[proof-new] Adding a proof-producing ensure literal method (#5889)
[cvc5.git] / src / prop / prop_engine.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file prop_engine.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Morgan Deters, Dejan Jovanovic, Tim King
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief The PropEngine (propositional engine); main interface point
13 ** between CVC4's SMT infrastructure and the SAT solver
14 **
15 ** The PropEngine (propositional engine); main interface point
16 ** between CVC4's SMT infrastructure and the SAT solver.
17 **/
19 #include "cvc4_private.h"
21 #ifndef CVC4__PROP_ENGINE_H
22 #define CVC4__PROP_ENGINE_H
24 #include <sys/time.h>
26 #include "base/modal_exception.h"
27 #include "expr/node.h"
28 #include "options/options.h"
29 #include "preprocessing/assertion_pipeline.h"
30 #include "proof/proof_manager.h"
31 #include "prop/minisat/core/Solver.h"
32 #include "prop/minisat/minisat.h"
33 #include "prop/proof_cnf_stream.h"
34 #include "prop/prop_proof_manager.h"
35 #include "prop/sat_solver_types.h"
36 #include "theory/trust_node.h"
37 #include "util/resource_manager.h"
38 #include "util/result.h"
39 #include "util/unsafe_interrupt_exception.h"
41 namespace CVC4 {
43 class ResourceManager;
44 class DecisionEngine;
45 class OutputManager;
46 class TheoryEngine;
48 namespace theory {
49 class TheoryRegistrar;
50 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
52 namespace prop {
54 class CnfStream;
55 class CDCLTSatSolverInterface;
57 class PropEngine;
59 /**
60 * PropEngine is the abstraction of a Sat Solver, providing methods for
61 * solving the SAT problem and conversion to CNF (via the CnfStream).
62 */
63 class PropEngine
64 {
65 public:
66 /**
67 * Create a PropEngine with a particular decision and theory engine.
68 */
69 PropEngine(TheoryEngine*,
70 context::Context* satContext,
71 context::UserContext* userContext,
72 ResourceManager* rm,
73 OutputManager& outMgr,
74 ProofNodeManager* pnm);
76 /**
77 * Destructor.
78 */
79 CVC4_PUBLIC ~PropEngine();
81 /**
82 * Finish initialize. Call this after construction just before we are
83 * ready to use this class. Should be called after TheoryEngine::finishInit.
84 * This method converts and asserts true and false into the CNF stream.
85 */
86 void finishInit();
88 /**
89 * This is called by SmtEngine, at shutdown time, just before
90 * destruction. It is important because there are destruction
91 * ordering issues between some parts of the system (notably between
92 * PropEngine and Theory). For now, there's nothing to do here in
93 * the PropEngine.
94 */
95 void shutdown() {}
97 /**
98 * Preprocess the given node. Return the REWRITE trust node corresponding to
99 * rewriting node. New lemmas and skolems are added to ppLemmas and
100 * ppSkolems respectively.
101 *
102 * @param node The assertion to preprocess,
103 * @param ppLemmas The lemmas to add to the set of assertions,
104 * @param ppSkolems The skolems that newLemmas correspond to,
105 * @return The (REWRITE) trust node corresponding to rewritten node via
106 * preprocessing.
107 */
108 theory::TrustNode preprocess(TNode node,
109 std::vector<theory::TrustNode>& ppLemmas,
110 std::vector<Node>& ppSkolems);
111 /**
112 * Remove term ITEs (and more generally, term formulas) from the given node.
113 * Return the REWRITE trust node corresponding to rewriting node. New lemmas
114 * and skolems are added to ppLemmas and ppSkolems respectively. This can
115 * be seen a subset of the above preprocess method, which also does theory
116 * preprocessing and rewriting.
117 *
118 * @param node The assertion to preprocess,
119 * @param ppLemmas The lemmas to add to the set of assertions,
120 * @param ppSkolems The skolems that newLemmas correspond to,
121 * @return The (REWRITE) trust node corresponding to rewritten node via
122 * preprocessing.
123 */
124 theory::TrustNode removeItes(TNode node,
125 std::vector<theory::TrustNode>& ppLemmas,
126 std::vector<Node>& ppSkolems);
127 /**
128 * Notify preprocessed assertions. This method is called just before the
129 * assertions are asserted to this prop engine. This method notifies the
130 * decision engine and the theory engine of the assertions in ap.
131 */
132 void notifyPreprocessedAssertions(const preprocessing::AssertionPipeline& ap);
134 /**
135 * Converts the given formula to CNF and assert the CNF to the SAT solver.
136 * The formula is asserted permanently for the current context.
137 * @param node the formula to assert
138 */
139 void assertFormula(TNode node);
141 /**
142 * Converts the given formula to CNF and assert the CNF to the SAT solver.
143 * The formula can be removed by the SAT solver after backtracking lower
144 * than the (SAT and SMT) level at which it was asserted.
145 *
146 * @param trn the trust node storing the formula to assert
147 * @param p the properties of the lemma
148 */
149 void assertLemma(theory::TrustNode tlemma, theory::LemmaProperty p);
151 /**
152 * If ever n is decided upon, it must be in the given phase. This
153 * occurs *globally*, i.e., even if the literal is untranslated by
154 * user pop and retranslated, it keeps this phase. The associated
155 * variable will _always_ be phase-locked.
156 *
157 * @param n the node in question; must have an associated SAT literal
158 * @param phase the phase to use
159 */
160 void requirePhase(TNode n, bool phase);
162 /**
163 * Return whether the given literal is a SAT decision. Either phase
164 * is permitted; that is, if "lit" is a SAT decision, this function
165 * returns true for both lit and the negation of lit.
166 */
167 bool isDecision(Node lit) const;
169 /**
170 * Checks the current context for satisfiability.
171 *
172 */
173 Result checkSat();
175 /**
176 * Get the value of a boolean variable.
177 *
178 * @return mkConst<true>, mkConst<false>, or Node::null() if
179 * unassigned.
180 */
181 Node getValue(TNode node) const;
183 /**
184 * Return true if node has an associated SAT literal.
185 */
186 bool isSatLiteral(TNode node) const;
188 /**
189 * Check if the node has a value and return it if yes.
190 */
191 bool hasValue(TNode node, bool& value) const;
193 /**
194 * Returns the Boolean variables known to the SAT solver.
195 */
196 void getBooleanVariables(std::vector<TNode>& outputVariables) const;
198 /**
199 * Ensure that the given node will have a designated SAT literal
200 * that is definitionally equal to it. Note that theory preprocessing is
201 * applied to n. The node returned by this method can be subsequently queried
202 * via getSatValue().
203 */
204 Node ensureLiteral(TNode n);
205 /**
206 * This returns the theory-preprocessed form of term n. This rewrites and
207 * preprocesses n, which notice may involve adding clauses to the SAT solver
208 * if preprocessing n involves introducing new skolems.
209 */
210 Node getPreprocessedTerm(TNode n);
211 /**
212 * Same as above, but also compute the skolems in n and in the lemmas
213 * corresponding to their definition.
214 *
215 * Note this will include skolems that occur in the definition lemma
216 * for all skolems in sks. This is run until a fixed point is reached.
217 * For example, if k1 has definition (ite A (= k1 k2) (= k1 x)) where k2 is
218 * another skolem introduced by term formula removal, then calling this
219 * method on (P k1) will include both k1 and k2 in sks, and their definitions
220 * in skAsserts.
221 */
222 Node getPreprocessedTerm(TNode n,
223 std::vector<Node>& skAsserts,
224 std::vector<Node>& sks);
226 /**
227 * Push the context level.
228 */
229 void push();
231 /**
232 * Pop the context level.
233 */
234 void pop();
236 /*
237 * Reset the decisions in the DPLL(T) SAT solver at the current assertion
238 * level.
239 */
240 void resetTrail();
242 /**
243 * Get the assertion level of the SAT solver.
244 */
245 unsigned getAssertionLevel() const;
247 /**
248 * Return true if we are currently searching (either in this or
249 * another thread).
250 */
251 bool isRunning() const;
253 /**
254 * Interrupt a running solver (cause a timeout).
255 *
256 * Can potentially throw a ModalException.
257 */
258 void interrupt();
260 /**
261 * Informs the ResourceManager that a resource has been spent. If out of
262 * resources, can throw an UnsafeInterruptException exception.
263 */
264 void spendResource(ResourceManager::Resource r);
266 /**
267 * For debugging. Return true if "expl" is a well-formed
268 * explanation for "node," meaning:
269 *
270 * 1. expl is either a SAT literal or an AND of SAT literals
271 * currently assigned true;
272 * 2. node is assigned true;
273 * 3. node does not appear in expl; and
274 * 4. node was assigned after all of the literals in expl
275 */
276 bool properExplanation(TNode node, TNode expl) const;
278 /** Retrieve this modules proof CNF stream. */
279 ProofCnfStream* getProofCnfStream();
281 /** Checks that the proof is closed w.r.t. asserted formulas to this engine as
282 * well as to the given assertions. */
283 void checkProof(context::CDList<Node>* assertions);
285 /**
286 * Return the prop engine proof. This should be called only when proofs are
287 * enabled. Returns a proof of false whose free assumptions are the
288 * preprocessed assertions.
289 */
290 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> getProof();
292 /** Is proof enabled? */
293 bool isProofEnabled() const;
294 private:
295 /** Dump out the satisfying assignment (after SAT result) */
296 void printSatisfyingAssignment();
298 /**
299 * Converts the given formula to CNF and asserts the CNF to the SAT solver.
300 * The formula can be removed by the SAT solver after backtracking lower
301 * than the (SAT and SMT) level at which it was asserted.
302 *
303 * @param trn the trust node storing the formula to assert
304 * @param removable whether this lemma can be quietly removed based
305 * on an activity heuristic
306 */
307 void assertLemmaInternal(theory::TrustNode trn, bool removable);
309 /**
310 * Indicates that the SAT solver is currently solving something and we should
311 * not mess with it's internal state.
312 */
313 bool d_inCheckSat;
315 /** The theory engine we will be using */
316 TheoryEngine* d_theoryEngine;
318 /** The decision engine we will be using */
319 std::unique_ptr<DecisionEngine> d_decisionEngine;
321 /** The context */
322 context::Context* d_context;
324 /** SAT solver's proxy back to theories; kept around for dtor cleanup */
325 TheoryProxy* d_theoryProxy;
327 /** The SAT solver proxy */
328 CDCLTSatSolverInterface* d_satSolver;
330 /** List of all of the assertions that need to be made */
331 std::vector<Node> d_assertionList;
333 /** A pointer to the proof node maneger to be used by this engine. */
334 ProofNodeManager* d_pnm;
336 /** The CNF converter in use */
337 CnfStream* d_cnfStream;
338 /** Proof-producing CNF converter */
339 std::unique_ptr<ProofCnfStream> d_pfCnfStream;
341 /** The proof manager for prop engine */
342 std::unique_ptr<PropPfManager> d_ppm;
344 /** Whether we were just interrupted (or not) */
345 bool d_interrupted;
346 /** Pointer to resource manager for associated SmtEngine */
347 ResourceManager* d_resourceManager;
349 /** Reference to the output manager of the smt engine */
350 OutputManager& d_outMgr;
351 };
353 } // namespace prop
354 } // namespace CVC4
356 #endif /* CVC4__PROP_ENGINE_H */