Use -Wimplicit-fallthrough (#3464)
[cvc5.git] / src / proof / cnf_proof.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file cnf_proof.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Liana Hadarean, Guy Katz, Alex Ozdemir
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief A manager for CnfProofs.
13 **
14 ** A manager for CnfProofs.
15 **
16 **
17 **/
19 #include "cvc4_private.h"
21 #ifndef CVC4__CNF_PROOF_H
22 #define CVC4__CNF_PROOF_H
24 #include <iosfwd>
25 #include <unordered_map>
26 #include <unordered_set>
28 #include "context/cdhashmap.h"
29 #include "proof/clause_id.h"
30 #include "proof/lemma_proof.h"
31 #include "proof/sat_proof.h"
32 #include "util/maybe.h"
33 #include "util/proof.h"
35 namespace CVC4 {
36 namespace prop {
37 class CnfStream;
38 }/* CVC4::prop namespace */
40 class CnfProof;
42 typedef std::unordered_map<prop::SatVariable, Expr> SatVarToExpr;
43 typedef std::unordered_map<Node, Node, NodeHashFunction> NodeToNode;
44 typedef std::unordered_set<ClauseId> ClauseIdSet;
46 typedef context::CDHashMap<ClauseId, Node> ClauseIdToNode;
47 typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, ProofRule, NodeHashFunction> NodeToProofRule;
48 typedef std::map<std::set<Node>, LemmaProofRecipe> LemmaToRecipe;
49 typedef std::pair<Node, Node> NodePair;
50 typedef std::set<NodePair> NodePairSet;
52 class CnfProof {
53 protected:
54 CVC4::prop::CnfStream* d_cnfStream;
56 /** Map from ClauseId to the assertion that lead to adding this clause **/
57 ClauseIdToNode d_clauseToAssertion;
59 /** Map from assertion to reason for adding assertion **/
60 NodeToProofRule d_assertionToProofRule;
62 /** Map from lemma to the recipe for proving it **/
63 LemmaToRecipe d_lemmaToProofRecipe;
65 /** Top of stack is assertion currently being converted to CNF **/
66 std::vector<Node> d_currentAssertionStack;
68 /** Top of stack is top-level fact currently being converted to CNF **/
69 std::vector<Node> d_currentDefinitionStack;
71 /** Map from ClauseId to the top-level fact that lead to adding this clause **/
72 ClauseIdToNode d_clauseToDefinition;
74 /** Top-level facts that follow from assertions during convertAndAssert **/
75 NodeSet d_definitions;
77 /** Map from top-level fact to facts/assertion that it follows from **/
78 NodeToNode d_cnfDeps;
80 ClauseIdSet d_explanations;
82 // The clause ID of the unit clause defining the true SAT literal.
83 ClauseId d_trueUnitClause;
84 // The clause ID of the unit clause defining the false SAT literal.
85 ClauseId d_falseUnitClause;
87 bool isDefinition(Node node);
89 Node getDefinitionForClause(ClauseId clause);
91 std::string d_name;
92 public:
93 CnfProof(CVC4::prop::CnfStream* cnfStream,
94 context::Context* ctx,
95 const std::string& name);
98 Node getAtom(prop::SatVariable var);
99 prop::SatLiteral getLiteral(TNode node);
100 bool hasLiteral(TNode node);
101 void ensureLiteral(TNode node, bool noPreregistration = false);
103 void collectAtoms(const prop::SatClause* clause,
104 std::set<Node>& atoms);
105 void collectAtomsForClauses(const IdToSatClause& clauses,
106 std::set<Node>& atoms);
107 void collectAtomsAndRewritesForLemmas(const IdToSatClause& lemmaClauses,
108 std::set<Node>& atoms,
109 NodePairSet& rewrites);
110 void collectAssertionsForClauses(const IdToSatClause& clauses,
111 NodeSet& assertions);
113 /** Methods for logging what the CnfStream does **/
114 // map the clause back to the current assertion where it came from
115 // if it is an explanation, it does not have a CNF proof since it is
116 // already in CNF
117 void registerConvertedClause(ClauseId clause, bool explanation=false);
119 // The CNF proof has a special relationship to true and false.
120 // In particular, it need to know the identity of clauses defining
121 // canonical true and false literals in the underlying SAT solver.
122 void registerTrueUnitClause(ClauseId clauseId);
123 void registerFalseUnitClause(ClauseId clauseId);
124 inline ClauseId getTrueUnitClause() { return d_trueUnitClause; };
125 inline ClauseId getFalseUnitClause() { return d_falseUnitClause; };
127 /** Clause is one of the clauses defining the node expression*/
128 void setClauseDefinition(ClauseId clause, Node node);
130 /** Clause is one of the clauses defining top-level assertion node*/
131 void setClauseAssertion(ClauseId clause, Node node);
133 void registerAssertion(Node assertion, ProofRule reason);
134 void setCnfDependence(Node from, Node to);
136 void pushCurrentAssertion(Node assertion); // the current assertion being converted
137 void popCurrentAssertion();
138 Node getCurrentAssertion();
140 void pushCurrentDefinition(Node assertion); // the current Tseitin definition being converted
141 void popCurrentDefinition();
142 Node getCurrentDefinition();
144 /**
145 * Checks whether the assertion stack is empty.
146 */
147 bool isAssertionStackEmpty() const { return d_currentAssertionStack.empty(); }
149 void setProofRecipe(LemmaProofRecipe* proofRecipe);
150 LemmaProofRecipe getProofRecipe(const std::set<Node> &lemma);
151 bool haveProofRecipe(const std::set<Node> &lemma);
153 // accessors for the leaf assertions that are being converted to CNF
154 bool isAssertion(Node node);
155 ProofRule getProofRule(Node assertion);
156 ProofRule getProofRule(ClauseId clause);
157 Node getAssertionForClause(ClauseId clause);
159 /** Virtual methods for printing things **/
160 virtual void printAtomMapping(const std::set<Node>& atoms,
161 std::ostream& os,
162 std::ostream& paren) = 0;
163 virtual void printAtomMapping(const std::set<Node>& atoms,
164 std::ostream& os,
165 std::ostream& paren,
166 ProofLetMap &letMap) = 0;
168 // Detects whether a clause has x v ~x for some x
169 // If so, returns the positive occurence's idx first, then the negative's
170 static Maybe<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> detectTrivialTautology(
171 const prop::SatClause& clause);
172 virtual void printClause(const prop::SatClause& clause,
173 std::ostream& os,
174 std::ostream& paren) = 0;
175 virtual void printCnfProofForClause(ClauseId id,
176 const prop::SatClause* clause,
177 std::ostream& os,
178 std::ostream& paren) = 0;
179 virtual ~CnfProof();
180 };/* class CnfProof */
182 class LFSCCnfProof : public CnfProof {
183 Node clauseToNode( const prop::SatClause& clause,
184 std::map<Node, unsigned>& childIndex,
185 std::map<Node, bool>& childPol );
186 bool printProofTopLevel(Node e, std::ostream& out);
187 public:
188 LFSCCnfProof(CVC4::prop::CnfStream* cnfStream,
189 context::Context* ctx,
190 const std::string& name)
191 : CnfProof(cnfStream, ctx, name)
192 {}
193 ~LFSCCnfProof() {}
195 void printAtomMapping(const std::set<Node>& atoms,
196 std::ostream& os,
197 std::ostream& paren) override;
199 void printAtomMapping(const std::set<Node>& atoms,
200 std::ostream& os,
201 std::ostream& paren,
202 ProofLetMap& letMap) override;
204 void printClause(const prop::SatClause& clause,
205 std::ostream& os,
206 std::ostream& paren) override;
207 void printCnfProofForClause(ClauseId id,
208 const prop::SatClause* clause,
209 std::ostream& os,
210 std::ostream& paren) override;
211 };/* class LFSCCnfProof */
213 } /* CVC4 namespace */
215 #endif /* CVC4__CNF_PROOF_H */