Simplify and fix check models (#5685)
[cvc5.git] / src / smt / assertions.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file assertions.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Andres Noetzli, Haniel Barbosa
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief The module for storing assertions for an SMT engine.
13 **/
15 #include "smt/assertions.h"
17 #include "expr/node_algorithm.h"
18 #include "options/base_options.h"
19 #include "options/language.h"
20 #include "options/smt_options.h"
21 #include "proof/proof_manager.h"
22 #include "smt/smt_engine.h"
24 using namespace CVC4::theory;
25 using namespace CVC4::kind;
27 namespace CVC4 {
28 namespace smt {
30 Assertions::Assertions(context::UserContext* u, AbstractValues& absv)
31 : d_userContext(u),
32 d_absValues(absv),
33 d_assertionList(nullptr),
34 d_globalNegation(false),
35 d_assertions()
36 {
37 }
39 Assertions::~Assertions()
40 {
41 if (d_assertionList != nullptr)
42 {
43 d_assertionList->deleteSelf();
44 }
45 }
47 void Assertions::finishInit()
48 {
49 // [MGD 10/20/2011] keep around in incremental mode, due to a
50 // cleanup ordering issue and Nodes/TNodes. If SAT is popped
51 // first, some user-context-dependent TNodes might still exist
52 // with rc == 0.
53 if (options::produceAssertions() || options::incrementalSolving())
54 {
55 // In the case of incremental solving, we appear to need these to
56 // ensure the relevant Nodes remain live.
57 d_assertionList = new (true) AssertionList(d_userContext);
58 d_globalDefineFunRecLemmas.reset(new std::vector<Node>());
59 }
60 }
62 void Assertions::clearCurrent()
63 {
64 d_assertions.clear();
65 d_assertions.getIteSkolemMap().clear();
66 }
68 void Assertions::initializeCheckSat(const std::vector<Node>& assumptions,
69 bool inUnsatCore,
70 bool isEntailmentCheck)
71 {
72 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
73 // reset global negation
74 d_globalNegation = false;
75 // clear the assumptions
76 d_assumptions.clear();
77 if (isEntailmentCheck)
78 {
79 size_t size = assumptions.size();
80 if (size > 1)
81 {
82 /* Assume: not (BIGAND assumptions) */
83 d_assumptions.push_back(nm->mkNode(AND, assumptions).notNode());
84 }
85 else if (size == 1)
86 {
87 /* Assume: not expr */
88 d_assumptions.push_back(assumptions[0].notNode());
89 }
90 }
91 else
92 {
93 /* Assume: BIGAND assumptions */
94 d_assumptions = assumptions;
95 }
97 Result r(Result::SAT_UNKNOWN, Result::UNKNOWN_REASON);
98 for (const Node& e : d_assumptions)
99 {
100 // Substitute out any abstract values in ex.
101 Node n = d_absValues.substituteAbstractValues(e);
102 // Ensure expr is type-checked at this point.
103 ensureBoolean(n);
104 addFormula(n, inUnsatCore, true, true, false);
105 }
106 if (d_globalDefineFunRecLemmas != nullptr)
107 {
108 // Global definitions are asserted at check-sat-time because we have to
109 // make sure that they are always present (they are essentially level
110 // zero assertions)
111 for (const Node& lemma : *d_globalDefineFunRecLemmas)
112 {
113 addFormula(lemma, false, true, false, false);
114 }
115 }
116 }
118 void Assertions::assertFormula(const Node& n, bool inUnsatCore)
119 {
120 ensureBoolean(n);
121 bool maybeHasFv = language::isInputLangSygus(options::inputLanguage());
122 addFormula(n, inUnsatCore, true, false, maybeHasFv);
123 }
125 std::vector<Node>& Assertions::getAssumptions() { return d_assumptions; }
126 bool Assertions::isGlobalNegated() const { return d_globalNegation; }
127 void Assertions::flipGlobalNegated() { d_globalNegation = !d_globalNegation; }
129 preprocessing::AssertionPipeline& Assertions::getAssertionPipeline()
130 {
131 return d_assertions;
132 }
134 context::CDList<Node>* Assertions::getAssertionList()
135 {
136 return d_assertionList;
137 }
139 void Assertions::addFormula(
140 TNode n, bool inUnsatCore, bool inInput, bool isAssumption, bool maybeHasFv)
141 {
142 // add to assertion list if it exists
143 if (d_assertionList != nullptr)
144 {
145 d_assertionList->push_back(n);
146 }
147 if (n.isConst() && n.getConst<bool>())
148 {
149 // true, nothing to do
150 return;
151 }
153 Trace("smt") << "SmtEnginePrivate::addFormula(" << n
154 << "), inUnsatCore = " << inUnsatCore
155 << ", inInput = " << inInput
156 << ", isAssumption = " << isAssumption << std::endl;
158 // Ensure that it does not contain free variables
159 if (maybeHasFv)
160 {
161 if (expr::hasFreeVar(n))
162 {
163 std::stringstream se;
164 se << "Cannot process assertion with free variable.";
165 if (language::isInputLangSygus(options::inputLanguage()))
166 {
167 // Common misuse of SyGuS is to use top-level assert instead of
168 // constraint when defining the synthesis conjecture.
169 se << " Perhaps you meant `constraint` instead of `assert`?";
170 }
171 throw ModalException(se.str().c_str());
172 }
173 }
175 // Give it to proof manager
176 if (options::unsatCores())
177 {
178 if (inInput)
179 { // n is an input assertion
180 if (inUnsatCore || options::unsatCores() || options::dumpUnsatCores()
181 || options::checkUnsatCores())
182 {
183 ProofManager::currentPM()->addCoreAssertion(n.toExpr());
184 }
185 }
186 else
187 {
188 // n is the result of an unknown preprocessing step, add it to dependency
189 // map to null
190 ProofManager::currentPM()->addDependence(n, Node::null());
191 }
192 }
194 // Add the normalized formula to the queue
195 d_assertions.push_back(n, isAssumption, true);
196 }
198 void Assertions::addDefineFunRecDefinition(Node n, bool global)
199 {
200 n = d_absValues.substituteAbstractValues(n);
201 if (d_assertionList != nullptr)
202 {
203 d_assertionList->push_back(n);
204 }
205 if (global && d_globalDefineFunRecLemmas != nullptr)
206 {
207 // Global definitions are asserted at check-sat-time because we have to
208 // make sure that they are always present
209 Assert(!language::isInputLangSygus(options::inputLanguage()));
210 d_globalDefineFunRecLemmas->emplace_back(n);
211 }
212 else
213 {
214 bool maybeHasFv = language::isInputLangSygus(options::inputLanguage());
215 addFormula(n, false, true, false, maybeHasFv);
216 }
217 }
219 void Assertions::ensureBoolean(const Node& n)
220 {
221 TypeNode type = n.getType(options::typeChecking());
222 if (!type.isBoolean())
223 {
224 std::stringstream ss;
225 ss << "Expected Boolean type\n"
226 << "The assertion : " << n << "\n"
227 << "Its type : " << type;
228 throw TypeCheckingException(n.toExpr(), ss.str());
229 }
230 }
232 void Assertions::setProofGenerator(smt::PreprocessProofGenerator* pppg)
233 {
234 d_assertions.setProofGenerator(pppg);
235 }
237 bool Assertions::isProofEnabled() const
238 {
239 return d_assertions.isProofEnabled();
240 }
242 } // namespace smt
243 } // namespace CVC4