"
667 category = "regular"
668 long = "fmf-bound-int"
669 type = "bool"
670 default = "false"
671 help = "finite model finding on bounded integer quantification"
673 [[option]]
674 name = "fmfBound"
675 category = "regular"
676 long = "fmf-bound"
677 type = "bool"
678 default = "false"
679 help = "finite model finding on bounded quantification"
681 [[option]]
682 name = "fmfBoundLazy"
683 category = "regular"
684 long = "fmf-bound-lazy"
685 type = "bool"
686 default = "false"
687 help = "enforce bounds for bounded quantification lazily via use of proxy variables"
689 [[option]]
690 name = "fmfTypeCompletionThresh"
691 category = "regular"
692 long = "fmf-type-completion-thresh=N"
693 type = "int"
694 default = "1000"
695 help = "the maximum cardinality of an interpreted type for which exhaustive enumeration in finite model finding is attempted"
697 [[option]]
698 name = "quantConflictFind"
699 category = "regular"
700 long = "quant-cf"
701 type = "bool"
702 default = "true"
703 help = "enable conflict find mechanism for quantifiers"
705 [[option]]
706 name = "qcfMode"
707 category = "regular"
708 long = "quant-cf-mode=MODE"
709 type = "QcfMode"
710 default = "PROP_EQ"
711 help = "what effort to apply conflict find mechanism"
712 help_mode = "Quantifier conflict find modes."
713 [[option.mode.CONFLICT_ONLY]]
714 name = "conflict"
715 help = "Apply QCF algorithm to find conflicts only."
716 [[option.mode.PROP_EQ]]
717 name = "prop-eq"
718 help = "Apply QCF algorithm to propagate equalities as well as conflicts."
719 [[option.mode.PARTIAL]]
720 name = "partial"
721 help = "Use QCF for conflicts, propagations and heuristic instantiations."
723 [[option]]
724 name = "qcfWhenMode"
725 category = "regular"
726 long = "quant-cf-when=MODE"
727 type = "QcfWhenMode"
728 default = "DEFAULT"
729 help = "when to invoke conflict find mechanism for quantifiers"
730 help_mode = "Quantifier conflict find modes."
731 [[option.mode.DEFAULT]]
732 name = "default"
733 help = "Default, apply conflict finding at full effort."
734 [[option.mode.LAST_CALL]]
735 name = "last-call"
736 help = "Apply conflict finding at last call, after theory combination and and all theories report sat."
737 [[option.mode.STD]]
738 name = "std"
739 help = "Apply conflict finding at standard effort."
740 [[option.mode.STD_H]]
741 name = "std-h"
742 help = "Apply conflict finding at standard effort when heuristic says to."
744 [[option]]
745 name = "qcfTConstraint"
746 category = "regular"
747 long = "qcf-tconstraint"
748 type = "bool"
749 default = "false"
750 help = "enable entailment checks for t-constraints in qcf algorithm"
752 [[option]]
753 name = "qcfAllConflict"
754 category = "regular"
755 long = "qcf-all-conflict"
756 type = "bool"
757 default = "false"
758 help = "add all available conflicting instances during conflict-based instantiation"
760 [[option]]
761 name = "qcfNestedConflict"
762 category = "regular"
763 long = "qcf-nested-conflict"
764 type = "bool"
765 default = "false"
766 help = "consider conflicts for nested quantifiers"
768 [[option]]
769 name = "qcfVoExp"
770 category = "regular"
771 long = "qcf-vo-exp"
772 type = "bool"
773 default = "false"
774 help = "qcf experimental variable ordering"
776 [[option]]
777 name = "instNoEntail"
778 category = "regular"
779 long = "inst-no-entail"
780 type = "bool"
781 default = "true"
782 help = "do not consider instances of quantified formulas that are currently entailed"
784 [[option]]
785 name = "qcfEagerTest"
786 category = "regular"
787 long = "qcf-eager-test"
788 type = "bool"
789 default = "true"
790 help = "optimization, test qcf instances eagerly"
792 [[option]]
793 name = "qcfEagerCheckRd"
794 category = "regular"
795 long = "qcf-eager-check-rd"
796 type = "bool"
797 default = "true"
798 help = "optimization, eagerly check relevant domain of matched position"
800 [[option]]
801 name = "qcfSkipRd"
802 category = "regular"
803 long = "qcf-skip-rd"
804 type = "bool"
805 default = "false"
806 help = "optimization, skip instances based on possibly irrelevant portions of quantified formulas"
808 ### Induction options
810 [[option]]
811 name = "quantInduction"
812 category = "regular"
813 long = "quant-ind"
814 type = "bool"
815 default = "false"
816 help = "use all available techniques for inductive reasoning"
818 [[option]]
819 name = "dtStcInduction"
820 category = "regular"
821 long = "dt-stc-ind"
822 type = "bool"
823 default = "false"
824 help = "apply strengthening for existential quantification over datatypes based on structural induction"
826 [[option]]
827 name = "intWfInduction"
828 category = "regular"
829 long = "int-wf-ind"
830 type = "bool"
831 default = "false"
832 help = "apply strengthening for integers based on well-founded induction"
834 [[option]]
835 name = "conjectureGen"
836 category = "regular"
837 long = "conjecture-gen"
838 type = "bool"
839 default = "false"
840 help = "generate candidate conjectures for inductive proofs"
842 [[option]]
843 name = "conjectureGenPerRound"
844 category = "regular"
845 long = "conjecture-gen-per-round=N"
846 type = "int"
847 default = "1"
848 help = "number of conjectures to generate per instantiation round"
850 [[option]]
851 name = "conjectureNoFilter"
852 category = "regular"
853 long = "conjecture-no-filter"
854 type = "bool"
855 default = "false"
856 help = "do not filter conjectures"
858 [[option]]
859 name = "conjectureFilterActiveTerms"
860 category = "regular"
861 long = "conjecture-filter-active-terms"
862 type = "bool"
863 default = "true"
864 help = "filter based on active terms"
866 [[option]]
867 name = "conjectureFilterCanonical"
868 category = "regular"
869 long = "conjecture-filter-canonical"
870 type = "bool"
871 default = "true"
872 help = "filter based on canonicity"
874 [[option]]
875 name = "conjectureFilterModel"
876 category = "regular"
877 long = "conjecture-filter-model"
878 type = "bool"
879 default = "true"
880 help = "filter based on model"
882 [[option]]
883 name = "conjectureGenGtEnum"
884 category = "regular"
885 long = "conjecture-gen-gt-enum=N"
886 type = "int"
887 default = "50"
888 help = "number of ground terms to generate for model filtering"
890 [[option]]
891 name = "conjectureUeeIntro"
892 category = "regular"
893 long = "conjecture-gen-uee-intro"
894 type = "bool"
895 default = "false"
896 help = "more aggressive merging for universal equality engine, introduces terms"
898 [[option]]
899 name = "conjectureGenMaxDepth"
900 category = "regular"
901 long = "conjecture-gen-max-depth=N"
902 type = "int"
903 default = "3"
904 help = "maximum depth of terms to consider for conjectures"
906 ### Synthesis options
908 [[option]]
909 name = "sygusInference"
910 category = "regular"
911 long = "sygus-inference"
912 type = "bool"
913 default = "false"
914 help = "attempt to preprocess arbitrary inputs to sygus conjectures"
916 [[option]]
917 name = "sygus"
918 category = "regular"
919 long = "sygus"
920 type = "bool"
921 default = "false"
922 help = "use sygus solver (default is true for sygus inputs)"
924 [[option]]
925 name = "cegqiSingleInvMode"
926 category = "regular"
927 long = "sygus-si=MODE"
928 type = "CegqiSingleInvMode"
929 default = "NONE"
930 help = "mode for processing single invocation synthesis conjectures"
931 help_mode = "Modes for single invocation techniques."
932 [[option.mode.NONE]]
933 name = "none"
934 help = "Do not use single invocation techniques."
935 [[option.mode.USE]]
936 name = "use"
937 help = "Use single invocation techniques only if grammar is not restrictive."
938 [[option.mode.ALL]]
939 name = "all"
940 help = "Always use single invocation techniques."
942 [[option]]
943 name = "cegqiSingleInvPartial"
944 category = "regular"
945 long = "sygus-si-partial"
946 type = "bool"
947 default = "false"
948 help = "combined techniques for synthesis conjectures that are partially single invocation"
950 # Solution reconstruction modes for single invocation conjectures
951 #
952 # These modes indicate the policy when cvc5 solves a synthesis conjecture using
953 # single invocation techniques for a sygus problem with a user-specified
954 # grammar.
955 #
956 [[option]]
957 name = "cegqiSingleInvReconstruct"
958 category = "regular"
959 long = "sygus-si-rcons=MODE"
960 type = "CegqiSingleInvRconsMode"
961 default = "ALL_LIMIT"
962 help = "policy for reconstructing solutions for single invocation conjectures"
963 help_mode = "Modes for reconstruction solutions while using single invocation techniques."
964 [[option.mode.NONE]]
965 name = "none"
966 help = "Do not try to reconstruct solutions in the original (user-provided) grammar when using single invocation techniques. In this mode, solutions produced by cvc5 may violate grammar restrictions."
967 [[option.mode.TRY]]
968 name = "try"
969 help = "Try to reconstruct solutions in the original grammar when using single invocation techniques in an incomplete (fail-fast) manner."
970 [[option.mode.ALL_LIMIT]]
971 name = "all-limit"
972 help = "Try to reconstruct solutions in the original grammar, but termintate if a maximum number of rounds for reconstruction is exceeded."
973 [[option.mode.ALL]]
974 name = "all"
975 help = "Try to reconstruct solutions in the original grammar. In this mode, we do not terminate until a solution is successfully reconstructed."
977 [[option]]
978 name = "cegqiSingleInvReconstructLimit"
979 category = "regular"
980 long = "sygus-si-rcons-limit=N"
981 type = "int"
982 default = "10000"
983 help = "number of rounds of enumeration to use during solution reconstruction (negative means unlimited)"
985 [[option]]
986 name = "cegqiSingleInvReconstructConst"
987 category = "regular"
988 long = "sygus-si-reconstruct-const"
989 type = "bool"
990 default = "true"
991 help = "include constants when reconstruct solutions for single invocation conjectures in original grammar"
993 [[option]]
994 name = "cegqiSingleInvAbort"
995 category = "regular"
996 long = "sygus-si-abort"
997 type = "bool"
998 default = "false"
999 help = "abort if synthesis conjecture is not single invocation"
1001 [[option]]
1002 name = "sygusConstRepairAbort"
1003 category = "regular"
1004 long = "sygus-crepair-abort"
1005 type = "bool"
1006 default = "false"
1007 help = "abort if constant repair techniques are not applicable"
1009 # Modes for piecewise-independent unification for synthesis (see Barbosa et al
1010 # FMCAD 2019).
1011 #
1012 [[option]]
1013 name = "sygusUnifPi"
1014 category = "regular"
1015 long = "sygus-unif-pi=MODE"
1016 type = "SygusUnifPiMode"
1017 default = "NONE"
1018 help = "mode for synthesis via piecewise-indepedent unification"
1019 help_mode = "Modes for piecewise-independent unification."
1020 [[option.mode.NONE]]
1021 name = "none"
1022 help = "Do not use piecewise-independent unification."
1023 [[option.mode.COMPLETE]]
1024 name = "complete"
1025 help = "Use complete approach for piecewise-independent unification (see Section 3 of Barbosa et al FMCAD 2019)"
1026 [[option.mode.CENUM]]
1027 name = "cond-enum"
1028 help = "Use unconstrained condition enumeration for piecewise-independent unification (see Section 4 of Barbosa et al FMCAD 2019)."
1029 [[option.mode.CENUM_IGAIN]]
1030 name = "cond-enum-igain"
1031 help = "Same as cond-enum, but additionally uses an information gain heuristic when doing decision tree learning."
1033 [[option]]
1034 name = "sygusUnifShuffleCond"
1035 category = "regular"
1036 long = "sygus-unif-shuffle-cond"
1037 type = "bool"
1038 default = "false"
1039 help = "Shuffle condition pool when building solutions (may change solutions sizes)"
1041 [[option]]
1042 name = "sygusUnifCondIndNoRepeatSol"
1043 category = "regular"
1044 long = "sygus-unif-cond-independent-no-repeat-sol"
1045 type = "bool"
1046 default = "true"
1047 help = "Do not try repeated solutions when using independent synthesis of conditions in unification-based function synthesis"
1049 [[option]]
1050 name = "sygusBoolIteReturnConst"
1051 category = "regular"
1052 long = "sygus-bool-ite-return-const"
1053 type = "bool"
1054 default = "true"
1055 help = "Only use Boolean constants for return values in unification-based function synthesis"
1057 [[option]]
1058 name = "sygusQePreproc"
1059 category = "regular"
1060 long = "sygus-qe-preproc"
1061 type = "bool"
1062 default = "false"
1063 help = "use quantifier elimination as a preprocessing step for sygus"
1065 [[option]]
1066 name = "sygusRepairConst"
1067 category = "regular"
1068 long = "sygus-repair-const"
1069 type = "bool"
1070 default = "false"
1071 help = "use approach to repair constants in sygus candidate solutions"
1073 [[option]]
1074 name = "sygusCoreConnective"
1075 category = "regular"
1076 long = "sygus-core-connective"
1077 type = "bool"
1078 default = "false"
1079 help = "use unsat core analysis to construct Boolean connective to sygus conjectures"
1081 [[option]]
1082 name = "sygusRepairConstTimeout"
1083 category = "regular"
1084 long = "sygus-repair-const-timeout=N"
1085 type = "unsigned long"
1086 help = "timeout (in milliseconds) for the satisfiability check to repair constants in sygus candidate solutions"
1088 [[option]]
1089 name = "sygusActiveGenMode"
1090 category = "regular"
1091 long = "sygus-active-gen=MODE"
1092 type = "SygusActiveGenMode"
1093 default = "AUTO"
1094 help = "mode for actively-generated sygus enumerators"
1095 help_mode = "Modes for actively-generated sygus enumerators."
1096 [[option.mode.NONE]]
1097 name = "none"
1098 help = "Do not use actively-generated sygus enumerators."
1099 [[option.mode.ENUM_BASIC]]
1100 name = "basic"
1101 help = "Use basic type enumerator for actively-generated sygus enumerators."
1102 [[option.mode.ENUM]]
1103 name = "enum"
1104 help = "Use optimized enumerator for actively-generated sygus enumerators."
1105 [[option.mode.VAR_AGNOSTIC]]
1106 name = "var-agnostic"
1107 help = "Use sygus solver to enumerate terms that are agnostic to variables."
1108 [[option.mode.AUTO]]
1109 name = "auto"
1110 help = "Internally decide the best policy for each enumerator."
1112 [[option]]
1113 name = "sygusActiveGenEnumConsts"
1114 category = "regular"
1115 long = "sygus-active-gen-cfactor=N"
1116 type = "unsigned long"
1117 default = "5"
1118 help = "the branching factor for the number of interpreted constants to consider for each size when using --sygus-active-gen=enum"
1120 [[option]]
1121 name = "sygusMinGrammar"
1122 category = "regular"
1123 long = "sygus-min-grammar"
1124 type = "bool"
1125 default = "true"
1126 help = "statically minimize sygus grammars"
1128 [[option]]
1129 name = "sygusAddConstGrammar"
1130 category = "regular"
1131 long = "sygus-add-const-grammar"
1132 type = "bool"
1133 default = "false"
1134 help = "statically add constants appearing in conjecture to grammars"
1136 [[option]]
1137 name = "sygusGrammarNorm"
1138 category = "regular"
1139 long = "sygus-grammar-norm"
1140 type = "bool"
1141 default = "false"
1142 help = "statically normalize sygus grammars based on flattening (linearization)"
1144 [[option]]
1145 name = "sygusTemplEmbedGrammar"
1146 category = "regular"
1147 long = "sygus-templ-embed-grammar"
1148 type = "bool"
1149 default = "false"
1150 help = "embed sygus templates into grammars"
1152 [[option]]
1153 name = "sygusGrammarConsMode"
1154 category = "regular"
1155 long = "sygus-grammar-cons=MODE"
1156 type = "SygusGrammarConsMode"
1157 default = "SIMPLE"
1158 help = "mode for SyGuS grammar construction"
1159 help_mode = "Modes for default SyGuS grammars."
1160 [[option.mode.SIMPLE]]
1161 name = "simple"
1162 help = "Use simple grammar construction (no symbolic terms or constants)."
1163 [[option.mode.ANY_CONST]]
1164 name = "any-const"
1165 help = "Use symoblic constant constructors."
1166 [[option.mode.ANY_TERM]]
1167 name = "any-term"
1168 help = "When applicable, use constructors corresponding to any symbolic term. This option enables a sum-of-monomials grammar for arithmetic. For all other types, it enables symbolic constant constructors."
1169 [[option.mode.ANY_TERM_CONCISE]]
1170 name = "any-term-concise"
1171 help = "When applicable, use constructors corresponding to any symbolic term, favoring conciseness over generality. This option is equivalent to any-term but enables a polynomial grammar for arithmetic when not in a combined theory."
1173 [[option]]
1174 name = "sygusInvTemplMode"
1175 category = "regular"
1176 long = "sygus-inv-templ=MODE"
1177 type = "SygusInvTemplMode"
1178 default = "POST"
1179 help = "template mode for sygus invariant synthesis (weaken pre-condition, strengthen post-condition, or none)"
1180 help_mode = "Template modes for sygus invariant synthesis."
1181 [[option.mode.NONE]]
1182 name = "none"
1183 help = "Synthesize invariant directly."
1184 [[option.mode.PRE]]
1185 name = "pre"
1186 help = "Synthesize invariant based on weakening of precondition."
1187 [[option.mode.POST]]
1188 name = "post"
1189 help = "Synthesize invariant based on strengthening of postcondition."
1191 [[option]]
1192 name = "sygusInvTemplWhenSyntax"
1193 category = "regular"
1194 long = "sygus-inv-templ-when-sg"
1195 type = "bool"
1196 default = "false"
1197 help = "use invariant templates (with solution reconstruction) for syntax guided problems"
1199 [[option]]
1200 name = "sygusInvAutoUnfold"
1201 category = "regular"
1202 long = "sygus-auto-unfold"
1203 type = "bool"
1204 default = "true"
1205 help = "enable approach which automatically unfolds transition systems for directly solving invariant synthesis problems"
1207 [[option]]
1208 name = "sygusUnifPbe"
1209 category = "regular"
1210 long = "sygus-pbe"
1211 type = "bool"
1212 default = "true"
1213 help = "enable approach which unifies conditional solutions, specialized for programming-by-examples (pbe) conjectures"
1215 [[option]]
1216 name = "sygusPbeMultiFair"
1217 category = "regular"
1218 long = "sygus-pbe-multi-fair"
1219 type = "bool"
1220 default = "false"
1221 help = "when using multiple enumerators, ensure that we only register value of minimial term size"
1223 [[option]]
1224 name = "sygusPbeMultiFairDiff"
1225 category = "regular"
1226 long = "sygus-pbe-multi-fair-diff=N"
1227 type = "int"
1228 default = "0"
1229 help = "when using multiple enumerators, ensure that we only register values of minimial term size plus this value (default 0)"
1231 [[option]]
1232 name = "sygusEvalUnfold"
1233 category = "regular"
1234 long = "sygus-eval-unfold"
1235 type = "bool"
1236 default = "true"
1237 help = "do unfolding of sygus evaluation functions"
1239 [[option]]
1240 name = "sygusEvalUnfoldBool"
1241 category = "regular"
1242 long = "sygus-eval-unfold-bool"
1243 type = "bool"
1244 default = "true"
1245 help = "do unfolding of Boolean evaluation functions that appear in refinement lemmas"
1247 [[option]]
1248 name = "sygusStream"
1249 category = "regular"
1250 long = "sygus-stream"
1251 type = "bool"
1252 default = "false"
1253 help = "enumerate a stream of solutions instead of terminating after the first one"
1255 [[option]]
1256 name = "sygusExtRew"
1257 category = "regular"
1258 long = "sygus-ext-rew"
1259 type = "bool"
1260 default = "true"
1261 help = "use extended rewriter for sygus"
1263 [[option]]
1264 name = "cegisSample"
1265 category = "regular"
1266 long = "cegis-sample=MODE"
1267 type = "CegisSampleMode"
1268 default = "NONE"
1269 help = "mode for using samples in the counterexample-guided inductive synthesis loop"
1270 help_mode = "Modes for sampling with counterexample-guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS)."
1271 [[option.mode.NONE]]
1272 name = "none"
1273 help = "Do not use sampling with CEGIS."
1274 [[option.mode.USE]]
1275 name = "use"
1276 help = "Use sampling to accelerate CEGIS. This will rule out solutions for a conjecture when they are not satisfied by a sample point."
1277 [[option.mode.TRUST]]
1278 name = "trust"
1279 help = "Trust that when a solution for a conjecture is always true under sampling, then it is indeed a solution. Note this option may print out spurious solutions for synthesis conjectures."
1281 [[option]]
1282 name = "sygusEvalOpt"
1283 category = "regular"
1284 long = "sygus-eval-opt"
1285 type = "bool"
1286 default = "true"
1287 help = "use optimized approach for evaluation in sygus"
1289 [[option]]
1290 name = "sygusArgRelevant"
1291 category = "regular"
1292 long = "sygus-arg-relevant"
1293 type = "bool"
1294 default = "false"
1295 help = "static inference techniques for computing whether arguments of functions-to-synthesize are relevant"
1297 [[option]]
1298 name = "sygusRecFun"
1299 category = "regular"
1300 long = "sygus-rec-fun"
1301 type = "bool"
1302 default = "true"
1303 help = "enable efficient support for recursive functions in sygus grammars"
1305 [[option]]
1306 name = "sygusRecFunEvalLimit"
1307 category = "regular"
1308 long = "sygus-rec-fun-eval-limit=N"
1309 type = "unsigned"
1310 default = "1000"
1311 help = "use a hard limit for how many times in a given evaluator call a recursive function can be evaluated (so infinite loops can be avoided)"
1313 # Internal uses of sygus
1315 [[option]]
1316 name = "sygusRew"
1317 category = "regular"
1318 long = "sygus-rr"
1319 type = "bool"
1320 default = "false"
1321 help = "use sygus to enumerate and verify correctness of rewrite rules"
1323 [[option]]
1324 name = "sygusRewSynth"
1325 category = "regular"
1326 long = "sygus-rr-synth"
1327 type = "bool"
1328 default = "false"
1329 help = "use sygus to enumerate candidate rewrite rules"
1331 [[option]]
1332 name = "sygusRewSynthFilterOrder"
1333 category = "regular"
1334 long = "sygus-rr-synth-filter-order"
1335 type = "bool"
1336 default = "true"
1337 help = "filter candidate rewrites based on variable ordering"
1339 [[option]]
1340 name = "sygusRewSynthFilterMatch"
1341 category = "regular"
1342 long = "sygus-rr-synth-filter-match"
1343 type = "bool"
1344 default = "true"
1345 help = "filter candidate rewrites based on matching"
1347 [[option]]
1348 name = "sygusRewSynthFilterCong"
1349 category = "regular"
1350 long = "sygus-rr-synth-filter-cong"
1351 type = "bool"
1352 default = "true"
1353 help = "filter candidate rewrites based on congruence"
1355 [[option]]
1356 name = "sygusRewSynthFilterNonLinear"
1357 category = "regular"
1358 long = "sygus-rr-synth-filter-nl"
1359 type = "bool"
1360 default = "false"
1361 help = "filter non-linear candidate rewrites"
1363 [[option]]
1364 name = "sygusRewVerify"
1365 category = "regular"
1366 long = "sygus-rr-verify"
1367 type = "bool"
1368 default = "false"
1369 help = "use sygus to verify the correctness of rewrite rules via sampling"
1371 [[option]]
1372 name = "sygusRewVerifyAbort"
1373 category = "regular"
1374 long = "sygus-rr-verify-abort"
1375 type = "bool"
1376 default = "true"
1377 help = "abort when sygus-rr-verify finds an instance of unsoundness"
1379 [[option]]
1380 name = "sygusSamples"
1381 category = "regular"
1382 long = "sygus-samples=N"
1383 type = "int"
1384 default = "1000"
1385 help = "number of points to consider when doing sygus rewriter sample testing"
1387 [[option]]
1388 name = "sygusSampleGrammar"
1389 category = "regular"
1390 long = "sygus-sample-grammar"
1391 type = "bool"
1392 default = "true"
1393 help = "when applicable, use grammar for choosing sample points"
1395 [[option]]
1396 name = "sygusSampleFpUniform"
1397 category = "regular"
1398 long = "sygus-sample-fp-uniform"
1399 type = "bool"
1400 default = "false"
1401 help = "sample floating-point values uniformly instead of in a biased fashion"
1403 [[option]]
1404 name = "sygusRewSynthAccel"
1405 category = "regular"
1406 long = "sygus-rr-synth-accel"
1407 type = "bool"
1408 default = "false"
1409 help = "add dynamic symmetry breaking clauses based on candidate rewrites"
1411 [[option]]
1412 name = "sygusRewSynthCheck"
1413 category = "regular"
1414 long = "sygus-rr-synth-check"
1415 type = "bool"
1416 default = "false"
1417 help = "use satisfiability check to verify correctness of candidate rewrites"
1419 [[option]]
1420 name = "sygusRewSynthInput"
1421 category = "regular"
1422 long = "sygus-rr-synth-input"
1423 type = "bool"
1424 default = "false"
1425 help = "synthesize rewrite rules based on the input formula"
1427 [[option]]
1428 name = "sygusRewSynthInputNVars"
1429 category = "regular"
1430 long = "sygus-rr-synth-input-nvars=N"
1431 type = "int"
1432 default = "3"
1433 help = "the maximum number of variables per type that appear in rewrites from sygus-rr-synth-input"
1435 [[option]]
1436 name = "sygusRewSynthInputUseBool"
1437 category = "regular"
1438 long = "sygus-rr-synth-input-use-bool"
1439 type = "bool"
1440 default = "false"
1441 help = "synthesize Boolean rewrite rules based on the input formula"
1443 [[option]]
1444 name = "sygusExprMinerCheckTimeout"
1445 category = "regular"
1446 long = "sygus-expr-miner-check-timeout=N"
1447 type = "unsigned long"
1448 help = "timeout (in milliseconds) for satisfiability checks in expression miners"
1450 [[option]]
1451 name = "sygusRewSynthRec"
1452 category = "regular"
1453 long = "sygus-rr-synth-rec"
1454 type = "bool"
1455 default = "false"
1456 help = "synthesize rewrite rules over all sygus grammar types recursively"
1458 [[option]]
1459 name = "sygusQueryGen"
1460 category = "regular"
1461 long = "sygus-query-gen"
1462 type = "bool"
1463 default = "false"
1464 help = "use sygus to enumerate interesting satisfiability queries"
1466 [[option]]
1467 name = "sygusQueryGenThresh"
1468 category = "regular"
1469 long = "sygus-query-gen-thresh=N"
1470 type = "unsigned"
1471 default = "5"
1472 help = "number of points that we allow to be equal for enumerating satisfiable queries with sygus-query-gen"
1474 [[option]]
1475 name = "sygusQueryGenCheck"
1476 category = "regular"
1477 long = "sygus-query-gen-check"
1478 type = "bool"
1479 default = "true"
1480 help = "use interesting satisfiability queries to check soundness of cvc5"
1482 [[option]]
1483 name = "sygusQueryGenDumpFiles"
1484 category = "regular"
1485 long = "sygus-query-gen-dump-files=MODE"
1486 type = "SygusQueryDumpFilesMode"
1487 default = "NONE"
1488 help = "mode for dumping external files corresponding to interesting satisfiability queries with sygus-query-gen"
1489 help_mode = "Query file options."
1490 [[option.mode.NONE]]
1491 name = "none"
1492 help = "Do not dump query files when using --sygus-query-gen."
1493 [[option.mode.ALL]]
1494 name = "all"
1495 help = "Dump all query files."
1496 [[option.mode.UNSOLVED]]
1497 name = "unsolved"
1498 help = "Dump query files that the subsolver did not solve."
1500 [[option]]
1501 name = "sygusFilterSolMode"
1502 category = "regular"
1503 long = "sygus-filter-sol=MODE"
1504 type = "SygusFilterSolMode"
1505 default = "NONE"
1506 help = "mode for filtering sygus solutions"
1507 help_mode = "Modes for filtering sygus solutions."
1508 [[option.mode.NONE]]
1509 name = "none"
1510 help = "Do not filter sygus solutions."
1511 [[option.mode.STRONG]]
1512 name = "strong"
1513 help = "Filter solutions that are logically stronger than others."
1514 [[option.mode.WEAK]]
1515 name = "weak"
1516 help = "Filter solutions that are logically weaker than others."
1518 [[option]]
1519 name = "sygusFilterSolRevSubsume"
1520 category = "expert"
1521 long = "sygus-filter-sol-rev"
1522 type = "bool"
1523 default = "false"
1524 help = "compute backwards filtering to compute whether previous solutions are filtered based on later ones"
1526 [[option]]
1527 name = "debugSygus"
1528 category = "regular"
1529 long = "debug-sygus"
1530 type = "bool"
1531 default = "false"
1532 help = "print enumerated terms and candidates generated by the sygus solver (for debugging)"
1534 # CEGQI applied to general quantified formulas
1536 [[option]]
1537 name = "cegqi"
1538 category = "regular"
1539 long = "cegqi"
1540 type = "bool"
1541 default = "false"
1542 help = "turns on counterexample-based quantifier instantiation"
1544 [[option]]
1545 name = "cegqiFullEffort"
1546 category = "regular"
1547 long = "cegqi-full"
1548 type = "bool"
1549 default = "false"
1550 help = "turns on full effort counterexample-based quantifier instantiation, which may resort to model-value instantiation"
1552 [[option]]
1553 name = "cegqiSat"
1554 category = "regular"
1555 long = "cegqi-sat"
1556 type = "bool"
1557 default = "true"
1558 help = "answer sat when quantifiers are asserted with counterexample-based quantifier instantiation"
1560 [[option]]
1561 name = "cegqiModel"
1562 category = "regular"
1563 long = "cegqi-model"
1564 type = "bool"
1565 default = "true"
1566 help = "guide instantiations by model values for counterexample-based quantifier instantiation"
1568 [[option]]
1569 name = "cegqiAll"
1570 category = "regular"
1571 long = "cegqi-all"
1572 type = "bool"
1573 default = "false"
1574 help = "apply counterexample-based instantiation to all quantified formulas"
1576 [[option]]
1577 name = "cegqiMultiInst"
1578 category = "regular"
1579 long = "cegqi-multi-inst"
1580 type = "bool"
1581 default = "false"
1582 help = "when applicable, do multi instantiations per quantifier per round in counterexample-based quantifier instantiation"
1584 [[option]]
1585 name = "cegqiRepeatLit"
1586 category = "regular"
1587 long = "cegqi-repeat-lit"
1588 type = "bool"
1589 default = "false"
1590 help = "solve literals more than once in counterexample-based quantifier instantiation"
1592 [[option]]
1593 name = "cegqiInnermost"
1594 category = "regular"
1595 long = "cegqi-innermost"
1596 type = "bool"
1597 default = "true"
1598 help = "only process innermost quantified formulas in counterexample-based quantifier instantiation"
1600 [[option]]
1601 name = "cegqiNestedQE"
1602 category = "regular"
1603 long = "cegqi-nested-qe"
1604 type = "bool"
1605 default = "false"
1606 help = "process nested quantified formulas with quantifier elimination in counterexample-based quantifier instantiation"
1608 # CEGQI for arithmetic
1610 [[option]]
1611 name = "cegqiUseInfInt"
1612 category = "regular"
1613 long = "cegqi-use-inf-int"
1614 type = "bool"
1615 default = "false"
1616 help = "use integer infinity for vts in counterexample-based quantifier instantiation"
1618 [[option]]
1619 name = "cegqiUseInfReal"
1620 category = "regular"
1621 long = "cegqi-use-inf-real"
1622 type = "bool"
1623 default = "false"
1624 help = "use real infinity for vts in counterexample-based quantifier instantiation"
1626 [[option]]
1627 name = "cegqiMinBounds"
1628 category = "regular"
1629 long = "cegqi-min-bounds"
1630 type = "bool"
1631 default = "false"
1632 help = "use minimally constrained lower/upper bound for counterexample-based quantifier instantiation"
1634 [[option]]
1635 name = "cegqiRoundUpLowerLia"
1636 category = "regular"
1637 long = "cegqi-round-up-lia"
1638 type = "bool"
1639 default = "false"
1640 help = "round up integer lower bounds in substitutions for counterexample-based quantifier instantiation"
1642 [[option]]
1643 name = "cegqiMidpoint"
1644 category = "regular"
1645 long = "cegqi-midpoint"
1646 type = "bool"
1647 default = "false"
1648 help = "choose substitutions based on midpoints of lower and upper bounds for counterexample-based quantifier instantiation"
1650 [[option]]
1651 name = "cegqiNopt"
1652 category = "regular"
1653 long = "cegqi-nopt"
1654 type = "bool"
1655 default = "true"
1656 help = "non-optimal bounds for counterexample-based quantifier instantiation"
1658 # CEGQI for BV
1660 [[option]]
1661 name = "cegqiBv"
1662 category = "regular"
1663 long = "cegqi-bv"
1664 type = "bool"
1665 default = "true"
1666 help = "use word-level inversion approach for counterexample-guided quantifier instantiation for bit-vectors"
1668 [[option]]
1669 name = "cegqiBvInterleaveValue"
1670 category = "regular"
1671 long = "cegqi-bv-interleave-value"
1672 type = "bool"
1673 default = "false"
1674 help = "interleave model value instantiation with word-level inversion approach"
1676 [[option]]
1677 name = "cegqiBvIneqMode"
1678 category = "regular"
1679 long = "cegqi-bv-ineq=MODE"
1680 type = "CegqiBvIneqMode"
1681 default = "EQ_BOUNDARY"
1682 help = "choose mode for handling bit-vector inequalities with counterexample-guided instantiation"
1683 help_mode = "Modes for handling bit-vector inequalities in counterexample-guided instantiation."
1684 [[option.mode.EQ_SLACK]]
1685 name = "eq-slack"
1686 help = "Solve for the inequality using the slack value in the model, e.g., t > s becomes t = s + ( t-s )^M."
1687 [[option.mode.EQ_BOUNDARY]]
1688 name = "eq-boundary"
1689 help = "Solve for the boundary point of the inequality, e.g., t > s becomes t = s+1."
1690 [[option.mode.KEEP]]
1691 name = "keep"
1692 help = "Solve for the inequality directly using side conditions for invertibility."
1694 [[option]]
1695 name = "cegqiBvRmExtract"
1696 category = "regular"
1697 long = "cegqi-bv-rm-extract"
1698 type = "bool"
1699 default = "true"
1700 help = "replaces extract terms with variables for counterexample-guided instantiation for bit-vectors"
1702 [[option]]
1703 name = "cegqiBvLinearize"
1704 category = "regular"
1705 long = "cegqi-bv-linear"
1706 type = "bool"
1707 default = "true"
1708 help = "linearize adder chains for variables"
1710 [[option]]
1711 name = "cegqiBvSolveNl"
1712 category = "regular"
1713 long = "cegqi-bv-solve-nl"
1714 type = "bool"
1715 default = "false"
1716 help = "try to solve non-linear bv literals using model value projections"
1718 [[option]]
1719 name = "cegqiBvConcInv"
1720 category = "regular"
1721 long = "cegqi-bv-concat-inv"
1722 type = "bool"
1723 default = "true"
1724 help = "compute inverse for concat over equalities rather than producing an invertibility condition"
1726 ### Reduction options
1728 [[option]]
1729 name = "quantAlphaEquiv"
1730 category = "regular"
1731 long = "quant-alpha-equiv"
1732 type = "bool"
1733 default = "true"
1734 help = "infer alpha equivalence between quantified formulas"
1736 [[option]]
1737 name = "macrosQuant"
1738 category = "regular"
1739 long = "macros-quant"
1740 type = "bool"
1741 default = "false"
1742 help = "perform quantifiers macro expansion"
1744 [[option]]
1745 name = "macrosQuantMode"
1746 category = "regular"
1747 long = "macros-quant-mode=MODE"
1748 type = "MacrosQuantMode"
1749 default = "GROUND_UF"
1750 help = "mode for quantifiers macro expansion"
1751 help_mode = "Modes for quantifiers macro expansion."
1752 [[option.mode.ALL]]
1753 name = "all"
1754 help = "Infer definitions for functions, including those containing quantified formulas."
1755 [[option.mode.GROUND]]
1756 name = "ground"
1757 help = "Only infer ground definitions for functions."
1758 [[option.mode.GROUND_UF]]
1759 name = "ground-uf"
1760 help = "Only infer ground definitions for functions that result in triggers for all free variables."
1762 [[option]]
1763 name = "quantDynamicSplit"
1764 category = "regular"
1765 long = "quant-dsplit-mode=MODE"
1766 type = "QuantDSplitMode"
1767 default = "DEFAULT"
1768 help = "mode for dynamic quantifiers splitting"
1769 help_mode = "Modes for quantifiers splitting."
1770 [[option.mode.NONE]]
1771 name = "none"
1772 help = "Never split quantified formulas."
1773 [[option.mode.DEFAULT]]
1774 name = "default"
1775 help = "Split quantified formulas over some finite datatypes when finite model finding is enabled."
1776 [[option.mode.AGG]]
1777 name = "agg"
1778 help = "Aggressively split quantified formulas."
1780 ### Higher-order options
1782 [[option]]
1783 name = "hoMatching"
1784 category = "regular"
1785 long = "ho-matching"
1786 type = "bool"
1787 default = "true"
1788 help = "do higher-order matching algorithm for triggers with variable operators"
1790 [[option]]
1791 name = "hoMatchingVarArgPriority"
1792 category = "regular"
1793 long = "ho-matching-var-priority"
1794 type = "bool"
1795 default = "true"
1796 help = "give priority to variable arguments over constant arguments"
1798 [[option]]
1799 name = "hoMergeTermDb"
1800 category = "regular"
1801 long = "ho-merge-term-db"
1802 type = "bool"
1803 default = "true"
1804 help = "merge term indices modulo equality"
1806 [[option]]
1807 name = "hoElim"
1808 category = "regular"
1809 long = "ho-elim"
1810 type = "bool"
1811 default = "false"
1812 help = "eagerly eliminate higher-order constraints"
1814 [[option]]
1815 name = "hoElimStoreAx"
1816 category = "regular"
1817 long = "ho-elim-store-ax"
1818 type = "bool"
1819 default = "true"
1820 help = "use store axiom during ho-elim"
1822 ### Output options
1824 [[option]]
1825 name = "debugInst"
1826 category = "regular"
1827 long = "debug-inst"
1828 type = "bool"
1829 default = "false"
1830 help = "print instantiations during solving (for debugging)"
1832 ### SyGuS instantiation options
1834 [[option]]
1835 name = "sygusInst"
1836 category = "regular"
1837 long = "sygus-inst"
1838 type = "bool"
1839 default = "false"
1840 help = "Enable SyGuS instantiation quantifiers module"
1842 [[option]]
1843 name = "sygusInstScope"
1844 category = "regular"
1845 long = "sygus-inst-scope=MODE"
1846 type = "SygusInstScope"
1847 default = "IN"
1848 help = "select scope of ground terms"
1849 help_mode = "scope for collecting ground terms for the grammar."
1850 [[option.mode.IN]]
1851 name = "in"
1852 help = "use ground terms inside given quantified formula only."
1853 [[option.mode.OUT]]
1854 name = "out"
1855 help = "use ground terms outside of quantified formulas only."
1856 [[option.mode.BOTH]]
1857 name = "both"
1858 help = "combines inside and outside."
1860 [[option]]
1861 name = "sygusInstTermSel"
1862 category = "regular"
1863 long = "sygus-inst-term-sel=MODE"
1864 type = "SygusInstTermSelMode"
1865 default = "MIN"
1866 help = "granularity for ground terms"
1867 help_mode = "Ground term selection modes."
1868 [[option.mode.MIN]]
1869 name = "min"
1870 help = "collect minimal ground terms only."
1871 [[option.mode.MAX]]
1872 name = "max"
1873 help = "collect maximal ground terms only."
1874 [[option.mode.BOTH]]
1875 name = "both"
1876 help = "combines minimal and maximal ."
1878 [[option]]
1879 name = "sygusInstMode"
1880 category = "regular"
1881 long = "sygus-inst-mode=MODE"
1882 type = "SygusInstMode"
1883 default = "PRIORITY_INST"
1884 help = "select instantiation lemma mode"
1885 help_mode = "SyGuS instantiation lemma modes."
1886 [[option.mode.PRIORITY_INST]]
1887 name = "priority-inst"
1888 help = "add instantiation lemmas first, add evaluation unfolding if instantiation fails."
1889 [[option.mode.PRIORITY_EVAL]]
1890 name = "priority-eval"
1891 help = "add evaluation unfolding lemma first, add instantiation lemma if unfolding lemmas already added."
1892 [[option.mode.INTERLEAVE]]
1893 name = "interleave"
1894 help = "add instantiation and evaluation unfolding lemmas in the same step."