Add substr, contains and equality rewrites (#2665)
[cvc5.git] / src / parser / antlr_undefines.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file antlr_undefines.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Tim King
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2018 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Every usage undefines standard autotools macro names.
13 **
14 ** This header is very sensitive and it should be understood *in full* before
15 ** it is used or *moved* in position relative to other headers.
16 **
17 ** Including this header runs #undef on the following identifiers:
23 **
24 ** This is to solves a problem caused by antlr and cvc4 both defining these
25 ** symbols. This has to do with both packages using autotools in a slightly
26 ** dicey way. This was reported by us a long time ago, but most versions
27 ** of libantlr are quite old (3.2).
28 **
29 **
30 ** The source of both of these two definitions are given below.
31 **
32 ** From antlr, the autogenerated antlr lexers and parsers include antlr3.h.
33 ** The chain of inclusions is:
34 ** Lang{Lexer,Parser}.h -> <antlr3.h> -> <antlr3config.h> -> <antlr3defs.h>
35 **
36 ** where Lang is in {Smt1,Smt2,Tptp,Cvc}.
37 **
38 ** From CVC4, the parsers use Debug("...") and other features from
39 ** "base/output.h". This is a cvc4_private_library.h header file. This means
40 ** the files is usable while building the driver and parsers, but is otherwise
41 ** conceptually the same as a cvc4_private.h header. (If that sounds sketchy,
42 ** it is sure is! [See src/DESIGN.txt for more details].)
43 ** The include chain is then
44 ** "base/output.h" -> "cvc4_private_library.h" -> "cvc4_private.h" ->
45 ** "cvc4autoconfig.h".
46 ** The file cvc4autoconfig.h is autogenerated by autotools and can be found in
47 ** builds/<arch>/<target>/cvc4autoconfig.h
48 **
49 ** Thus a working solution is to include this header immediately after all
50 ** locations of #include <antlr3.h>. This includes all autogenerated files.
51 ** This potentially has to be repeated so this header should not be guarded.
52 **
53 ** To ensure that we do not remove cvc4's versions and use antlr's by mistake
54 ** #include <antlr3.h> needs to proceed any other includes like
55 ** #include "cvc4parser_private.h".
56 **
57 ** It is worth noting that future version of antlr can both not define these
58 ** macros and may generate different code. This is at best a stop gap
59 ** solution.
60 **
61 ** Every location this header is included needs to be documented.
62 ** When in doubt do not move this header!
63 **/
66 #undef PACKAGE_NAME