add bag.fold operator (#7718)
[cvc5.git] / src / printer / smt2 / smt2_printer.cpp
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Andrew Reynolds, Morgan Deters, Abdalrhman Mohamed
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * The pretty-printer interface for the SMT2 output language.
14 */
16 #include "printer/smt2/smt2_printer.h"
18 #include <iostream>
19 #include <list>
20 #include <string>
21 #include <typeinfo>
22 #include <vector>
24 #include "api/cpp/cvc5.h"
25 #include "expr/array_store_all.h"
26 #include "expr/ascription_type.h"
27 #include "expr/cardinality_constraint.h"
28 #include "expr/datatype_index.h"
29 #include "expr/dtype.h"
30 #include "expr/dtype_cons.h"
31 #include "expr/emptybag.h"
32 #include "expr/emptyset.h"
33 #include "expr/node_manager_attributes.h"
34 #include "expr/node_visitor.h"
35 #include "expr/sequence.h"
36 #include "expr/uninterpreted_constant.h"
37 #include "options/bv_options.h"
38 #include "options/language.h"
39 #include "options/printer_options.h"
40 #include "options/smt_options.h"
41 #include "printer/let_binding.h"
42 #include "proof/unsat_core.h"
43 #include "smt/command.h"
44 #include "smt_util/boolean_simplification.h"
45 #include "theory/arrays/theory_arrays_rewriter.h"
46 #include "theory/datatypes/sygus_datatype_utils.h"
47 #include "theory/datatypes/tuple_project_op.h"
48 #include "theory/quantifiers/quantifiers_attributes.h"
49 #include "theory/theory_model.h"
50 #include "util/bitvector.h"
51 #include "util/divisible.h"
52 #include "util/floatingpoint.h"
53 #include "util/iand.h"
54 #include "util/indexed_root_predicate.h"
55 #include "util/regexp.h"
56 #include "util/smt2_quote_string.h"
57 #include "util/string.h"
59 using namespace std;
61 namespace cvc5 {
62 namespace printer {
63 namespace smt2 {
65 static void toStreamRational(std::ostream& out,
66 const Rational& r,
67 bool decimal,
68 Variant v)
69 {
70 bool neg = r.sgn() < 0;
71 // Print the rational, possibly as decimal.
72 // Notice that we print (/ (- 5) 3) instead of (- (/ 5 3)),
73 // the former is compliant with real values in the smt lib standard.
74 if (r.isIntegral())
75 {
76 if (neg)
77 {
78 out << "(- " << -r;
79 }
80 else
81 {
82 out << r;
83 }
84 if (decimal)
85 {
86 out << ".0";
87 }
88 if (neg)
89 {
90 out << ")";
91 }
92 }
93 else
94 {
95 out << "(/ ";
96 if (neg)
97 {
98 Rational abs_r = (-r);
99 out << "(- " << abs_r.getNumerator();
100 out << ") " << abs_r.getDenominator();
101 }
102 else
103 {
104 out << r.getNumerator();
105 out << ' ' << r.getDenominator();
106 }
107 out << ')';
108 }
109 }
111 void Smt2Printer::toStream(std::ostream& out,
112 TNode n,
113 int toDepth,
114 size_t dag) const
115 {
116 if(dag != 0) {
117 LetBinding lbind(dag + 1);
118 toStreamWithLetify(out, n, toDepth, &lbind);
119 } else {
120 toStream(out, n, toDepth);
121 }
122 }
124 void Smt2Printer::toStreamWithLetify(std::ostream& out,
125 Node n,
126 int toDepth,
127 LetBinding* lbind) const
128 {
129 if (lbind == nullptr)
130 {
131 toStream(out, n, toDepth);
132 return;
133 }
134 std::stringstream cparen;
135 std::vector<Node> letList;
136 lbind->letify(n, letList);
137 if (!letList.empty())
138 {
139 std::map<Node, uint32_t>::const_iterator it;
140 for (size_t i = 0, nlets = letList.size(); i < nlets; i++)
141 {
142 Node nl = letList[i];
143 out << "(let ((";
144 uint32_t id = lbind->getId(nl);
145 out << "_let_" << id << " ";
146 Node nlc = lbind->convert(nl, "_let_", false);
147 toStream(out, nlc, toDepth, lbind);
148 out << ")) ";
149 cparen << ")";
150 }
151 }
152 Node nc = lbind->convert(n, "_let_");
153 // print the body, passing the lbind object
154 toStream(out, nc, toDepth, lbind);
155 out << cparen.str();
156 lbind->popScope();
157 }
159 void Smt2Printer::toStream(std::ostream& out,
160 TNode n,
161 int toDepth,
162 LetBinding* lbind) const
163 {
164 // null
165 if(n.getKind() == kind::NULL_EXPR) {
166 out << "null";
167 return;
168 }
170 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
171 // constant
172 if(n.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::CONSTANT) {
173 switch(n.getKind()) {
174 case kind::TYPE_CONSTANT:
175 switch(n.getConst<TypeConstant>()) {
176 case BOOLEAN_TYPE: out << "Bool"; break;
177 case REAL_TYPE: out << "Real"; break;
178 case INTEGER_TYPE: out << "Int"; break;
179 case STRING_TYPE: out << "String"; break;
180 case REGEXP_TYPE: out << "RegLan"; break;
181 case ROUNDINGMODE_TYPE: out << "RoundingMode"; break;
182 default:
183 // fall back on whatever operator<< does on underlying type; we
184 // might luck out and be SMT-LIB v2 compliant
185 n.constToStream(out);
186 }
187 break;
188 case kind::BITVECTOR_TYPE:
189 out << "(_ BitVec " << n.getConst<BitVectorSize>().d_size << ")";
190 break;
191 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TYPE:
192 out << "(_ FloatingPoint "
193 << n.getConst<FloatingPointSize>().exponentWidth() << " "
194 << n.getConst<FloatingPointSize>().significandWidth() << ")";
195 break;
196 case kind::CONST_BITVECTOR:
197 {
198 const BitVector& bv = n.getConst<BitVector>();
199 if (options::bvPrintConstsAsIndexedSymbols())
200 {
201 out << "(_ bv" << bv.getValue() << " " << bv.getSize() << ")";
202 }
203 else
204 {
205 out << "#b" << bv.toString();
206 }
207 break;
208 }
210 {
211 out << n.getConst<FloatingPoint>().toString(
212 options::bvPrintConstsAsIndexedSymbols());
213 break;
214 }
215 case kind::CONST_ROUNDINGMODE:
216 switch (n.getConst<RoundingMode>()) {
217 case RoundingMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TIES_TO_EVEN:
218 out << "roundNearestTiesToEven";
219 break;
220 case RoundingMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TIES_TO_AWAY:
221 out << "roundNearestTiesToAway";
222 break;
223 case RoundingMode::ROUND_TOWARD_POSITIVE:
224 out << "roundTowardPositive";
225 break;
226 case RoundingMode::ROUND_TOWARD_NEGATIVE:
227 out << "roundTowardNegative";
228 break;
229 case RoundingMode::ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO: out << "roundTowardZero"; break;
230 default:
231 Unreachable() << "Invalid value of rounding mode constant ("
232 << n.getConst<RoundingMode>() << ")";
233 }
234 break;
235 case kind::CONST_BOOLEAN:
236 // the default would print "1" or "0" for bool, that's not correct
237 // for our purposes
238 out << (n.getConst<bool>() ? "true" : "false");
239 break;
240 case kind::BUILTIN:
241 out << smtKindString(n.getConst<Kind>(), d_variant);
242 break;
243 case kind::CONST_RATIONAL: {
244 const Rational& r = n.getConst<Rational>();
245 toStreamRational(out, r, false, d_variant);
246 break;
247 }
249 case kind::CONST_STRING: {
250 std::string s = n.getConst<String>().toString();
251 out << '"';
252 for(size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {
253 char c = s[i];
254 if(c == '"') {
255 out << "\"\"";
256 } else {
257 out << c;
258 }
259 }
260 out << '"';
261 break;
262 }
263 case kind::CONST_SEQUENCE:
264 {
265 const Sequence& sn = n.getConst<Sequence>();
266 const std::vector<Node>& snvec = sn.getVec();
267 if (snvec.empty())
268 {
269 out << "(as seq.empty ";
270 toStreamType(out, n.getType());
271 out << ")";
272 }
273 else if (snvec.size() > 1)
274 {
275 out << "(seq.++";
276 for (const Node& snvc : snvec)
277 {
278 out << " (seq.unit " << snvc << ")";
279 }
280 out << ")";
281 }
282 else
283 {
284 out << "(seq.unit " << snvec[0] << ")";
285 }
286 break;
287 }
289 case kind::STORE_ALL: {
290 ArrayStoreAll asa = n.getConst<ArrayStoreAll>();
291 out << "((as const ";
292 toStreamType(out, asa.getType());
293 out << ") " << asa.getValue() << ")";
294 break;
295 }
297 case kind::DATATYPE_TYPE:
298 {
299 const DType& dt = (NodeManager::currentNM()->getDTypeForIndex(
300 n.getConst<DatatypeIndexConstant>().getIndex()));
301 if (dt.isTuple())
302 {
303 unsigned int nargs = dt[0].getNumArgs();
304 if (nargs == 0)
305 {
306 out << "Tuple";
307 }
308 else
309 {
310 out << "(Tuple";
311 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
312 {
313 out << " ";
314 toStreamType(out, dt[0][i].getRangeType());
315 }
316 out << ")";
317 }
318 }
319 else
320 {
321 out << cvc5::quoteSymbol(dt.getName());
322 }
323 break;
324 }
327 const UninterpretedConstant& uc = n.getConst<UninterpretedConstant>();
328 std::stringstream ss;
329 ss << "(as @" << uc << " " << n.getType() << ")";
330 out << ss.str();
331 break;
332 }
333 case kind::SET_EMPTY:
334 out << "(as set.empty ";
335 toStreamType(out, n.getConst<EmptySet>().getType());
336 out << ")";
337 break;
339 case kind::BAG_EMPTY:
340 out << "(as bag.empty ";
341 toStreamType(out, n.getConst<EmptyBag>().getType());
342 out << ")";
343 break;
344 case kind::BITVECTOR_EXTRACT_OP:
345 {
346 BitVectorExtract p = n.getConst<BitVectorExtract>();
347 out << "(_ extract " << p.d_high << ' ' << p.d_low << ")";
348 break;
349 }
350 case kind::BITVECTOR_REPEAT_OP:
351 out << "(_ repeat " << n.getConst<BitVectorRepeat>().d_repeatAmount
352 << ")";
353 break;
355 out << "(_ zero_extend "
356 << n.getConst<BitVectorZeroExtend>().d_zeroExtendAmount << ")";
357 break;
359 out << "(_ sign_extend "
360 << n.getConst<BitVectorSignExtend>().d_signExtendAmount << ")";
361 break;
363 out << "(_ rotate_left "
364 << n.getConst<BitVectorRotateLeft>().d_rotateLeftAmount << ")";
365 break;
367 out << "(_ rotate_right "
368 << n.getConst<BitVectorRotateRight>().d_rotateRightAmount << ")";
369 break;
370 case kind::INT_TO_BITVECTOR_OP:
371 out << "(_ int2bv " << n.getConst<IntToBitVector>().d_size << ")";
372 break;
374 out << "(_ to_fp "
375 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToFPIEEEBitVector>()
376 .getSize()
377 .exponentWidth()
378 << ' '
379 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToFPIEEEBitVector>()
380 .getSize()
381 .significandWidth()
382 << ")";
383 break;
385 out << "(_ to_fp "
386 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToFPFloatingPoint>()
387 .getSize()
388 .exponentWidth()
389 << ' '
390 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToFPFloatingPoint>()
391 .getSize()
392 .significandWidth()
393 << ")";
394 break;
396 out << "(_ to_fp "
397 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToFPReal>().getSize().exponentWidth()
398 << ' '
399 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToFPReal>().getSize().significandWidth()
400 << ")";
401 break;
403 out << "(_ to_fp "
404 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToFPSignedBitVector>()
405 .getSize()
406 .exponentWidth()
407 << ' '
408 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToFPSignedBitVector>()
409 .getSize()
410 .significandWidth()
411 << ")";
412 break;
414 out << "(_ to_fp_unsigned "
415 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToFPUnsignedBitVector>()
416 .getSize()
417 .exponentWidth()
418 << ' '
419 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToFPUnsignedBitVector>()
420 .getSize()
421 .significandWidth()
422 << ")";
423 break;
425 out << "(_ to_fp "
426 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToFPGeneric>().getSize().exponentWidth()
427 << ' '
428 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToFPGeneric>().getSize().significandWidth()
429 << ")";
430 break;
432 out << "(_ fp.to_ubv "
433 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToUBV>().d_bv_size.d_size << ")";
434 break;
436 out << "(_ fp.to_sbv "
437 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToSBV>().d_bv_size.d_size << ")";
438 break;
440 out << "(_ fp.to_ubv_total "
441 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToUBVTotal>().d_bv_size.d_size << ")";
442 break;
444 out << "(_ fp.to_sbv_total "
445 << n.getConst<FloatingPointToSBVTotal>().d_bv_size.d_size << ")";
446 break;
447 case kind::REGEXP_REPEAT_OP:
448 out << "(_ re.^ " << n.getConst<RegExpRepeat>().d_repeatAmount << ")";
449 break;
450 case kind::REGEXP_LOOP_OP:
451 out << "(_ re.loop " << n.getConst<RegExpLoop>().d_loopMinOcc << " "
452 << n.getConst<RegExpLoop>().d_loopMaxOcc << ")";
453 break;
454 default:
455 // fall back on whatever operator<< does on underlying type; we
456 // might luck out and be SMT-LIB v2 compliant
457 n.constToStream(out);
458 }
460 return;
461 }
463 if(n.getKind() == kind::SORT_TYPE) {
464 string name;
465 if(n.getNumChildren() != 0) {
466 out << '(';
467 }
468 if(n.getAttribute(expr::VarNameAttr(), name)) {
469 out << cvc5::quoteSymbol(name);
470 }
471 if(n.getNumChildren() != 0) {
472 for(unsigned i = 0; i < n.getNumChildren(); ++i) {
473 out << ' ';
474 toStream(out, n[i], toDepth);
475 }
476 out << ')';
477 }
478 return;
479 }
481 // determine if we are printing out a type ascription, store the argument of
482 // the type ascription into type_asc_arg.
483 Kind k = n.getKind();
484 Node type_asc_arg;
485 TypeNode force_nt;
486 if (k == kind::APPLY_TYPE_ASCRIPTION)
487 {
488 force_nt = n.getOperator().getConst<AscriptionType>().getType();
489 type_asc_arg = n[0];
490 }
491 else if (k == kind::CAST_TO_REAL)
492 {
493 force_nt = nm->realType();
494 type_asc_arg = n[0];
495 }
496 if (!type_asc_arg.isNull())
497 {
498 if (force_nt.isRealOrInt())
499 {
500 // we prefer using (/ x 1) instead of (to_real x) here.
501 // the reason is that (/ x 1) is SMT-LIB compliant when x is a constant
502 // or the logic is non-linear, whereas (to_real x) is compliant when
503 // the logic is mixed int/real. The former occurs more frequently.
504 bool is_int = force_nt.isInteger();
505 // If constant rational, print as special case
506 if (type_asc_arg.getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL)
507 {
508 const Rational& r = type_asc_arg.getConst<Rational>();
509 toStreamRational(out, r, !is_int, d_variant);
510 }
511 else
512 {
513 out << "("
514 << smtKindString(is_int ? kind::TO_INTEGER : kind::DIVISION,
515 d_variant)
516 << " ";
517 toStream(out, type_asc_arg, toDepth, lbind);
518 if (!is_int)
519 {
520 out << " 1";
521 }
522 out << ")";
523 }
524 }
525 else
526 {
527 // use type ascription
528 out << "(as ";
529 toStream(out, type_asc_arg, toDepth < 0 ? toDepth : toDepth - 1, lbind);
530 out << " " << force_nt << ")";
531 }
532 return;
533 }
535 // variable
536 if (n.isVar())
537 {
538 string s;
539 if (n.getAttribute(expr::VarNameAttr(), s))
540 {
541 out << cvc5::quoteSymbol(s);
542 }
543 else
544 {
545 if (n.getKind() == kind::VARIABLE)
546 {
547 out << "var_";
548 }
549 else
550 {
551 out << n.getKind() << '_';
552 }
553 out << n.getId();
554 }
555 return;
556 }
558 bool stillNeedToPrintParams = true;
559 bool forceBinary = false; // force N-ary to binary when outputing children
560 // operator
561 if (n.getNumChildren() != 0 && k != kind::CONSTRUCTOR_TYPE)
562 {
563 out << '(';
564 }
565 switch(k) {
566 // builtin theory
567 case kind::FUNCTION_TYPE:
568 out << "->";
569 for (Node nc : n)
570 {
571 out << " ";
572 toStream(out, nc, toDepth);
573 }
574 out << ")";
575 return;
576 case kind::SEXPR: break;
578 // uf theory
579 case kind::APPLY_UF: break;
580 // higher-order
581 case kind::HO_APPLY:
582 if (!options::flattenHOChains())
583 {
584 break;
585 }
586 // collapse "@" chains, i.e.
587 //
588 // ((a b) c) --> (a b c)
589 //
590 // (((a b) ((c d) e)) f) --> (a b (c d e) f)
591 {
592 Node head = n;
593 std::vector<Node> args;
594 while (head.getKind() == kind::HO_APPLY)
595 {
596 args.insert(args.begin(), head[1]);
597 head = head[0];
598 }
599 toStream(out, head, toDepth, lbind);
600 for (unsigned i = 0, size = args.size(); i < size; ++i)
601 {
602 out << " ";
603 toStream(out, args[i], toDepth, lbind);
604 }
605 out << ")";
606 }
607 return;
609 case kind::MATCH:
610 out << smtKindString(k, d_variant) << " ";
611 toStream(out, n[0], toDepth, lbind);
612 out << " (";
613 for (size_t i = 1, nchild = n.getNumChildren(); i < nchild; i++)
614 {
615 if (i > 1)
616 {
617 out << " ";
618 }
619 toStream(out, n[i], toDepth, lbind);
620 }
621 out << "))";
622 return;
623 case kind::MATCH_BIND_CASE:
624 // ignore the binder
625 toStream(out, n[1], toDepth, lbind);
626 out << " ";
627 toStream(out, n[2], toDepth, lbind);
628 out << ")";
629 return;
630 case kind::MATCH_CASE:
631 // do nothing
632 break;
634 // arith theory
635 case kind::IAND:
636 out << "(_ iand " << n.getOperator().getConst<IntAnd>().d_size << ") ";
637 stillNeedToPrintParams = false;
638 break;
640 case kind::DIVISIBLE:
641 out << "(_ divisible " << n.getOperator().getConst<Divisible>().k << ")";
642 stillNeedToPrintParams = false;
643 break;
645 {
646 const IndexedRootPredicate& irp = n.getConst<IndexedRootPredicate>();
647 out << "(_ root_predicate " << irp.d_index << ")";
648 break;
649 }
651 // string theory
652 case kind::REGEXP_REPEAT:
653 case kind::REGEXP_LOOP:
654 {
655 out << n.getOperator() << ' ';
656 stillNeedToPrintParams = false;
657 break;
658 }
660 // bv theory
661 case kind::BITVECTOR_CONCAT:
662 case kind::BITVECTOR_AND:
663 case kind::BITVECTOR_OR:
664 case kind::BITVECTOR_XOR:
665 case kind::BITVECTOR_MULT:
666 case kind::BITVECTOR_ADD:
667 {
668 out << smtKindString(k, d_variant) << " ";
669 forceBinary = true;
670 }
671 break;
673 case kind::BITVECTOR_EXTRACT:
674 case kind::BITVECTOR_REPEAT:
679 case kind::INT_TO_BITVECTOR:
680 toStream(out, n.getOperator(), toDepth, nullptr);
681 out << ' ';
682 stillNeedToPrintParams = false;
683 break;
684 case kind::BITVECTOR_BITOF:
685 out << "(_ bitOf " << n.getOperator().getConst<BitVectorBitOf>().d_bitIndex
686 << ") ";
687 stillNeedToPrintParams = false;
688 break;
690 // sets
691 case kind::SET_SINGLETON:
692 {
693 out << smtKindString(k, d_variant) << " ";
694 TypeNode elemType = n.getType().getSetElementType();
695 toStreamCastToType(
696 out, n[0], toDepth < 0 ? toDepth : toDepth - 1, elemType);
697 out << ")";
698 return;
699 }
700 break;
701 case kind::SET_UNIVERSE: out << "(as set.universe " << n.getType() << ")"; break;
703 // bags
704 case kind::BAG_MAKE:
705 {
706 // print (bag (BAG_MAKE_OP Real) 1 3) as (bag 1.0 3)
707 out << smtKindString(k, d_variant) << " ";
708 TypeNode elemType = n.getType().getBagElementType();
709 toStreamCastToType(
710 out, n[0], toDepth < 0 ? toDepth : toDepth - 1, elemType);
711 out << " " << n[1] << ")";
712 return;
713 }
715 // fp theory
722 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_UBV:
723 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_SBV:
724 out << n.getOperator() << ' ';
725 stillNeedToPrintParams = false;
726 break;
728 case kind::APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR:
729 {
730 const DType& dt = DType::datatypeOf(n.getOperator());
731 if (dt.isTuple())
732 {
733 stillNeedToPrintParams = false;
734 out << "tuple" << ( dt[0].getNumArgs()==0 ? "" : " ");
735 }
736 break;
737 }
738 case kind::TUPLE_PROJECT:
739 {
740 TupleProjectOp op = n.getOperator().getConst<TupleProjectOp>();
741 if (op.getIndices().empty())
742 {
743 // e.g. (tuple_project tuple)
744 out << "project " << n[0] << ")";
745 }
746 else
747 {
748 // e.g. ((_ tuple_project 2 4 4) tuple)
749 out << "(_ tuple_project" << op << ") " << n[0] << ")";
750 }
751 return;
752 }
753 case kind::CONSTRUCTOR_TYPE:
754 {
755 out << n[n.getNumChildren()-1];
756 return;
757 break;
758 }
759 case kind::APPLY_SELECTOR:
760 {
761 Node op = n.getOperator();
762 const DType& dt = DType::datatypeOf(op);
763 if (dt.isTuple())
764 {
765 stillNeedToPrintParams = false;
766 out << "(_ tuple_select " << DType::indexOf(op) << ") ";
767 }
768 }
769 break;
770 case kind::APPLY_TESTER:
771 {
772 stillNeedToPrintParams = false;
773 Node op = n.getOperator();
774 size_t cindex = DType::indexOf(op);
775 const DType& dt = DType::datatypeOf(op);
776 out << "(_ is ";
777 toStream(
778 out, dt[cindex].getConstructor(), toDepth < 0 ? toDepth : toDepth - 1);
779 out << ") ";
780 }
781 break;
782 case kind::APPLY_UPDATER:
783 {
784 stillNeedToPrintParams = false;
785 Node op = n.getOperator();
786 size_t index = DType::indexOf(op);
787 const DType& dt = DType::datatypeOf(op);
788 size_t cindex = DType::cindexOf(op);
789 if (dt.isTuple())
790 {
791 stillNeedToPrintParams = false;
792 out << "(_ tuple_update " << DType::indexOf(op) << ") ";
793 }
794 else
795 {
796 out << "(_ update ";
797 toStream(out,
798 dt[cindex][index].getSelector(),
799 toDepth < 0 ? toDepth : toDepth - 1);
800 out << ") ";
801 }
802 }
803 break;
804 case kind::APPLY_SELECTOR_TOTAL:
805 case kind::PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE: break;
807 // separation logic
808 case kind::SEP_NIL:
809 out << "(as sep.nil " << n.getType() << ")";
810 break;
812 // cardinality constraints.
814 out << "(_ fmf.card ";
815 out << n.getOperator().getConst<CardinalityConstraint>().getType();
816 out << " ";
817 out << n.getOperator().getConst<CardinalityConstraint>().getUpperBound();
818 out << ")";
819 return;
821 // quantifiers
822 case kind::FORALL:
823 case kind::EXISTS:
824 case kind::LAMBDA:
825 case kind::WITNESS:
826 {
827 out << smtKindString(k, d_variant) << " ";
828 // do not letify the bound variable list
829 toStream(out, n[0], toDepth, nullptr);
830 out << " ";
831 std::stringstream annot;
832 if (n.getNumChildren() == 3)
833 {
834 annot << " ";
835 for (const Node& nc : n[2])
836 {
837 if (nc.getKind() == kind::INST_PATTERN)
838 {
839 out << "(! ";
840 annot << ":pattern ";
841 toStream(annot, nc, toDepth, nullptr);
842 annot << ") ";
843 }
844 else if (nc.getKind() == kind::INST_NO_PATTERN)
845 {
846 out << "(! ";
847 annot << ":no-pattern ";
848 toStream(annot, nc, toDepth, nullptr);
849 annot << ") ";
850 }
851 }
852 }
853 // Use a fresh let binder, since using existing let symbols may violate
854 // scoping issues for let-bound variables, see explanation in let_binding.h.
855 size_t dag = lbind == nullptr ? 0 : lbind->getThreshold()-1;
856 toStream(out, n[1], toDepth - 1, dag);
857 out << annot.str() << ")";
858 return;
859 break;
860 }
861 case kind::BOUND_VAR_LIST:
862 {
863 // the left parenthesis is already printed (before the switch)
864 for (TNode::iterator i = n.begin(), iend = n.end(); i != iend;)
865 {
866 out << '(';
867 toStream(out, *i, toDepth < 0 ? toDepth : toDepth - 1);
868 out << ' ';
869 out << (*i).getType();
870 out << ')';
871 if (++i != iend)
872 {
873 out << ' ';
874 }
875 }
876 out << ')';
877 return;
878 }
879 case kind::INST_PATTERN:
880 case kind::INST_NO_PATTERN:
881 case kind::INST_PATTERN_LIST: break;
882 default:
883 // by default, print the kind using the smtKindString utility
884 out << smtKindString(k, d_variant) << " ";
885 break;
886 }
887 if( n.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED &&
888 stillNeedToPrintParams ) {
889 if(toDepth != 0) {
890 toStream(
891 out, n.getOperator(), toDepth < 0 ? toDepth : toDepth - 1, lbind);
892 } else {
893 out << "(...)";
894 }
895 if(n.getNumChildren() > 0) {
896 out << ' ';
897 }
898 }
899 stringstream parens;
901 for(size_t i = 0, c = 1; i < n.getNumChildren(); ) {
902 if(toDepth != 0) {
903 toStream(out, n[i], toDepth < 0 ? toDepth : toDepth - c, lbind);
904 } else {
905 out << "(...)";
906 }
907 if(++i < n.getNumChildren()) {
908 if(forceBinary && i < n.getNumChildren() - 1) {
909 // not going to work properly for parameterized kinds!
910 Assert(n.getMetaKind() != kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED);
911 out << " (" << smtKindString(n.getKind(), d_variant) << ' ';
912 parens << ')';
913 ++c;
914 } else {
915 out << ' ';
916 }
917 }
918 }
919 if (n.getNumChildren() != 0)
920 {
921 out << parens.str() << ')';
922 }
923 }
925 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCastToType(std::ostream& out,
926 TNode n,
927 int toDepth,
928 TypeNode tn) const
929 {
930 Node nasc;
931 if (n.getType().isInteger() && !tn.isInteger())
932 {
933 Assert(tn.isReal());
934 // probably due to subtyping integers and reals, cast it
935 nasc = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::CAST_TO_REAL, n);
936 }
937 else
938 {
939 nasc = n;
940 }
941 toStream(out, nasc, toDepth);
942 }
944 std::string Smt2Printer::smtKindString(Kind k, Variant v)
945 {
946 switch(k) {
947 // builtin theory
948 case kind::EQUAL: return "=";
949 case kind::DISTINCT: return "distinct";
950 case kind::SEXPR: break;
952 // bool theory
953 case kind::NOT: return "not";
954 case kind::AND: return "and";
955 case kind::IMPLIES: return "=>";
956 case kind::OR: return "or";
957 case kind::XOR: return "xor";
958 case kind::ITE: return "ite";
960 // uf theory
961 case kind::APPLY_UF: break;
963 case kind::LAMBDA: return "lambda";
964 case kind::MATCH: return "match";
965 case kind::WITNESS: return "witness";
967 // arith theory
968 case kind::PLUS: return "+";
969 case kind::MULT:
970 case kind::NONLINEAR_MULT: return "*";
971 case kind::IAND: return "iand";
972 case kind::POW2: return "int.pow2";
973 case kind::EXPONENTIAL: return "exp";
974 case kind::SINE: return "sin";
975 case kind::COSINE: return "cos";
976 case kind::TANGENT: return "tan";
977 case kind::COSECANT: return "csc";
978 case kind::SECANT: return "sec";
979 case kind::COTANGENT: return "cot";
980 case kind::ARCSINE: return "arcsin";
981 case kind::ARCCOSINE: return "arccos";
982 case kind::ARCTANGENT: return "arctan";
983 case kind::ARCCOSECANT: return "arccsc";
984 case kind::ARCSECANT: return "arcsec";
985 case kind::ARCCOTANGENT: return "arccot";
986 case kind::PI: return "real.pi";
987 case kind::SQRT: return "sqrt";
988 case kind::MINUS: return "-";
989 case kind::UMINUS: return "-";
990 case kind::LT: return "<";
991 case kind::LEQ: return "<=";
992 case kind::GT: return ">";
993 case kind::GEQ: return ">=";
994 case kind::DIVISION:
995 case kind::DIVISION_TOTAL: return "/";
996 case kind::INTS_DIVISION_TOTAL:
997 case kind::INTS_DIVISION: return "div";
998 case kind::INTS_MODULUS_TOTAL:
999 case kind::INTS_MODULUS: return "mod";
1000 case kind::ABS: return "abs";
1001 case kind::IS_INTEGER: return "is_int";
1002 case kind::TO_INTEGER: return "to_int";
1003 case kind::TO_REAL: return "to_real";
1004 case kind::POW: return "^";
1006 // arrays theory
1007 case kind::SELECT: return "select";
1008 case kind::STORE: return "store";
1009 case kind::ARRAY_TYPE: return "Array";
1010 case kind::PARTIAL_SELECT_0: return "partial_select_0";
1011 case kind::PARTIAL_SELECT_1: return "partial_select_1";
1012 case kind::EQ_RANGE:
1013 return "eqrange";
1015 // bv theory
1016 case kind::BITVECTOR_CONCAT: return "concat";
1017 case kind::BITVECTOR_AND: return "bvand";
1018 case kind::BITVECTOR_OR: return "bvor";
1019 case kind::BITVECTOR_XOR: return "bvxor";
1020 case kind::BITVECTOR_NOT: return "bvnot";
1021 case kind::BITVECTOR_NAND: return "bvnand";
1022 case kind::BITVECTOR_NOR: return "bvnor";
1023 case kind::BITVECTOR_XNOR: return "bvxnor";
1024 case kind::BITVECTOR_COMP: return "bvcomp";
1025 case kind::BITVECTOR_MULT: return "bvmul";
1026 case kind::BITVECTOR_ADD: return "bvadd";
1027 case kind::BITVECTOR_SUB: return "bvsub";
1028 case kind::BITVECTOR_NEG: return "bvneg";
1029 case kind::BITVECTOR_UDIV: return "bvudiv";
1030 case kind::BITVECTOR_UREM: return "bvurem";
1031 case kind::BITVECTOR_SDIV: return "bvsdiv";
1032 case kind::BITVECTOR_SREM: return "bvsrem";
1033 case kind::BITVECTOR_SMOD: return "bvsmod";
1034 case kind::BITVECTOR_SHL: return "bvshl";
1035 case kind::BITVECTOR_LSHR: return "bvlshr";
1036 case kind::BITVECTOR_ASHR: return "bvashr";
1037 case kind::BITVECTOR_ULT: return "bvult";
1038 case kind::BITVECTOR_ULE: return "bvule";
1039 case kind::BITVECTOR_UGT: return "bvugt";
1040 case kind::BITVECTOR_UGE: return "bvuge";
1041 case kind::BITVECTOR_SLT: return "bvslt";
1042 case kind::BITVECTOR_SLE: return "bvsle";
1043 case kind::BITVECTOR_SGT: return "bvsgt";
1044 case kind::BITVECTOR_SGE: return "bvsge";
1045 case kind::BITVECTOR_TO_NAT: return "bv2nat";
1046 case kind::BITVECTOR_REDOR: return "bvredor";
1047 case kind::BITVECTOR_REDAND: return "bvredand";
1049 case kind::BITVECTOR_EXTRACT: return "extract";
1050 case kind::BITVECTOR_REPEAT: return "repeat";
1051 case kind::BITVECTOR_ZERO_EXTEND: return "zero_extend";
1052 case kind::BITVECTOR_SIGN_EXTEND: return "sign_extend";
1053 case kind::BITVECTOR_ROTATE_LEFT: return "rotate_left";
1054 case kind::BITVECTOR_ROTATE_RIGHT: return "rotate_right";
1055 case kind::INT_TO_BITVECTOR: return "int2bv";
1056 case kind::BITVECTOR_BB_TERM: return "bbT";
1058 // datatypes theory
1059 case kind::APPLY_TESTER: return "is";
1060 case kind::APPLY_UPDATER: return "update";
1062 // set theory
1063 case kind::SET_UNION: return "set.union";
1064 case kind::SET_INTER: return "set.inter";
1065 case kind::SET_MINUS: return "set.minus";
1066 case kind::SET_SUBSET: return "set.subset";
1067 case kind::SET_MEMBER: return "set.member";
1068 case kind::SET_TYPE: return "Set";
1069 case kind::SET_SINGLETON: return "set.singleton";
1070 case kind::SET_INSERT: return "set.insert";
1071 case kind::SET_COMPLEMENT: return "set.complement";
1072 case kind::SET_CARD: return "set.card";
1073 case kind::SET_COMPREHENSION: return "set.comprehension";
1074 case kind::SET_CHOOSE: return "set.choose";
1075 case kind::SET_IS_SINGLETON: return "set.is_singleton";
1076 case kind::SET_MAP: return "";
1077 case kind::RELATION_JOIN: return "rel.join";
1078 case kind::RELATION_PRODUCT: return "rel.product";
1079 case kind::RELATION_TRANSPOSE: return "rel.transpose";
1080 case kind::RELATION_TCLOSURE: return "rel.tclosure";
1081 case kind::RELATION_IDEN: return "rel.iden";
1082 case kind::RELATION_JOIN_IMAGE: return "rel.join_image";
1084 // bag theory
1085 case kind::BAG_TYPE: return "Bag";
1086 case kind::BAG_UNION_MAX: return "bag.union_max";
1087 case kind::BAG_UNION_DISJOINT: return "bag.union_disjoint";
1088 case kind::BAG_INTER_MIN: return "bag.inter_min";
1089 case kind::BAG_DIFFERENCE_SUBTRACT: return "bag.difference_subtract";
1090 case kind::BAG_DIFFERENCE_REMOVE: return "bag.difference_remove";
1091 case kind::BAG_SUBBAG: return "bag.subbag";
1092 case kind::BAG_COUNT: return "bag.count";
1093 case kind::BAG_DUPLICATE_REMOVAL: return "bag.duplicate_removal";
1094 case kind::BAG_MAKE: return "bag";
1095 case kind::BAG_CARD: return "bag.card";
1096 case kind::BAG_CHOOSE: return "bag.choose";
1097 case kind::BAG_IS_SINGLETON: return "bag.is_singleton";
1098 case kind::BAG_FROM_SET: return "bag.from_set";
1099 case kind::BAG_TO_SET: return "bag.to_set";
1100 case kind::BAG_MAP: return "";
1101 case kind::BAG_FOLD: return "bag.fold";
1103 // fp theory
1104 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_FP: return "fp";
1105 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_EQ: return "fp.eq";
1106 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_ABS: return "fp.abs";
1107 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_NEG: return "fp.neg";
1108 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_ADD: return "fp.add";
1109 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_SUB: return "fp.sub";
1110 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_MULT: return "fp.mul";
1111 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_DIV: return "fp.div";
1112 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_FMA: return "fp.fma";
1113 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_SQRT: return "fp.sqrt";
1114 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_REM: return "fp.rem";
1115 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_RTI: return "fp.roundToIntegral";
1116 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_MIN: return "fp.min";
1117 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_MAX: return "fp.max";
1118 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_MIN_TOTAL: return "fp.min_total";
1119 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_MAX_TOTAL: return "fp.max_total";
1121 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_LEQ: return "fp.leq";
1122 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_LT: return "";
1123 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_GEQ: return "fp.geq";
1124 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_GT: return "";
1126 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_ISN: return "fp.isNormal";
1127 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_ISSN: return "fp.isSubnormal";
1128 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_ISZ: return "fp.isZero";
1129 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_ISINF: return "fp.isInfinite";
1130 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_ISNAN: return "fp.isNaN";
1131 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_ISNEG: return "fp.isNegative";
1132 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_ISPOS: return "fp.isPositive";
1134 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_FP_IEEE_BITVECTOR: return "to_fp";
1135 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_FP_FLOATINGPOINT: return "to_fp";
1136 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_FP_REAL: return "to_fp";
1137 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_FP_SIGNED_BITVECTOR: return "to_fp";
1138 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_FP_UNSIGNED_BITVECTOR: return "to_fp_unsigned";
1139 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_FP_GENERIC: return "to_fp_unsigned";
1140 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_UBV: return "fp.to_ubv";
1141 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_UBV_TOTAL: return "fp.to_ubv_total";
1142 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_SBV: return "fp.to_sbv";
1143 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_SBV_TOTAL: return "fp.to_sbv_total";
1144 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_REAL: return "fp.to_real";
1145 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_REAL_TOTAL: return "fp.to_real_total";
1147 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_COMPONENT_NAN: return "NAN";
1148 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_COMPONENT_INF: return "INF";
1149 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_COMPONENT_ZERO: return "ZERO";
1150 case kind::FLOATINGPOINT_COMPONENT_SIGN: return "SIGN";
1154 return "RMBITBLAST";
1156 //string theory
1157 case kind::STRING_CONCAT: return "str.++";
1158 case kind::STRING_LENGTH: return "str.len";
1159 case kind::STRING_SUBSTR: return "str.substr" ;
1160 case kind::STRING_UPDATE: return "str.update";
1161 case kind::STRING_CONTAINS: return "str.contains";
1162 case kind::STRING_CHARAT: return "" ;
1163 case kind::STRING_INDEXOF: return "str.indexof";
1164 case kind::STRING_INDEXOF_RE: return "str.indexof_re";
1165 case kind::STRING_REPLACE: return "str.replace";
1166 case kind::STRING_REPLACE_ALL: return "str.replace_all";
1167 case kind::STRING_REPLACE_RE: return "str.replace_re";
1168 case kind::STRING_REPLACE_RE_ALL: return "str.replace_re_all";
1169 case kind::STRING_TOLOWER: return "str.tolower";
1170 case kind::STRING_TOUPPER: return "str.toupper";
1171 case kind::STRING_REV: return "str.rev";
1172 case kind::STRING_PREFIX: return "str.prefixof" ;
1173 case kind::STRING_SUFFIX: return "str.suffixof" ;
1174 case kind::STRING_LEQ: return "str.<=";
1175 case kind::STRING_LT: return "str.<";
1176 case kind::STRING_FROM_CODE: return "str.from_code";
1177 case kind::STRING_TO_CODE: return "str.to_code";
1178 case Kind::STRING_IS_DIGIT: return "str.is_digit";
1179 case kind::STRING_ITOS: return "str.from_int";
1180 case kind::STRING_STOI: return "str.to_int";
1181 case kind::STRING_IN_REGEXP: return "str.in_re";
1182 case kind::STRING_TO_REGEXP: return "str.to_re";
1183 case kind::REGEXP_NONE: return "re.none";
1184 case kind::REGEXP_ALLCHAR: return "re.allchar";
1185 case kind::REGEXP_CONCAT: return "re.++";
1186 case kind::REGEXP_UNION: return "re.union";
1187 case kind::REGEXP_INTER: return "re.inter";
1188 case kind::REGEXP_STAR: return "re.*";
1189 case kind::REGEXP_PLUS: return "re.+";
1190 case kind::REGEXP_OPT: return "re.opt";
1191 case kind::REGEXP_RANGE: return "re.range";
1192 case kind::REGEXP_REPEAT: return "re.^";
1193 case kind::REGEXP_LOOP: return "re.loop";
1194 case kind::REGEXP_COMPLEMENT: return "re.comp";
1195 case kind::REGEXP_DIFF: return "re.diff";
1196 case kind::SEQUENCE_TYPE: return "Seq";
1197 case kind::SEQ_UNIT: return "seq.unit";
1198 case kind::SEQ_NTH: return "seq.nth";
1200 //sep theory
1201 case kind::SEP_STAR: return "sep";
1202 case kind::SEP_PTO: return "pto";
1203 case kind::SEP_WAND: return "wand";
1204 case kind::SEP_EMP: return "sep.emp";
1206 // quantifiers
1207 case kind::FORALL: return "forall";
1208 case kind::EXISTS: return "exists";
1210 default:
1211 ; /* fall through */
1212 }
1214 // fall back on however the kind prints itself; this probably
1215 // won't be SMT-LIB v2 compliant, but it will be clear from the
1216 // output that support for the kind needs to be added here.
1217 // no SMT way to print these
1218 return kind::kindToString(k);
1219 }
1221 void Smt2Printer::toStreamType(std::ostream& out, TypeNode tn) const
1222 {
1223 // we currently must call TypeNode::toStream here.
1224 tn.toStream(out);
1225 }
1227 template <class T>
1228 static bool tryToStream(std::ostream& out, const Command* c);
1229 template <class T>
1230 static bool tryToStream(std::ostream& out, const Command* c, Variant v);
1232 template <class T>
1233 static bool tryToStream(std::ostream& out, const CommandStatus* s, Variant v);
1235 void Smt2Printer::toStream(std::ostream& out, const CommandStatus* s) const
1236 {
1237 if (tryToStream<CommandSuccess>(out, s, d_variant) ||
1238 tryToStream<CommandFailure>(out, s, d_variant) ||
1239 tryToStream<CommandRecoverableFailure>(out, s, d_variant) ||
1240 tryToStream<CommandUnsupported>(out, s, d_variant) ||
1241 tryToStream<CommandInterrupted>(out, s, d_variant)) {
1242 return;
1243 }
1245 out << "ERROR: don't know how to print a CommandStatus of class: "
1246 << typeid(*s).name() << endl;
1248 }/* Smt2Printer::toStream(CommandStatus*) */
1250 void Smt2Printer::toStream(std::ostream& out, const UnsatCore& core) const
1251 {
1252 out << "(" << std::endl;
1253 if (core.useNames())
1254 {
1255 // use the names
1256 const std::vector<std::string>& cnames = core.getCoreNames();
1257 for (const std::string& cn : cnames)
1258 {
1259 out << cvc5::quoteSymbol(cn) << std::endl;
1260 }
1261 }
1262 else
1263 {
1264 // otherwise, use the formulas
1265 for (UnsatCore::const_iterator i = core.begin(); i != core.end(); ++i)
1266 {
1267 out << *i << endl;
1268 }
1269 }
1270 out << ")" << endl;
1271 }/* Smt2Printer::toStream(UnsatCore, map<Expr, string>) */
1273 void Smt2Printer::toStream(std::ostream& out, const smt::Model& m) const
1274 {
1275 //print the model
1276 out << "(" << endl;
1277 // don't need to print approximations since they are built into choice
1278 // functions in the values of variables.
1279 this->Printer::toStream(out, m);
1280 out << ")" << endl;
1281 //print the heap model, if it exists
1282 Node h, neq;
1283 if (m.getHeapModel(h, neq))
1284 {
1285 // description of the heap+what nil is equal to fully describes model
1286 out << "(heap" << endl;
1287 out << h << endl;
1288 out << neq << endl;
1289 out << ")" << std::endl;
1290 }
1291 }
1293 void Smt2Printer::toStreamModelSort(std::ostream& out,
1294 TypeNode tn,
1295 const std::vector<Node>& elements) const
1296 {
1297 if (!tn.isSort())
1298 {
1299 out << "ERROR: don't know how to print non uninterpreted sort in model: "
1300 << tn << std::endl;
1301 return;
1302 }
1303 // print the cardinality
1304 out << "; cardinality of " << tn << " is " << elements.size() << endl;
1305 if (options::modelUninterpPrint()
1306 == options::ModelUninterpPrintMode::DeclSortAndFun)
1307 {
1308 toStreamCmdDeclareType(out, tn);
1309 }
1310 // print the representatives
1311 for (const Node& trn : elements)
1312 {
1313 if (trn.isVar())
1314 {
1315 if (options::modelUninterpPrint()
1316 == options::ModelUninterpPrintMode::DeclSortAndFun
1317 || options::modelUninterpPrint()
1318 == options::ModelUninterpPrintMode::DeclFun)
1319 {
1320 out << "(declare-fun " << trn << " () " << tn << ")" << endl;
1321 }
1322 }
1323 else
1324 {
1325 out << "; rep: " << trn << endl;
1326 }
1327 }
1328 }
1330 void Smt2Printer::toStreamModelTerm(std::ostream& out,
1331 const Node& n,
1332 const Node& value) const
1333 {
1334 if (value.getKind() == kind::LAMBDA)
1335 {
1336 TypeNode rangeType = n.getType().getRangeType();
1337 out << "(define-fun " << n << " " << value[0] << " " << rangeType << " ";
1338 // call toStream and force its type to be proper
1339 toStreamCastToType(out, value[1], -1, rangeType);
1340 out << ")" << endl;
1341 }
1342 else
1343 {
1344 out << "(define-fun " << n << " () " << n.getType() << " ";
1345 // call toStream and force its type to be proper
1346 toStreamCastToType(out, value, -1, n.getType());
1347 out << ")" << endl;
1348 }
1349 }
1351 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdAssert(std::ostream& out, Node n) const
1352 {
1353 out << "(assert " << n << ')' << std::endl;
1354 }
1356 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdPush(std::ostream& out) const
1357 {
1358 out << "(push 1)" << std::endl;
1359 }
1361 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdPop(std::ostream& out) const
1362 {
1363 out << "(pop 1)" << std::endl;
1364 }
1366 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdCheckSat(std::ostream& out) const
1367 {
1368 out << "(check-sat)" << std::endl;
1369 }
1371 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdCheckSatAssuming(
1372 std::ostream& out, const std::vector<Node>& nodes) const
1373 {
1374 out << "(check-sat-assuming ( ";
1375 copy(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), ostream_iterator<Node>(out, " "));
1376 out << "))" << std::endl;
1377 }
1379 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdQuery(std::ostream& out, Node n) const
1380 {
1381 if (!n.isNull())
1382 {
1383 toStreamCmdCheckSatAssuming(out, {n});
1384 }
1385 else
1386 {
1387 toStreamCmdCheckSat(out);
1388 }
1389 }
1391 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdReset(std::ostream& out) const
1392 {
1393 out << "(reset)" << std::endl;
1394 }
1396 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdResetAssertions(std::ostream& out) const
1397 {
1398 out << "(reset-assertions)" << std::endl;
1399 }
1401 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdQuit(std::ostream& out) const
1402 {
1403 out << "(exit)" << std::endl;
1404 }
1406 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdCommandSequence(
1407 std::ostream& out, const std::vector<Command*>& sequence) const
1408 {
1409 for (Command* i : sequence)
1410 {
1411 out << *i;
1412 }
1413 }
1415 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdDeclarationSequence(
1416 std::ostream& out, const std::vector<Command*>& sequence) const
1417 {
1418 toStreamCmdCommandSequence(out, sequence);
1419 }
1421 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdDeclareFunction(std::ostream& out,
1422 const std::string& id,
1423 TypeNode type) const
1424 {
1425 out << "(declare-fun " << cvc5::quoteSymbol(id) << " (";
1426 if (type.isFunction())
1427 {
1428 const vector<TypeNode> argTypes = type.getArgTypes();
1429 if (argTypes.size() > 0)
1430 {
1431 copy(argTypes.begin(),
1432 argTypes.end() - 1,
1433 ostream_iterator<TypeNode>(out, " "));
1434 out << argTypes.back();
1435 }
1436 type = type.getRangeType();
1437 }
1439 out << ") " << type << ')' << std::endl;
1440 }
1442 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdDeclarePool(
1443 std::ostream& out,
1444 const std::string& id,
1445 TypeNode type,
1446 const std::vector<Node>& initValue) const
1447 {
1448 out << "(declare-pool " << cvc5::quoteSymbol(id) << ' ' << type << " (";
1449 for (size_t i = 0, n = initValue.size(); i < n; ++i)
1450 {
1451 if (i != 0) {
1452 out << ' ';
1453 }
1454 out << initValue[i];
1455 }
1456 out << "))" << std::endl;
1457 }
1459 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdDefineFunction(std::ostream& out,
1460 const std::string& id,
1461 const std::vector<Node>& formals,
1462 TypeNode range,
1463 Node formula) const
1464 {
1465 out << "(define-fun " << id << " (";
1466 if (!formals.empty())
1467 {
1468 vector<Node>::const_iterator i = formals.cbegin();
1469 for (;;)
1470 {
1471 out << "(" << (*i) << " " << (*i).getType() << ")";
1472 ++i;
1473 if (i != formals.cend())
1474 {
1475 out << " ";
1476 }
1477 else
1478 {
1479 break;
1480 }
1481 }
1482 }
1483 out << ") " << range << ' ' << formula << ')' << std::endl;
1484 }
1486 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdDefineFunctionRec(
1487 std::ostream& out,
1488 const std::vector<Node>& funcs,
1489 const std::vector<std::vector<Node>>& formals,
1490 const std::vector<Node>& formulas) const
1491 {
1492 out << "(define-fun";
1493 if (funcs.size() > 1)
1494 {
1495 out << "s";
1496 }
1497 out << "-rec ";
1498 if (funcs.size() > 1)
1499 {
1500 out << "(";
1501 }
1502 for (unsigned i = 0, size = funcs.size(); i < size; i++)
1503 {
1504 if (funcs.size() > 1)
1505 {
1506 if (i > 0)
1507 {
1508 out << " ";
1509 }
1510 out << "(";
1511 }
1512 out << funcs[i] << " (";
1513 // print its type signature
1514 vector<Node>::const_iterator itf = formals[i].cbegin();
1515 while (itf != formals[i].cend())
1516 {
1517 out << "(" << (*itf) << " " << (*itf).getType() << ")";
1518 ++itf;
1519 if (itf != formals[i].cend())
1520 {
1521 out << " ";
1522 }
1523 }
1524 TypeNode type = funcs[i].getType();
1525 if (type.isFunction())
1526 {
1527 type = type.getRangeType();
1528 }
1529 out << ") " << type;
1530 if (funcs.size() > 1)
1531 {
1532 out << ")";
1533 }
1534 }
1535 if (funcs.size() > 1)
1536 {
1537 out << ") (";
1538 }
1539 else
1540 {
1541 out << " ";
1542 }
1543 for (unsigned i = 0, size = formulas.size(); i < size; i++)
1544 {
1545 if (i > 0)
1546 {
1547 out << " ";
1548 }
1549 out << formulas[i];
1550 }
1551 if (funcs.size() > 1)
1552 {
1553 out << ")";
1554 }
1555 out << ")" << std::endl;
1556 }
1558 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdDeclareType(std::ostream& out,
1559 TypeNode type) const
1560 {
1561 Assert(type.isSort() || type.isSortConstructor());
1562 size_t arity = type.isSortConstructor() ? type.getSortConstructorArity() : 0;
1563 out << "(declare-sort " << type << " " << arity << ")" << std::endl;
1564 }
1566 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdDefineType(std::ostream& out,
1567 const std::string& id,
1568 const std::vector<TypeNode>& params,
1569 TypeNode t) const
1570 {
1571 out << "(define-sort " << cvc5::quoteSymbol(id) << " (";
1572 if (params.size() > 0)
1573 {
1574 copy(
1575 params.begin(), params.end() - 1, ostream_iterator<TypeNode>(out, " "));
1576 out << params.back();
1577 }
1578 out << ") " << t << ")" << std::endl;
1579 }
1581 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdSimplify(std::ostream& out, Node n) const
1582 {
1583 out << "(simplify " << n << ')' << std::endl;
1584 }
1586 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdGetValue(std::ostream& out,
1587 const std::vector<Node>& nodes) const
1588 {
1589 out << "(get-value ( ";
1590 copy(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), ostream_iterator<Node>(out, " "));
1591 out << "))" << std::endl;
1592 }
1594 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdGetModel(std::ostream& out) const
1595 {
1596 out << "(get-model)" << std::endl;
1597 }
1599 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdBlockModel(std::ostream& out) const
1600 {
1601 out << "(block-model)" << std::endl;
1602 }
1604 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdBlockModelValues(
1605 std::ostream& out, const std::vector<Node>& nodes) const
1606 {
1607 out << "(block-model-values (";
1608 for (size_t i = 0, n = nodes.size(); i < n; ++i)
1609 {
1610 if (i != 0)
1611 {
1612 out << ' ';
1613 }
1614 out << nodes[i];
1615 }
1616 out << "))" << std::endl;
1617 }
1619 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdGetAssignment(std::ostream& out) const
1620 {
1621 out << "(get-assignment)" << std::endl;
1622 }
1624 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdGetAssertions(std::ostream& out) const
1625 {
1626 out << "(get-assertions)" << std::endl;
1627 }
1629 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdGetProof(std::ostream& out) const
1630 {
1631 out << "(get-proof)" << std::endl;
1632 }
1634 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdGetUnsatAssumptions(std::ostream& out) const
1635 {
1636 out << "(get-unsat-assumptions)" << std::endl;
1637 }
1639 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdGetUnsatCore(std::ostream& out) const
1640 {
1641 out << "(get-unsat-core)" << std::endl;
1642 }
1644 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdGetDifficulty(std::ostream& out) const
1645 {
1646 out << "(get-difficulty)" << std::endl;
1647 }
1649 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdSetBenchmarkLogic(std::ostream& out,
1650 const std::string& logic) const
1651 {
1652 out << "(set-logic " << logic << ')' << std::endl;
1653 }
1655 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdSetInfo(std::ostream& out,
1656 const std::string& flag,
1657 const std::string& value) const
1658 {
1659 out << "(set-info :" << flag << " " << value << ")" << std::endl;
1660 }
1662 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdGetInfo(std::ostream& out,
1663 const std::string& flag) const
1664 {
1665 out << "(get-info :" << flag << ')' << std::endl;
1666 }
1668 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdSetOption(std::ostream& out,
1669 const std::string& flag,
1670 const std::string& value) const
1671 {
1672 out << "(set-option :" << flag << ' ' << value << ')' << std::endl;
1673 }
1675 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdGetOption(std::ostream& out,
1676 const std::string& flag) const
1677 {
1678 out << "(get-option :" << flag << ')' << std::endl;
1679 }
1681 void Smt2Printer::toStream(std::ostream& out, const DType& dt) const
1682 {
1683 for (size_t i = 0, ncons = dt.getNumConstructors(); i < ncons; i++)
1684 {
1685 const DTypeConstructor& cons = dt[i];
1686 if (i != 0)
1687 {
1688 out << " ";
1689 }
1690 out << "(" << cvc5::quoteSymbol(cons.getName());
1691 for (size_t j = 0, nargs = cons.getNumArgs(); j < nargs; j++)
1692 {
1693 const DTypeSelector& arg = cons[j];
1694 out << " (" << arg.getSelector() << " " << arg.getRangeType() << ")";
1695 }
1696 out << ")";
1697 }
1698 }
1700 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdDatatypeDeclaration(
1701 std::ostream& out, const std::vector<TypeNode>& datatypes) const
1702 {
1703 Assert(!datatypes.empty());
1704 Assert(datatypes[0].isDatatype());
1705 const DType& d0 = datatypes[0].getDType();
1706 if (d0.isTuple())
1707 {
1708 // not necessary to print tuples
1709 Assert(datatypes.size() == 1);
1710 return;
1711 }
1712 out << "(declare-";
1713 if (d0.isCodatatype())
1714 {
1715 out << "co";
1716 }
1717 out << "datatypes";
1718 out << " (";
1719 for (const TypeNode& t : datatypes)
1720 {
1721 Assert(t.isDatatype());
1722 const DType& d = t.getDType();
1723 out << "(" << cvc5::quoteSymbol(d.getName());
1724 out << " " << d.getNumParameters() << ")";
1725 }
1726 out << ") (";
1727 for (const TypeNode& t : datatypes)
1728 {
1729 Assert(t.isDatatype());
1730 const DType& d = t.getDType();
1731 if (d.isParametric())
1732 {
1733 out << "(par (";
1734 for (unsigned p = 0, nparam = d.getNumParameters(); p < nparam; p++)
1735 {
1736 out << (p > 0 ? " " : "") << d.getParameter(p);
1737 }
1738 out << ")";
1739 }
1740 out << "(";
1741 toStream(out, d);
1742 out << ")";
1743 if (d.isParametric())
1744 {
1745 out << ")";
1746 }
1747 }
1748 out << ")";
1749 out << ")" << std::endl;
1750 }
1752 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdDeclareHeap(std::ostream& out,
1753 TypeNode locType,
1754 TypeNode dataType) const
1755 {
1756 out << "(declare-heap (" << locType << " " << dataType << "))" << std::endl;
1757 }
1759 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdEmpty(std::ostream& out,
1760 const std::string& name) const
1761 {
1762 out << std::endl;
1763 }
1765 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdEcho(std::ostream& out,
1766 const std::string& output) const
1767 {
1768 out << "(echo " << cvc5::quoteString(output) << ')' << std::endl;
1769 }
1771 /*
1772 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1773 Handling SyGuS commands
1774 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1775 */
1777 std::string Smt2Printer::sygusGrammarString(const TypeNode& t)
1778 {
1779 std::stringstream out;
1780 if (!t.isNull() && t.isDatatype() && t.getDType().isSygus())
1781 {
1782 std::stringstream types_predecl, types_list;
1783 std::set<TypeNode> grammarTypes;
1784 std::list<TypeNode> typesToPrint;
1785 grammarTypes.insert(t);
1786 typesToPrint.push_back(t);
1787 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
1788 // for each datatype in grammar
1789 // name
1790 // sygus type
1791 // constructors in order
1792 do
1793 {
1794 TypeNode curr = typesToPrint.front();
1795 typesToPrint.pop_front();
1796 Assert(curr.isDatatype() && curr.getDType().isSygus());
1797 const DType& dt = curr.getDType();
1798 types_list << '(' << dt.getName() << ' ' << dt.getSygusType() << " (";
1799 types_predecl << '(' << dt.getName() << ' ' << dt.getSygusType() << ") ";
1800 if (dt.getSygusAllowConst())
1801 {
1802 types_list << "(Constant " << dt.getSygusType() << ") ";
1803 }
1804 for (size_t i = 0, ncons = dt.getNumConstructors(); i < ncons; i++)
1805 {
1806 const DTypeConstructor& cons = dt[i];
1807 // make a sygus term
1808 std::vector<Node> cchildren;
1809 cchildren.push_back(cons.getConstructor());
1810 for (size_t j = 0, nargs = cons.getNumArgs(); j < nargs; j++)
1811 {
1812 TypeNode argType = cons[j].getRangeType();
1813 std::stringstream ss;
1814 ss << argType;
1815 Node bv = nm->mkBoundVar(ss.str(), argType);
1816 cchildren.push_back(bv);
1817 // if fresh type, store it for later processing
1818 if (grammarTypes.insert(argType).second)
1819 {
1820 typesToPrint.push_back(argType);
1821 }
1822 }
1823 Node consToPrint = nm->mkNode(kind::APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR, cchildren);
1824 // now, print it using the conversion to builtin with external
1825 types_list << theory::datatypes::utils::sygusToBuiltin(consToPrint,
1826 true);
1827 types_list << ' ';
1828 }
1829 types_list << "))\n";
1830 } while (!typesToPrint.empty());
1832 out << "\n(" << types_predecl.str() << ")\n(" << types_list.str() << ')';
1833 }
1834 return out.str();
1835 }
1837 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdSynthFun(std::ostream& out,
1838 Node f,
1839 const std::vector<Node>& vars,
1840 bool isInv,
1841 TypeNode sygusType) const
1842 {
1843 out << '(' << (isInv ? "synth-inv " : "synth-fun ") << f << ' ' << '(';
1844 if (!vars.empty())
1845 {
1846 // print variable list
1847 std::vector<Node>::const_iterator i = vars.cbegin(), i_end = vars.cend();
1848 out << '(' << *i << ' ' << i->getType() << ')';
1849 ++i;
1850 while (i != i_end)
1851 {
1852 out << " (" << *i << ' ' << i->getType() << ')';
1853 ++i;
1854 }
1855 }
1856 out << ')';
1857 // if not invariant-to-synthesize, print return type
1858 if (!isInv)
1859 {
1860 TypeNode ftn = f.getType();
1861 TypeNode range = ftn.isFunction() ? ftn.getRangeType() : ftn;
1862 out << ' ' << range;
1863 }
1864 out << '\n';
1865 // print grammar, if any
1866 if (!sygusType.isNull())
1867 {
1868 out << sygusGrammarString(sygusType);
1869 }
1870 out << ')' << std::endl;
1871 }
1873 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdDeclareVar(std::ostream& out,
1874 Node var,
1875 TypeNode type) const
1876 {
1877 out << "(declare-var " << var << ' ' << type << ')' << std::endl;
1878 }
1880 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdConstraint(std::ostream& out, Node n) const
1881 {
1882 out << "(constraint " << n << ')' << std::endl;
1883 }
1885 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdAssume(std::ostream& out, Node n) const
1886 {
1887 out << "(assume " << n << ')' << std::endl;
1888 }
1890 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdInvConstraint(
1891 std::ostream& out, Node inv, Node pre, Node trans, Node post) const
1892 {
1893 out << "(inv-constraint " << inv << ' ' << pre << ' ' << trans << ' ' << post
1894 << ')' << std::endl;
1895 }
1897 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdCheckSynth(std::ostream& out) const
1898 {
1899 out << "(check-synth)" << std::endl;
1900 }
1902 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdGetInterpol(std::ostream& out,
1903 const std::string& name,
1904 Node conj,
1905 TypeNode sygusType) const
1906 {
1907 out << "(get-interpol " << cvc5::quoteSymbol(name) << ' ' << conj;
1908 if (!sygusType.isNull())
1909 {
1910 out << ' ' << sygusGrammarString(sygusType);
1911 }
1912 out << ')' << std::endl;
1913 }
1915 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdGetAbduct(std::ostream& out,
1916 const std::string& name,
1917 Node conj,
1918 TypeNode sygusType) const
1919 {
1920 out << "(get-abduct ";
1921 out << name << ' ';
1922 out << conj << ' ';
1924 // print grammar, if any
1925 if (!sygusType.isNull())
1926 {
1927 out << sygusGrammarString(sygusType);
1928 }
1929 out << ')' << std::endl;
1930 }
1932 void Smt2Printer::toStreamCmdGetQuantifierElimination(std::ostream& out,
1933 Node n,
1934 bool doFull) const
1935 {
1936 out << '(' << (doFull ? "get-qe" : "get-qe-disjunct") << ' ' << n << ')'
1937 << std::endl;
1938 }
1940 /*
1941 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1942 End of Handling SyGuS commands
1943 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1944 */
1946 template <class T>
1947 static bool tryToStream(std::ostream& out, const Command* c)
1948 {
1949 if(typeid(*c) == typeid(T)) {
1950 toStream(out, dynamic_cast<const T*>(c));
1951 return true;
1952 }
1953 return false;
1954 }
1956 template <class T>
1957 static bool tryToStream(std::ostream& out, const Command* c, Variant v)
1958 {
1959 if(typeid(*c) == typeid(T)) {
1960 toStream(out, dynamic_cast<const T*>(c), v);
1961 return true;
1962 }
1963 return false;
1964 }
1966 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const CommandSuccess* s, Variant v)
1967 {
1968 if(Command::printsuccess::getPrintSuccess(out)) {
1969 out << "success" << endl;
1970 }
1971 }
1973 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const CommandInterrupted* s, Variant v)
1974 {
1975 out << "interrupted" << endl;
1976 }
1978 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const CommandUnsupported* s, Variant v)
1979 {
1981 // if in competition mode, lie and say we're ok
1982 // (we have nothing to lose by saying success, and everything to lose
1983 // if we say "unsupported")
1984 out << "success" << endl;
1985 #else /* CVC5_COMPETITION_MODE */
1986 out << "unsupported" << endl;
1987 #endif /* CVC5_COMPETITION_MODE */
1988 }
1990 static void errorToStream(std::ostream& out, std::string message, Variant v)
1991 {
1992 out << "(error " << cvc5::quoteString(message) << ')' << endl;
1993 }
1995 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const CommandFailure* s, Variant v) {
1996 errorToStream(out, s->getMessage(), v);
1997 }
1999 static void toStream(std::ostream& out, const CommandRecoverableFailure* s,
2000 Variant v) {
2001 errorToStream(out, s->getMessage(), v);
2002 }
2004 template <class T>
2005 static bool tryToStream(std::ostream& out, const CommandStatus* s, Variant v)
2006 {
2007 if(typeid(*s) == typeid(T)) {
2008 toStream(out, dynamic_cast<const T*>(s), v);
2009 return true;
2010 }
2011 return false;
2012 }
2014 } // namespace smt2
2015 } // namespace printer
2016 } // namespace cvc5