[proofs] [sat] Handle resolution proofs for optimized clauses in incremental (#8389)
[cvc5.git] / src / prop / sat_proof_manager.cpp
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Haniel Barbosa, Andrew Reynolds
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * Implementation of the proof manager for Minisat.
14 */
16 #include "prop/sat_proof_manager.h"
18 #include "options/proof_options.h"
19 #include "proof/proof_node_algorithm.h"
20 #include "proof/theory_proof_step_buffer.h"
21 #include "prop/cnf_stream.h"
22 #include "prop/minisat/minisat.h"
24 namespace cvc5 {
25 namespace prop {
27 SatProofManager::SatProofManager(Env& env,
28 Minisat::Solver* solver,
29 CnfStream* cnfStream)
30 : EnvObj(env),
31 d_solver(solver),
32 d_cnfStream(cnfStream),
33 d_resChains(d_env.getProofNodeManager(), true, userContext()),
34 d_resChainPg(userContext(), d_env.getProofNodeManager()),
35 d_assumptions(userContext()),
36 d_conflictLit(undefSatVariable),
37 d_optResLevels(userContext()),
38 d_optResManager(userContext(), &d_resChains, d_optResProofs)
39 {
40 d_true = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(true);
41 d_false = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(false);
42 }
44 void SatProofManager::printClause(const Minisat::Clause& clause)
45 {
46 for (size_t i = 0, size = clause.size(); i < size; ++i)
47 {
48 SatLiteral satLit = MinisatSatSolver::toSatLiteral(clause[i]);
49 Trace("sat-proof") << satLit << " ";
50 }
51 }
53 Node SatProofManager::getClauseNode(const Minisat::Clause& clause)
54 {
55 std::vector<Node> clauseNodes;
56 for (size_t i = 0, size = clause.size(); i < size; ++i)
57 {
58 SatLiteral satLit = MinisatSatSolver::toSatLiteral(clause[i]);
59 clauseNodes.push_back(d_cnfStream->getNode(satLit));
60 }
61 // order children by node id
62 std::sort(clauseNodes.begin(), clauseNodes.end());
63 return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::OR, clauseNodes);
64 }
66 void SatProofManager::startResChain(const Minisat::Clause& start)
67 {
68 if (TraceIsOn("sat-proof"))
69 {
70 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::startResChain: ";
71 printClause(start);
72 Trace("sat-proof") << "\n";
73 }
74 d_resLinks.emplace_back(getClauseNode(start), Node::null(), true);
75 }
77 void SatProofManager::addResolutionStep(Minisat::Lit lit, bool redundant)
78 {
79 SatLiteral satLit = MinisatSatSolver::toSatLiteral(lit);
80 Node litNode = d_cnfStream->getNodeCache()[satLit];
81 bool negated = satLit.isNegated();
82 Assert(!negated || litNode.getKind() == kind::NOT);
83 if (!redundant)
84 {
85 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::addResolutionStep: {"
86 << satLit.isNegated() << "} [" << satLit << "] "
87 << ~satLit << "\n";
88 // if lit is negated then the chain resolution construction will use it as a
89 // pivot occurring as is in the second clause and the node under the
90 // negation in the first clause
91 d_resLinks.emplace_back(d_cnfStream->getNodeCache()[~satLit],
92 negated ? litNode[0] : litNode,
93 !satLit.isNegated());
94 }
95 else
96 {
97 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::addResolutionStep: redundant lit "
98 << satLit << " stored\n";
99 d_redundantLits.push_back(satLit);
100 }
101 }
103 void SatProofManager::addResolutionStep(const Minisat::Clause& clause,
104 Minisat::Lit lit)
105 {
106 SatLiteral satLit = MinisatSatSolver::toSatLiteral(lit);
107 Node litNode = d_cnfStream->getNodeCache()[satLit];
108 bool negated = satLit.isNegated();
109 Assert(!negated || litNode.getKind() == kind::NOT);
110 Node clauseNode = getClauseNode(clause);
111 // if lit is negative then the chain resolution construction will use it as a
112 // pivot occurring as is in the second clause and the node under the
113 // negation in the first clause, which means that the third argument of the
114 // tuple must be false
115 d_resLinks.emplace_back(clauseNode, negated ? litNode[0] : litNode, negated);
116 if (TraceIsOn("sat-proof"))
117 {
118 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::addResolutionStep: {"
119 << satLit.isNegated() << "} [" << ~satLit << "] ";
120 printClause(clause);
121 Trace("sat-proof") << "\nSatProofManager::addResolutionStep:\t"
122 << clauseNode << " - lvl " << clause.level() + 1 << "\n";
123 }
124 }
126 void SatProofManager::endResChain(Minisat::Lit lit)
127 {
128 SatLiteral satLit = MinisatSatSolver::toSatLiteral(lit);
129 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::endResChain: curr user level: "
130 << userContext()->getLevel() << "\n";
131 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::endResChain: chain_res for "
132 << satLit;
133 endResChain(d_cnfStream->getNode(satLit), {satLit});
134 }
136 void SatProofManager::endResChain(const Minisat::Clause& clause)
137 {
138 if (TraceIsOn("sat-proof"))
139 {
140 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::endResChain: curr user level: "
141 << userContext()->getLevel() << "\n";
142 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::endResChain: chain_res for ";
143 printClause(clause);
144 }
145 std::set<SatLiteral> clauseLits;
146 for (unsigned i = 0, size = clause.size(); i < size; ++i)
147 {
148 clauseLits.insert(MinisatSatSolver::toSatLiteral(clause[i]));
149 }
150 Node conclusion = getClauseNode(clause);
151 int clauseLevel = clause.level() + 1;
152 if (clauseLevel < userContext()->getLevel())
153 {
154 Assert(!d_optResLevels.count(conclusion));
155 d_optResLevels[conclusion] = clauseLevel;
156 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::endResChain: ..clause's lvl "
157 << clause.level() + 1 << " below curr user level "
158 << userContext()->getLevel() << "\n";
159 }
160 endResChain(conclusion, clauseLits);
161 }
163 void SatProofManager::endResChain(Node conclusion,
164 const std::set<SatLiteral>& conclusionLits)
165 {
166 Trace("sat-proof") << ", " << conclusion << "\n";
167 if (d_resChains.hasGenerator(conclusion))
168 {
169 Trace("sat-proof")
170 << "SatProofManager::endResChain: skip repeated proof of " << conclusion
171 << "\n";
172 // clearing
173 d_resLinks.clear();
174 d_redundantLits.clear();
175 return;
176 }
177 // first process redundant literals
178 std::set<SatLiteral> visited;
179 unsigned pos = d_resLinks.size();
180 for (SatLiteral satLit : d_redundantLits)
181 {
182 processRedundantLit(satLit, conclusionLits, visited, pos);
183 }
184 d_redundantLits.clear();
185 // build resolution chain
186 // the conclusion is stored already in the arguments because of the
187 // possibility of reordering
188 std::vector<Node> children, args{conclusion};
189 for (unsigned i = 0, size = d_resLinks.size(); i < size; ++i)
190 {
191 Node clause, pivot;
192 bool posFirst;
193 std::tie(clause, pivot, posFirst) = d_resLinks[i];
194 children.push_back(clause);
195 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::endResChain: ";
196 if (i > 0)
197 {
198 Trace("sat-proof") << "{" << posFirst << "} ["
199 << d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache()[pivot] << "] ";
200 }
201 // special case for clause (or l1 ... ln) being a single literal
202 // corresponding itself to a clause, which is indicated by the pivot being
203 // of the form (not (or l1 ... ln))
204 if (clause.getKind() == kind::OR
205 && !(pivot.getKind() == kind::NOT && pivot[0].getKind() == kind::OR
206 && pivot[0] == clause))
207 {
208 for (unsigned j = 0, sizeJ = clause.getNumChildren(); j < sizeJ; ++j)
209 {
210 Trace("sat-proof") << d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache()[clause[j]];
211 if (j < sizeJ - 1)
212 {
213 Trace("sat-proof") << ", ";
214 }
215 }
216 }
217 else
218 {
219 Assert(d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().find(clause)
220 != d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().end())
221 << "clause node " << clause
222 << " treated as unit has no literal. Pivot is " << pivot << "\n";
223 Trace("sat-proof") << d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache()[clause];
224 }
225 Trace("sat-proof") << " : ";
226 if (i > 0)
227 {
228 args.push_back(posFirst ? d_true : d_false);
229 args.push_back(pivot);
230 Trace("sat-proof") << "{" << posFirst << "} [" << pivot << "] ";
231 }
232 Trace("sat-proof") << clause << "\n";
233 }
234 // clearing
235 d_resLinks.clear();
236 // whether no-op
237 if (children.size() == 1)
238 {
239 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::endResChain: no-op. The conclusion "
240 << conclusion << " is set-equal to premise "
241 << children[0] << "\n";
242 return;
243 }
244 // whether trivial cycle
245 for (const Node& child : children)
246 {
247 if (conclusion == child)
248 {
249 Trace("sat-proof")
250 << "SatProofManager::endResChain: no-op. The conclusion "
251 << conclusion << " is equal to a premise\n";
252 return;
253 }
254 }
255 // since the conclusion can be both reordered and without duplicates and the
256 // SAT solver does not record this information, we use a MACRO_RESOLUTION
257 // step, which bypasses these. Note that we could generate a chain resolution
258 // rule here by explicitly computing the detailed steps, but leave this for
259 // post-processing.
260 ProofStep ps(PfRule::MACRO_RESOLUTION_TRUST, children, args);
261 // note that we must tell the proof generator to overwrite if repeated
262 d_resChainPg.addStep(conclusion, ps);
263 // the premises of this resolution may not have been justified yet, so we do
264 // not pass assumptions to check closedness
265 d_resChains.addLazyStep(conclusion, &d_resChainPg);
266 }
268 void SatProofManager::processRedundantLit(
269 SatLiteral lit,
270 const std::set<SatLiteral>& conclusionLits,
271 std::set<SatLiteral>& visited,
272 unsigned pos)
273 {
274 Trace("sat-proof") << push
275 << "SatProofManager::processRedundantLit: Lit: " << lit
276 << "\n";
277 if (visited.count(lit))
278 {
279 Trace("sat-proof") << "already visited\n" << pop;
280 return;
281 }
282 Minisat::Solver::TCRef reasonRef =
283 d_solver->reason(Minisat::var(MinisatSatSolver::toMinisatLit(lit)));
284 if (reasonRef == Minisat::Solver::TCRef_Undef)
285 {
286 Trace("sat-proof") << "unit, add link to lit " << lit << " at pos: " << pos
287 << "\n"
288 << pop;
289 visited.insert(lit);
290 Node litNode = d_cnfStream->getNodeCache()[lit];
291 bool negated = lit.isNegated();
292 Assert(!negated || litNode.getKind() == kind::NOT);
294 d_resLinks.emplace(d_resLinks.begin() + pos,
295 d_cnfStream->getNodeCache()[~lit],
296 negated ? litNode[0] : litNode,
297 !negated);
298 return;
299 }
300 Assert(reasonRef >= 0 && reasonRef < d_solver->ca.size())
301 << "reasonRef " << reasonRef << " and d_satSolver->ca.size() "
302 << d_solver->ca.size() << "\n";
303 const Minisat::Clause& reason = d_solver->ca[reasonRef];
304 if (TraceIsOn("sat-proof"))
305 {
306 Trace("sat-proof") << "reason: ";
307 printClause(reason);
308 Trace("sat-proof") << "\n";
309 }
310 // Since processRedundantLit calls can reallocate memory in the SAT solver due
311 // to explaining stuff, we directly get the literals and the clause node here
312 std::vector<SatLiteral> toProcess;
313 for (unsigned i = 1, size = reason.size(); i < size; ++i)
314 {
315 toProcess.push_back(MinisatSatSolver::toSatLiteral(reason[i]));
316 }
317 Node clauseNode = getClauseNode(reason);
318 // check if redundant literals in the reason. The first literal is the one we
319 // will be eliminating, so we check the others
320 for (unsigned i = 0, size = toProcess.size(); i < size; ++i)
321 {
322 SatLiteral satLit = toProcess[i];
323 // if literal does not occur in the conclusion we process it as well
324 if (!conclusionLits.count(satLit))
325 {
326 processRedundantLit(satLit, conclusionLits, visited, pos);
327 }
328 }
329 Assert(!visited.count(lit));
330 visited.insert(lit);
331 Trace("sat-proof") << "clause, add link to lit " << lit << " at pos: " << pos
332 << "\n"
333 << pop;
334 // add the step before steps for children. Note that the step is with the
335 // reason, not only with ~lit, since the learned clause is built under the
336 // assumption that the redundant literal is removed via the resolution with
337 // the explanation of its negation
338 Node litNode = d_cnfStream->getNodeCache()[lit];
339 bool negated = lit.isNegated();
340 Assert(!negated || litNode.getKind() == kind::NOT);
341 d_resLinks.emplace(d_resLinks.begin() + pos,
342 clauseNode,
343 negated ? litNode[0] : litNode,
344 !negated);
345 }
347 void SatProofManager::explainLit(SatLiteral lit,
348 std::unordered_set<TNode>& premises)
349 {
350 Trace("sat-proof") << push << "SatProofManager::explainLit: Lit: " << lit;
351 Node litNode = d_cnfStream->getNode(lit);
352 Trace("sat-proof") << " [" << litNode << "]\n";
353 // We don't need to explain nodes who are inputs. Note that it's *necessary*
354 // to avoid attempting such explanations because they can introduce cycles at
355 // the node level. For example, if a literal l depends on an input clause C
356 // but a literal l', node-equivalent to C, depends on l, we may have a cycle
357 // when building the overall SAT proof.
358 if (d_assumptions.contains(litNode))
359 {
360 Trace("sat-proof")
361 << "SatProofManager::explainLit: input assumption, ABORT\n"
362 << pop;
363 return;
364 }
365 // We don't need to explain nodes who already have proofs.
366 //
367 // Note that if we had two literals for (= a b) and (= b a) and we had already
368 // a proof for (= a b) this test would return true for (= b a), which could
369 // lead to open proof. However we should never have two literals like this in
370 // the SAT solver since they'd be rewritten to the same one
371 if (d_resChainPg.hasProofFor(litNode))
372 {
373 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::explainLit: already justified "
374 << lit << ", ABORT\n"
375 << pop;
376 return;
377 }
378 Minisat::Solver::TCRef reasonRef =
379 d_solver->reason(Minisat::var(MinisatSatSolver::toMinisatLit(lit)));
380 if (reasonRef == Minisat::Solver::TCRef_Undef)
381 {
382 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::explainLit: no SAT reason\n" << pop;
383 return;
384 }
385 Assert(reasonRef >= 0 && reasonRef < d_solver->ca.size())
386 << "reasonRef " << reasonRef << " and d_satSolver->ca.size() "
387 << d_solver->ca.size() << "\n";
388 const Minisat::Clause& reason = d_solver->ca[reasonRef];
389 unsigned size = reason.size();
390 if (TraceIsOn("sat-proof"))
391 {
392 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::explainLit: with clause: ";
393 printClause(reason);
394 Trace("sat-proof") << "\n";
395 }
396 #ifdef CVC5_ASSERTIONS
397 // pedantically check that the negation of the literal to explain *does not*
398 // occur in the reason, otherwise we will loop forever
399 for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)
400 {
401 AlwaysAssert(~MinisatSatSolver::toSatLiteral(reason[i]) != lit)
402 << "cyclic justification\n";
403 }
404 #endif
405 // add the reason clause first
406 std::vector<Node> children{getClauseNode(reason)}, args;
407 // save in the premises
408 premises.insert(children.back());
409 // Since explainLit calls can reallocate memory in the
410 // SAT solver, we directly get the literals we need to explain so we no
411 // longer depend on the reference to reason
412 std::vector<Node> toExplain{children.back().begin(), children.back().end()};
413 Trace("sat-proof") << push;
414 for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)
415 {
416 #ifdef CVC5_ASSERTIONS
417 // pedantically make sure that the reason stays the same
418 const Minisat::Clause& reloadedReason = d_solver->ca[reasonRef];
419 AlwaysAssert(size == static_cast<unsigned>(reloadedReason.size()));
420 AlwaysAssert(children[0] == getClauseNode(reloadedReason));
421 #endif
422 SatLiteral currLit = d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache()[toExplain[i]];
423 // ignore the lit we are trying to explain...
424 if (currLit == lit)
425 {
426 continue;
427 }
428 std::unordered_set<TNode> childPremises;
429 explainLit(~currLit, childPremises);
430 // save to resolution chain premises / arguments
431 Assert(d_cnfStream->getNodeCache().find(currLit)
432 != d_cnfStream->getNodeCache().end());
433 children.push_back(d_cnfStream->getNodeCache()[~currLit]);
434 Node currLitNode = d_cnfStream->getNodeCache()[currLit];
435 bool negated = currLit.isNegated();
436 Assert(!negated || currLitNode.getKind() == kind::NOT);
437 // note this is the opposite of what is done in addResolutionStep. This is
438 // because here the clause, which contains the literal being analyzed, is
439 // the first clause rather than the second
440 args.push_back(!negated ? d_true : d_false);
441 args.push_back(negated ? currLitNode[0] : currLitNode);
442 // add child premises and the child itself
443 premises.insert(childPremises.begin(), childPremises.end());
444 premises.insert(d_cnfStream->getNodeCache()[~currLit]);
445 }
446 if (TraceIsOn("sat-proof"))
447 {
448 Trace("sat-proof") << pop << "SatProofManager::explainLit: chain_res for "
449 << lit << ", " << litNode << " with clauses:\n";
450 for (unsigned i = 0, csize = children.size(); i < csize; ++i)
451 {
452 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::explainLit: " << children[i];
453 if (i > 0)
454 {
455 Trace("sat-proof") << " [" << args[(2 * i) - 2] << ", "
456 << args[(2 * i) - 1] << "]";
457 }
458 Trace("sat-proof") << "\n";
459 }
460 }
461 // if justification of children contains the expected conclusion, avoid the
462 // cyclic proof by aborting.
463 if (premises.count(litNode))
464 {
465 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::explainLit: CYCLIC PROOF of " << lit
466 << " [" << litNode << "], ABORT\n"
467 << pop;
468 return;
469 }
470 Trace("sat-proof") << pop;
471 // create step
472 args.insert(args.begin(), litNode);
473 ProofStep ps(PfRule::MACRO_RESOLUTION_TRUST, children, args);
474 d_resChainPg.addStep(litNode, ps);
475 // the premises in the limit of the justification may correspond to other
476 // links in the chain which have, themselves, literals yet to be justified. So
477 // we are not ready yet to check closedness w.r.t. CNF transformation of the
478 // preprocessed assertions
479 d_resChains.addLazyStep(litNode, &d_resChainPg);
480 }
482 void SatProofManager::finalizeProof(Node inConflictNode,
483 const std::vector<SatLiteral>& inConflict)
484 {
485 Trace("sat-proof")
486 << "SatProofManager::finalizeProof: conflicting clause node: "
487 << inConflictNode << "\n";
488 // nothing to do
489 if (inConflictNode == d_false)
490 {
491 return;
492 }
493 if (TraceIsOn("sat-proof-debug2"))
494 {
495 Trace("sat-proof-debug2")
496 << push << "SatProofManager::finalizeProof: saved proofs in chain:\n";
497 std::map<Node, std::shared_ptr<ProofNode>> links = d_resChains.getLinks();
498 std::unordered_set<Node> skip;
499 for (const std::pair<const Node, std::shared_ptr<ProofNode>>& link : links)
500 {
501 if (skip.count(link.first))
502 {
503 continue;
504 }
505 auto it = d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().find(link.first);
506 if (it != d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().end())
507 {
508 Trace("sat-proof-debug2")
509 << "SatProofManager::finalizeProof: " << it->second;
510 }
511 // a refl step added due to double elim negation, ignore
512 else if (link.second->getRule() == PfRule::REFL)
513 {
514 continue;
515 }
516 // a clause
517 else
518 {
519 Trace("sat-proof-debug2") << "SatProofManager::finalizeProof:";
520 Assert(link.first.getKind() == kind::OR) << link.first;
521 for (const Node& n : link.first)
522 {
523 it = d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().find(n);
524 Assert(it != d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().end());
525 Trace("sat-proof-debug2") << it->second << " ";
526 }
527 }
528 Trace("sat-proof-debug2") << "\n";
529 Trace("sat-proof-debug2")
530 << "SatProofManager::finalizeProof: " << link.first << "\n";
531 // get resolution
532 Node cur = link.first;
533 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pfn = link.second;
534 while (pfn->getRule() != PfRule::MACRO_RESOLUTION_TRUST)
535 {
536 Assert(pfn->getChildren().size() == 1
537 && pfn->getChildren()[0]->getRule() == PfRule::ASSUME)
538 << *link.second.get() << "\n"
539 << *pfn.get();
540 cur = pfn->getChildren()[0]->getResult();
541 // retrieve justification of assumption in the links
542 Assert(links.find(cur) != links.end());
543 pfn = links[cur];
544 // ignore it in the rest of the outside loop
545 skip.insert(cur);
546 }
547 std::vector<Node> fassumps;
548 expr::getFreeAssumptions(pfn.get(), fassumps);
549 Trace("sat-proof-debug2") << push;
550 for (const Node& fa : fassumps)
551 {
552 Trace("sat-proof-debug2") << "SatProofManager::finalizeProof: - ";
553 it = d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().find(fa);
554 if (it != d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().end())
555 {
556 Trace("sat-proof-debug2") << it->second << "\n";
557 continue;
558 }
559 // then it's a clause
560 Assert(fa.getKind() == kind::OR);
561 for (const Node& n : fa)
562 {
563 it = d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().find(n);
564 Assert(it != d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().end());
565 Trace("sat-proof-debug2") << it->second << " ";
566 }
567 Trace("sat-proof-debug2") << "\n";
568 }
569 Trace("sat-proof-debug2") << pop;
570 Trace("sat-proof-debug2")
571 << "SatProofManager::finalizeProof: " << *pfn.get() << "\n=======\n";
572 ;
573 }
574 Trace("sat-proof-debug2") << pop;
575 }
576 // We will resolve away of the literals l_1...l_n in inConflict. At this point
577 // each ~l_i must be either explainable, the result of a previously saved
578 // resolution chain, or an input. In account of it possibly being the first,
579 // we call explainLit on each ~l_i while accumulating the children and
580 // arguments for the resolution step to conclude false.
581 std::vector<Node> children{inConflictNode}, args;
582 std::unordered_set<TNode> premises;
583 for (unsigned i = 0, size = inConflict.size(); i < size; ++i)
584 {
585 Assert(d_cnfStream->getNodeCache().find(inConflict[i])
586 != d_cnfStream->getNodeCache().end());
587 std::unordered_set<TNode> childPremises;
588 explainLit(~inConflict[i], childPremises);
589 Node negatedLitNode = d_cnfStream->getNodeCache()[~inConflict[i]];
590 // save to resolution chain premises / arguments
591 children.push_back(negatedLitNode);
592 Node litNode = d_cnfStream->getNodeCache()[inConflict[i]];
593 bool negated = inConflict[i].isNegated();
594 Assert(!negated || litNode.getKind() == kind::NOT);
595 // note this is the opposite of what is done in addResolutionStep. This is
596 // because here the clause, which contains the literal being analyzed, is
597 // the first clause rather than the second
598 args.push_back(!negated ? d_true : d_false);
599 args.push_back(negated ? litNode[0] : litNode);
600 // add child premises and the child itself
601 premises.insert(childPremises.begin(), childPremises.end());
602 premises.insert(negatedLitNode);
603 Trace("sat-proof") << "===========\n";
604 }
605 if (TraceIsOn("sat-proof"))
606 {
607 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::finalizeProof: chain_res for false "
608 "with clauses:\n";
609 for (unsigned i = 0, size = children.size(); i < size; ++i)
610 {
611 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::finalizeProof: " << children[i];
612 if (i > 0)
613 {
614 Trace("sat-proof") << " [" << args[i - 1] << "]";
615 }
616 Trace("sat-proof") << "\n";
617 }
618 }
619 // create step
620 args.insert(args.begin(), d_false);
621 ProofStep ps(PfRule::MACRO_RESOLUTION_TRUST, children, args);
622 d_resChainPg.addStep(d_false, ps);
623 // not yet ready to check closedness because maybe only now we will justify
624 // literals used in resolutions
625 d_resChains.addLazyStep(d_false, &d_resChainPg);
626 // Fix point justification of literals in leaves of the proof of false
627 bool expanded;
628 do
629 {
630 expanded = false;
631 Trace("sat-proof") << "expand assumptions to prove false\n";
632 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pfn = d_resChains.getProofFor(d_false);
633 Assert(pfn);
634 Trace("sat-proof-debug") << "sat proof of flase: " << *pfn.get() << "\n";
635 std::vector<Node> fassumps;
636 expr::getFreeAssumptions(pfn.get(), fassumps);
637 if (TraceIsOn("sat-proof"))
638 {
639 for (const Node& fa : fassumps)
640 {
641 auto it = d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().find(fa);
642 if (it != d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().end())
643 {
644 Trace("sat-proof") << "- " << it->second << "\n";
645 Trace("sat-proof") << " - " << fa << "\n";
646 continue;
647 }
648 // then it's a clause
649 std::stringstream ss;
650 Assert(fa.getKind() == kind::OR);
651 for (const Node& n : fa)
652 {
653 it = d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().find(n);
654 Assert(it != d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().end());
655 ss << it->second << " ";
656 }
657 Trace("sat-proof") << "- " << ss.str() << "\n";
658 Trace("sat-proof") << " - " << fa << "\n";
659 }
660 }
662 // for each assumption, see if it has a reason
663 for (const Node& fa : fassumps)
664 {
665 // ignore already processed assumptions
666 if (premises.count(fa))
667 {
668 Trace("sat-proof") << "already processed assumption " << fa << "\n";
669 continue;
670 }
671 // ignore input assumptions. This is necessary to avoid rare collisions
672 // between input clauses and literals that are equivalent at the node
673 // level. In trying to justify the literal below, if it was previously
674 // propagated (say, in a previous check-sat call that survived the
675 // user-context changes) but no longer holds, then we may introduce a
676 // bogus proof for it, rather than keeping it as an input.
677 if (d_assumptions.contains(fa))
678 {
679 Trace("sat-proof") << "input assumption " << fa << "\n";
680 continue;
681 }
682 // ignore non-literals
683 auto it = d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().find(fa);
684 if (it == d_cnfStream->getTranslationCache().end())
685 {
686 Trace("sat-proof") << "no lit assumption " << fa << "\n";
687 premises.insert(fa);
688 continue;
689 }
690 Trace("sat-proof") << "lit assumption (" << it->second << "), " << fa
691 << "\n";
692 // mark another iteration for the loop, as some resolution link may be
693 // connected because of the new justifications
694 expanded = true;
695 std::unordered_set<TNode> childPremises;
696 explainLit(it->second, childPremises);
697 // add the premises used in the justification. We know they will have
698 // been as expanded as possible
699 premises.insert(childPremises.begin(), childPremises.end());
700 // add free assumption itself
701 premises.insert(fa);
702 }
703 } while (expanded);
704 // now we should be able to close it
705 if (options::proofCheck() == options::ProofCheckMode::EAGER)
706 {
707 std::vector<Node> assumptionsVec;
708 for (const Node& a : d_assumptions)
709 {
710 assumptionsVec.push_back(a);
711 }
712 d_resChains.addLazyStep(d_false, &d_resChainPg, assumptionsVec);
713 }
714 }
716 void SatProofManager::storeUnitConflict(Minisat::Lit inConflict)
717 {
718 Assert(d_conflictLit == undefSatVariable);
719 d_conflictLit = MinisatSatSolver::toSatLiteral(inConflict);
720 }
722 void SatProofManager::finalizeProof()
723 {
724 Assert(d_conflictLit != undefSatVariable);
725 Trace("sat-proof")
726 << "SatProofManager::finalizeProof: conflicting (lazy) satLit: "
727 << d_conflictLit << "\n";
728 finalizeProof(d_cnfStream->getNode(d_conflictLit), {d_conflictLit});
729 // reset since if in incremental mode this may be used again
730 d_conflictLit = undefSatVariable;
731 }
733 void SatProofManager::finalizeProof(Minisat::Lit inConflict, bool adding)
734 {
735 SatLiteral satLit = MinisatSatSolver::toSatLiteral(inConflict);
736 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::finalizeProof: conflicting satLit: "
737 << satLit << "\n";
738 Node clauseNode = d_cnfStream->getNode(satLit);
739 if (adding)
740 {
741 registerSatAssumptions({clauseNode});
742 }
743 finalizeProof(clauseNode, {satLit});
744 }
746 void SatProofManager::finalizeProof(const Minisat::Clause& inConflict,
747 bool adding)
748 {
749 if (TraceIsOn("sat-proof"))
750 {
751 Trace("sat-proof")
752 << "SatProofManager::finalizeProof: conflicting clause: ";
753 printClause(inConflict);
754 Trace("sat-proof") << "\n";
755 }
756 std::vector<SatLiteral> clause;
757 for (unsigned i = 0, size = inConflict.size(); i < size; ++i)
758 {
759 clause.push_back(MinisatSatSolver::toSatLiteral(inConflict[i]));
760 }
761 Node clauseNode = getClauseNode(inConflict);
762 if (adding)
763 {
764 registerSatAssumptions({clauseNode});
765 }
766 finalizeProof(clauseNode, clause);
767 }
769 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> SatProofManager::getProof()
770 {
771 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pfn = d_resChains.getProofFor(d_false);
772 if (!pfn)
773 {
774 pfn = d_env.getProofNodeManager()->mkAssume(d_false);
775 }
776 return pfn;
777 }
779 void SatProofManager::registerSatLitAssumption(Minisat::Lit lit)
780 {
781 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::registerSatLitAssumption: - "
782 << d_cnfStream->getNode(
783 MinisatSatSolver::toSatLiteral(lit))
784 << "\n";
785 d_assumptions.insert(
786 d_cnfStream->getNode(MinisatSatSolver::toSatLiteral(lit)));
787 }
789 void SatProofManager::registerSatAssumptions(const std::vector<Node>& assumps)
790 {
791 for (const Node& a : assumps)
792 {
793 Trace("sat-proof") << "SatProofManager::registerSatAssumptions: - " << a
794 << "\n";
795 d_assumptions.insert(a);
796 }
797 }
799 void SatProofManager::notifyPop()
800 {
801 for (context::CDHashMap<Node, int>::const_iterator it =
802 d_optResLevels.begin();
803 it != d_optResLevels.end();
804 ++it)
805 {
806 // Save into map the proof of the resolution chain. We copy to prevent the
807 // proof node saved to be restored to suffering unintended updates. This is
808 // *necessary*.
809 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> clauseResPf =
810 d_env.getProofNodeManager()->clone(d_resChains.getProofFor(it->first));
811 Assert(clauseResPf && clauseResPf->getRule() != PfRule::ASSUME);
812 d_optResProofs[it->second].push_back(clauseResPf);
813 }
814 }
816 } // namespace prop
817 } // namespace cvc5