Improve parser for tuple select (#7364)
[cvc5.git] / src / parser / smt2 / smt2.h
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Andrew Reynolds, Andres Noetzli, Morgan Deters
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * Definitions of SMT2 constants.
14 */
16 #include "cvc5parser_private.h"
18 #ifndef CVC5__PARSER__SMT2_H
19 #define CVC5__PARSER__SMT2_H
21 #include <sstream>
22 #include <stack>
23 #include <string>
24 #include <unordered_map>
25 #include <utility>
27 #include "api/cpp/cvc5.h"
28 #include "parser/parse_op.h"
29 #include "parser/parser.h"
30 #include "theory/logic_info.h"
32 namespace cvc5 {
34 class Command;
36 namespace api {
37 class Solver;
38 }
40 namespace parser {
42 class Smt2 : public Parser
43 {
44 friend class ParserBuilder;
46 private:
47 /** Has the logic been set (either by forcing it or a set-logic command)? */
48 bool d_logicSet;
49 /** Have we seen a set-logic command yet? */
50 bool d_seenSetLogic;
52 LogicInfo d_logic;
53 std::unordered_map<std::string, api::Kind> d_operatorKindMap;
54 /**
55 * Maps indexed symbols to the kind of the operator (e.g. "extract" to
57 */
58 std::unordered_map<std::string, api::Kind> d_indexedOpKindMap;
59 std::pair<api::Term, std::string> d_lastNamedTerm;
60 /**
61 * A list of sygus grammar objects. We keep track of them here to ensure that
62 * they don't get deleted before the commands using them get invoked.
63 */
64 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<api::Grammar>> d_allocGrammars;
66 protected:
67 Smt2(api::Solver* solver,
68 SymbolManager* sm,
69 bool strictMode = false,
70 bool parseOnly = false);
72 public:
73 ~Smt2();
75 /**
76 * Add core theory symbols to the parser state.
77 */
78 void addCoreSymbols();
80 void addOperator(api::Kind k, const std::string& name);
82 /**
83 * Registers an indexed function symbol.
84 *
85 * @param tKind The kind of the term that uses the operator kind (e.g.
86 * BITVECTOR_EXTRACT). NOTE: this is an internal kind for now
87 * because that is what we use to create expressions. Eventually
88 * it will be an api::Kind.
89 * @param opKind The kind of the operator term (e.g. BITVECTOR_EXTRACT)
90 * @param name The name of the symbol (e.g. "extract")
91 */
92 void addIndexedOperator(api::Kind tKind,
93 api::Kind opKind,
94 const std::string& name);
96 api::Kind getOperatorKind(const std::string& name) const;
98 bool isOperatorEnabled(const std::string& name) const;
100 bool isTheoryEnabled(theory::TheoryId theory) const;
102 /**
103 * Checks if higher-order support is enabled.
104 *
105 * @return true if higher-order support is enabled, false otherwise
106 */
107 bool isHoEnabled() const;
109 bool logicIsSet() override;
111 /**
112 * Creates an indexed constant, e.g. (_ +oo 8 24) (positive infinity
113 * as a 32-bit floating-point constant).
114 *
115 * @param name The name of the constant (e.g. "+oo")
116 * @param numerals The parameters for the constant (e.g. [8, 24])
117 * @return The term corresponding to the constant or a parse error if name is
118 * not valid.
119 */
120 api::Term mkIndexedConstant(const std::string& name,
121 const std::vector<uint64_t>& numerals);
123 /**
124 * Creates an indexed operator kind, e.g. BITVECTOR_EXTRACT for "extract".
125 *
126 * @param name The name of the operator (e.g. "extract")
127 * @return The kind corresponding to the indexed operator or a parse
128 * error if the name is not valid.
129 */
130 api::Kind getIndexedOpKind(const std::string& name);
132 /**
133 * Returns the expression that name should be interpreted as.
134 */
135 api::Term getExpressionForNameAndType(const std::string& name,
136 api::Sort t) override;
138 /**
139 * If we are in a version < 2.6, this updates name to the tester name of cons,
140 * e.g. "is-cons".
141 */
142 bool getTesterName(api::Term cons, std::string& name) override;
144 /** Make function defined by a define-fun(s)-rec command.
145 *
146 * fname : the name of the function.
147 * sortedVarNames : the list of variable arguments for the function.
148 * t : the range type of the function we are defining.
149 *
150 * This function will create a bind a new function term to name fname.
151 * The type of this function is
152 * Parser::mkFlatFunctionType(sorts,t,flattenVars),
153 * where sorts are the types in the second components of sortedVarNames.
154 * As descibed in Parser::mkFlatFunctionType, new bound variables may be
155 * added to flattenVars in this function if the function is given a function
156 * range type.
157 */
158 api::Term bindDefineFunRec(
159 const std::string& fname,
160 const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, api::Sort>>& sortedVarNames,
161 api::Sort t,
162 std::vector<api::Term>& flattenVars);
164 /** Push scope for define-fun-rec
165 *
166 * This calls Parser::pushScope() and sets up
167 * initial information for reading a body of a function definition
168 * in the define-fun-rec and define-funs-rec command.
169 * The input parameters func/flattenVars are the result
170 * of a call to mkDefineRec above.
171 *
172 * func : the function whose body we are defining.
173 * sortedVarNames : the list of variable arguments for the function.
174 * flattenVars : the implicit variables introduced when defining func.
175 *
176 * This function:
177 * (1) Calls Parser::pushScope().
178 * (2) Computes the bound variable list for the quantified formula
179 * that defined this definition and stores it in bvs.
180 */
181 void pushDefineFunRecScope(
182 const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, api::Sort>>& sortedVarNames,
183 api::Term func,
184 const std::vector<api::Term>& flattenVars,
185 std::vector<api::Term>& bvs);
187 void reset() override;
189 /**
190 * Creates a command that adds an invariant constraint.
191 *
192 * @param names Name of four symbols corresponding to the
193 * function-to-synthesize, precondition, postcondition,
194 * transition relation.
195 * @return The command that adds an invariant constraint
196 */
197 std::unique_ptr<Command> invConstraint(const std::vector<std::string>& names);
199 /**
200 * Sets the logic for the current benchmark. Declares any logic and
201 * theory symbols.
202 *
203 * @param name the name of the logic (e.g., QF_UF, AUFLIA)
204 * @param fromCommand should be set to true if the request originates from a
205 * set-logic command and false otherwise
206 * @return the command corresponding to setting the logic (if fromCommand
207 * is true), and nullptr otherwise.
208 */
209 Command* setLogic(std::string name, bool fromCommand = true);
211 /**
212 * Get the logic.
213 */
214 const LogicInfo& getLogic() const { return d_logic; }
216 /**
217 * Create a Sygus grammar.
218 * @param boundVars the parameters to corresponding synth-fun/synth-inv
219 * @param ntSymbols the pre-declaration of the non-terminal symbols
220 * @return a pointer to the grammar
221 */
222 api::Grammar* mkGrammar(const std::vector<api::Term>& boundVars,
223 const std::vector<api::Term>& ntSymbols);
225 /**
226 * Are we using smtlib 2.6 or above? If exact=true, then this method returns
227 * false if the input language is not exactly SMT-LIB 2.6.
228 */
229 bool v2_6(bool exact = false) const
230 {
231 return d_solver->getOption("input-language") == "LANG_SMTLIB_V2_6";
232 }
233 /** Are we using a sygus language? */
234 bool sygus() const;
236 /**
237 * Returns true if the language that we are parsing (SMT-LIB version >=2.5
238 * and SyGuS) treats duplicate double quotes ("") as an escape sequence
239 * denoting a single double quote (").
240 */
241 bool escapeDupDblQuote() const { return v2_6() || sygus(); }
243 void checkThatLogicIsSet();
245 /**
246 * Checks whether the current logic allows free sorts. If the logic does not
247 * support free sorts, the function triggers a parse error.
248 */
249 void checkLogicAllowsFreeSorts();
251 /**
252 * Checks whether the current logic allows functions of non-zero arity. If
253 * the logic does not support such functions, the function triggers a parse
254 * error.
255 */
256 void checkLogicAllowsFunctions();
258 void checkUserSymbol(const std::string& name)
259 {
260 if (name.length() > 0 && (name[0] == '.' || name[0] == '@'))
261 {
262 std::stringstream ss;
263 ss << "cannot declare or define symbol `" << name
264 << "'; symbols starting with . and @ are reserved in SMT-LIB";
265 parseError(ss.str());
266 }
267 else if (isOperatorEnabled(name))
268 {
269 std::stringstream ss;
270 ss << "Symbol `" << name << "' is shadowing a theory function symbol";
271 parseError(ss.str());
272 }
273 }
275 void includeFile(const std::string& filename);
277 void setLastNamedTerm(api::Term e, std::string name)
278 {
279 d_lastNamedTerm = std::make_pair(e, name);
280 }
282 void clearLastNamedTerm()
283 {
284 d_lastNamedTerm = std::make_pair(api::Term(), "");
285 }
287 std::pair<api::Term, std::string> lastNamedTerm() { return d_lastNamedTerm; }
289 /** Does name denote an abstract value? (of the form '@n' for numeral n). */
290 bool isAbstractValue(const std::string& name);
292 /** Make abstract value
293 *
294 * Abstract values are used for processing get-value calls. The argument
295 * name should be such that isAbstractValue(name) is true.
296 */
297 api::Term mkAbstractValue(const std::string& name);
299 /**
300 * Smt2 parser provides its own checkDeclaration, which does the
301 * same as the base, but with some more helpful errors.
302 */
303 void checkDeclaration(const std::string& name,
304 DeclarationCheck check,
305 SymbolType type = SYM_VARIABLE,
306 std::string notes = "")
307 {
308 // if the symbol is something like "-1", we'll give the user a helpful
309 // syntax hint. (-1 is a valid identifier in SMT-LIB, NOT unary minus.)
310 if (name.length() > 1 && name[0] == '-'
311 && name.find_first_not_of("0123456789", 1) == std::string::npos)
312 {
313 std::stringstream ss;
314 ss << notes << "You may have intended to apply unary minus: `(- "
315 << name.substr(1) << ")'\n";
316 this->Parser::checkDeclaration(name, check, type, ss.str());
317 return;
318 }
319 this->Parser::checkDeclaration(name, check, type, notes);
320 }
321 /**
322 * Notify that expression expr was given name std::string via a :named
323 * attribute.
324 */
325 void notifyNamedExpression(api::Term& expr, std::string name);
327 // Throw a ParserException with msg appended with the current logic.
328 inline void parseErrorLogic(const std::string& msg)
329 {
330 const std::string withLogic = msg + getLogic().getLogicString();
331 parseError(withLogic);
332 }
334 //------------------------- processing parse operators
335 /**
336 * Given a parse operator p, apply a type ascription to it. This method is run
337 * when we encounter "(as t type)" and information regarding t has been stored
338 * in p.
339 *
340 * This updates p to take into account the ascription. This may include:
341 * - Converting an (pre-ascribed) array constant specification "const" to
342 * an ascribed array constant specification (as const type) where type is
343 * (Array T1 T2) for some T1, T2.
344 * - Converting a (nullary or non-nullary) parametric datatype constructor to
345 * the specialized constructor for the given type.
346 * - Converting an empty set, universe set, or separation nil reference to
347 * the respective term of the given type.
348 * - If p's expression field is set, then we leave p unchanged, check if
349 * that expression has the given type and throw a parse error otherwise.
350 */
351 void parseOpApplyTypeAscription(ParseOp& p, api::Sort type);
352 /**
353 * This converts a ParseOp to expression, assuming it is a standalone term.
354 *
355 * In particular:
356 * - If p's expression field is set, then that expression is returned.
357 * - If p's name field is set, then we look up that name in the symbol table
358 * of this class.
359 * In other cases, a parse error is thrown.
360 */
361 api::Term parseOpToExpr(ParseOp& p);
362 /**
363 * Apply parse operator to list of arguments, and return the resulting
364 * expression.
365 *
366 * This method involves two phases.
367 * (1) Processing the operator represented by p,
368 * (2) Applying that operator to the set of arguments.
369 *
370 * For (1), this involves determining the kind of the overall expression. We
371 * may be in one the following cases:
372 * - If p's expression field is set, we may choose to prepend it to args, or
373 * otherwise determine the appropriate kind of the overall expression based on
374 * this expression.
375 * - If p's name field is set, then we get the appropriate symbol for that
376 * name, which may involve disambiguating that name if it is overloaded based
377 * on the types of args. We then determine the overall kind of the return
378 * expression based on that symbol.
379 * - p's kind field may be already set.
380 *
381 * For (2), we construct the overall expression, which may involve the
382 * following:
383 * - If p is an array constant specification (as const (Array T1 T2)), then
384 * we return the appropriate array constant based on args[0].
385 * - If p represents a tuple selector, then we infer the appropriate tuple
386 * selector expression based on the type of args[0].
387 * - If the overall kind of the expression is chainable, we may convert it
388 * to a left- or right-associative chain.
389 * - If the overall kind is MINUS and args has size 1, then we return an
390 * application of UMINUS.
391 * - If the overall expression is a partial application, then we process this
392 * as a chain of HO_APPLY terms.
393 */
394 api::Term applyParseOp(ParseOp& p, std::vector<api::Term>& args);
395 //------------------------- end processing parse operators
396 private:
398 void addArithmeticOperators();
400 void addTranscendentalOperators();
402 void addQuantifiersOperators();
404 void addBitvectorOperators();
406 void addDatatypesOperators();
408 void addStringOperators();
410 void addFloatingPointOperators();
412 void addSepOperators();
414 /**
415 * Utility function to create a conjunction of expressions.
416 *
417 * @param es Expressions in the conjunction
418 * @return True if `es` is empty, `e` if `es` consists of a single element
419 * `e`, the conjunction of expressions otherwise.
420 */
421 api::Term mkAnd(const std::vector<api::Term>& es);
422 }; /* class Smt2 */
424 } // namespace parser
425 } // namespace cvc5
427 #endif /* CVC5__PARSER__SMT2_H */