Support get-abduct smt2 command (#3122)
[cvc5.git] / src / options / smt_options.toml
1 id = "SMT"
2 name = "SMT layer"
3 header = "options/smt_options.h"
5 [[option]]
6 name = "dumpModeString"
7 smt_name = "dump"
8 category = "common"
9 long = "dump=MODE"
10 type = "std::string"
11 notifies = ["notifyDumpMode"]
12 read_only = true
13 help = "dump preprocessed assertions, etc., see --dump=help"
15 [[option]]
16 name = "dumpToFileName"
17 smt_name = "dump-to"
18 category = "common"
19 long = "dump-to=FILE"
20 type = "std::string"
21 notifies = ["notifyDumpToFile"]
22 read_only = true
23 help = "all dumping goes to FILE (instead of stdout)"
25 [[option]]
26 name = "simplificationMode"
27 smt_name = "simplification-mode"
28 category = "regular"
29 long = "simplification=MODE"
30 type = "SimplificationMode"
32 handler = "stringToSimplificationMode"
33 includes = ["options/smt_modes.h"]
34 help = "choose simplification mode, see --simplification=help"
36 [[alias]]
37 category = "regular"
38 long = "no-simplification"
39 links = ["--simplification=none"]
40 help = "turn off all simplification (same as --simplification=none)"
42 [[option]]
43 name = "doStaticLearning"
44 category = "regular"
45 long = "static-learning"
46 type = "bool"
47 default = "true"
48 read_only = true
49 help = "use static learning (on by default)"
51 [[option]]
52 name = "expandDefinitions"
53 smt_name = "expand-definitions"
54 category = "regular"
55 type = "bool"
56 default = "false"
57 read_only = true
58 help = "always expand symbol definitions in output"
60 [[option]]
61 name = "produceModels"
62 category = "common"
63 short = "m"
64 long = "produce-models"
65 type = "bool"
66 default = "false"
67 notifies = ["notifyBeforeSearch"]
68 read_only = true
69 help = "support the get-value and get-model commands"
71 [[option]]
72 name = "checkModels"
73 category = "regular"
74 long = "check-models"
75 type = "bool"
76 notifies = ["notifyBeforeSearch"]
77 links = ["--produce-models", "--produce-assertions"]
78 read_only = true
79 help = "after SAT/INVALID/UNKNOWN, check that the generated model satisfies user assertions"
81 [[option]]
82 name = "dumpModels"
83 category = "regular"
84 long = "dump-models"
85 type = "bool"
86 default = "false"
87 links = ["--produce-models"]
88 read_only = true
89 help = "output models after every SAT/INVALID/UNKNOWN response"
91 [[option]]
92 name = "modelCoresMode"
93 category = "regular"
94 long = "model-cores=MODE"
95 type = "ModelCoresMode"
96 default = "MODEL_CORES_NONE"
97 handler = "stringToModelCoresMode"
98 includes = ["options/smt_modes.h"]
99 help = "mode for producing model cores"
101 [[option]]
102 name = "proof"
103 smt_name = "produce-proofs"
104 category = "regular"
105 long = "proof"
106 type = "bool"
107 default = "false"
108 predicates = ["proofEnabledBuild"]
109 notifies = ["notifyBeforeSearch"]
110 read_only = true
111 help = "turn on proof generation"
113 [[option]]
114 name = "checkProofs"
115 category = "regular"
116 long = "check-proofs"
117 type = "bool"
118 predicates = ["LFSCEnabledBuild"]
119 notifies = ["notifyBeforeSearch"]
120 links = ["--proof"]
121 help = "after UNSAT/VALID, machine-check the generated proof"
123 [[option]]
124 name = "dumpProofs"
125 category = "regular"
126 long = "dump-proofs"
127 type = "bool"
128 default = "false"
129 links = ["--proof"]
130 read_only = true
131 help = "output proofs after every UNSAT/VALID response"
133 [[option]]
134 name = "dumpInstantiations"
135 category = "regular"
136 long = "dump-instantiations"
137 type = "bool"
138 default = "false"
139 read_only = true
140 help = "output instantiations of quantified formulas after every UNSAT/VALID response"
142 [[option]]
143 name = "sygusOut"
144 category = "regular"
145 long = "sygus-out=MODE"
146 type = "SygusSolutionOutMode"
148 handler = "stringToSygusSolutionOutMode"
149 includes = ["options/sygus_out_mode.h"]
150 help = "output mode for sygus"
152 [[option]]
153 name = "sygusPrintCallbacks"
154 category = "regular"
155 long = "sygus-print-callbacks"
156 type = "bool"
157 default = "true"
158 read_only = true
159 help = "use sygus print callbacks to print sygus terms in the user-provided form (disable for debugging)"
161 [[option]]
162 name = "dumpSynth"
163 category = "regular"
164 long = "dump-synth"
165 type = "bool"
166 default = "false"
167 help = "output solution for synthesis conjectures after every UNSAT/VALID response"
169 [[option]]
170 name = "unsatCores"
171 category = "regular"
172 long = "produce-unsat-cores"
173 type = "bool"
174 predicates = ["proofEnabledBuild"]
175 notifies = ["notifyBeforeSearch"]
176 read_only = true
177 help = "turn on unsat core generation"
179 [[option]]
180 name = "checkUnsatCores"
181 category = "regular"
182 long = "check-unsat-cores"
183 type = "bool"
184 links = ["--produce-unsat-cores"]
185 help = "after UNSAT/VALID, produce and check an unsat core (expensive)"
187 [[option]]
188 name = "dumpUnsatCores"
189 category = "regular"
190 long = "dump-unsat-cores"
191 type = "bool"
192 default = "false"
193 notifies = ["notifyBeforeSearch"]
194 links = ["--produce-unsat-cores"]
195 read_only = true
196 help = "output unsat cores after every UNSAT/VALID response"
198 [[option]]
199 name = "dumpUnsatCoresFull"
200 category = "regular"
201 long = "dump-unsat-cores-full"
202 type = "bool"
203 default = "false"
204 notifies = ["notifyBeforeSearch"]
205 links = ["--dump-unsat-cores"]
206 read_only = true
207 help = "dump the full unsat core, including unlabeled assertions"
209 [[option]]
210 name = "unsatAssumptions"
211 category = "regular"
212 long = "produce-unsat-assumptions"
213 type = "bool"
214 default = "false"
215 links = ["--produce-unsat-cores"]
216 predicates = ["proofEnabledBuild"]
217 notifies = ["notifyBeforeSearch"]
218 read_only = true
219 help = "turn on unsat assumptions generation"
221 [[option]]
222 name = "checkSynthSol"
223 category = "regular"
224 long = "check-synth-sol"
225 type = "bool"
226 default = "false"
227 read_only = true
228 help = "checks whether produced solutions to functions-to-synthesize satisfy the conjecture"
230 [[option]]
231 name = "produceAssignments"
232 category = "regular"
233 long = "produce-assignments"
234 type = "bool"
235 default = "false"
236 notifies = ["notifyBeforeSearch"]
237 read_only = true
238 help = "support the get-assignment command"
240 [[option]]
241 name = "interactiveMode"
242 smt_name = "interactive-mode"
243 category = "undocumented"
244 type = "bool"
245 predicates = ["setProduceAssertions"]
246 notifies = ["notifyBeforeSearch"]
247 help = "deprecated name for produce-assertions"
249 [[option]]
250 name = "produceAssertions"
251 category = "common"
252 long = "produce-assertions"
253 type = "bool"
254 predicates = ["setProduceAssertions"]
255 notifies = ["notifyBeforeSearch"]
256 help = "keep an assertions list (enables get-assertions command)"
258 [[option]]
259 name = "doITESimp"
260 category = "regular"
261 long = "ite-simp"
262 type = "bool"
263 help = "turn on ite simplification (Kim (and Somenzi) et al., SAT 2009)"
265 [[option]]
266 name = "doITESimpOnRepeat"
267 category = "regular"
268 long = "on-repeat-ite-simp"
269 type = "bool"
270 default = "false"
271 help = "do the ite simplification pass again if repeating simplification"
273 [[option]]
274 name = "extRewPrep"
275 category = "regular"
276 long = "ext-rew-prep"
277 type = "bool"
278 default = "false"
279 help = "use extended rewriter as a preprocessing pass"
281 [[option]]
282 name = "extRewPrepAgg"
283 category = "regular"
284 long = "ext-rew-prep-agg"
285 type = "bool"
286 default = "false"
287 help = "use aggressive extended rewriter as a preprocessing pass"
289 [[option]]
290 name = "simplifyWithCareEnabled"
291 category = "regular"
292 long = "simp-with-care"
293 type = "bool"
294 default = "false"
295 help = "enables simplifyWithCare in ite simplificiation"
297 [[option]]
298 name = "compressItes"
299 category = "regular"
300 long = "simp-ite-compress"
301 type = "bool"
302 default = "false"
303 help = "enables compressing ites after ite simplification"
305 [[option]]
306 name = "unconstrainedSimp"
307 category = "regular"
308 long = "unconstrained-simp"
309 type = "bool"
310 default = "false"
311 help = "turn on unconstrained simplification (see Bruttomesso/Brummayer PhD thesis)"
313 [[option]]
314 name = "repeatSimp"
315 category = "regular"
316 long = "repeat-simp"
317 type = "bool"
318 help = "make multiple passes with nonclausal simplifier"
320 [[option]]
321 name = "zombieHuntThreshold"
322 category = "regular"
323 long = "simp-ite-hunt-zombies=N"
324 type = "uint32_t"
325 default = "524288"
326 read_only = true
327 help = "post ite compression enables zombie removal while the number of nodes is above this threshold"
329 [[option]]
330 name = "sortInference"
331 category = "regular"
332 long = "sort-inference"
333 type = "bool"
334 default = "false"
335 help = "calculate sort inference of input problem, convert the input based on monotonic sorts"
337 [[option]]
338 name = "symmetryBreakerExp"
339 category = "regular"
340 long = "symmetry-breaker-exp"
341 type = "bool"
342 default = "false"
343 help = "generate symmetry breaking constraints after symmetry detection"
345 [[option]]
346 name = "incrementalSolving"
347 category = "common"
348 short = "i"
349 long = "incremental"
350 type = "bool"
351 default = "true"
352 read_only = true
353 help = "enable incremental solving"
355 [[option]]
356 name = "abstractValues"
357 category = "regular"
358 long = "abstract-values"
359 type = "bool"
360 default = "false"
361 read_only = true
362 help = "in models, output arrays (and in future, maybe others) using abstract values, as required by the SMT-LIB standard"
364 [[option]]
365 name = "modelUninterpDtEnum"
366 category = "regular"
367 long = "model-u-dt-enum"
368 type = "bool"
369 default = "false"
370 read_only = true
371 help = "in models, output uninterpreted sorts as datatype enumerations"
373 [[option]]
374 name = "regularChannelName"
375 smt_name = "regular-output-channel"
376 category = "regular"
377 type = "std::string"
378 notifies = ["notifySetRegularOutputChannel"]
379 read_only = true
380 help = "set the regular output channel of the solver"
382 [[option]]
383 name = "diagnosticChannelName"
384 smt_name = "diagnostic-output-channel"
385 category = "regular"
386 type = "std::string"
387 notifies = ["notifySetDiagnosticOutputChannel"]
388 read_only = true
389 help = "set the diagnostic output channel of the solver"
391 [[option]]
392 name = "cumulativeMillisecondLimit"
393 smt_name = "tlimit"
394 category = "common"
395 long = "tlimit=MS"
396 type = "unsigned long"
397 handler = "limitHandler"
398 notifies = ["notifyTlimit"]
399 read_only = true
400 help = "enable time limiting (give milliseconds)"
402 [[option]]
403 name = "perCallMillisecondLimit"
404 smt_name = "tlimit-per"
405 category = "common"
406 long = "tlimit-per=MS"
407 type = "unsigned long"
408 handler = "limitHandler"
409 notifies = ["notifyTlimitPer"]
410 read_only = true
411 help = "enable time limiting per query (give milliseconds)"
413 [[option]]
414 name = "cumulativeResourceLimit"
415 smt_name = "rlimit"
416 category = "common"
417 long = "rlimit=N"
418 type = "unsigned long"
419 handler = "limitHandler"
420 notifies = ["notifyRlimit"]
421 read_only = true
422 help = "enable resource limiting (currently, roughly the number of SAT conflicts)"
424 [[option]]
425 name = "perCallResourceLimit"
426 smt_name = "reproducible-resource-limit"
427 category = "common"
428 long = "rlimit-per=N"
429 type = "unsigned long"
430 handler = "limitHandler"
431 notifies = ["notifyRlimitPer"]
432 read_only = true
433 help = "enable resource limiting per query"
435 [[option]]
436 name = "hardLimit"
437 category = "common"
438 long = "hard-limit"
439 type = "bool"
440 default = "false"
441 read_only = true
442 help = "the resource limit is hard potentially leaving the smtEngine in an unsafe state (should be destroyed and rebuild after resourcing out)"
444 [[option]]
445 name = "cpuTime"
446 category = "common"
447 long = "cpu-time"
448 type = "bool"
449 default = "false"
450 read_only = true
451 help = "measures CPU time if set to true and wall time if false (default false)"
453 [[option]]
454 name = "rewriteStep"
455 category = "expert"
456 long = "rewrite-step=N"
457 type = "unsigned"
458 default = "1"
459 read_only = true
460 help = "amount of resources spent for each rewrite step"
462 [[option]]
463 name = "theoryCheckStep"
464 category = "expert"
465 long = "theory-check-step=N"
466 type = "unsigned"
467 default = "1"
468 read_only = true
469 help = "amount of resources spent for each theory check call"
471 [[option]]
472 name = "decisionStep"
473 category = "expert"
474 long = "decision-step=N"
475 type = "unsigned"
476 default = "1"
477 read_only = true
478 help = "amount of getNext decision calls in the decision engine"
480 [[option]]
481 name = "bitblastStep"
482 category = "expert"
483 long = "bitblast-step=N"
484 type = "unsigned"
485 default = "1"
486 read_only = true
487 help = "amount of resources spent for each bitblast step"
489 [[option]]
490 name = "parseStep"
491 category = "expert"
492 long = "parse-step=N"
493 type = "unsigned"
494 default = "1"
495 read_only = true
496 help = "amount of resources spent for each command/expression parsing"
498 [[option]]
499 name = "lemmaStep"
500 category = "expert"
501 long = "lemma-step=N"
502 type = "unsigned"
503 default = "1"
504 read_only = true
505 help = "amount of resources spent when adding lemmas"
507 [[option]]
508 name = "restartStep"
509 category = "expert"
510 long = "restart-step=N"
511 type = "unsigned"
512 default = "1"
513 read_only = true
514 help = "amount of resources spent for each theory restart"
516 [[option]]
517 name = "cnfStep"
518 category = "expert"
519 long = "cnf-step=N"
520 type = "unsigned"
521 default = "1"
522 read_only = true
523 help = "amount of resources spent for each call to cnf conversion"
525 [[option]]
526 name = "preprocessStep"
527 category = "expert"
528 long = "preprocess-step=N"
529 type = "unsigned"
530 default = "1"
531 read_only = true
532 help = "amount of resources spent for each preprocessing step in SmtEngine"
534 [[option]]
535 name = "quantifierStep"
536 category = "expert"
537 long = "quantifier-step=N"
538 type = "unsigned"
539 default = "1"
540 read_only = true
541 help = "amount of resources spent for quantifier instantiations"
543 [[option]]
544 name = "satConflictStep"
545 category = "expert"
546 long = "sat-conflict-step=N"
547 type = "unsigned"
548 default = "1"
549 read_only = true
550 help = "amount of resources spent for each sat conflict (main sat solver)"
552 [[option]]
553 name = "bvSatConflictStep"
554 category = "expert"
555 long = "bv-sat-conflict-step=N"
556 type = "unsigned"
557 default = "1"
558 read_only = true
559 help = "amount of resources spent for each sat conflict (bitvectors)"
561 [[option]]
562 name = "rewriteApplyToConst"
563 category = "expert"
564 long = "rewrite-apply-to-const"
565 type = "bool"
566 default = "false"
567 read_only = true
568 help = "eliminate function applications, rewriting e.g. f(5) to a new symbol f_5"
570 # --replay is currently broken; don't document it for 1.0
571 [[option]]
572 name = "replayInputFilename"
573 category = "undocumented"
574 long = "replay=FILE"
575 type = "std::string"
576 handler = "checkReplayFilename"
577 read_only = true
578 help = "replay decisions from file"
580 # --replay is currently broken; don't document it for 1.0
581 [[option]]
582 name = "replayLogFilename"
583 category = "undocumented"
584 long = "replay-log=FILE"
585 type = "std::string"
586 handler = "checkReplayFilename"
587 notifies = ["notifySetReplayLogFilename", "notifyBeforeSearch"]
588 read_only = true
589 help = "replay decisions from file"
591 [[option]]
592 name = "forceNoLimitCpuWhileDump"
593 category = "regular"
594 long = "force-no-limit-cpu-while-dump"
595 type = "bool"
596 default = "false"
597 read_only = true
598 help = "Force no CPU limit when dumping models and proofs"
600 [[option]]
601 name = "solveIntAsBV"
602 category = "undocumented"
603 long = "solve-int-as-bv=N"
604 type = "uint32_t"
605 default = "0"
606 read_only = true
607 help = "attempt to solve a pure integer satisfiable problem by bitblasting in sufficient bitwidth (experimental)"
609 [[option]]
610 name = "solveRealAsInt"
611 category = "undocumented"
612 long = "solve-real-as-int"
613 type = "bool"
614 default = "false"
615 read_only = true
616 help = "attempt to solve a pure real satisfiable problem as an integer problem (for non-linear)"
618 [[option]]
619 name = "produceAbducts"
620 category = "undocumented"
621 long = "produce-abducts"
622 type = "bool"
623 default = "false"
624 read_only = true
625 help = "support the get-abduct command"