Simplify and fix check models (#5685)
[cvc5.git] / src / smt / model.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file model.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Morgan Deters, Mathias Preiner
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Model class
13 **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
17 #ifndef CVC4__MODEL_H
18 #define CVC4__MODEL_H
20 #include <iosfwd>
21 #include <vector>
23 #include "expr/expr.h"
24 #include "theory/theory_model.h"
25 #include "util/cardinality.h"
27 namespace CVC4 {
29 class SmtEngine;
31 namespace smt {
33 class Model;
35 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Model&);
37 /**
38 * This is the SMT-level model object, that is responsible for maintaining
39 * the necessary information for how to print the model, as well as
40 * holding a pointer to the underlying implementation of the theory model.
41 *
42 * The model declarations maintained by this class are context-independent
43 * and should be updated when this model is printed.
44 */
45 class Model {
46 friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Model&);
47 friend class ::CVC4::SmtEngine;
49 public:
50 /** construct */
51 Model(theory::TheoryModel* tm);
52 /** virtual destructor */
53 ~Model() {}
54 /** get the input name (file name, etc.) this model is associated to */
55 std::string getInputName() const { return d_inputName; }
56 /**
57 * Returns true if this model is guaranteed to be a model of the input
58 * formula. Notice that when CVC4 answers "unknown", it may have a model
59 * available for which this method returns false. In this case, this model is
60 * only a candidate solution.
61 */
62 bool isKnownSat() const { return d_isKnownSat; }
63 /** Get the underlying theory model */
64 theory::TheoryModel* getTheoryModel();
65 /** Get the underlying theory model (const version) */
66 const theory::TheoryModel* getTheoryModel() const;
67 //----------------------- helper methods in the underlying theory model
68 /** Is the node n a model core symbol? */
69 bool isModelCoreSymbol(TNode sym) const;
70 /** Get value */
71 Node getValue(TNode n) const;
72 /** Does this model have approximations? */
73 bool hasApproximations() const;
74 //----------------------- end helper methods
75 //----------------------- model declarations
76 /** Clear the current model declarations. */
77 void clearModelDeclarations();
78 /**
79 * Set that tn is a sort that should be printed in the model, when applicable,
80 * based on the output language.
81 */
82 void addDeclarationSort(TypeNode tn);
83 /**
84 * Set that n is a variable that should be printed in the model, when
85 * applicable, based on the output language.
86 */
87 void addDeclarationTerm(Node n);
88 /** get declared sorts */
89 const std::vector<TypeNode>& getDeclaredSorts() const;
90 /** get declared terms */
91 const std::vector<Node>& getDeclaredTerms() const;
92 //----------------------- end model declarations
93 protected:
94 /** the input name (file name, etc.) this model is associated to */
95 std::string d_inputName;
96 /**
97 * Flag set to false if the model is associated with an "unknown" response
98 * from the solver.
99 */
100 bool d_isKnownSat;
101 /**
102 * Pointer to the underlying theory model, which maintains all data regarding
103 * the values of sorts and terms.
104 */
105 theory::TheoryModel* d_tmodel;
106 /**
107 * The list of types to print, generally corresponding to declare-sort
108 * commands.
109 */
110 std::vector<TypeNode> d_declareSorts;
111 /**
112 * The list of terms to print, is typically one-to-one with declare-fun
113 * commands.
114 */
115 std::vector<Node> d_declareTerms;
116 };
118 } // namespace smt
119 }/* CVC4 namespace */
121 #endif /* CVC4__MODEL_H */