Eliminate use of rational from tptp parser (#6239)
[cvc5.git] / src / parser / tptp / Tptp.g
1 /* ******************* */
2 /*! \file Tptp.g
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Haniel Barbosa, Francois Bobot, Andrew Reynolds
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Parser for TPTP input language.
13 **
14 ** Parser for TPTP input language.
15 ** cf. http://www.cs.miami.edu/~tptp/cgi-bin/SeeTPTP?Category=Documents&File=SyntaxBNF
16 **/
18 grammar Tptp;
20 options {
21 // C output for antlr
22 language = 'C';
24 // Skip the default error handling, just break with exceptions
25 // defaultErrorHandler = false;
27 // Only lookahead of <= k requested (disable for LL* parsing)
28 // Note that CVC4's BoundedTokenBuffer requires a fixed k !
29 // If you change this k, change it also in tptp_input.cpp !
30 k = 2;
31 }/* options */
33 @header {
34 /**
35 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
36 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2016 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
37 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
38 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
39 ** directory for licensing information.
40 **/
41 }/* @header */
43 @lexer::includes {
45 /** This suppresses warnings about the redefinition of token symbols between
46 * different parsers. The redefinitions should be harmless as long as no
47 * client: (a) #include's the lexer headers for two grammars AND (b) uses the
48 * token symbol definitions.
49 */
50 #pragma GCC system_header
52 /* This improves performance by ~10 percent on big inputs.
53 * This option is only valid if we know the input is ASCII (or some 8-bit encoding).
54 * If we know the input is UTF-16, we can use ANTLR3_INLINE_INPUT_UTF16.
55 * Otherwise, we have to let the lexer detect the encoding at runtime.
56 */
59 #include "parser/antlr_tracing.h"
61 }/* @lexer::includes */
63 @lexer::postinclude {
65 #include "parser/tptp/tptp.h"
66 #include "parser/antlr_input.h"
68 using namespace CVC4;
69 using namespace CVC4::parser;
71 /* These need to be macros so they can refer to the PARSER macro, which will be defined
72 * by ANTLR *after* this section. (If they were functions, PARSER would be undefined.) */
73 #undef PARSER_STATE
74 #define PARSER_STATE ((Tptp*)LEXER->super)
75 #undef SOLVER
76 #define SOLVER PARSER_STATE->getSolver()
77 #undef MK_TERM
78 #define MK_TERM SOLVER->mkTerm
79 #undef MK_TERM
80 #define MK_TERM SOLVER->mkTerm
81 #define UNSUPPORTED PARSER_STATE->unimplementedFeature
83 }/* @lexer::postinclude */
85 @parser::includes {
87 #include <memory>
89 #include "smt/command.h"
90 #include "parser/parse_op.h"
91 #include "parser/parser.h"
92 #include "parser/tptp/tptp.h"
93 #include "parser/antlr_tracing.h"
95 }/* @parser::includes */
97 @parser::postinclude {
99 #include <algorithm>
100 #include <iterator>
101 #include <vector>
103 #include "api/cvc4cpp.h"
104 #include "base/output.h"
105 #include "parser/antlr_input.h"
106 #include "parser/parser.h"
107 #include "parser/tptp/tptp.h"
108 #include "util/integer.h"
109 #include "util/rational.h"
111 using namespace CVC4;
112 using namespace CVC4::parser;
114 /* These need to be macros so they can refer to the PARSER macro, which will be defined
115 * by ANTLR *after* this section. (If they were functions, PARSER would be undefined.) */
116 #undef PARSER_STATE
117 #define PARSER_STATE ((Tptp*)PARSER->super)
118 #undef SOLVER
119 #define SOLVER PARSER_STATE->getSolver()
120 #undef SYM_MAN
121 #define SYM_MAN PARSER_STATE->getSymbolManager()
122 #undef MK_TERM
123 #define MK_TERM SOLVER->mkTerm
124 #define UNSUPPORTED PARSER_STATE->unimplementedFeature
126 }/* parser::postinclude */
128 /**
129 * Parses an expression.
130 * @return the parsed expression, or the Null CVC4::api::Term if we've reached
131 * the end of the input
132 */
133 parseExpr returns [CVC4::parser::tptp::myExpr expr]
134 : cnfFormula[expr]
135 | EOF
136 ;
138 /**
139 * Parses a command
140 * @return the parsed command, or NULL if we've reached the end of the input
141 */
142 parseCommand returns [CVC4::Command* cmd = NULL]
143 @declarations {
144 CVC4::api::Term expr;
145 Tptp::FormulaRole fr;
146 std::string name, inclSymbol;
147 ParseOp p;
148 }
149 : CNF_TOK LPAREN_TOK nameN[name] COMMA_TOK formulaRole[fr] COMMA_TOK
150 { PARSER_STATE->setCnf(true);
151 PARSER_STATE->setFof(false);
152 PARSER_STATE->pushScope(); }
153 cnfFormula[expr]
154 { PARSER_STATE->popScope();
155 std::vector<api::Term> bvl = PARSER_STATE->getFreeVar();
156 if(!bvl.empty()) {
157 expr = MK_TERM(api::FORALL,MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST,bvl),expr);
158 };
159 }
161 {
162 CVC4::api::Term aexpr = PARSER_STATE->getAssertionExpr(fr, expr);
163 if( !aexpr.isNull() ){
164 // set the expression name (e.g. used with unsat core printing)
165 SYM_MAN->setExpressionName(aexpr, name, true);
166 }
167 // make the command to assert the formula
168 cmd = PARSER_STATE->makeAssertCommand(fr, aexpr, /* cnf == */ true, true);
169 }
170 | FOF_TOK LPAREN_TOK nameN[name] COMMA_TOK formulaRole[fr] COMMA_TOK
171 { PARSER_STATE->setCnf(false); PARSER_STATE->setFof(true); }
172 fofFormula[expr] (COMMA_TOK anything*)? RPAREN_TOK DOT_TOK
173 {
174 CVC4::api::Term aexpr = PARSER_STATE->getAssertionExpr(fr,expr);
175 if( !aexpr.isNull() ){
176 // set the expression name (e.g. used with unsat core printing)
177 SYM_MAN->setExpressionName(aexpr, name, true);
178 }
179 // make the command to assert the formula
180 cmd = PARSER_STATE->makeAssertCommand(fr, aexpr, /* cnf == */ false, true);
181 }
183 ( TYPE_TOK COMMA_TOK tffTypedAtom[cmd]
184 | formulaRole[fr] COMMA_TOK
185 { PARSER_STATE->setCnf(false); PARSER_STATE->setFof(false); }
186 tffFormula[expr] (COMMA_TOK anything*)?
187 {
188 CVC4::api::Term aexpr = PARSER_STATE->getAssertionExpr(fr,expr);
189 if( !aexpr.isNull() ){
190 // set the expression name (e.g. used with unsat core printing)
191 SYM_MAN->setExpressionName(aexpr, name, true);
192 }
193 // make the command to assert the formula
194 cmd = PARSER_STATE->makeAssertCommand(fr, aexpr, /* cnf == */ false, true);
195 }
198 // Supported THF formulas: either a logic formula or a typing atom (i.e. we
199 // ignore subtyping and logic sequents). Also, only TH0
200 ( TYPE_TOK COMMA_TOK thfAtomTyping[cmd]
201 | formulaRole[fr] COMMA_TOK
202 { PARSER_STATE->setCnf(false); PARSER_STATE->setFof(false); }
203 thfLogicFormula[p] (COMMA_TOK anything*)?
204 {
205 if (p.d_expr.isNull())
206 {
207 PARSER_STATE->parseError("Top level expression must be a formula");
208 }
209 expr = p.d_expr;
210 CVC4::api::Term aexpr = PARSER_STATE->getAssertionExpr(fr, expr);
211 if (!aexpr.isNull())
212 {
213 // set the expression name (e.g. used with unsat core printing)
214 SYM_MAN->setExpressionName(aexpr, name, true);
215 }
216 // make the command to assert the formula
217 cmd = PARSER_STATE->makeAssertCommand(
218 fr, aexpr, /* cnf == */ false, true);
219 }
221 | INCLUDE_TOK LPAREN_TOK unquotedFileName[name]
222 ( COMMA_TOK LBRACK_TOK nameN[inclSymbol]
223 ( COMMA_TOK nameN[inclSymbol] )* RBRACK_TOK )?
225 { /* TODO - implement symbol filtering for file inclusion.
226 * the following removes duplicates and "all", just need to pass it
227 * through to includeFile() and implement it there.
228 std::sort(inclArgs.begin(), inclArgs.end());
229 std::vector<std::string>::iterator it =
230 std::unique(inclArgs.begin(), inclArgs.end());
231 inclArgs.resize(std::distance(inclArgs.begin(), it));
232 it = std::lower_bound(inclArgs.begin(), inclArgs.end(), std::string("all"));
233 if(it != inclArgs.end() && *it == "all") {
234 inclArgs.erase(it);
235 }
236 */
237 PARSER_STATE->includeFile(name /* , inclArgs */ );
238 // The command of the included file will be produced at the next parseCommand() call
239 cmd = new EmptyCommand("include::" + name);
240 }
241 | EOF
242 {
243 CommandSequence* seq = new CommandSequence();
244 // assert that all distinct constants are distinct
245 CVC4::api::Term aexpr = PARSER_STATE->getAssertionDistinctConstants();
246 if( !aexpr.isNull() )
247 {
248 seq->addCommand(new AssertCommand(aexpr, false));
249 }
251 std::string filename = PARSER_STATE->getInput()->getInputStreamName();
252 size_t i = filename.find_last_of('/');
253 if(i != std::string::npos) {
254 filename = filename.substr(i + 1);
255 }
256 if(filename.substr(filename.length() - 2) == ".p") {
257 filename = filename.substr(0, filename.length() - 2);
258 }
259 seq->addCommand(new SetInfoCommand("filename", filename));
260 if(PARSER_STATE->hasConjecture()) {
261 seq->addCommand(new QueryCommand(SOLVER->mkFalse()));
262 } else {
263 seq->addCommand(new CheckSatCommand());
264 }
265 PARSER_STATE->preemptCommand(seq);
266 cmd = NULL;
267 }
268 ;
270 /* Parse a formula Role */
271 formulaRole[CVC4::parser::Tptp::FormulaRole& role]
273 {
274 std::string r = AntlrInput::tokenText($LOWER_WORD);
275 if (r == "axiom") role = Tptp::FR_AXIOM;
276 else if (r == "hypothesis") role = Tptp::FR_HYPOTHESIS;
277 else if (r == "definition") role = Tptp::FR_DEFINITION;
278 else if (r == "assumption") role = Tptp::FR_ASSUMPTION;
279 else if (r == "lemma") role = Tptp::FR_LEMMA;
280 else if (r == "theorem") role = Tptp::FR_THEOREM;
281 else if (r == "negated_conjecture") role = Tptp::FR_NEGATED_CONJECTURE;
282 else if (r == "conjecture") role = Tptp::FR_CONJECTURE;
283 else if (r == "unknown") role = Tptp::FR_UNKNOWN;
284 else if (r == "plain") role = Tptp::FR_PLAIN;
285 else if (r == "fi_domain") role = Tptp::FR_FI_DOMAIN;
286 else if (r == "fi_functor") role = Tptp::FR_FI_FUNCTORS;
287 else if (r == "fi_predicate") role = Tptp::FR_FI_PREDICATES;
288 else if (r == "type") role = Tptp::FR_TYPE;
289 else PARSER_STATE->parseError("Invalid formula role: " + r);
290 }
291 ;
293 /*******/
294 /* CNF */
296 /* It can parse a little more than the cnf grammar: false and true can appear.
297 * Normally only false can appear and only at top level. */
299 cnfFormula[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
300 : LPAREN_TOK cnfDisjunction[expr] RPAREN_TOK
301 | cnfDisjunction[expr]
302 ;
304 cnfDisjunction[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
305 @declarations {
306 std::vector<api::Term> args;
307 }
308 : cnfLiteral[expr] { args.push_back(expr); }
309 ( OR_TOK cnfLiteral[expr] { args.push_back(expr); } )*
310 { if(args.size() > 1) {
311 expr = MK_TERM(api::OR, args);
312 } // else its already in the expr
313 }
314 ;
316 cnfLiteral[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
317 : atomicFormula[expr]
318 | NOT_TOK atomicFormula[expr] { expr = MK_TERM(api::NOT, expr); }
319 ;
321 atomicFormula[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
322 @declarations {
323 CVC4::api::Term expr2;
324 std::string name;
325 std::vector<CVC4::api::Term> args;
326 bool equal;
327 ParseOp p;
328 }
329 : atomicWord[p.d_name] (LPAREN_TOK arguments[args] RPAREN_TOK)?
330 ( equalOp[equal] term[expr2]
331 { // equality/disequality between terms
332 expr = args.empty() ? PARSER_STATE->parseOpToExpr(p)
333 : PARSER_STATE->applyParseOp(p, args);
334 args.clear();
335 args.push_back(expr);
336 args.push_back(expr2);
337 ParseOp p1(api::EQUAL);
338 expr = PARSER_STATE->applyParseOp(p1, args);
339 if (!equal)
340 {
341 expr = MK_TERM(api::NOT, expr);
342 }
343 }
344 | { // predicate
345 p.d_type = SOLVER->getBooleanSort();
346 expr = args.empty() ? PARSER_STATE->parseOpToExpr(p)
347 : PARSER_STATE->applyParseOp(p, args);
348 }
349 )
350 | definedFun[p]
351 (
352 LPAREN_TOK arguments[args] RPAREN_TOK
353 equalOp[equal] term[expr2]
354 {
355 expr = PARSER_STATE->applyParseOp(p, args);
356 args.clear();
357 args.push_back(expr);
358 args.push_back(expr2);
359 ParseOp p1(api::EQUAL);
360 expr = PARSER_STATE->applyParseOp(p1, args);
361 if (!equal)
362 {
363 expr = MK_TERM(api::NOT, expr);
364 }
365 }
366 )
367 | (simpleTerm[expr] | letTerm[expr] | conditionalTerm[expr])
368 (
369 equalOp[equal] term[expr2]
370 { // equality/disequality between terms
371 args.push_back(expr);
372 args.push_back(expr2);
373 p.d_kind = api::EQUAL;
374 expr = PARSER_STATE->applyParseOp(p, args);
375 if (!equal)
376 {
377 expr = MK_TERM(api::NOT, expr);
378 }
379 }
380 )?
381 | definedPred[p] (LPAREN_TOK arguments[args] RPAREN_TOK)
382 {
383 p.d_type = SOLVER->getBooleanSort();
384 expr = PARSER_STATE->applyParseOp(p, args);
385 }
386 | definedProp[expr]
387 ;
389 thfAtomicFormula[CVC4::ParseOp& p]
390 @declarations {
391 CVC4::api::Term expr2;
392 std::string name;
393 std::vector<CVC4::api::Term> args;
394 bool equal;
395 }
396 : atomicWord[p.d_name] (LPAREN_TOK arguments[args] RPAREN_TOK)?
397 {
398 p.d_expr = args.empty() ? PARSER_STATE->parseOpToExpr(p)
399 : PARSER_STATE->applyParseOp(p, args);
400 }
401 | definedFun[p]
402 (
403 LPAREN_TOK arguments[args] RPAREN_TOK
404 equalOp[equal] term[expr2]
405 {
406 p.d_expr = PARSER_STATE->applyParseOp(p, args);
407 args.clear();
408 args.push_back(p.d_expr);
409 args.push_back(expr2);
410 ParseOp p1(api::EQUAL);
411 p.d_expr = PARSER_STATE->applyParseOp(p1, args);
412 if (!equal)
413 {
414 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::NOT, p.d_expr);
415 }
416 }
417 )?
418 | thfSimpleTerm[p.d_expr]
419 | letTerm[p.d_expr]
420 | conditionalTerm[p.d_expr]
421 | thfDefinedPred[p] (LPAREN_TOK arguments[args] RPAREN_TOK)?
422 {
423 p.d_type = SOLVER->getBooleanSort();
424 if (!args.empty())
425 {
426 p.d_expr = PARSER_STATE->applyParseOp(p, args);
427 }
428 }
429 | definedProp[p.d_expr]
430 ;
432 //%----Using <plain_term> removes a reduce/reduce ambiguity in lex/yacc.
433 //%----Note: "defined" means a word starting with one $ and "system" means $$.
435 definedProp[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
436 : TRUE_TOK { expr = SOLVER->mkTrue(); }
437 | FALSE_TOK { expr = SOLVER->mkFalse(); }
438 ;
440 definedPred[CVC4::ParseOp& p]
441 : '$less'
442 {
443 p.d_kind = api::LT;
444 }
445 | '$lesseq'
446 {
447 p.d_kind = api::LEQ;
448 }
449 | '$greater'
450 {
451 p.d_kind = api::GT;
452 }
453 | '$greatereq'
454 {
455 p.d_kind = api::GEQ;
456 }
457 | '$is_rat'
458 // a real n is a rational if there exists q,r integers such that
459 // to_real(q) = n*to_real(r),
460 // where r is non-zero.
461 {
462 api::Term n = SOLVER->mkVar(SOLVER->getRealSort(), "N");
463 api::Term q = SOLVER->mkVar(SOLVER->getIntegerSort(), "Q");
464 api::Term qr = MK_TERM(api::TO_REAL, q);
465 api::Term r = SOLVER->mkVar(SOLVER->getIntegerSort(), "R");
466 api::Term rr = MK_TERM(api::TO_REAL, r);
467 api::Term body =
468 MK_TERM(api::AND,
469 MK_TERM(api::NOT,
470 MK_TERM(api::EQUAL, r, SOLVER->mkInteger(0))),
471 MK_TERM(api::EQUAL, qr, MK_TERM(api::MULT, n, rr)));
472 api::Term bvl = MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST, q, r);
473 body = MK_TERM(api::EXISTS, bvl, body);
474 api::Term lbvl = MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST, n);
475 p.d_kind = api::LAMBDA;
476 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::LAMBDA, lbvl, body);
477 }
478 | '$is_int'
479 {
480 p.d_kind = api::IS_INTEGER;
481 }
482 | '$distinct'
483 {
484 p.d_kind = api::DISTINCT;
485 }
486 | AND_TOK
487 {
488 p.d_kind = api::AND;
489 }
491 {
492 p.d_kind = api::IMPLIES;
493 }
494 | OR_TOK
495 {
496 p.d_kind = api::OR;
497 }
498 ;
500 thfDefinedPred[CVC4::ParseOp& p]
501 : '$less'
502 {
503 p.d_kind = api::LT;
504 }
505 | '$lesseq'
506 {
507 p.d_kind = api::LEQ;
508 }
509 | '$greater'
510 {
511 p.d_kind = api::GT;
512 }
513 | '$greatereq'
514 {
515 p.d_kind = api::GEQ;
516 }
517 | '$is_rat'
518 // a real n is a rational if there exists q,r integers such that
519 // to_real(q) = n*to_real(r),
520 // where r is non-zero.
521 {
522 api::Term n = SOLVER->mkVar(SOLVER->getRealSort(), "N");
523 api::Term q = SOLVER->mkVar(SOLVER->getIntegerSort(), "Q");
524 api::Term qr = MK_TERM(api::TO_REAL, q);
525 api::Term r = SOLVER->mkVar(SOLVER->getIntegerSort(), "R");
526 api::Term rr = MK_TERM(api::TO_REAL, r);
527 api::Term body = MK_TERM(
528 api::AND,
529 MK_TERM(api::NOT,
530 MK_TERM(api::EQUAL, r, SOLVER->mkInteger(0))),
531 MK_TERM(api::EQUAL, qr, MK_TERM(api::MULT, n, rr)));
532 api::Term bvl = MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST, q, r);
533 body = MK_TERM(api::EXISTS, bvl, body);
534 api::Term lbvl = MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST, n);
535 p.d_kind = api::LAMBDA;
536 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::LAMBDA, lbvl, body);
537 }
538 | '$is_int'
539 {
540 p.d_kind = api::IS_INTEGER;
541 }
542 | '$distinct'
543 {
544 p.d_kind = api::DISTINCT;
545 }
547 (
549 {
550 p.d_kind = api::AND;
551 }
552 | OR_TOK
553 {
554 p.d_kind = api::OR;
555 }
557 {
558 p.d_kind = api::IMPLIES;
559 }
560 )
562 ;
564 definedFun[CVC4::ParseOp& p]
565 @declarations {
566 bool remainder = false;
567 }
568 : '$uminus'
569 {
570 p.d_kind = api::UMINUS;
571 }
572 | '$sum'
573 {
574 p.d_kind = api::PLUS;
575 }
576 | '$difference'
577 {
578 p.d_kind = api::MINUS;
579 }
580 | '$product'
581 {
582 p.d_kind = api::MULT;
583 }
584 | '$quotient'
585 {
586 p.d_kind = api::DIVISION;
587 }
588 | ( '$quotient_e' { remainder = false; }
589 | '$remainder_e' { remainder = true; }
590 )
591 {
592 api::Term n = SOLVER->mkVar(SOLVER->getRealSort(), "N");
593 api::Term d = SOLVER->mkVar(SOLVER->getRealSort(), "D");
594 api::Term formals = MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST, n, d);
595 api::Term expr = MK_TERM(api::DIVISION, n, d);
596 expr = MK_TERM(api::ITE,
597 MK_TERM(api::GEQ, d, SOLVER->mkReal(0)),
598 MK_TERM(api::TO_INTEGER, expr),
599 MK_TERM(api::UMINUS,
601 MK_TERM(api::UMINUS, expr))));
602 if (remainder)
603 {
604 expr = MK_TERM(
605 api::TO_INTEGER,
606 MK_TERM(api::MINUS, n, MK_TERM(api::MULT, expr, d)));
607 }
608 p.d_kind = api::LAMBDA;
609 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::LAMBDA, formals, expr);
610 }
611 | ( '$quotient_t' { remainder = false; }
612 | '$remainder_t' { remainder = true; }
613 )
614 {
615 api::Term n = SOLVER->mkVar(SOLVER->getRealSort(), "N");
616 api::Term d = SOLVER->mkVar(SOLVER->getRealSort(), "D");
617 api::Term formals = MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST, n, d);
618 api::Term expr = MK_TERM(api::DIVISION, n, d);
619 expr = MK_TERM(api::ITE,
620 MK_TERM(api::GEQ, expr, SOLVER->mkReal(0)),
621 MK_TERM(api::TO_INTEGER, expr),
622 MK_TERM(api::UMINUS,
624 MK_TERM(api::UMINUS, expr))));
625 if (remainder)
626 {
627 expr = MK_TERM(
628 api::TO_INTEGER,
629 MK_TERM(api::MINUS, n, MK_TERM(api::MULT, expr, d)));
630 }
631 p.d_kind = api::LAMBDA;
632 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::LAMBDA, formals, expr);
633 }
634 | ( '$quotient_f' { remainder = false; }
635 | '$remainder_f' { remainder = true; }
636 )
637 {
638 api::Term n = SOLVER->mkVar(SOLVER->getRealSort(), "N");
639 api::Term d = SOLVER->mkVar(SOLVER->getRealSort(), "D");
640 api::Term formals = MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST, n, d);
641 api::Term expr = MK_TERM(api::DIVISION, n, d);
642 expr = MK_TERM(api::TO_INTEGER, expr);
643 if (remainder)
644 {
645 expr = MK_TERM(api::TO_INTEGER,
646 MK_TERM(api::MINUS, n, MK_TERM(api::MULT, expr, d)));
647 }
648 p.d_kind = api::LAMBDA;
649 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::LAMBDA, formals, expr);
650 }
651 | '$floor'
652 {
653 p.d_kind = api::TO_INTEGER;
654 }
655 | '$ceiling'
656 {
657 api::Term n = SOLVER->mkVar(SOLVER->getRealSort(), "N");
658 api::Term formals = MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST, n);
659 api::Term expr = MK_TERM(api::UMINUS,
660 MK_TERM(api::TO_INTEGER, MK_TERM(api::UMINUS, n)));
661 p.d_kind = api::LAMBDA;
662 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::LAMBDA, formals, expr);
663 }
664 | '$truncate'
665 {
666 api::Term n = SOLVER->mkVar(SOLVER->getRealSort(), "N");
667 api::Term formals = MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST, n);
668 api::Term expr =
669 MK_TERM(api::ITE,
670 MK_TERM(api::GEQ, n, SOLVER->mkReal(0)),
671 MK_TERM(api::TO_INTEGER, n),
672 MK_TERM(api::UMINUS,
673 MK_TERM(api::TO_INTEGER, MK_TERM(api::UMINUS, n))));
674 p.d_kind = api::LAMBDA;
675 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::LAMBDA, formals, expr);
676 }
677 | '$round'
678 {
679 api::Term n = SOLVER->mkVar(SOLVER->getRealSort(), "N");
680 api::Term formals = MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST, n);
681 api::Term decPart = MK_TERM(api::MINUS, n, MK_TERM(api::TO_INTEGER, n));
682 api::Term expr = MK_TERM(
683 api::ITE,
684 MK_TERM(api::LT, decPart, SOLVER->mkReal(1, 2)),
685 // if decPart < 0.5, round down
686 MK_TERM(api::TO_INTEGER, n),
687 MK_TERM(api::ITE,
688 MK_TERM(api::GT, decPart, SOLVER->mkReal(1, 2)),
689 // if decPart > 0.5, round up
691 MK_TERM(api::PLUS, n, SOLVER->mkReal(1))),
692 // if decPart == 0.5, round to nearest even integer:
693 // result is: to_int(n/2 + .5) * 2
694 MK_TERM(api::MULT,
696 MK_TERM(api::PLUS,
698 n,
699 SOLVER->mkReal(2)),
700 SOLVER->mkReal(1, 2))),
701 SOLVER->mkInteger(2))));
702 p.d_kind = api::LAMBDA;
703 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::LAMBDA, formals, expr);
704 }
705 | '$to_int'
706 {
707 p.d_kind = api::TO_INTEGER;
708 }
709 | '$to_rat'
710 {
711 p.d_kind = api::TO_REAL;
712 }
713 | '$to_real'
714 {
715 p.d_kind = api::TO_REAL;
716 }
717 ;
719 //%----Pure CNF should not use $true or $false in problems, and use $false only
720 //%----at the roots of a refutation.
722 equalOp[bool& equal]
723 : EQUAL_TOK { equal = true; }
724 | DISEQUAL_TOK { equal = false; }
725 ;
727 term[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
728 : functionTerm[expr]
729 | conditionalTerm[expr]
730 | simpleTerm[expr]
731 | letTerm[expr]
732 ;
734 letTerm[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
735 @declarations {
736 CVC4::api::Term lhs, rhs;
737 }
738 : '$let_ft' LPAREN_TOK { PARSER_STATE->pushScope(); }
739 tffLetFormulaDefn[lhs, rhs] COMMA_TOK
740 term[expr]
741 { PARSER_STATE->popScope();
742 expr = expr.substitute(lhs, rhs);
743 }
745 | '$let_tt' LPAREN_TOK { PARSER_STATE->pushScope(); }
746 tffLetTermDefn[lhs, rhs] COMMA_TOK
747 term[expr]
748 { PARSER_STATE->popScope();
749 expr = expr.substitute(lhs, rhs);
750 }
752 ;
754 /* Not an application */
755 simpleTerm[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
756 : variable[expr]
757 | NUMBER { expr = PARSER_STATE->d_tmp_expr; }
758 | DISTINCT_OBJECT { expr = PARSER_STATE->convertStrToUnsorted(AntlrInput::tokenText($DISTINCT_OBJECT)); }
759 ;
761 /* Not an application */
762 thfSimpleTerm[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
763 : NUMBER { expr = PARSER_STATE->d_tmp_expr; }
765 {
766 expr = PARSER_STATE->convertStrToUnsorted(
767 AntlrInput::tokenText($DISTINCT_OBJECT));
768 }
769 ;
771 functionTerm[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
772 @declarations {
773 std::vector<CVC4::api::Term> args;
774 ParseOp p;
775 }
776 : plainTerm[expr]
777 | definedFun[p] LPAREN_TOK arguments[args] RPAREN_TOK
778 {
779 expr = PARSER_STATE->applyParseOp(p, args);
780 }
781 ;
783 conditionalTerm[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
784 @declarations {
785 CVC4::api::Term expr2, expr3;
786 }
787 : '$ite_t' LPAREN_TOK tffLogicFormula[expr] COMMA_TOK term[expr2] COMMA_TOK term[expr3] RPAREN_TOK
788 { expr = MK_TERM(api::ITE, expr, expr2, expr3); }
789 ;
791 plainTerm[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
792 @declarations {
793 std::string name;
794 std::vector<api::Term> args;
795 ParseOp p;
796 }
797 : atomicWord[p.d_name] (LPAREN_TOK arguments[args] RPAREN_TOK)?
798 {
799 expr = args.empty() ? PARSER_STATE->parseOpToExpr(p)
800 : PARSER_STATE->applyParseOp(p, args);
801 }
802 ;
804 arguments[std::vector<CVC4::api::Term>& args]
805 @declarations {
806 CVC4::api::Term expr;
807 }
808 :
809 term[expr] { args.push_back(expr); } ( COMMA_TOK term[expr] { args.push_back(expr); } )*
810 ;
812 variable[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
814 {
815 std::string name = AntlrInput::tokenText($UPPER_WORD);
816 if(!PARSER_STATE->cnf() || PARSER_STATE->isDeclared(name)) {
817 expr = PARSER_STATE->getVariable(name);
818 } else {
819 expr = PARSER_STATE->bindBoundVar(name, PARSER_STATE->d_unsorted);
820 if(PARSER_STATE->cnf()) PARSER_STATE->addFreeVar(expr);
821 }
822 }
823 ;
825 /*******/
826 /* FOF */
827 fofFormula[CVC4::api::Term& expr] : fofLogicFormula[expr] ;
829 fofLogicFormula[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
830 @declarations {
831 tptp::NonAssoc na;
832 std::vector< CVC4::api::Term > args;
833 CVC4::api::Term expr2;
834 }
835 : fofUnitaryFormula[expr]
836 ( // Non-associative: <=> <~> ~& ~|
837 ( fofBinaryNonAssoc[na] fofUnitaryFormula[expr2]
838 { switch(na) {
839 case tptp::NA_IFF:
840 expr = MK_TERM(api::EQUAL,expr,expr2);
841 break;
842 case tptp::NA_REVIFF:
843 expr = MK_TERM(api::XOR,expr,expr2);
844 break;
845 case tptp::NA_IMPLIES:
846 expr = MK_TERM(api::IMPLIES,expr,expr2);
847 break;
848 case tptp::NA_REVIMPLIES:
849 expr = MK_TERM(api::IMPLIES,expr2,expr);
850 break;
851 case tptp::NA_REVOR:
852 expr = MK_TERM(api::NOT,MK_TERM(api::OR,expr,expr2));
853 break;
854 case tptp::NA_REVAND:
855 expr = MK_TERM(api::NOT,MK_TERM(api::AND,expr,expr2));
856 break;
857 }
858 }
859 )
860 | // N-ary and &
861 ( { args.push_back(expr); }
862 ( AND_TOK fofUnitaryFormula[expr] { args.push_back(expr); } )+
863 { expr = MK_TERM(api::AND, args); }
864 )
865 | // N-ary or |
866 ( { args.push_back(expr); }
867 ( OR_TOK fofUnitaryFormula[expr] { args.push_back(expr); } )+
868 { expr = MK_TERM(api::OR, args); }
869 )
870 )?
871 ;
873 fofUnitaryFormula[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
874 @declarations {
875 api::Kind kind;
876 std::vector< CVC4::api::Term > bv;
877 }
878 : atomicFormula[expr]
879 | LPAREN_TOK fofLogicFormula[expr] RPAREN_TOK
880 | NOT_TOK fofUnitaryFormula[expr] { expr = MK_TERM(api::NOT,expr); }
881 | // Quantified
882 folQuantifier[kind] LBRACK_TOK {PARSER_STATE->pushScope();}
883 ( bindvariable[expr] { bv.push_back(expr); }
884 ( COMMA_TOK bindvariable[expr] { bv.push_back(expr); } )* ) RBRACK_TOK
885 COLON_TOK fofUnitaryFormula[expr]
886 { PARSER_STATE->popScope();
887 expr = MK_TERM(kind, MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST, bv), expr);
888 }
889 ;
891 bindvariable[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
893 { std::string name = AntlrInput::tokenText($UPPER_WORD);
894 expr = PARSER_STATE->bindBoundVar(name, PARSER_STATE->d_unsorted);
895 }
896 ;
898 fofBinaryNonAssoc[CVC4::parser::tptp::NonAssoc& na]
899 : IFF_TOK { na = tptp::NA_IFF; }
900 | REVIFF_TOK { na = tptp::NA_REVIFF; }
901 | REVOR_TOK { na = tptp::NA_REVOR; }
902 | REVAND_TOK { na = tptp::NA_REVAND; }
903 | IMPLIES_TOK { na = tptp::NA_IMPLIES; }
904 | REVIMPLIES_TOK { na = tptp::NA_REVIMPLIES; }
905 ;
907 folQuantifier[CVC4::api::Kind& kind]
908 : FORALL_TOK { kind = api::FORALL; }
909 | EXISTS_TOK { kind = api::EXISTS; }
910 ;
912 /*******/
913 /* THF */
915 thfQuantifier[CVC4::api::Kind& kind]
916 : FORALL_TOK { kind = api::FORALL; }
917 | EXISTS_TOK { kind = api::EXISTS; }
918 | LAMBDA_TOK { kind = api::LAMBDA; }
920 {
921 UNSUPPORTED("Choice operator");
922 }
924 {
925 UNSUPPORTED("Description quantifier");
926 }
927 | (TH1_UN_A | TH1_UN_E)
928 {
929 UNSUPPORTED("TH1 operator");
930 }
931 ;
933 thfAtomTyping[CVC4::Command*& cmd]
934 // for now only supports mapping types (i.e. no applied types)
935 @declarations {
936 CVC4::api::Term expr;
937 CVC4::api::Sort type;
938 std::string name;
939 }
940 : LPAREN_TOK thfAtomTyping[cmd] RPAREN_TOK
941 | nameN[name] COLON_TOK
942 ( '$tType'
943 {
944 if (PARSER_STATE->isDeclared(name, SYM_SORT))
945 {
946 // duplicate declaration is fine, they're compatible
947 cmd = new EmptyCommand("compatible redeclaration of sort " + name);
948 }
949 else if (PARSER_STATE->isDeclared(name, SYM_VARIABLE))
950 {
951 // error: cannot be both sort and constant
952 PARSER_STATE->parseError(
953 "Symbol `" + name
954 + "' previously declared as a constant; cannot also be a sort");
955 }
956 else
957 {
958 // as yet, it's undeclared
959 api::Sort atype = PARSER_STATE->mkSort(name);
960 cmd = new DeclareSortCommand(name, 0, atype);
961 }
962 }
963 | parseThfType[type]
964 {
965 if (PARSER_STATE->isDeclared(name, SYM_SORT))
966 {
967 // error: cannot be both sort and constant
968 PARSER_STATE->parseError("Symbol `" + name
969 + "' previously declared as a sort");
970 cmd = new EmptyCommand("compatible redeclaration of sort " + name);
971 }
972 else if (PARSER_STATE->isDeclared(name, SYM_VARIABLE))
973 {
974 if (type == PARSER_STATE->getVariable(name).getSort())
975 {
976 // duplicate declaration is fine, they're compatible
977 cmd = new EmptyCommand("compatible redeclaration of constant "
978 + name);
979 }
980 else
981 {
982 // error: sorts incompatible
983 PARSER_STATE->parseError(
984 "Symbol `" + name
985 + "' declared previously with a different sort");
986 }
987 }
988 else
989 {
990 // as of yet, it's undeclared
991 CVC4::api::Term freshExpr;
992 if (type.isFunction())
993 {
994 freshExpr = PARSER_STATE->bindVar(name, type);
995 }
996 else
997 {
998 freshExpr = PARSER_STATE->bindVar(name, type);
999 }
1000 cmd = new DeclareFunctionCommand(name, freshExpr, type);
1001 }
1002 }
1003 )
1004 ;
1006 thfLogicFormula[CVC4::ParseOp& p]
1007 @declarations {
1008 tptp::NonAssoc na;
1009 std::vector<CVC4::api::Term> args;
1010 std::vector<ParseOp> p_args;
1011 CVC4::api::Term expr2;
1012 bool equal;
1013 ParseOp p1;
1014 }
1015 //prefix unary formula case
1016 // ~
1017 : thfUnitaryFormula[p]
1018 ( // Equality: =
1019 equalOp[equal]
1020 thfUnitaryFormula[p1]
1021 {
1022 if (p.d_expr.isNull() && !p1.d_expr.isNull())
1023 {
1024 // make p.d_expr with a lambda of the same type as p1.d_expr
1025 p.d_expr =
1026 PARSER_STATE->mkLambdaWrapper(p.d_kind, p1.d_expr.getSort());
1027 }
1028 else if (p1.d_expr.isNull() && !p.d_expr.isNull())
1029 {
1030 // make p1.d_expr with a lambda of the same type as p.d_expr
1031 p1.d_expr =
1032 PARSER_STATE->mkLambdaWrapper(p1.d_kind, p.d_expr.getSort());
1033 }
1034 else if (p.d_expr.isNull() && p1.d_expr.isNull())
1035 {
1036 // Without a reference type it's not possible in general to know what
1037 // the lambda wrapping should be, so we fail in these cases
1038 UNSUPPORTED("Equality between theory functions");
1039 }
1040 args.push_back(p.d_expr);
1041 args.push_back(p1.d_expr);
1042 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::EQUAL, args);
1043 if (!equal)
1044 {
1045 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::NOT, p.d_expr);
1046 }
1047 }
1048 | // Non-associative: <=> <~> ~& ~|
1049 fofBinaryNonAssoc[na] thfUnitaryFormula[p1]
1050 {
1051 if (p.d_expr.isNull() || p1.d_expr.isNull())
1052 {
1053 PARSER_STATE->parseError(
1054 "Non-associative operator must be applied to formulas");
1055 }
1056 switch (na)
1057 {
1058 case tptp::NA_IFF:
1059 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::EQUAL, p.d_expr, p1.d_expr);
1060 break;
1061 case tptp::NA_REVIFF:
1062 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::XOR, p.d_expr, p1.d_expr);
1063 break;
1064 case tptp::NA_IMPLIES:
1065 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::IMPLIES, p.d_expr, p1.d_expr);
1066 break;
1067 case tptp::NA_REVIMPLIES:
1068 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::IMPLIES, p1.d_expr, p.d_expr);
1069 break;
1070 case tptp::NA_REVOR:
1071 p.d_expr =
1072 MK_TERM(api::NOT, MK_TERM(api::OR, p.d_expr, p1.d_expr));
1073 break;
1074 case tptp::NA_REVAND:
1075 p.d_expr =
1076 MK_TERM(api::NOT, MK_TERM(api::AND, p.d_expr, p1.d_expr));
1077 break;
1078 }
1079 }
1080 | // N-ary and &
1081 (
1082 {
1083 if (p.d_expr.isNull())
1084 {
1085 PARSER_STATE->parseError("AND must be applied to a formula");
1086 }
1087 args.push_back(p.d_expr);
1088 p = ParseOp();
1089 }
1090 ( AND_TOK thfUnitaryFormula[p]
1091 {
1092 if (p.d_expr.isNull())
1093 {
1094 PARSER_STATE->parseError("AND must be applied to a formula");
1095 }
1096 args.push_back(p.d_expr);
1097 p = ParseOp();
1098 }
1099 )+
1100 {
1101 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::AND, args);
1102 }
1103 )
1104 | // N-ary or |
1105 (
1106 {
1107 if (p.d_expr.isNull())
1108 {
1109 PARSER_STATE->parseError("OR must be applied to a formula");
1110 }
1111 args.push_back(p.d_expr);
1112 p = ParseOp();
1113 }
1114 ( OR_TOK thfUnitaryFormula[p]
1115 {
1116 if (p.d_expr.isNull())
1117 {
1118 PARSER_STATE->parseError("OR must be applied to a formula");
1119 }
1120 args.push_back(p.d_expr);
1121 p = ParseOp();
1122 }
1123 )+
1124 {
1125 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::OR, args);
1126 }
1127 )
1128 | // N-ary @ |
1129 //
1130 // @ (denoting apply) is left-associative and lambda is right-associative.
1131 // ^ [X] : ^ [Y] : f @ g (where f is a <thf_apply_formula> and g is a
1132 // <thf_unitary_formula>) should be parsed as: (^ [X] : (^ [Y] : f)) @ g.
1133 // That is, g is not in the scope of either lambda.
1134 {
1135 p_args.push_back(p);
1136 p = ParseOp();
1137 }
1138 ( APP_TOK
1139 (
1140 thfUnitaryFormula[p]
1141 {
1142 p_args.push_back(p);
1143 p = ParseOp();
1144 }
1146 { UNSUPPORTED("Tuple terms"); }
1147 thfTupleForm[args]
1149 )
1150 )+
1151 {
1152 if (p_args[0].d_expr.isNull())
1153 {
1154 for (unsigned i = 1, size = p_args.size(); i < size; ++i)
1155 {
1156 if (p_args[i].d_expr.isNull())
1157 {
1158 PARSER_STATE->parseError(
1159 "Application chains with defined symbol heads and at least "
1160 "one defined symbol as argument are unsupported.");
1161 }
1162 args.push_back(p_args[i].d_expr);
1163 }
1164 p.d_expr = PARSER_STATE->applyParseOp(p_args[0], args);
1165 }
1166 else
1167 {
1168 p.d_expr = p_args[0].d_expr;
1169 // check if any argument is a defined function, e.g. "~", and create a
1170 // lambda wrapper then, e.g. (\lambda x. ~ x)
1171 for (unsigned i = 1, size = p_args.size(); i < size; ++i)
1172 {
1173 if (!p_args[i].d_expr.isNull())
1174 {
1175 args.push_back(p_args[i].d_expr);
1176 continue;
1177 }
1178 // create a lambda wrapper, e.g. (\lambda x. ~ x).
1179 //
1180 // The type is determined by the first element of the application
1181 // chain, which must be a function of type t1...tn -> t, so the
1182 // lambda must have type ti
1183 args.push_back(PARSER_STATE->mkLambdaWrapper(
1184 p_args[i].d_kind,
1185 p.d_expr.getSort()
1186 .getFunctionDomainSorts()[i - 1]));
1187 }
1188 for (unsigned i = 0, size = args.size(); i < size; ++i)
1189 {
1190 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(api::HO_APPLY, p.d_expr, args[i]);
1191 }
1192 }
1193 }
1194 )?
1195 ;
1197 thfTupleForm[std::vector<CVC4::api::Term>& args]
1198 @declarations {
1199 ParseOp p;
1200 }
1201 : thfUnitaryFormula[p]
1202 {
1203 if (p.d_expr.isNull())
1204 {
1205 PARSER_STATE->parseError("TUPLE element must be a formula");
1206 }
1207 args.push_back(p.d_expr);
1208 }
1209 ( COMMA_TOK thfUnitaryFormula[p]
1210 {
1211 if (p.d_expr.isNull())
1212 {
1213 PARSER_STATE->parseError("TUPLE element must be a formula");
1214 }
1215 args.push_back(p.d_expr);
1216 }
1217 )+
1218 ;
1220 thfUnitaryFormula[CVC4::ParseOp& p]
1221 @declarations {
1222 api::Kind kind;
1223 std::vector< CVC4::api::Term > bv;
1224 CVC4::api::Term expr;
1225 bool equal;
1226 ParseOp p1;
1227 }
1228 : variable[p.d_expr]
1229 | thfAtomicFormula[p]
1231 thfLogicFormula[p]
1233 | NOT_TOK
1234 {
1235 p.d_kind = api::NOT;
1236 }
1237 (
1238 thfUnitaryFormula[p1]
1239 {
1240 if (p1.d_expr.isNull())
1241 {
1242 PARSER_STATE->parseError("NOT must be applied to a formula");
1243 }
1244 std::vector<api::Term> args{p1.d_expr};
1245 p.d_expr = PARSER_STATE->applyParseOp(p, args);
1246 }
1247 )?
1248 | // Quantified
1249 thfQuantifier[p.d_kind]
1250 LBRACK_TOK {PARSER_STATE->pushScope();}
1251 thfBindVariable[expr]
1252 {
1253 bv.push_back(expr);
1254 }
1255 ( COMMA_TOK thfBindVariable[expr]
1256 {
1257 bv.push_back(expr);
1258 }
1259 )*
1261 thfUnitaryFormula[p1]
1262 {
1263 if (p1.d_expr.isNull())
1264 {
1265 PARSER_STATE->parseError("In scope of binder there must be a formula.");
1266 }
1267 expr = p1.d_expr;
1268 PARSER_STATE->popScope();
1269 // handle lambda case, in which case return type must be flattened and the
1270 // auxiliary variables introduced in the proccess must be added no the
1271 // variable list
1272 //
1273 // see documentation of mkFlatFunctionType for how it's done
1274 //
1275 // flatten body via flattening its type
1276 std::vector<api::Sort> sorts;
1277 std::vector<api::Term> flattenVars;
1278 PARSER_STATE->mkFlatFunctionType(sorts, expr.getSort(), flattenVars);
1279 if (!flattenVars.empty())
1280 {
1281 // apply body of lambda to flatten vars
1282 expr = PARSER_STATE->mkHoApply(expr, flattenVars);
1283 // add variables to BOUND_VAR_LIST
1284 bv.insert(bv.end(), flattenVars.begin(), flattenVars.end());
1285 }
1286 p.d_expr = MK_TERM(p.d_kind, MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST, bv), expr);
1287 }
1288 ;
1290 /*******/
1291 /* TFF */
1292 tffFormula[CVC4::api::Term& expr] : tffLogicFormula[expr];
1294 tffTypedAtom[CVC4::Command*& cmd]
1295 @declarations {
1296 CVC4::api::Term expr;
1297 CVC4::api::Sort type;
1298 std::string name;
1299 }
1300 : LPAREN_TOK tffTypedAtom[cmd] RPAREN_TOK
1301 | nameN[name] COLON_TOK
1302 ( '$tType'
1303 { if(PARSER_STATE->isDeclared(name, SYM_SORT)) {
1304 // duplicate declaration is fine, they're compatible
1305 cmd = new EmptyCommand("compatible redeclaration of sort " + name);
1306 } else if(PARSER_STATE->isDeclared(name, SYM_VARIABLE)) {
1307 // error: cannot be both sort and constant
1308 PARSER_STATE->parseError("Symbol `" + name + "' previously declared as a constant; cannot also be a sort");
1309 } else {
1310 // as yet, it's undeclared
1311 api::Sort atype = PARSER_STATE->mkSort(name);
1312 cmd = new DeclareSortCommand(name, 0, atype);
1313 }
1314 }
1315 | parseType[type]
1316 { if(PARSER_STATE->isDeclared(name, SYM_SORT)) {
1317 // error: cannot be both sort and constant
1318 PARSER_STATE->parseError("Symbol `" + name + "' previously declared as a sort");
1319 cmd = new EmptyCommand("compatible redeclaration of sort " + name);
1320 } else if(PARSER_STATE->isDeclared(name, SYM_VARIABLE)) {
1321 if(type == PARSER_STATE->getVariable(name).getSort()) {
1322 // duplicate declaration is fine, they're compatible
1323 cmd = new EmptyCommand("compatible redeclaration of constant " + name);
1324 } else {
1325 // error: sorts incompatible
1326 PARSER_STATE->parseError("Symbol `" + name + "' declared previously with a different sort");
1327 }
1328 } else {
1329 // as yet, it's undeclared
1330 CVC4::api::Term aexpr = PARSER_STATE->bindVar(name, type);
1331 cmd = new DeclareFunctionCommand(name, aexpr, type);
1332 }
1333 }
1334 )
1335 ;
1337 tffLogicFormula[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
1338 @declarations {
1339 tptp::NonAssoc na;
1340 std::vector< CVC4::api::Term > args;
1341 CVC4::api::Term expr2;
1342 }
1343 : tffUnitaryFormula[expr]
1344 ( // Non Assoc <=> <~> ~& ~|
1345 ( fofBinaryNonAssoc[na] tffUnitaryFormula[expr2]
1346 { switch(na) {
1347 case tptp::NA_IFF:
1348 expr = MK_TERM(api::EQUAL,expr,expr2);
1349 break;
1350 case tptp::NA_REVIFF:
1351 expr = MK_TERM(api::XOR,expr,expr2);
1352 break;
1353 case tptp::NA_IMPLIES:
1354 expr = MK_TERM(api::IMPLIES,expr,expr2);
1355 break;
1356 case tptp::NA_REVIMPLIES:
1357 expr = MK_TERM(api::IMPLIES,expr2,expr);
1358 break;
1359 case tptp::NA_REVOR:
1360 expr = MK_TERM(api::NOT,MK_TERM(api::OR,expr,expr2));
1361 break;
1362 case tptp::NA_REVAND:
1363 expr = MK_TERM(api::NOT,MK_TERM(api::AND,expr,expr2));
1364 break;
1365 }
1366 }
1367 )
1368 | // And &
1369 ( { args.push_back(expr); }
1370 ( AND_TOK tffUnitaryFormula[expr] { args.push_back(expr); } )+
1371 { expr = MK_TERM(api::AND,args); }
1372 )
1373 | // Or |
1374 ( { args.push_back(expr); }
1375 ( OR_TOK tffUnitaryFormula[expr] { args.push_back(expr); } )+
1376 { expr = MK_TERM(api::OR,args); }
1377 )
1378 )?
1379 ;
1381 tffUnitaryFormula[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
1382 @declarations {
1383 api::Kind kind;
1384 std::vector< CVC4::api::Term > bv;
1385 CVC4::api::Term lhs, rhs;
1386 }
1387 : atomicFormula[expr]
1388 | LPAREN_TOK tffLogicFormula[expr] RPAREN_TOK
1389 | NOT_TOK tffUnitaryFormula[expr] { expr = MK_TERM(api::NOT,expr); }
1390 | // Quantified
1391 folQuantifier[kind] LBRACK_TOK {PARSER_STATE->pushScope();}
1392 ( tffbindvariable[expr] { bv.push_back(expr); }
1393 ( COMMA_TOK tffbindvariable[expr] { bv.push_back(expr); } )* ) RBRACK_TOK
1394 COLON_TOK tffUnitaryFormula[expr]
1395 { PARSER_STATE->popScope();
1396 expr = MK_TERM(kind, MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST, bv), expr);
1397 }
1398 | '$ite_f' LPAREN_TOK tffLogicFormula[expr] COMMA_TOK tffLogicFormula[lhs] COMMA_TOK tffLogicFormula[rhs] RPAREN_TOK
1399 { expr = MK_TERM(api::ITE, expr, lhs, rhs); }
1400 | '$let_tf' LPAREN_TOK { PARSER_STATE->pushScope(); }
1401 tffLetTermDefn[lhs, rhs] COMMA_TOK
1402 tffFormula[expr]
1403 { PARSER_STATE->popScope();
1404 expr = expr.substitute(lhs, rhs);
1405 }
1407 | '$let_ff' LPAREN_TOK { PARSER_STATE->pushScope(); }
1408 tffLetFormulaDefn[lhs, rhs] COMMA_TOK
1409 tffFormula[expr]
1410 { PARSER_STATE->popScope();
1411 expr = expr.substitute(lhs, rhs);
1412 }
1414 ;
1416 tffLetTermDefn[CVC4::api::Term& lhs, CVC4::api::Term& rhs]
1417 @declarations {
1418 std::vector<CVC4::api::Term> bvlist;
1419 }
1420 : (FORALL_TOK LBRACK_TOK tffVariableList[bvlist] RBRACK_TOK COLON_TOK)*
1421 tffLetTermBinding[bvlist, lhs, rhs]
1422 ;
1424 tffLetTermBinding[std::vector<CVC4::api::Term> & bvlist,
1425 CVC4::api::Term& lhs,
1426 CVC4::api::Term& rhs]
1427 : term[lhs] EQUAL_TOK term[rhs]
1428 {
1429 PARSER_STATE->checkLetBinding(bvlist, lhs, rhs, false);
1430 std::vector<api::Term> lchildren(++lhs.begin(), lhs.end());
1431 rhs = MK_TERM(api::LAMBDA, MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST, lchildren), rhs);
1432 // since lhs is always APPLY_UF (otherwise we'd have had a parser error in
1433 // checkLetBinding) the function to be replaced is always the first
1434 // argument. Note that the way in which lchildren is built above is also
1435 // relying on this.
1436 lhs = lhs[0];
1437 }
1438 | LPAREN_TOK tffLetTermBinding[bvlist, lhs, rhs] RPAREN_TOK
1439 ;
1441 tffLetFormulaDefn[CVC4::api::Term& lhs, CVC4::api::Term& rhs]
1442 @declarations {
1443 std::vector<CVC4::api::Term> bvlist;
1444 }
1445 : (FORALL_TOK LBRACK_TOK tffVariableList[bvlist] RBRACK_TOK COLON_TOK)*
1446 tffLetFormulaBinding[bvlist, lhs, rhs]
1447 ;
1449 tffLetFormulaBinding[std::vector<CVC4::api::Term> & bvlist,
1450 CVC4::api::Term& lhs,
1451 CVC4::api::Term& rhs]
1453 : atomicFormula[lhs] IFF_TOK tffUnitaryFormula[rhs]
1454 {
1455 PARSER_STATE->checkLetBinding(bvlist, lhs, rhs, true);
1456 std::vector<api::Term> lchildren(++lhs.begin(), lhs.end());
1457 rhs = MK_TERM(api::LAMBDA, MK_TERM(api::BOUND_VAR_LIST, lchildren), rhs);
1458 // since lhs is always APPLY_UF (otherwise we'd have had a parser error in
1459 // checkLetBinding) the function to be replaced is always the first
1460 // argument. Note that the way in which lchildren is built above is also
1461 // relying on this.
1462 lhs = lhs[0];
1463 }
1464 | LPAREN_TOK tffLetFormulaBinding[bvlist, lhs, rhs] RPAREN_TOK
1465 ;
1467 thfBindVariable[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
1468 @declarations {
1469 std::string name;
1470 CVC4::api::Sort type = PARSER_STATE->d_unsorted;
1471 }
1473 { name = AntlrInput::tokenText($UPPER_WORD); }
1474 ( COLON_TOK parseThfType[type] )?
1475 {
1476 expr = PARSER_STATE->bindBoundVar(name, type);
1477 }
1478 ;
1481 tffbindvariable[CVC4::api::Term& expr]
1482 @declarations {
1483 CVC4::api::Sort type = PARSER_STATE->d_unsorted;
1484 }
1486 ( COLON_TOK parseType[type] )?
1487 { std::string name = AntlrInput::tokenText($UPPER_WORD);
1488 expr = PARSER_STATE->bindBoundVar(name, type);
1489 }
1490 ;
1492 // bvlist is accumulative; it can already contain elements
1493 // on the way in, which are left undisturbed
1494 tffVariableList[std::vector<CVC4::api::Term>& bvlist]
1495 @declarations {
1496 CVC4::api::Term e;
1497 }
1498 : tffbindvariable[e] { bvlist.push_back(e); }
1499 ( COMMA_TOK tffbindvariable[e] { bvlist.push_back(e); } )*
1500 ;
1502 parseThfType[CVC4::api::Sort& type]
1503 // assumes only mapping types (arrows), no tuple type
1504 @declarations {
1505 std::vector<CVC4::api::Sort> sorts;
1506 }
1507 : thfType[type] { sorts.push_back(type); }
1508 (
1509 (ARROW_TOK | TIMES_TOK) thfType[type] { sorts.push_back(type); }
1510 )*
1511 {
1512 if (sorts.size() < 1)
1513 {
1514 type = sorts[0];
1515 }
1516 else
1517 {
1518 api::Sort range = sorts.back();
1519 sorts.pop_back();
1520 type = PARSER_STATE->mkFlatFunctionType(sorts, range);
1521 }
1522 }
1523 ;
1525 thfType[CVC4::api::Sort& type]
1526 // assumes only mapping types (arrows), no tuple type
1527 : simpleType[type]
1528 | LPAREN_TOK parseThfType[type] RPAREN_TOK
1529 | LBRACK_TOK { UNSUPPORTED("Tuple types"); } parseThfType[type] RBRACK_TOK
1530 ;
1532 parseType[CVC4::api::Sort & type]
1533 @declarations
1534 {
1535 std::vector<CVC4::api::Sort> v;
1536 }
1537 : simpleType[type]
1538 | ( simpleType[type] { v.push_back(type); }
1539 | LPAREN_TOK simpleType[type] { v.push_back(type); }
1540 ( TIMES_TOK simpleType[type] { v.push_back(type); } )+
1542 )
1543 ARROW_TOK simpleType[type]
1544 { type = SOLVER->mkFunctionSort(v,type);
1545 }
1546 ;
1548 // non-function types
1549 simpleType[CVC4::api::Sort& type]
1550 @declarations {
1551 std::string name;
1552 }
1554 { std::string s = AntlrInput::tokenText($DEFINED_SYMBOL);
1555 if(s == "\$i") type = PARSER_STATE->d_unsorted;
1556 else if(s == "\$o") type = SOLVER->getBooleanSort();
1557 else if(s == "\$int") type = SOLVER->getIntegerSort();
1558 else if(s == "\$rat") type = SOLVER->getRealSort();
1559 else if(s == "\$real") type = SOLVER->getRealSort();
1560 else if(s == "\$tType") PARSER_STATE->parseError("Type of types `\$tType' cannot be used here");
1561 else PARSER_STATE->parseError("unknown defined type `" + s + "'");
1562 }
1563 | atomicWord[name]
1564 { type = PARSER_STATE->getSort(name); }
1565 ;
1567 /***********************************************/
1568 /* Anything well parenthesis */
1570 anything
1571 : LPAREN_TOK anything* RPAREN_TOK
1572 | LBRACK_TOK anything* RBRACK_TOK
1573 | COMMA_TOK
1574 | DOT_TOK
1575 | COLON_TOK
1576 | OR_TOK
1577 | NOT_TOK
1580 | AND_TOK
1581 | IFF_TOK
1585 | REVOR_TOK
1587 | TIMES_TOK
1588 | PLUS_TOK
1589 | MINUS_TOK
1590 | TRUE_TOK
1591 | FALSE_TOK
1592 | EQUAL_TOK
1594 | CNF_TOK
1595 | FOF_TOK
1596 | THF_TOK
1597 | TFF_TOK
1598 | TYPE_TOK
1605 | NUMBER
1607 ;
1608 /*********/
1610 //punctuation
1611 COMMA_TOK : ',';
1612 DOT_TOK : '.';
1613 LPAREN_TOK : '(';
1614 RPAREN_TOK : ')';
1615 LBRACK_TOK : '[';
1616 RBRACK_TOK : ']';
1617 COLON_TOK : ':';
1619 // typing
1620 ARROW_TOK : '>';
1621 SUBTYPE_TOK : '>>';
1623 //operator
1624 OR_TOK : '|';
1625 NOT_TOK : '~';
1626 FORALL_TOK : '!';
1627 EXISTS_TOK : '?';
1628 LAMBDA_TOK : '^';
1629 CHOICE_TOK : '@+';
1630 DEF_DESC_TOK : '@-';
1631 AND_TOK : '&';
1632 IFF_TOK : '<=>';
1633 IMPLIES_TOK : '=>';
1634 REVIMPLIES_TOK : '<=';
1635 REVIFF_TOK : '<~>';
1636 REVOR_TOK : '~|';
1637 REVAND_TOK : '~&';
1638 TIMES_TOK : '*';
1639 PLUS_TOK : '+';
1640 MINUS_TOK : '-';
1641 APP_TOK : '@';
1643 TH1_UN_A : '!!';
1644 TH1_UN_E : '??';
1646 //predicate
1647 TRUE_TOK : '$true';
1648 FALSE_TOK : '$false';
1649 EQUAL_TOK : '=';
1650 DISEQUAL_TOK : '!=';
1652 //KEYWORD
1653 CNF_TOK : 'cnf';
1654 FOF_TOK : 'fof';
1655 THF_TOK : 'thf';
1656 TFF_TOK : 'tff';
1657 TYPE_TOK : 'type';
1658 INCLUDE_TOK : 'include';
1660 //Other defined symbols, must be defined after all the other
1663 /*********/
1664 /* Token */
1666 /*
1667 * Matches and skips whitespace in the input.
1668 */
1671 : (' ' | '\t' | '\f' | '\r' | '\n')+ { SKIP(); }
1672 ;
1675 /**
1676 * Matches a double or single quoted string literal. Escaping is supported, and
1677 * escape character '\' has to be escaped.
1678 */
1679 DISTINCT_OBJECT : '"' (DO_CHAR)* '"' ;
1680 fragment DO_CHAR : ' '..'!'| '#'..'[' | ']'..'~' | '\\"' | '\\\\';
1682 //The order of this two rules is important
1684 SINGLE_QUOTED : '\'' (SQ_CHAR)* '\'' ;
1686 fragment SQ_CHAR : ' '..'&' | '('..'[' | ']'..'~' | '\\\'' | '\\\\';
1688 /* Define upper (variable) and lower (everything else) word */
1689 fragment NUMERIC : '0'..'9';
1690 fragment LOWER_ALPHA : 'a'..'z';
1691 fragment UPPER_ALPHA : 'A'..'Z';
1696 /* filename */
1697 unquotedFileName[std::string& name] /* Beware fileName identifier is used by the backend ... */
1699 { name = AntlrInput::tokenText($s);
1700 name = name.substr(1, name.size() - 2 );
1701 };
1703 /* axiom name */
1704 nameN[std::string& name]
1705 : atomicWord[name]
1706 | NUMBER { name = AntlrInput::tokenText($NUMBER); }
1707 ;
1709 /* atomic word everything (fof, cnf, thf, tff, include must not be keyword at this position ) */
1710 atomicWord[std::string& name]
1711 : FOF_TOK { name = "fof"; }
1712 | CNF_TOK { name = "cnf"; }
1713 | THF_TOK { name = "thf"; }
1714 | TFF_TOK { name = "tff"; }
1715 | TYPE_TOK { name = "type"; }
1716 | INCLUDE_TOK { name = "include"; }
1717 | LOWER_WORD { name = AntlrInput::tokenText($LOWER_WORD); }
1718 | LOWER_WORD_SINGLE_QUOTED // the lower word single quoted are considered without quote
1719 { /* strip off the quotes */
1720 name = AntlrInput::tokenTextSubstr($LOWER_WORD_SINGLE_QUOTED, 1 ,
1722 }
1723 | SINGLE_QUOTED {name = AntlrInput::tokenText($SINGLE_QUOTED); }; //for the others the quote remains
1725 /** I don't understand how is made the difference between rational and real in SyntaxBNF. So I put all in rational */
1726 /* Rational */
1728 fragment DOT : '.';
1729 fragment EXPONENT : 'E' | 'e';
1730 fragment SLASH : '/';
1732 fragment DECIMAL : NUMERIC+;
1734 /* Currently we put all in the rational type */
1735 fragment SIGN[bool& pos]
1736 : PLUS_TOK { pos = true; }
1737 | MINUS_TOK { pos = false; }
1738 ;
1741 @declarations {
1742 bool pos = true;
1743 bool posE = true;
1744 }
1745 : ( SIGN[pos]? num=DECIMAL
1746 { std::stringstream ss;
1747 ss << ( pos ? "" : "-" ) << AntlrInput::tokenText($num);
1748 std::string str = ss.str();
1749 if (str.find(".") == std::string::npos)
1750 {
1751 PARSER_STATE->d_tmp_expr = SOLVER->mkInteger(str);
1752 }
1753 else
1754 {
1755 PARSER_STATE->d_tmp_expr = SOLVER->mkReal(str);
1756 }
1757 }
1759 {
1760 std::string snum = AntlrInput::tokenText($num);
1761 std::string sden = AntlrInput::tokenText($den);
1762 size_t exp = ($e == NULL ? 0 : AntlrInput::tokenToUnsigned($e));
1763 PARSER_STATE->d_tmp_expr = PARSER_STATE->mkDecimal(snum, sden, pos, exp, posE);
1764 }
1765 | SIGN[pos]? num=DECIMAL SLASH den=DECIMAL
1766 { std::stringstream ss;
1767 ss << AntlrInput::tokenText($num) << "/" << AntlrInput::tokenText($den);
1768 PARSER_STATE->d_tmp_expr = SOLVER->mkReal(ss.str());
1769 }
1770 )
1771 { if(PARSER_STATE->cnf() || PARSER_STATE->fof()) {
1772 // We're in an unsorted context, so put a conversion around it
1773 PARSER_STATE->d_tmp_expr = PARSER_STATE->convertRatToUnsorted( PARSER_STATE->d_tmp_expr );
1774 }
1775 }
1776 ;
1778 /**
1779 * Matches the comments and ignores them
1780 */
1782 : '%' (~('\n' | '\r'))* { SKIP(); } //comment line
1783 | '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' { SKIP(); } //comment block
1784 ;