[cvc5.git] / src / preprocessing / passes / sygus_abduct.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file sygus_abduct.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Sygus abduction preprocessing pass, which transforms an arbitrary
13 ** input into an abduction problem.
14 **/
19 #include "preprocessing/preprocessing_pass.h"
20 #include "preprocessing/preprocessing_pass_context.h"
22 namespace CVC4 {
23 namespace preprocessing {
24 namespace passes {
26 /** SygusAbduct
27 *
28 * A preprocessing utility that turns a set of quantifier-free assertions into
29 * a sygus conjecture that encodes an abduction problem. In detail, if our
30 * input formula is F( x ) for free symbols x, then we construct the sygus
31 * conjecture:
32 *
33 * exists A. forall x. ( A( x ) => ~F( x ) )
34 *
35 * where A( x ) is a predicate over the free symbols of our input. In other
36 * words, A( x ) is a sufficient condition for showing ~F( x ).
37 *
38 * Another way to view this is A( x ) is any condition such that A( x ) ^ F( x )
39 * is unsatisfiable.
40 *
41 * A common use case is to find the weakest such A that meets the above
42 * specification. We do this by streaming solutions (sygus-stream) for A
43 * while filtering stronger solutions (sygus-filter-sol=strong). These options
44 * are enabled by default when this preprocessing class is used (sygus-abduct).
45 *
46 * If the input F( x ) is partitioned into axioms Fa and negated conjecture Fc
47 * Fa( x ) ^ Fc( x ), then the sygus conjecture we construct is:
48 *
49 * exists A. ( exists y. A( y ) ^ Fa( y ) ) ^ forall x. ( A( x ) => ~F( x ) )
50 *
51 * In other words, A( y ) must be consistent with our axioms Fa and imply
52 * ~F( x ). We encode this conjecture using SygusSideConditionAttribute.
53 */
54 class SygusAbduct : public PreprocessingPass
55 {
56 public:
57 SygusAbduct(PreprocessingPassContext* preprocContext);
59 /**
60 * Returns the sygus conjecture corresponding to the abduction problem for
61 * input problem (F above) given by asserts, and axioms (Fa above) given by
62 * axioms. Note that axioms is expected to be a subset of asserts.
63 *
64 * The type abdGType (if non-null) is a sygus datatype type that encodes the
65 * grammar that should be used for solutions of the abduction conjecture.
66 */
67 static Node mkAbductionConjecture(const std::vector<Node>& asserts,
68 const std::vector<Node>& axioms,
69 TypeNode abdGType);
71 protected:
72 /**
73 * Replaces the set of assertions by an abduction sygus problem described
74 * above.
75 */
76 PreprocessingPassResult applyInternal(
77 AssertionPipeline* assertionsToPreprocess) override;
78 };
80 } // namespace passes
81 } // namespace preprocessing
82 } // namespace CVC4