Towards proper use of resource managers (#4233)
[cvc5.git] / src / prop / cnf_stream.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file cnf_stream.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Dejan Jovanovic, Liana Hadarean, Tim King
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief A CNF converter that takes in asserts and has the side effect
13 ** of given an equisatisfiable stream of assertions to PropEngine.
14 **
15 ** A CNF converter that takes in asserts and has the side effect
16 ** of given an equisatisfiable stream of assertions to PropEngine.
17 **/
18 #include "prop/cnf_stream.h"
20 #include <queue>
22 #include "base/check.h"
23 #include "base/output.h"
24 #include "expr/expr.h"
25 #include "expr/node.h"
26 #include "options/bv_options.h"
27 #include "proof/clause_id.h"
28 #include "proof/cnf_proof.h"
29 #include "proof/proof_manager.h"
30 #include "proof/sat_proof.h"
31 #include "prop/minisat/minisat.h"
32 #include "prop/prop_engine.h"
33 #include "prop/theory_proxy.h"
34 #include "smt/command.h"
35 #include "smt/smt_engine_scope.h"
36 #include "theory/theory.h"
37 #include "theory/theory_engine.h"
39 using namespace std;
40 using namespace CVC4::kind;
42 namespace CVC4 {
43 namespace prop {
45 CnfStream::CnfStream(SatSolver* satSolver, Registrar* registrar,
46 context::Context* context, bool fullLitToNodeMap,
47 std::string name)
48 : d_satSolver(satSolver),
49 d_booleanVariables(context),
50 d_nodeToLiteralMap(context),
51 d_literalToNodeMap(context),
52 d_fullLitToNodeMap(fullLitToNodeMap),
53 d_convertAndAssertCounter(0),
54 d_registrar(registrar),
55 d_name(name),
56 d_cnfProof(NULL),
57 d_removable(false) {
58 }
60 TseitinCnfStream::TseitinCnfStream(SatSolver* satSolver,
61 Registrar* registrar,
62 context::Context* context,
63 ResourceManager* rm,
64 bool fullLitToNodeMap,
65 std::string name)
66 : CnfStream(satSolver, registrar, context, fullLitToNodeMap, name),
67 d_resourceManager(rm)
68 {}
70 void CnfStream::assertClause(TNode node, SatClause& c) {
71 Debug("cnf") << "Inserting into stream " << c << " node = " << node << endl;
72 if(Dump.isOn("clauses")) {
73 if(c.size() == 1) {
74 Dump("clauses") << AssertCommand(Expr(getNode(c[0]).toExpr()));
75 } else {
76 Assert(c.size() > 1);
77 NodeBuilder<> b(kind::OR);
78 for(unsigned i = 0; i < c.size(); ++i) {
79 b << getNode(c[i]);
80 }
81 Node n = b;
82 Dump("clauses") << AssertCommand(Expr(n.toExpr()));
83 }
84 }
86 if (PROOF_ON() && d_cnfProof)
87 {
88 d_cnfProof->pushCurrentDefinition(node);
89 }
91 ClauseId clause_id = d_satSolver->addClause(c, d_removable);
92 if (clause_id == ClauseIdUndef) return; // nothing to store (no clause was added)
94 if (PROOF_ON() && d_cnfProof)
95 {
96 if (clause_id != ClauseIdError)
97 {
98 d_cnfProof->registerConvertedClause(clause_id);
99 }
100 d_cnfProof->popCurrentDefinition();
101 };
102 }
104 void CnfStream::assertClause(TNode node, SatLiteral a) {
105 SatClause clause(1);
106 clause[0] = a;
107 assertClause(node, clause);
108 }
110 void CnfStream::assertClause(TNode node, SatLiteral a, SatLiteral b) {
111 SatClause clause(2);
112 clause[0] = a;
113 clause[1] = b;
114 assertClause(node, clause);
115 }
117 void CnfStream::assertClause(TNode node, SatLiteral a, SatLiteral b, SatLiteral c) {
118 SatClause clause(3);
119 clause[0] = a;
120 clause[1] = b;
121 clause[2] = c;
122 assertClause(node, clause);
123 }
125 bool CnfStream::hasLiteral(TNode n) const {
126 NodeToLiteralMap::const_iterator find = d_nodeToLiteralMap.find(n);
127 return find != d_nodeToLiteralMap.end();
128 }
130 void TseitinCnfStream::ensureLiteral(TNode n, bool noPreregistration) {
131 // These are not removable and have no proof ID
132 d_removable = false;
134 Debug("cnf") << "ensureLiteral(" << n << ")" << endl;
135 if(hasLiteral(n)) {
136 SatLiteral lit = getLiteral(n);
137 if(!d_literalToNodeMap.contains(lit)){
138 // Store backward-mappings
139 d_literalToNodeMap.insert(lit, n);
140 d_literalToNodeMap.insert(~lit, n.notNode());
141 }
142 return;
143 }
145 AlwaysAssertArgument(
146 n.getType().isBoolean(),
147 n,
148 "CnfStream::ensureLiteral() requires a node of Boolean type.\n"
149 "got node: %s\n"
150 "its type: %s\n",
151 n.toString().c_str(),
152 n.getType().toString().c_str());
154 bool negated CVC4_UNUSED = false;
155 SatLiteral lit;
157 if(n.getKind() == kind::NOT) {
158 negated = true;
159 n = n[0];
160 }
162 if( theory::Theory::theoryOf(n) == theory::THEORY_BOOL &&
163 !n.isVar() ) {
164 // If we were called with something other than a theory atom (or
165 // Boolean variable), we get a SatLiteral that is definitionally
166 // equal to it.
167 //
168 // We are setting the current assertion to be null. This is because `toCNF`
169 // may add clauses to the SAT solver and we look up the current assertion
170 // in that case. Setting it to null ensures that the assertion stack is
171 // non-empty and that we are not associating a bogus assertion with the
172 // clause. This should be ok because we use the mapping back to assertions
173 // for clauses from input assertions only.
174 PROOF(if (d_cnfProof) { d_cnfProof->pushCurrentAssertion(Node::null()); });
176 lit = toCNF(n, false);
178 PROOF(if (d_cnfProof) { d_cnfProof->popCurrentAssertion(); });
180 // Store backward-mappings
181 // These may already exist
182 d_literalToNodeMap.insert_safe(lit, n);
183 d_literalToNodeMap.insert_safe(~lit, n.notNode());
184 } else {
185 // We have a theory atom or variable.
186 lit = convertAtom(n, noPreregistration);
187 }
189 Assert(hasLiteral(n) && getNode(lit) == n);
190 Debug("ensureLiteral") << "CnfStream::ensureLiteral(): out lit is " << lit << std::endl;
191 }
193 SatLiteral CnfStream::newLiteral(TNode node, bool isTheoryAtom, bool preRegister, bool canEliminate) {
194 Debug("cnf") << d_name << "::newLiteral(" << node << ", " << isTheoryAtom << ")" << endl;
195 Assert(node.getKind() != kind::NOT);
197 // Get the literal for this node
198 SatLiteral lit;
199 if (!hasLiteral(node)) {
200 // If no literal, we'll make one
201 if (node.getKind() == kind::CONST_BOOLEAN) {
202 if (node.getConst<bool>()) {
203 lit = SatLiteral(d_satSolver->trueVar());
204 } else {
205 lit = SatLiteral(d_satSolver->falseVar());
206 }
207 } else {
208 lit = SatLiteral(d_satSolver->newVar(isTheoryAtom, preRegister, canEliminate));
209 }
210 d_nodeToLiteralMap.insert(node, lit);
211 d_nodeToLiteralMap.insert(node.notNode(), ~lit);
212 } else {
213 lit = getLiteral(node);
214 }
216 // If it's a theory literal, need to store it for back queries
217 if ( isTheoryAtom || d_fullLitToNodeMap || (Dump.isOn("clauses")) ) {
218 d_literalToNodeMap.insert_safe(lit, node);
219 d_literalToNodeMap.insert_safe(~lit, node.notNode());
220 }
222 // If a theory literal, we pre-register it
223 if (preRegister) {
224 // In case we are re-entered due to lemmas, save our state
225 bool backupRemovable = d_removable;
226 // Should be fine since cnfProof current assertion is stack based.
227 d_registrar->preRegister(node);
228 d_removable = backupRemovable;
229 }
231 // Here, you can have it
232 Debug("cnf") << "newLiteral(" << node << ") => " << lit << endl;
234 return lit;
235 }
237 TNode CnfStream::getNode(const SatLiteral& literal) {
238 Debug("cnf") << "getNode(" << literal << ")" << endl;
239 Debug("cnf") << "getNode(" << literal << ") => " << d_literalToNodeMap[literal] << endl;
240 return d_literalToNodeMap[literal];
241 }
243 void CnfStream::getBooleanVariables(std::vector<TNode>& outputVariables) const {
244 context::CDList<TNode>::const_iterator it, it_end;
245 for (it = d_booleanVariables.begin(); it != d_booleanVariables.end(); ++ it) {
246 outputVariables.push_back(*it);
247 }
248 }
250 void CnfStream::setProof(CnfProof* proof) {
251 Assert(d_cnfProof == NULL);
252 d_cnfProof = proof;
253 }
255 SatLiteral CnfStream::convertAtom(TNode node, bool noPreregistration) {
256 Debug("cnf") << "convertAtom(" << node << ")" << endl;
258 Assert(!hasLiteral(node)) << "atom already mapped!";
260 bool theoryLiteral = false;
261 bool canEliminate = true;
262 bool preRegister = false;
264 // Is this a variable add it to the list
265 if (node.isVar() && node.getKind()!=BOOLEAN_TERM_VARIABLE) {
266 d_booleanVariables.push_back(node);
267 } else {
268 theoryLiteral = true;
269 canEliminate = false;
270 preRegister = !noPreregistration;
271 }
273 // Make a new literal (variables are not considered theory literals)
274 SatLiteral lit = newLiteral(node, theoryLiteral, preRegister, canEliminate);
275 // Return the resulting literal
276 return lit;
277 }
279 SatLiteral CnfStream::getLiteral(TNode node) {
280 Assert(!node.isNull()) << "CnfStream: can't getLiteral() of null node";
282 Assert(d_nodeToLiteralMap.contains(node))
283 << "Literal not in the CNF Cache: " << node << "\n";
285 SatLiteral literal = d_nodeToLiteralMap[node];
286 Debug("cnf") << "CnfStream::getLiteral(" << node << ") => " << literal << std::endl;
287 return literal;
288 }
290 SatLiteral TseitinCnfStream::handleXor(TNode xorNode) {
291 Assert(!hasLiteral(xorNode)) << "Atom already mapped!";
292 Assert(xorNode.getKind() == XOR) << "Expecting an XOR expression!";
293 Assert(xorNode.getNumChildren() == 2) << "Expecting exactly 2 children!";
294 Assert(!d_removable) << "Removable clauses can not contain Boolean structure";
296 SatLiteral a = toCNF(xorNode[0]);
297 SatLiteral b = toCNF(xorNode[1]);
299 SatLiteral xorLit = newLiteral(xorNode);
301 assertClause(xorNode.negate(), a, b, ~xorLit);
302 assertClause(xorNode.negate(), ~a, ~b, ~xorLit);
303 assertClause(xorNode, a, ~b, xorLit);
304 assertClause(xorNode, ~a, b, xorLit);
306 return xorLit;
307 }
309 SatLiteral TseitinCnfStream::handleOr(TNode orNode) {
310 Assert(!hasLiteral(orNode)) << "Atom already mapped!";
311 Assert(orNode.getKind() == OR) << "Expecting an OR expression!";
312 Assert(orNode.getNumChildren() > 1) << "Expecting more then 1 child!";
313 Assert(!d_removable) << "Removable clauses can not contain Boolean structure";
315 // Number of children
316 unsigned n_children = orNode.getNumChildren();
318 // Transform all the children first
319 TNode::const_iterator node_it = orNode.begin();
320 TNode::const_iterator node_it_end = orNode.end();
321 SatClause clause(n_children + 1);
322 for(int i = 0; node_it != node_it_end; ++node_it, ++i) {
323 clause[i] = toCNF(*node_it);
324 }
326 // Get the literal for this node
327 SatLiteral orLit = newLiteral(orNode);
329 // lit <- (a_1 | a_2 | a_3 | ... | a_n)
330 // lit | ~(a_1 | a_2 | a_3 | ... | a_n)
331 // (lit | ~a_1) & (lit | ~a_2) & (lit & ~a_3) & ... & (lit & ~a_n)
332 for(unsigned i = 0; i < n_children; ++i) {
333 assertClause(orNode, orLit, ~clause[i]);
334 }
336 // lit -> (a_1 | a_2 | a_3 | ... | a_n)
337 // ~lit | a_1 | a_2 | a_3 | ... | a_n
338 clause[n_children] = ~orLit;
339 // This needs to go last, as the clause might get modified by the SAT solver
340 assertClause(orNode.negate(), clause);
342 // Return the literal
343 return orLit;
344 }
346 SatLiteral TseitinCnfStream::handleAnd(TNode andNode) {
347 Assert(!hasLiteral(andNode)) << "Atom already mapped!";
348 Assert(andNode.getKind() == AND) << "Expecting an AND expression!";
349 Assert(andNode.getNumChildren() > 1) << "Expecting more than 1 child!";
350 Assert(!d_removable) << "Removable clauses can not contain Boolean structure";
352 // Number of children
353 unsigned n_children = andNode.getNumChildren();
355 // Transform all the children first (remembering the negation)
356 TNode::const_iterator node_it = andNode.begin();
357 TNode::const_iterator node_it_end = andNode.end();
358 SatClause clause(n_children + 1);
359 for(int i = 0; node_it != node_it_end; ++node_it, ++i) {
360 clause[i] = ~toCNF(*node_it);
361 }
363 // Get the literal for this node
364 SatLiteral andLit = newLiteral(andNode);
366 // lit -> (a_1 & a_2 & a_3 & ... & a_n)
367 // ~lit | (a_1 & a_2 & a_3 & ... & a_n)
368 // (~lit | a_1) & (~lit | a_2) & ... & (~lit | a_n)
369 for(unsigned i = 0; i < n_children; ++i) {
370 assertClause(andNode.negate(), ~andLit, ~clause[i]);
371 }
373 // lit <- (a_1 & a_2 & a_3 & ... a_n)
374 // lit | ~(a_1 & a_2 & a_3 & ... & a_n)
375 // lit | ~a_1 | ~a_2 | ~a_3 | ... | ~a_n
376 clause[n_children] = andLit;
377 // This needs to go last, as the clause might get modified by the SAT solver
378 assertClause(andNode, clause);
380 return andLit;
381 }
383 SatLiteral TseitinCnfStream::handleImplies(TNode impliesNode) {
384 Assert(!hasLiteral(impliesNode)) << "Atom already mapped!";
385 Assert(impliesNode.getKind() == IMPLIES)
386 << "Expecting an IMPLIES expression!";
387 Assert(impliesNode.getNumChildren() == 2) << "Expecting exactly 2 children!";
388 Assert(!d_removable) << "Removable clauses can not contain Boolean structure";
390 // Convert the children to cnf
391 SatLiteral a = toCNF(impliesNode[0]);
392 SatLiteral b = toCNF(impliesNode[1]);
394 SatLiteral impliesLit = newLiteral(impliesNode);
396 // lit -> (a->b)
397 // ~lit | ~ a | b
398 assertClause(impliesNode.negate(), ~impliesLit, ~a, b);
400 // (a->b) -> lit
401 // ~(~a | b) | lit
402 // (a | l) & (~b | l)
403 assertClause(impliesNode, a, impliesLit);
404 assertClause(impliesNode, ~b, impliesLit);
406 return impliesLit;
407 }
410 SatLiteral TseitinCnfStream::handleIff(TNode iffNode) {
411 Assert(!hasLiteral(iffNode)) << "Atom already mapped!";
412 Assert(iffNode.getKind() == EQUAL) << "Expecting an EQUAL expression!";
413 Assert(iffNode.getNumChildren() == 2) << "Expecting exactly 2 children!";
415 Debug("cnf") << "handleIff(" << iffNode << ")" << endl;
417 // Convert the children to CNF
418 SatLiteral a = toCNF(iffNode[0]);
419 SatLiteral b = toCNF(iffNode[1]);
421 // Get the now literal
422 SatLiteral iffLit = newLiteral(iffNode);
424 // lit -> ((a-> b) & (b->a))
425 // ~lit | ((~a | b) & (~b | a))
426 // (~a | b | ~lit) & (~b | a | ~lit)
427 assertClause(iffNode.negate(), ~a, b, ~iffLit);
428 assertClause(iffNode.negate(), a, ~b, ~iffLit);
430 // (a<->b) -> lit
431 // ~((a & b) | (~a & ~b)) | lit
432 // (~(a & b)) & (~(~a & ~b)) | lit
433 // ((~a | ~b) & (a | b)) | lit
434 // (~a | ~b | lit) & (a | b | lit)
435 assertClause(iffNode, ~a, ~b, iffLit);
436 assertClause(iffNode, a, b, iffLit);
438 return iffLit;
439 }
442 SatLiteral TseitinCnfStream::handleNot(TNode notNode) {
443 Assert(!hasLiteral(notNode)) << "Atom already mapped!";
444 Assert(notNode.getKind() == NOT) << "Expecting a NOT expression!";
445 Assert(notNode.getNumChildren() == 1) << "Expecting exactly 1 child!";
447 SatLiteral notLit = ~toCNF(notNode[0]);
449 return notLit;
450 }
452 SatLiteral TseitinCnfStream::handleIte(TNode iteNode) {
453 Assert(iteNode.getKind() == ITE);
454 Assert(iteNode.getNumChildren() == 3);
455 Assert(!d_removable) << "Removable clauses can not contain Boolean structure";
457 Debug("cnf") << "handleIte(" << iteNode[0] << " " << iteNode[1] << " " << iteNode[2] << ")" << endl;
459 SatLiteral condLit = toCNF(iteNode[0]);
460 SatLiteral thenLit = toCNF(iteNode[1]);
461 SatLiteral elseLit = toCNF(iteNode[2]);
463 SatLiteral iteLit = newLiteral(iteNode);
465 // If ITE is true then one of the branches is true and the condition
466 // implies which one
467 // lit -> (ite b t e)
468 // lit -> (t | e) & (b -> t) & (!b -> e)
469 // lit -> (t | e) & (!b | t) & (b | e)
470 // (!lit | t | e) & (!lit | !b | t) & (!lit | b | e)
471 assertClause(iteNode.negate(), ~iteLit, thenLit, elseLit);
472 assertClause(iteNode.negate(), ~iteLit, ~condLit, thenLit);
473 assertClause(iteNode.negate(), ~iteLit, condLit, elseLit);
475 // If ITE is false then one of the branches is false and the condition
476 // implies which one
477 // !lit -> !(ite b t e)
478 // !lit -> (!t | !e) & (b -> !t) & (!b -> !e)
479 // !lit -> (!t | !e) & (!b | !t) & (b | !e)
480 // (lit | !t | !e) & (lit | !b | !t) & (lit | b | !e)
481 assertClause(iteNode, iteLit, ~thenLit, ~elseLit);
482 assertClause(iteNode, iteLit, ~condLit, ~thenLit);
483 assertClause(iteNode, iteLit, condLit, ~elseLit);
485 return iteLit;
486 }
489 SatLiteral TseitinCnfStream::toCNF(TNode node, bool negated) {
490 Debug("cnf") << "toCNF(" << node << ", negated = " << (negated ? "true" : "false") << ")" << endl;
492 SatLiteral nodeLit;
493 Node negatedNode = node.notNode();
495 // If the non-negated node has already been translated, get the translation
496 if(hasLiteral(node)) {
497 Debug("cnf") << "toCNF(): already translated" << endl;
498 nodeLit = getLiteral(node);
499 } else {
500 // Handle each Boolean operator case
501 switch(node.getKind()) {
502 case NOT:
503 nodeLit = handleNot(node);
504 break;
505 case XOR:
506 nodeLit = handleXor(node);
507 break;
508 case ITE:
509 nodeLit = handleIte(node);
510 break;
511 case IMPLIES:
512 nodeLit = handleImplies(node);
513 break;
514 case OR:
515 nodeLit = handleOr(node);
516 break;
517 case AND:
518 nodeLit = handleAnd(node);
519 break;
520 case EQUAL:
521 if(node[0].getType().isBoolean()) {
522 nodeLit = handleIff(node);
523 } else {
524 nodeLit = convertAtom(node);
525 }
526 break;
527 default:
528 {
529 //TODO make sure this does not contain any boolean substructure
530 nodeLit = convertAtom(node);
531 //Unreachable();
532 //Node atomic = handleNonAtomicNode(node);
533 //return isCached(atomic) ? lookupInCache(atomic) : convertAtom(atomic);
534 }
535 break;
536 }
537 }
539 // Return the appropriate (negated) literal
540 if (!negated) return nodeLit;
541 else return ~nodeLit;
542 }
544 void TseitinCnfStream::convertAndAssertAnd(TNode node, bool negated) {
545 Assert(node.getKind() == AND);
546 if (!negated) {
547 // If the node is a conjunction, we handle each conjunct separately
548 for(TNode::const_iterator conjunct = node.begin(), node_end = node.end();
549 conjunct != node_end; ++conjunct ) {
550 PROOF(if (d_cnfProof) d_cnfProof->setCnfDependence(*conjunct, node););
551 convertAndAssert(*conjunct, false);
552 }
553 } else {
554 // If the node is a disjunction, we construct a clause and assert it
555 int nChildren = node.getNumChildren();
556 SatClause clause(nChildren);
557 TNode::const_iterator disjunct = node.begin();
558 for(int i = 0; i < nChildren; ++ disjunct, ++ i) {
559 Assert(disjunct != node.end());
560 clause[i] = toCNF(*disjunct, true);
561 }
562 Assert(disjunct == node.end());
563 assertClause(node.negate(), clause);
564 }
565 }
567 void TseitinCnfStream::convertAndAssertOr(TNode node, bool negated) {
568 Assert(node.getKind() == OR);
569 if (!negated) {
570 // If the node is a disjunction, we construct a clause and assert it
571 int nChildren = node.getNumChildren();
572 SatClause clause(nChildren);
573 TNode::const_iterator disjunct = node.begin();
574 for(int i = 0; i < nChildren; ++ disjunct, ++ i) {
575 Assert(disjunct != node.end());
576 clause[i] = toCNF(*disjunct, false);
577 }
578 Assert(disjunct == node.end());
579 assertClause(node, clause);
580 } else {
581 // If the node is a conjunction, we handle each conjunct separately
582 for(TNode::const_iterator conjunct = node.begin(), node_end = node.end();
583 conjunct != node_end; ++conjunct ) {
584 PROOF(if (d_cnfProof) d_cnfProof->setCnfDependence((*conjunct).negate(), node.negate()););
585 convertAndAssert(*conjunct, true);
586 }
587 }
588 }
590 void TseitinCnfStream::convertAndAssertXor(TNode node, bool negated) {
591 if (!negated) {
592 // p XOR q
593 SatLiteral p = toCNF(node[0], false);
594 SatLiteral q = toCNF(node[1], false);
595 // Construct the clauses (p => !q) and (!q => p)
596 SatClause clause1(2);
597 clause1[0] = ~p;
598 clause1[1] = ~q;
599 assertClause(node, clause1);
600 SatClause clause2(2);
601 clause2[0] = p;
602 clause2[1] = q;
603 assertClause(node, clause2);
604 } else {
605 // !(p XOR q) is the same as p <=> q
606 SatLiteral p = toCNF(node[0], false);
607 SatLiteral q = toCNF(node[1], false);
608 // Construct the clauses (p => q) and (q => p)
609 SatClause clause1(2);
610 clause1[0] = ~p;
611 clause1[1] = q;
612 assertClause(node.negate(), clause1);
613 SatClause clause2(2);
614 clause2[0] = p;
615 clause2[1] = ~q;
616 assertClause(node.negate(), clause2);
617 }
618 }
620 void TseitinCnfStream::convertAndAssertIff(TNode node, bool negated) {
621 if (!negated) {
622 // p <=> q
623 SatLiteral p = toCNF(node[0], false);
624 SatLiteral q = toCNF(node[1], false);
625 // Construct the clauses (p => q) and (q => p)
626 SatClause clause1(2);
627 clause1[0] = ~p;
628 clause1[1] = q;
629 assertClause(node, clause1);
630 SatClause clause2(2);
631 clause2[0] = p;
632 clause2[1] = ~q;
633 assertClause(node, clause2);
634 } else {
635 // !(p <=> q) is the same as p XOR q
636 SatLiteral p = toCNF(node[0], false);
637 SatLiteral q = toCNF(node[1], false);
638 // Construct the clauses (p => !q) and (!q => p)
639 SatClause clause1(2);
640 clause1[0] = ~p;
641 clause1[1] = ~q;
642 assertClause(node.negate(), clause1);
643 SatClause clause2(2);
644 clause2[0] = p;
645 clause2[1] = q;
646 assertClause(node.negate(), clause2);
647 }
648 }
650 void TseitinCnfStream::convertAndAssertImplies(TNode node, bool negated) {
651 if (!negated) {
652 // p => q
653 SatLiteral p = toCNF(node[0], false);
654 SatLiteral q = toCNF(node[1], false);
655 // Construct the clause ~p || q
656 SatClause clause(2);
657 clause[0] = ~p;
658 clause[1] = q;
659 assertClause(node, clause);
660 } else {// Construct the
661 PROOF(if (d_cnfProof) d_cnfProof->setCnfDependence(node[0], node.negate()););
662 PROOF(if (d_cnfProof) d_cnfProof->setCnfDependence(node[1].negate(), node.negate()););
663 // !(p => q) is the same as (p && ~q)
664 convertAndAssert(node[0], false);
665 convertAndAssert(node[1], true);
666 }
667 }
669 void TseitinCnfStream::convertAndAssertIte(TNode node, bool negated) {
670 // ITE(p, q, r)
671 SatLiteral p = toCNF(node[0], false);
672 SatLiteral q = toCNF(node[1], negated);
673 SatLiteral r = toCNF(node[2], negated);
674 // Construct the clauses:
675 // (p => q) and (!p => r)
676 Node nnode = node;
677 if( negated ){
678 nnode = node.negate();
679 }
680 SatClause clause1(2);
681 clause1[0] = ~p;
682 clause1[1] = q;
683 assertClause(nnode, clause1);
684 SatClause clause2(2);
685 clause2[0] = p;
686 clause2[1] = r;
687 assertClause(nnode, clause2);
688 }
690 // At the top level we must ensure that all clauses that are asserted are
691 // not unit, except for the direct assertions. This allows us to remove the
692 // clauses later when they are not needed anymore (lemmas for example).
693 void TseitinCnfStream::convertAndAssert(TNode node,
694 bool removable,
695 bool negated,
696 ProofRule proof_id,
697 TNode from) {
698 Debug("cnf") << "convertAndAssert(" << node
699 << ", removable = " << (removable ? "true" : "false")
700 << ", negated = " << (negated ? "true" : "false") << ")" << endl;
701 d_removable = removable;
703 (if (d_cnfProof) {
704 Node assertion = negated ? node.notNode() : (Node)node;
705 Node from_assertion = negated? from.notNode() : (Node) from;
707 if (proof_id != RULE_INVALID) {
708 d_cnfProof->pushCurrentAssertion(from.isNull() ? assertion : from_assertion);
709 d_cnfProof->registerAssertion(from.isNull() ? assertion : from_assertion, proof_id);
710 }
711 else {
712 d_cnfProof->pushCurrentAssertion(assertion);
713 d_cnfProof->registerAssertion(assertion, proof_id);
714 }
715 });
717 convertAndAssert(node, negated);
719 (if (d_cnfProof) {
720 d_cnfProof->popCurrentAssertion();
721 });
722 }
724 void TseitinCnfStream::convertAndAssert(TNode node, bool negated) {
725 Debug("cnf") << "convertAndAssert(" << node
726 << ", negated = " << (negated ? "true" : "false") << ")" << endl;
728 if (d_convertAndAssertCounter % ResourceManager::getFrequencyCount() == 0) {
729 d_resourceManager->spendResource(ResourceManager::Resource::CnfStep);
730 d_convertAndAssertCounter = 0;
731 }
732 ++d_convertAndAssertCounter;
734 switch(node.getKind()) {
735 case AND:
736 convertAndAssertAnd(node, negated);
737 break;
738 case OR:
739 convertAndAssertOr(node, negated);
740 break;
741 case XOR:
742 convertAndAssertXor(node, negated);
743 break;
744 case IMPLIES:
745 convertAndAssertImplies(node, negated);
746 break;
747 case ITE:
748 convertAndAssertIte(node, negated);
749 break;
750 case NOT:
751 convertAndAssert(node[0], !negated);
752 break;
753 case EQUAL:
754 if( node[0].getType().isBoolean() ){
755 convertAndAssertIff(node, negated);
756 break;
757 }
759 default:
760 {
761 Node nnode = node;
762 if( negated ){
763 nnode = node.negate();
764 }
765 // Atoms
766 assertClause(nnode, toCNF(node, negated));
767 }
768 break;
769 }
770 }
772 }/* CVC4::prop namespace */
773 }/* CVC4 namespace */