Minor improvements in SMT2 and CVC printers (#2089)
[cvc5.git] / src / printer / cvc / cvc_printer.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file cvc_printer.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Morgan Deters, Dejan Jovanovic, Tim King
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2018 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief The pretty-printer interface for the CVC output language
13 **
14 ** The pretty-printer interface for the CVC output language.
15 **/
17 #include "printer/cvc/cvc_printer.h"
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <iostream>
21 #include <iterator>
22 #include <stack>
23 #include <string>
24 #include <typeinfo>
25 #include <vector>
27 #include "expr/expr.h" // for ExprSetDepth etc..
28 #include "expr/node_manager_attributes.h" // for VarNameAttr
29 #include "options/language.h" // for LANG_AST
30 #include "printer/dagification_visitor.h"
31 #include "options/smt_options.h"
32 #include "smt/command.h"
33 #include "smt/smt_engine.h"
34 #include "smt_util/node_visitor.h"
35 #include "theory/arrays/theory_arrays_rewriter.h"
36 #include "theory/substitutions.h"
37 #include "theory/theory_model.h"
39 using namespace std;
41 namespace CVC4 {
42 namespace printer {
43 namespace cvc {
45 void CvcPrinter::toStream(
46 std::ostream& out, TNode n, int toDepth, bool types, size_t dag) const
47 {
48 if(dag != 0) {
49 DagificationVisitor dv(dag);
50 NodeVisitor<DagificationVisitor> visitor;
51 visitor.run(dv, n);
52 const theory::SubstitutionMap& lets = dv.getLets();
53 if(!lets.empty()) {
54 out << "LET ";
55 bool first = true;
56 for(theory::SubstitutionMap::const_iterator i = lets.begin();
57 i != lets.end();
58 ++i) {
59 if(! first) {
60 out << ", ";
61 } else {
62 first = false;
63 }
64 toStream(out, (*i).second, toDepth, types, false);
65 out << " = ";
66 toStream(out, (*i).first, toDepth, types, false);
67 }
68 out << " IN ";
69 }
70 Node body = dv.getDagifiedBody();
71 toStream(out, body, toDepth, types, false);
72 } else {
73 toStream(out, n, toDepth, types, false);
74 }
75 }
77 void toStreamRational(std::ostream& out, Node n, bool forceRational)
78 {
79 Assert(n.getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL);
80 const Rational& rat = n.getConst<Rational>();
81 if (rat.isIntegral() && !forceRational)
82 {
83 out << rat.getNumerator();
84 }
85 else
86 {
87 out << '(' << rat.getNumerator() << '/' << rat.getDenominator() << ')';
88 }
89 }
91 void CvcPrinter::toStream(
92 std::ostream& out, TNode n, int depth, bool types, bool bracket) const
93 {
94 if (depth == 0) {
95 out << "(...)";
96 } else {
97 --depth;
98 }
100 // null
101 if(n.getKind() == kind::NULL_EXPR) {
102 out << "null";
103 return;
104 }
106 // variables
107 if(n.isVar()) {
108 string s;
109 if(n.getAttribute(expr::VarNameAttr(), s)) {
110 out << s;
111 } else {
112 if(n.getKind() == kind::VARIABLE) {
113 out << "var_";
114 } else {
115 out << n.getKind() << '_';
116 }
117 out << n.getId();
118 }
119 if(types) {
120 // print the whole type, but not *its* type
121 out << ":";
122 n.getType().toStream(out, language::output::LANG_CVC4);
123 }
124 return;
125 }
126 if(n.isNullaryOp()) {
127 if( n.getKind() == kind::UNIVERSE_SET ){
128 out << "UNIVERSE :: " << n.getType();
129 }else{
130 //unknown printer
131 out << n.getKind();
132 }
133 return;
134 }
136 // constants
137 if(n.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::CONSTANT) {
138 switch(n.getKind()) {
139 case kind::BITVECTOR_TYPE:
140 out << "BITVECTOR(" << n.getConst<BitVectorSize>().size << ")";
141 break;
142 case kind::CONST_BITVECTOR: {
143 const BitVector& bv = n.getConst<BitVector>();
144 const Integer& x = bv.getValue();
145 out << "0bin";
146 unsigned n = bv.getSize();
147 while(n-- > 0) {
148 out << (x.testBit(n) ? '1' : '0');
149 }
150 break;
151 }
152 case kind::CONST_BOOLEAN:
153 // the default would print "1" or "0" for bool, that's not correct
154 // for our purposes
155 out << (n.getConst<bool>() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
156 break;
157 case kind::CONST_RATIONAL: {
158 toStreamRational(out, n, false);
159 break;
160 }
161 case kind::TYPE_CONSTANT:
162 switch(TypeConstant tc = n.getConst<TypeConstant>()) {
163 case REAL_TYPE:
164 out << "REAL";
165 break;
166 case INTEGER_TYPE:
167 out << "INT";
168 break;
169 case BOOLEAN_TYPE:
170 out << "BOOLEAN";
171 break;
172 case STRING_TYPE:
173 out << "STRING";
174 break;
175 default:
176 out << tc;
177 break;
178 }
179 break;
181 case kind::DATATYPE_TYPE: {
182 const Datatype& dt = (NodeManager::currentNM()->getDatatypeForIndex( n.getConst< DatatypeIndexConstant >().getIndex() ));
183 if( dt.isTuple() ){
184 out << '[';
185 for (unsigned i = 0; i < dt[0].getNumArgs(); ++ i) {
186 if (i > 0) {
187 out << ", ";
188 }
189 Type t = ((SelectorType)dt[0][i].getSelector().getType()).getRangeType();
190 out << t;
191 }
192 out << ']';
193 }else if( dt.isRecord() ){
194 out << "[# ";
195 for (unsigned i = 0; i < dt[0].getNumArgs(); ++ i) {
196 if (i > 0) {
197 out << ", ";
198 }
199 Type t = ((SelectorType)dt[0][i].getSelector().getType()).getRangeType();
200 out << dt[0][i].getSelector() << ":" << t;
201 }
202 out << " #]";
203 }else{
204 out << dt.getName();
205 }
206 }
207 break;
209 case kind::EMPTYSET:
210 out << "{} :: " << n.getConst<EmptySet>().getType();
211 break;
213 case kind::STORE_ALL: {
214 const ArrayStoreAll& asa = n.getConst<ArrayStoreAll>();
215 out << "ARRAY(" << asa.getType().getIndexType() << " OF "
216 << asa.getType().getConstituentType() << ") : " << asa.getExpr();
217 break;
218 }
220 default:
221 // Fall back to whatever operator<< does on underlying type; we
222 // might luck out and print something reasonable.
223 kind::metakind::NodeValueConstPrinter::toStream(out, n);
224 }
226 return;
227 }
229 enum OpType {
231 INFIX,
233 } opType;
235 //The default operation type is PREFIX
236 opType = PREFIX;
238 stringstream op; // operation (such as '+')
240 switch(n.getKind()) {
242 // BUILTIN
243 case kind::EQUAL:
244 if( n[0].getType().isBoolean() ){
245 op << "<=>";
246 }else{
247 op << '=';
248 }
249 opType = INFIX;
250 break;
251 case kind::ITE:
252 out << "IF ";
253 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, true);
254 out << " THEN ";
255 toStream(out, n[1], depth, types, true);
256 out << " ELSE ";
257 toStream(out, n[2], depth, types, true);
258 out << " ENDIF";
259 return;
260 break;
261 case kind::SEXPR_TYPE:
262 out << '[';
263 for (unsigned i = 0; i < n.getNumChildren(); ++ i) {
264 if (i > 0) {
265 out << ", ";
266 }
267 toStream(out, n[i], depth, types, false);
268 }
269 out << ']';
270 return;
271 break;
272 case kind::SEXPR:
273 // no-op
274 break;
275 case kind::LAMBDA:
276 out << "(LAMBDA";
277 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, true);
278 out << ": ";
279 toStream(out, n[1], depth, types, true);
280 out << ")";
281 return;
282 break;
283 case kind::APPLY:
284 toStream(op, n.getOperator(), depth, types, true);
285 break;
286 case kind::CHAIN:
287 case kind::DISTINCT: // chain and distinct not supported directly in CVC4, blast them away with the rewriter
288 toStream(out, theory::Rewriter::rewrite(n), depth, types, true);
289 return;
290 case kind::SORT_TYPE:
291 {
292 string name;
293 if(n.getAttribute(expr::VarNameAttr(), name)) {
294 out << name;
295 return;
296 }
297 }
298 break;
300 // BOOL
301 case kind::AND:
302 op << "AND";
303 opType = INFIX;
304 break;
305 case kind::OR:
306 op << "OR";
307 opType = INFIX;
308 break;
309 case kind::NOT:
310 op << "NOT";
311 opType = PREFIX;
312 break;
313 case kind::XOR:
314 op << "XOR";
315 opType = INFIX;
316 break;
317 case kind::IMPLIES:
318 op << "=>";
319 opType = INFIX;
320 break;
322 // UF
323 case kind::APPLY_UF:
324 toStream(op, n.getOperator(), depth, types, false);
325 break;
329 break;
331 case kind::FUNCTION_TYPE:
332 if (n.getNumChildren() > 1) {
333 if (n.getNumChildren() > 2) {
334 out << '(';
335 }
336 for (unsigned i = 1; i < n.getNumChildren(); ++i) {
337 if (i > 1) {
338 out << ", ";
339 }
340 toStream(out, n[i - 1], depth, types, false);
341 }
342 if (n.getNumChildren() > 2) {
343 out << ')';
344 }
345 }
346 out << " -> ";
347 toStream(out, n[n.getNumChildren() - 1], depth, types, false);
348 return;
349 break;
352 case kind::PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE: {
353 const Datatype & dt = (NodeManager::currentNM()->getDatatypeForIndex( n[0].getConst< DatatypeIndexConstant >().getIndex() ));
354 out << dt.getName() << '[';
355 for(unsigned i = 1; i < n.getNumChildren(); ++i) {
356 if(i > 1) {
357 out << ',';
358 }
359 out << n[i];
360 }
361 out << ']';
362 }
363 return;
364 break;
365 case kind::APPLY_TYPE_ASCRIPTION: {
366 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
367 out << "::";
368 TypeNode t = TypeNode::fromType(n.getOperator().getConst<AscriptionType>().getType());
369 out << (t.isFunctionLike() ? t.getRangeType() : t);
370 }
371 return;
372 break;
373 case kind::APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR: {
374 TypeNode t = n.getType();
375 if( t.isTuple() ){
376 if( n.getNumChildren()==1 ){
377 out << "TUPLE";
378 }
379 }else if( t.isRecord() ){
380 const Record& rec = t.getRecord();
381 out << "(# ";
382 TNode::iterator i = n.begin();
383 bool first = true;
384 const Record::FieldVector& fields = rec.getFields();
385 for(Record::FieldVector::const_iterator j = fields.begin(); j != fields.end(); ++i, ++j) {
386 if(!first) {
387 out << ", ";
388 }
389 out << (*j).first << " := ";
390 toStream(out, *i, depth, types, false);
391 first = false;
392 }
393 out << " #)";
394 return;
395 }else{
396 toStream(op, n.getOperator(), depth, types, false);
397 if (n.getNumChildren() == 0)
398 {
399 // for datatype constants d, we print "d" and not "d()"
400 out << op.str();
401 return;
402 }
403 }
404 }
405 break;
406 case kind::APPLY_SELECTOR:
407 case kind::APPLY_SELECTOR_TOTAL: {
408 TypeNode t = n[0].getType();
409 Node opn = n.getOperator();
410 if( t.isTuple() ){
411 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, true);
412 const Datatype& dt = ((DatatypeType)t.toType()).getDatatype();
413 int sindex = dt[0].getSelectorIndexInternal( opn.toExpr() );
414 Assert( sindex>=0 );
415 out << '.' << sindex;
416 }else{
417 toStream(op, opn, depth, types, false);
418 }
419 }
420 break;
421 case kind::APPLY_TESTER: {
422 Assert( !n.getType().isTuple() && !n.getType().isRecord() );
423 op << "is_";
424 unsigned cindex = Datatype::indexOf(n.getOperator().toExpr());
425 const Datatype& dt = Datatype::datatypeOf(n.getOperator().toExpr());
426 toStream(op, Node::fromExpr(dt[cindex].getConstructor()), depth, types, false);
427 }
428 break;
429 case kind::CONSTRUCTOR_TYPE:
430 case kind::SELECTOR_TYPE:
431 if(n.getNumChildren() > 1) {
432 if(n.getNumChildren() > 2) {
433 out << '(';
434 }
435 for(unsigned i = 0; i < n.getNumChildren() - 1; ++i) {
436 if(i > 0) {
437 out << ", ";
438 }
439 toStream(out, n[i], depth, types, false);
440 }
441 if(n.getNumChildren() > 2) {
442 out << ')';
443 }
444 out << " -> ";
445 }
446 toStream(out, n[n.getNumChildren() - 1], depth, types, false);
447 return;
448 case kind::TESTER_TYPE:
449 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
450 out << " -> BOOLEAN";
451 return;
452 break;
453 case kind::TUPLE_UPDATE:
454 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, true);
455 out << " WITH ." << n.getOperator().getConst<TupleUpdate>().getIndex() << " := ";
456 toStream(out, n[1], depth, types, true);
457 return;
458 break;
459 case kind::RECORD_UPDATE:
460 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, true);
461 out << " WITH ." << n.getOperator().getConst<RecordUpdate>().getField() << " := ";
462 toStream(out, n[1], depth, types, true);
463 return;
464 break;
466 // ARRAYS
467 case kind::ARRAY_TYPE:
468 out << "ARRAY ";
469 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
470 out << " OF ";
471 toStream(out, n[1], depth, types, false);
472 return;
473 break;
474 case kind::SELECT:
475 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, true);
476 out << '[';
477 toStream(out, n[1], depth, types, false);
478 out << ']';
479 return;
480 break;
481 case kind::STORE: {
482 stack<TNode> stk;
483 stk.push(n);
484 while(stk.top()[0].getKind() == kind::STORE) {
485 stk.push(stk.top()[0]);
486 }
487 if (bracket) {
488 out << '(';
489 }
490 TNode x = stk.top();
491 toStream(out, x[0], depth, types, false);
492 out << " WITH [";
493 toStream(out, x[1], depth, types, false);
494 out << "] := ";
495 toStream(out, x[2], depth, types, false);
496 stk.pop();
497 while(!stk.empty()) {
498 x = stk.top();
499 out << ", [";
500 toStream(out, x[1], depth, types, false);
501 out << "] := ";
502 toStream(out, x[2], depth, types, false);
503 stk.pop();
504 }
505 if (bracket) {
506 out << ')';
507 }
508 return;
509 break;
510 }
513 case kind::PLUS:
514 op << '+';
515 opType = INFIX;
516 break;
517 case kind::MULT:
518 case kind::NONLINEAR_MULT:
519 op << '*';
520 opType = INFIX;
521 break;
522 case kind::MINUS:
523 op << '-';
524 opType = INFIX;
525 break;
526 case kind::UMINUS:
527 op << '-';
528 opType = PREFIX;
529 break;
530 case kind::DIVISION:
531 case kind::DIVISION_TOTAL:
532 op << '/';
533 opType = INFIX;
534 break;
535 case kind::INTS_DIVISION:
536 case kind::INTS_DIVISION_TOTAL:
537 op << "DIV";
538 opType = INFIX;
539 break;
540 case kind::INTS_MODULUS:
541 case kind::INTS_MODULUS_TOTAL:
542 op << "MOD";
543 opType = INFIX;
544 break;
545 case kind::LT:
546 op << '<';
547 opType = INFIX;
548 break;
549 case kind::LEQ:
550 op << "<=";
551 opType = INFIX;
552 break;
553 case kind::GT:
554 op << '>';
555 opType = INFIX;
556 break;
557 case kind::GEQ:
558 op << ">=";
559 opType = INFIX;
560 break;
561 case kind::POW:
562 op << '^';
563 opType = INFIX;
564 break;
565 case kind::ABS:
566 op << "ABS";
567 opType = PREFIX;
568 break;
569 case kind::IS_INTEGER:
570 op << "IS_INTEGER";
571 opType = PREFIX;
572 break;
573 case kind::TO_INTEGER:
574 op << "FLOOR";
575 opType = PREFIX;
576 break;
577 case kind::TO_REAL:
578 if (n[0].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL)
579 {
580 // print the constant as a rational
581 toStreamRational(out, n[0], true);
582 }
583 else
584 {
585 // ignore, there is no to-real in CVC language
586 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
587 }
588 return;
589 case kind::DIVISIBLE:
590 out << "DIVISIBLE(";
591 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
592 out << ", " << n.getOperator().getConst<Divisible>().k << ")";
593 return;
596 case kind::BITVECTOR_XOR:
597 op << "BVXOR";
598 break;
599 case kind::BITVECTOR_NAND:
600 op << "BVNAND";
601 break;
602 case kind::BITVECTOR_NOR:
603 op << "BVNOR";
604 break;
605 case kind::BITVECTOR_XNOR:
606 op << "BVXNOR";
607 break;
608 case kind::BITVECTOR_COMP:
609 op << "BVCOMP";
610 break;
611 case kind::BITVECTOR_UDIV:
612 op << "BVUDIV";
613 break;
614 case kind::BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL:
615 op << "BVUDIV_TOTAL";
616 break;
617 case kind::BITVECTOR_UREM:
618 op << "BVUREM";
619 break;
620 case kind::BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL:
621 op << "BVUREM_TOTAL";
622 break;
623 case kind::BITVECTOR_SDIV:
624 op << "BVSDIV";
625 break;
626 case kind::BITVECTOR_SREM:
627 op << "BVSREM";
628 break;
629 case kind::BITVECTOR_SMOD:
630 op << "BVSMOD";
631 break;
632 case kind::BITVECTOR_SHL:
633 op << "BVSHL";
634 break;
635 case kind::BITVECTOR_LSHR:
636 op << "BVLSHR";
637 break;
638 case kind::BITVECTOR_ASHR:
639 op << "BVASHR";
640 break;
641 case kind::BITVECTOR_ULT:
642 op << "BVLT";
643 break;
644 case kind::BITVECTOR_ULE:
645 op << "BVLE";
646 break;
647 case kind::BITVECTOR_UGT:
648 op << "BVGT";
649 break;
650 case kind::BITVECTOR_UGE:
651 op << "BVGE";
652 break;
653 case kind::BITVECTOR_SLT:
654 op << "BVSLT";
655 break;
656 case kind::BITVECTOR_SLE:
657 op << "BVSLE";
658 break;
659 case kind::BITVECTOR_SGT:
660 op << "BVSGT";
661 break;
662 case kind::BITVECTOR_SGE:
663 op << "BVSGE";
664 break;
665 case kind::BITVECTOR_NEG:
666 op << "BVUMINUS";
667 break;
668 case kind::BITVECTOR_NOT:
669 op << "~";
670 break;
671 case kind::BITVECTOR_AND:
672 op << "&";
673 opType = INFIX;
674 break;
675 case kind::BITVECTOR_OR:
676 op << "|";
677 opType = INFIX;
678 break;
679 case kind::BITVECTOR_CONCAT:
680 op << "@";
681 opType = INFIX;
682 break;
683 case kind::BITVECTOR_PLUS: {
684 // This interprets a BITVECTOR_PLUS as a bvadd in SMT-LIB
685 Assert(n.getType().isBitVector());
686 unsigned numc = n.getNumChildren()-2;
687 unsigned child = 0;
688 while (child < numc) {
689 out << "BVPLUS(";
690 out << BitVectorType(n.getType().toType()).getSize();
691 out << ',';
692 toStream(out, n[child], depth, types, false);
693 out << ',';
694 ++child;
695 }
696 out << "BVPLUS(";
697 out << BitVectorType(n.getType().toType()).getSize();
698 out << ',';
699 toStream(out, n[child], depth, types, false);
700 out << ',';
701 toStream(out, n[child + 1], depth, types, false);
702 while (child > 0) {
703 out << ')';
704 --child;
705 }
706 out << ')';
707 return;
708 break;
709 }
710 case kind::BITVECTOR_SUB:
711 out << "BVSUB(";
712 Assert(n.getType().isBitVector());
713 out << BitVectorType(n.getType().toType()).getSize();
714 out << ',';
715 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
716 out << ',';
717 toStream(out, n[1], depth, types, false);
718 out << ')';
719 return;
720 break;
721 case kind::BITVECTOR_MULT: {
722 Assert(n.getType().isBitVector());
723 unsigned numc = n.getNumChildren()-2;
724 unsigned child = 0;
725 while (child < numc) {
726 out << "BVMULT(";
727 out << BitVectorType(n.getType().toType()).getSize();
728 out << ',';
729 toStream(out, n[child], depth, types, false);
730 out << ',';
731 ++child;
732 }
733 out << "BVMULT(";
734 out << BitVectorType(n.getType().toType()).getSize();
735 out << ',';
736 toStream(out, n[child], depth, types, false);
737 out << ',';
738 toStream(out, n[child + 1], depth, types, false);
739 while (child > 0) {
740 out << ')';
741 --child;
742 }
743 out << ')';
744 return;
745 break;
746 }
747 case kind::BITVECTOR_EXTRACT:
748 op << n.getOperator().getConst<BitVectorExtract>();
749 opType = POSTFIX;
750 break;
751 case kind::BITVECTOR_BITOF:
752 op << n.getOperator().getConst<BitVectorBitOf>();
753 opType = POSTFIX;
754 break;
755 case kind::BITVECTOR_REPEAT:
756 out << "BVREPEAT(";
757 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
758 out << ", " << n.getOperator().getConst<BitVectorRepeat>() << ')';
759 return;
760 break;
762 out << "BVZEROEXTEND(";
763 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
764 out << ", " << n.getOperator().getConst<BitVectorZeroExtend>() << ')';
765 return;
766 break;
768 out << "SX(";
769 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
770 out << ", " << BitVectorType(n.getType().toType()).getSize() << ')';
771 return;
772 break;
774 out << "BVROTL(";
775 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
776 out << ", " << n.getOperator().getConst<BitVectorRotateLeft>() << ')';
777 return;
778 break;
780 out << "BVROTR(";
781 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
782 out << ", " << n.getOperator().getConst<BitVectorRotateRight>() << ')';
783 return;
784 break;
786 // SETS
787 case kind::SET_TYPE:
788 out << "SET OF ";
789 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
790 return;
791 break;
792 case kind::UNION:
793 op << '|';
794 opType = INFIX;
795 break;
796 case kind::INTERSECTION:
797 op << '&';
798 opType = INFIX;
799 break;
800 case kind::SETMINUS:
801 op << '-';
802 opType = INFIX;
803 break;
804 case kind::SUBSET:
805 op << "<=";
806 opType = INFIX;
807 break;
808 case kind::MEMBER:
809 op << "IS_IN";
810 opType = INFIX;
811 break;
812 case kind::COMPLEMENT:
813 op << "~";
814 opType = PREFIX;
815 break;
816 case kind::PRODUCT:
817 op << "PRODUCT";
818 opType = INFIX;
819 break;
820 case kind::JOIN:
821 op << "JOIN";
822 opType = INFIX;
823 break;
824 case kind::TRANSPOSE:
825 op << "TRANSPOSE";
826 opType = PREFIX;
827 break;
828 case kind::TCLOSURE:
829 op << "TCLOSURE";
830 opType = PREFIX;
831 break;
832 case kind::IDEN:
833 op << "IDEN";
834 opType = PREFIX;
835 break;
836 case kind::JOIN_IMAGE:
837 op << "JOIN_IMAGE";
838 opType = INFIX;
839 break;
840 case kind::SINGLETON:
841 out << "{";
842 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
843 out << "}";
844 return;
845 break;
846 case kind::INSERT: {
847 if(bracket) {
848 out << '(';
849 }
850 out << '{';
851 size_t i = 0;
852 toStream(out, n[i++], depth, types, false);
853 for(;i+1 < n.getNumChildren(); ++i) {
854 out << ", ";
855 toStream(out, n[i], depth, types, false);
856 }
857 out << "} | ";
858 toStream(out, n[i], depth, types, true);
859 if(bracket) {
860 out << ')';
861 }
862 return;
863 break;
864 }
865 case kind::CARD: {
866 out << "CARD(";
867 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
868 out << ")";
869 return;
870 break;
871 }
873 // Quantifiers
874 case kind::FORALL:
875 out << "(FORALL";
876 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
877 out << " : ";
878 toStream(out, n[1], depth, types, false);
879 out << ')';
880 // TODO: user patterns?
881 return;
882 case kind::EXISTS:
883 out << "(EXISTS";
884 toStream(out, n[0], depth, types, false);
885 out << " : ";
886 toStream(out, n[1], depth, types, false);
887 out << ')';
888 // TODO: user patterns?
889 return;
890 case kind::INST_CONSTANT:
891 out << "INST_CONSTANT";
892 break;
893 case kind::BOUND_VAR_LIST:
894 out << '(';
895 for(size_t i = 0; i < n.getNumChildren(); ++i) {
896 if(i > 0) {
897 out << ", ";
898 }
899 toStream(out, n[i], -1, true, false); // ascribe types
900 }
901 out << ')';
902 return;
903 case kind::INST_PATTERN:
904 out << "INST_PATTERN";
905 break;
906 case kind::INST_PATTERN_LIST:
907 out << "INST_PATTERN_LIST";
908 break;
910 // string operators
911 case kind::STRING_CONCAT:
912 out << "CONCAT";
913 break;
914 case kind::STRING_CHARAT:
915 out << "CHARAT";
916 break;
917 case kind::STRING_LENGTH:
918 out << "LENGTH";
919 break;
921 default:
922 Warning() << "Kind printing not implemented for the case of " << n.getKind() << endl;
923 break;
924 }
926 switch (opType) {
927 case PREFIX:
928 out << op.str();
929 if (n.getNumChildren() > 0)
930 {
931 out << '(';
932 }
933 break;
934 case INFIX:
935 if (bracket) {
936 out << '(';
937 }
938 break;
939 case POSTFIX:
940 out << '(';
941 break;
942 }
944 for (unsigned i = 0; i < n.getNumChildren(); ++ i) {
945 if (i > 0) {
946 if (opType == INFIX) {
947 out << ' ' << op.str() << ' ';
948 } else {
949 out << ", ";
950 }
951 }
952 toStream(out, n[i], depth, types, opType == INFIX);
953 }
955 switch (opType) {
956 case PREFIX:
957 if (n.getNumChildren() > 0)
958 {
959 out << ')';
960 }
961 break;
962 case INFIX:
963 if (bracket) {
964 out << ')';
965 }
966 break;
967 case POSTFIX:
968 out << ')' << op.str();
969 break;
970 }
972 }/* CvcPrinter::toStream(TNode) */
974 template <class T>
975 static bool tryToStream(std::ostream& out, const Command* c, bool cvc3Mode);
977 void CvcPrinter::toStream(std::ostream& out,
978 const Command* c,
979 int toDepth,
980 bool types,
981 size_t dag) const
982 {
983 expr::ExprSetDepth::Scope sdScope(out, toDepth);
984 expr::ExprPrintTypes::Scope ptScope(out, types);
985 expr::ExprDag::Scope dagScope(out, dag);
987 if(tryToStream<AssertCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
988 tryToStream<PushCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
989 tryToStream<PopCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
990 tryToStream<CheckSatCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
991 tryToStream<CheckSatAssumingCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
992 tryToStream<QueryCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
993 tryToStream<ResetCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
994 tryToStream<ResetAssertionsCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
995 tryToStream<QuitCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
996 tryToStream<DeclarationSequence>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
997 tryToStream<CommandSequence>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
998 tryToStream<DeclareFunctionCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
999 tryToStream<DeclareTypeCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1000 tryToStream<DefineTypeCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1001 tryToStream<DefineNamedFunctionCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1002 tryToStream<DefineFunctionCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1003 tryToStream<SimplifyCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1004 tryToStream<GetValueCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1005 tryToStream<GetModelCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1006 tryToStream<GetAssignmentCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1007 tryToStream<GetAssertionsCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1008 tryToStream<GetProofCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1009 tryToStream<GetUnsatCoreCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1010 tryToStream<SetBenchmarkStatusCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1011 tryToStream<SetBenchmarkLogicCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1012 tryToStream<SetInfoCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1013 tryToStream<GetInfoCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1014 tryToStream<SetOptionCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1015 tryToStream<GetOptionCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1016 tryToStream<DatatypeDeclarationCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1017 tryToStream<CommentCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1018 tryToStream<EmptyCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1019 tryToStream<EchoCommand>(out, c, d_cvc3Mode)) {
1020 return;
1021 }
1023 out << "ERROR: don't know how to print a Command of class: "
1024 << typeid(*c).name() << endl;
1026 }/* CvcPrinter::toStream(Command*) */
1028 template <class T>
1029 static bool tryToStream(std::ostream& out,
1030 const CommandStatus* s,
1031 bool cvc3Mode);
1033 void CvcPrinter::toStream(std::ostream& out, const CommandStatus* s) const
1034 {
1035 if(tryToStream<CommandSuccess>(out, s, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1036 tryToStream<CommandFailure>(out, s, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1037 tryToStream<CommandUnsupported>(out, s, d_cvc3Mode) ||
1038 tryToStream<CommandInterrupted>(out, s, d_cvc3Mode)) {
1039 return;
1040 }
1042 out << "ERROR: don't know how to print a CommandStatus of class: "
1043 << typeid(*s).name() << endl;
1045 }/* CvcPrinter::toStream(CommandStatus*) */
1047 namespace {
1049 void DeclareTypeCommandToStream(std::ostream& out,
1050 const theory::TheoryModel& model,
1051 const DeclareTypeCommand& command)
1052 {
1053 TypeNode type_node = TypeNode::fromType(command.getType());
1054 const std::vector<Node>* type_reps =
1055 model.getRepSet()->getTypeRepsOrNull(type_node);
1056 if (options::modelUninterpDtEnum() && type_node.isSort()
1057 && type_reps != nullptr)
1058 {
1059 out << "DATATYPE" << std::endl;
1060 out << " " << command.getSymbol() << " = ";
1061 for (size_t i = 0; i < type_reps->size(); i++)
1062 {
1063 if (i > 0)
1064 {
1065 out << "| ";
1066 }
1067 out << (*type_reps)[i] << " ";
1068 }
1069 out << std::endl << "END;" << std::endl;
1070 }
1071 else if (type_node.isSort() && type_reps != nullptr)
1072 {
1073 out << "% cardinality of " << type_node << " is " << type_reps->size()
1074 << std::endl;
1075 out << command << std::endl;
1076 for (Node type_rep : *type_reps)
1077 {
1078 if (type_rep.isVar())
1079 {
1080 out << type_rep << " : " << type_node << ";" << std::endl;
1081 }
1082 else
1083 {
1084 out << "% rep: " << type_rep << std::endl;
1085 }
1086 }
1087 }
1088 else
1089 {
1090 out << command << std::endl;
1091 }
1092 }
1094 void DeclareFunctionCommandToStream(std::ostream& out,
1095 const theory::TheoryModel& model,
1096 const DeclareFunctionCommand& command)
1097 {
1098 Node n = Node::fromExpr(command.getFunction());
1099 if (n.getKind() == kind::SKOLEM)
1100 {
1101 // don't print out internal stuff
1102 return;
1103 }
1104 TypeNode tn = n.getType();
1105 out << n << " : ";
1106 if (tn.isFunction() || tn.isPredicate())
1107 {
1108 out << "(";
1109 for (size_t i = 0; i < tn.getNumChildren() - 1; i++)
1110 {
1111 if (i > 0)
1112 {
1113 out << ", ";
1114 }
1115 out << tn[i];
1116 }
1117 out << ") -> " << tn.getRangeType();
1118 }
1119 else
1120 {
1121 out << tn;
1122 }
1123 Node val = Node::fromExpr(model.getSmtEngine()->getValue(n.toExpr()));
1124 if (options::modelUninterpDtEnum() && val.getKind() == kind::STORE)
1125 {
1126 TypeNode type_node = val[1].getType();
1127 if (tn.isSort())
1128 {
1129 if (const std::vector<Node>* type_reps =
1130 model.getRepSet()->getTypeRepsOrNull(type_node))
1131 {
1132 Cardinality indexCard(type_reps->size());
1133 val = theory::arrays::TheoryArraysRewriter::normalizeConstant(
1134 val, indexCard);
1135 }
1136 }
1137 }
1138 out << " = " << val << ";" << std::endl;
1139 }
1141 } // namespace
1143 void CvcPrinter::toStream(std::ostream& out,
1144 const Model& model,
1145 const Command* command) const
1146 {
1147 const auto* theory_model = dynamic_cast<const theory::TheoryModel*>(&model);
1148 AlwaysAssert(theory_model != nullptr);
1149 if (const auto* declare_type_command =
1150 dynamic_cast<const DeclareTypeCommand*>(command))
1151 {
1152 DeclareTypeCommandToStream(out, *theory_model, *declare_type_command);
1153 }
1154 else if (const auto* dfc =
1155 dynamic_cast<const DeclareFunctionCommand*>(command))
1156 {
1157 DeclareFunctionCommandToStream(out, *theory_model, *dfc);
1158 }
1159 else
1160 {
1161 out << command << std::endl;
1162 }
1163 }
1165 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const AssertCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1166 {
1167 out << "ASSERT " << c->getExpr() << ";";
1168 }
1170 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const PushCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1171 {
1172 out << "PUSH;";
1173 }
1175 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const PopCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1176 {
1177 out << "POP;";
1178 }
1180 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const CheckSatCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1181 {
1182 Expr e = c->getExpr();
1183 if(cvc3Mode) {
1184 out << "PUSH; ";
1185 }
1186 if(!e.isNull()) {
1187 out << "CHECKSAT " << e << ";";
1188 } else {
1189 out << "CHECKSAT;";
1190 }
1191 if(cvc3Mode) {
1192 out << " POP;";
1193 }
1194 }
1196 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1197 const CheckSatAssumingCommand* c,
1198 bool cvc3Mode)
1199 {
1200 const vector<Expr>& exprs = c->getTerms();
1201 if (cvc3Mode)
1202 {
1203 out << "PUSH; ";
1204 }
1205 out << "CHECKSAT";
1206 if (exprs.size() > 0)
1207 {
1208 out << " " << exprs[0];
1209 for (size_t i = 1, n = exprs.size(); i < n; ++i)
1210 {
1211 out << " AND " << exprs[i];
1212 }
1213 }
1214 out << ";";
1215 if (cvc3Mode)
1216 {
1217 out << " POP;";
1218 }
1219 }
1221 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const QueryCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1222 {
1223 Expr e = c->getExpr();
1224 if(cvc3Mode) {
1225 out << "PUSH; ";
1226 }
1227 if(!e.isNull()) {
1228 out << "QUERY " << e << ";";
1229 } else {
1230 out << "QUERY TRUE;";
1231 }
1232 if(cvc3Mode) {
1233 out << " POP;";
1234 }
1235 }
1237 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const ResetCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1238 {
1239 out << "RESET;";
1240 }
1242 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1243 const ResetAssertionsCommand* c,
1244 bool cvc3Mode)
1245 {
1246 out << "RESET ASSERTIONS;";
1247 }
1249 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const QuitCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1250 {
1251 //out << "EXIT;";
1252 }
1254 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const CommandSequence* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1255 {
1256 for(CommandSequence::const_iterator i = c->begin();
1257 i != c->end();
1258 ++i) {
1259 out << *i << endl;
1260 }
1261 }
1263 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1264 const DeclarationSequence* c,
1265 bool cvc3Mode)
1266 {
1267 DeclarationSequence::const_iterator i = c->begin();
1268 for(;;) {
1269 DeclarationDefinitionCommand* dd =
1270 static_cast<DeclarationDefinitionCommand*>(*i++);
1271 if(i != c->end()) {
1272 out << dd->getSymbol() << ", ";
1273 } else {
1274 out << *dd;
1275 break;
1276 }
1277 }
1278 }
1280 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1281 const DeclareFunctionCommand* c,
1282 bool cvc3Mode)
1283 {
1284 out << c->getSymbol() << " : " << c->getType() << ";";
1285 }
1287 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1288 const DefineFunctionCommand* c,
1289 bool cvc3Mode)
1290 {
1291 Expr func = c->getFunction();
1292 const vector<Expr>& formals = c->getFormals();
1293 Expr formula = c->getFormula();
1294 out << func << " : " << func.getType() << " = ";
1295 if(formals.size() > 0) {
1296 out << "LAMBDA(";
1297 vector<Expr>::const_iterator i = formals.begin();
1298 while(i != formals.end()) {
1299 out << (*i) << ":" << (*i).getType();
1300 if(++i != formals.end()) {
1301 out << ", ";
1302 }
1303 }
1304 out << "): ";
1305 }
1306 out << formula << ";";
1307 }
1309 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1310 const DeclareTypeCommand* c,
1311 bool cvc3Mode)
1312 {
1313 if(c->getArity() > 0) {
1314 //TODO?
1315 out << "ERROR: Don't know how to print parameterized type declaration "
1316 "in CVC language." << endl;
1317 } else {
1318 out << c->getSymbol() << " : TYPE;";
1319 }
1320 }
1322 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1323 const DefineTypeCommand* c,
1324 bool cvc3Mode)
1325 {
1326 if(c->getParameters().size() > 0) {
1327 out << "ERROR: Don't know how to print parameterized type definition "
1328 "in CVC language:" << endl << c->toString() << endl;
1329 } else {
1330 out << c->getSymbol() << " : TYPE = " << c->getType() << ";";
1331 }
1332 }
1334 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1335 const DefineNamedFunctionCommand* c,
1336 bool cvc3Mode)
1337 {
1338 toStream(out, static_cast<const DefineFunctionCommand*>(c), cvc3Mode);
1339 }
1341 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const SimplifyCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1342 {
1343 out << "TRANSFORM " << c->getTerm() << ";";
1344 }
1346 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const GetValueCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1347 {
1348 const vector<Expr>& terms = c->getTerms();
1349 Assert(!terms.empty());
1350 out << "GET_VALUE ";
1351 copy(terms.begin(), terms.end() - 1, ostream_iterator<Expr>(out, ";\nGET_VALUE "));
1352 out << terms.back() << ";";
1353 }
1355 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const GetModelCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1356 {
1357 out << "COUNTERMODEL;";
1358 }
1360 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1361 const GetAssignmentCommand* c,
1362 bool cvc3Mode)
1363 {
1364 out << "% (get-assignment)";
1365 }
1367 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1368 const GetAssertionsCommand* c,
1369 bool cvc3Mode)
1370 {
1371 out << "WHERE;";
1372 }
1374 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const GetProofCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1375 {
1376 out << "DUMP_PROOF;";
1377 }
1379 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1380 const GetUnsatCoreCommand* c,
1381 bool cvc3Mode)
1382 {
1383 out << "DUMP_UNSAT_CORE;";
1384 }
1386 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1387 const SetBenchmarkStatusCommand* c,
1388 bool cvc3Mode)
1389 {
1390 out << "% (set-info :status " << c->getStatus() << ")";
1391 }
1393 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1394 const SetBenchmarkLogicCommand* c,
1395 bool cvc3Mode)
1396 {
1397 out << "OPTION \"logic\" \"" << c->getLogic() << "\";";
1398 }
1400 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const SetInfoCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1401 {
1402 out << "% (set-info " << c->getFlag() << " ";
1403 OutputLanguage language =
1404 cvc3Mode ? language::output::LANG_CVC3 : language::output::LANG_CVC4;
1405 SExpr::toStream(out, c->getSExpr(), language);
1406 out << ")";
1407 }
1409 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const GetInfoCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1410 {
1411 out << "% (get-info " << c->getFlag() << ")";
1412 }
1414 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1415 const SetOptionCommand* c,
1416 bool cvc3Mode)
1417 {
1418 out << "OPTION \"" << c->getFlag() << "\" ";
1419 SExpr::toStream(out, c->getSExpr(), language::output::LANG_CVC4);
1420 out << ";";
1421 }
1423 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1424 const GetOptionCommand* c,
1425 bool cvc3Mode)
1426 {
1427 out << "% (get-option " << c->getFlag() << ")";
1428 }
1430 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1431 const DatatypeDeclarationCommand* c,
1432 bool cvc3Mode)
1433 {
1434 const vector<DatatypeType>& datatypes = c->getDatatypes();
1435 //do not print tuple/datatype internal declarations
1436 if( datatypes.size()!=1 || ( !datatypes[0].getDatatype().isTuple() && !datatypes[0].getDatatype().isRecord() ) ){
1437 out << "DATATYPE" << endl;
1438 bool firstDatatype = true;
1439 for(vector<DatatypeType>::const_iterator i = datatypes.begin(),
1440 i_end = datatypes.end();
1441 i != i_end;
1442 ++i) {
1443 if(! firstDatatype) {
1444 out << ',' << endl;
1445 }
1446 const Datatype& dt = (*i).getDatatype();
1447 out << " " << dt.getName();
1448 if(dt.isParametric()) {
1449 out << '[';
1450 for(size_t j = 0; j < dt.getNumParameters(); ++j) {
1451 if(j > 0) {
1452 out << ',';
1453 }
1454 out << dt.getParameter(j);
1455 }
1456 out << ']';
1457 }
1458 out << " = ";
1459 bool firstConstructor = true;
1460 for(Datatype::const_iterator j = dt.begin(); j != dt.end(); ++j) {
1461 if(! firstConstructor) {
1462 out << " | ";
1463 }
1464 firstConstructor = false;
1465 const DatatypeConstructor& c = *j;
1466 out << c.getName();
1467 if(c.getNumArgs() > 0) {
1468 out << '(';
1469 bool firstSelector = true;
1470 for(DatatypeConstructor::const_iterator k = c.begin(); k != c.end(); ++k) {
1471 if(! firstSelector) {
1472 out << ", ";
1473 }
1474 firstSelector = false;
1475 const DatatypeConstructorArg& selector = *k;
1476 Type t = SelectorType(selector.getType()).getRangeType();
1477 if( t.isDatatype() ){
1478 const Datatype & sdt = ((DatatypeType)t).getDatatype();
1479 out << selector.getName() << ": " << sdt.getName();
1480 }else{
1481 out << selector.getName() << ": " << t;
1482 }
1483 }
1484 out << ')';
1485 }
1486 }
1487 firstDatatype = false;
1488 }
1489 out << endl << "END;";
1490 }
1491 }
1493 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const CommentCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1494 {
1495 out << "% " << c->getComment();
1496 }
1498 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const EmptyCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode) {}
1500 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const EchoCommand* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1501 {
1502 out << "ECHO \"" << c->getOutput() << "\";";
1503 }
1505 template <class T>
1506 static bool tryToStream(std::ostream& out, const Command* c, bool cvc3Mode)
1507 {
1508 if(typeid(*c) == typeid(T)) {
1509 toStream(out, dynamic_cast<const T*>(c), cvc3Mode);
1510 return true;
1511 }
1512 return false;
1513 }
1515 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const CommandSuccess* s, bool cvc3Mode)
1516 {
1517 if(Command::printsuccess::getPrintSuccess(out)) {
1518 out << "OK" << endl;
1519 }
1520 }
1522 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1523 const CommandUnsupported* s,
1524 bool cvc3Mode)
1525 {
1526 out << "UNSUPPORTED" << endl;
1527 }
1529 static void toStream(std::ostream& out,
1530 const CommandInterrupted* s,
1531 bool cvc3Mode)
1532 {
1533 out << "INTERRUPTED" << endl;
1534 }
1536 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const CommandFailure* s, bool cvc3Mode)
1537 {
1538 out << s->getMessage() << endl;
1539 }
1541 template <class T>
1542 static bool tryToStream(std::ostream& out,
1543 const CommandStatus* s,
1544 bool cvc3Mode)
1545 {
1546 if(typeid(*s) == typeid(T)) {
1547 toStream(out, dynamic_cast<const T*>(s), cvc3Mode);
1548 return true;
1549 }
1550 return false;
1551 }
1553 }/* CVC4::printer::cvc namespace */
1554 }/* CVC4::printer namespace */
1555 }/* CVC4 namespace */