Removing infrastructure related to SMT model (#5527)
[cvc5.git] / src / smt / check_models.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file check_models.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Utility for constructing and maintaining abstract values.
13 **/
15 #include "smt/check_models.h"
17 #include "options/smt_options.h"
18 #include "smt/node_command.h"
19 #include "smt/preprocessor.h"
20 #include "theory/rewriter.h"
21 #include "theory/substitutions.h"
22 #include "theory/theory_engine.h"
24 using namespace CVC4::theory;
26 namespace CVC4 {
27 namespace smt {
29 CheckModels::CheckModels(SmtSolver& s) : d_smt(s) {}
30 CheckModels::~CheckModels() {}
32 void CheckModels::checkModel(Model* m,
33 context::CDList<Node>* al,
34 bool hardFailure)
35 {
36 // Throughout, we use Notice() to give diagnostic output.
37 //
38 // If this function is running, the user gave --check-model (or equivalent),
39 // and if Notice() is on, the user gave --verbose (or equivalent).
41 // check-model is not guaranteed to succeed if approximate values were used.
42 // Thus, we intentionally abort here.
43 if (m->hasApproximations())
44 {
45 throw RecoverableModalException(
46 "Cannot run check-model on a model with approximate values.");
47 }
49 // Check individual theory assertions
50 if (options::debugCheckModels())
51 {
52 TheoryEngine* te = d_smt.getTheoryEngine();
53 Assert(te != nullptr);
54 te->checkTheoryAssertionsWithModel(hardFailure);
55 }
57 // Output the model
58 Notice() << *m;
60 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
61 Preprocessor* pp = d_smt.getPreprocessor();
63 // We have a "fake context" for the substitution map (we don't need it
64 // to be context-dependent)
65 context::Context fakeContext;
66 SubstitutionMap substitutions(&fakeContext,
67 /* substituteUnderQuantifiers = */ false);
69 Trace("check-model") << "checkModel: Collect substitution..." << std::endl;
70 const std::vector<Node>& decTerms = m->getDeclaredTerms();
71 for (const Node& func : decTerms)
72 {
73 // We have a DECLARE-FUN:
74 //
75 // We'll first do some checks, then add to our substitution map
76 // the mapping: function symbol |-> value
78 Node val = m->getValue(func);
80 Notice() << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): adding substitution: " << func
81 << " |-> " << val << std::endl;
83 // (1) if the value is a lambda, ensure the lambda doesn't contain the
84 // function symbol (since then the definition is recursive)
85 if (val.getKind() == kind::LAMBDA)
86 {
87 // first apply the model substitutions we have so far
88 Node n = substitutions.apply(val[1]);
89 // now check if n contains func by doing a substitution
90 // [func->func2] and checking equality of the Nodes.
91 // (this just a way to check if func is in n.)
92 SubstitutionMap subs(&fakeContext);
93 Node func2 =
94 nm->mkSkolem("", func.getType(), "", NodeManager::SKOLEM_NO_NOTIFY);
95 subs.addSubstitution(func, func2);
96 if (subs.apply(n) != n)
97 {
98 Notice() << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): *** PROBLEM: MODEL VALUE DEFINED "
100 << std::endl;
101 std::stringstream ss;
102 ss << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): ERRORS SATISFYING ASSERTIONS WITH "
103 "MODEL:"
104 << std::endl
105 << "considering model value for " << func << std::endl
106 << "body of lambda is: " << val << std::endl;
107 if (n != val[1])
108 {
109 ss << "body substitutes to: " << n << std::endl;
110 }
111 ss << "so " << func << " is defined in terms of itself." << std::endl
112 << "Run with `--check-models -v' for additional diagnostics.";
113 InternalError() << ss.str();
114 }
115 }
117 // (2) check that the value is actually a value
118 else if (!val.isConst())
119 {
120 // This is only a warning since it could have been assigned an
121 // unevaluable term (e.g. an application of a transcendental function).
122 // This parallels the behavior (warnings for non-constant expressions)
123 // when checking whether assertions are satisfied below.
124 Warning() << "Warning : SmtEngine::checkModel(): "
125 << "model value for " << func << std::endl
126 << " is " << val << std::endl
127 << "and that is not a constant (.isConst() == false)."
128 << std::endl
129 << "Run with `--check-models -v' for additional diagnostics."
130 << std::endl;
131 }
133 // (3) check that it's the correct (sub)type
134 // This was intended to be a more general check, but for now we can't do
135 // that because e.g. "1" is an INT, which isn't a subrange type [1..10]
136 // (etc.).
137 else if (func.getType().isInteger() && !val.getType().isInteger())
138 {
139 Notice() << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): *** PROBLEM: MODEL VALUE NOT "
140 "CORRECT TYPE ***"
141 << std::endl;
142 InternalError()
143 << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): ERRORS SATISFYING ASSERTIONS WITH "
144 "MODEL:"
145 << std::endl
146 << "model value for " << func << std::endl
147 << " is " << val << std::endl
148 << "value type is " << val.getType() << std::endl
149 << "should be of type " << func.getType() << std::endl
150 << "Run with `--check-models -v' for additional diagnostics.";
151 }
153 // (4) checks complete, add the substitution
154 Trace("check-model") << "Substitution: " << func << " :=> " << val
155 << std::endl;
156 substitutions.addSubstitution(func, val);
157 }
159 Trace("check-model") << "checkModel: Check assertions..." << std::endl;
160 std::unordered_map<Node, Node, NodeHashFunction> cache;
161 // Now go through all our user assertions checking if they're satisfied.
162 for (const Node& assertion : *al)
163 {
164 Notice() << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): checking assertion " << assertion
165 << std::endl;
166 Node n = assertion;
167 Notice() << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): -- rewritten form is " << Rewriter::rewrite(n) << std::endl;
168 Node nr = Rewriter::rewrite(substitutions.apply(n));
169 if (nr.isConst() && nr.getConst<bool>())
170 {
171 continue;
172 }
173 // Apply any define-funs from the problem.
174 n = pp->expandDefinitions(n, cache);
175 Notice() << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): -- expands to " << n << std::endl;
177 // Apply our model value substitutions.
178 n = substitutions.apply(n);
179 Notice() << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): -- substitutes to " << n << std::endl;
181 // We look up the value before simplifying. If n contains quantifiers,
182 // this may increases the chance of finding its value before the node is
183 // altered by simplification below.
184 n = m->getValue(n);
185 Notice() << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): -- get value : " << n << std::endl;
187 // Simplify the result and replace the already-known ITEs (this is important
188 // for ground ITEs under quantifiers).
189 n = pp->simplify(n, true);
190 Notice()
191 << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): -- simplifies with ite replacement to "
192 << n << std::endl;
194 // Apply our model value substitutions (again), as things may have been
195 // simplified.
196 n = substitutions.apply(n);
197 Notice() << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): -- re-substitutes to " << n
198 << std::endl;
200 // As a last-ditch effort, ask model to simplify it.
201 // Presently, this is only an issue for quantifiers, which can have a value
202 // but don't show up in our substitution map above.
203 n = m->getValue(n);
204 Notice() << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): -- model-substitutes to " << n
205 << std::endl;
207 if (n.isConst() && n.getConst<bool>())
208 {
209 // assertion is true, everything is fine
210 continue;
211 }
213 // Otherwise, we did not succeed in showing the current assertion to be
214 // true. This may either indicate that our model is wrong, or that we cannot
215 // check it. The latter may be the case for several reasons.
216 // For example, quantified formulas are not checkable, although we assign
217 // them to true/false based on the satisfying assignment. However,
218 // quantified formulas can be modified during preprocess, so they may not
219 // correspond to those in the satisfying assignment. Hence we throw
220 // warnings for assertions that do not simplify to either true or false.
221 // Other theories such as non-linear arithmetic (in particular,
222 // transcendental functions) also have the property of not being able to
223 // be checked precisely here.
224 // Note that warnings like these can be avoided for quantified formulas
225 // by making preprocessing passes explicitly record how they
226 // rewrite quantified formulas (see cvc4-wishues#43).
227 if (!n.isConst())
228 {
229 // Not constant, print a less severe warning message here.
230 Warning() << "Warning : SmtEngine::checkModel(): cannot check simplified "
231 "assertion : "
232 << n << std::endl;
233 continue;
234 }
235 // Assertions that simplify to false result in an InternalError or
236 // Warning being thrown below (when hardFailure is false).
237 Notice() << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): *** PROBLEM: EXPECTED `TRUE' ***"
238 << std::endl;
239 std::stringstream ss;
240 ss << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): "
242 << "assertion: " << assertion << std::endl
243 << "simplifies to: " << n << std::endl
244 << "expected `true'." << std::endl
245 << "Run with `--check-models -v' for additional diagnostics.";
246 if (hardFailure)
247 {
248 // internal error if hardFailure is true
249 InternalError() << ss.str();
250 }
251 else
252 {
253 Warning() << ss.str() << std::endl;
254 }
255 }
256 Trace("check-model") << "checkModel: Finish" << std::endl;
257 Notice() << "SmtEngine::checkModel(): all assertions checked out OK !"
258 << std::endl;
259 }
261 } // namespace smt
262 } // namespace CVC4