additional work on parser hookup, configuration + build
[cvc5.git] / src / smt / smt_engine.h
1 /********************* -*- C++ -*- */
2 /** cvc4.h
3 ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype.
4 ** Copyright (c) 2009 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys)
5 ** Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
6 ** New York University
7 ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
8 ** information.
9 **
10 **/
12 #ifndef __CVC4__SMT_ENGINE_H
13 #define __CVC4__SMT_ENGINE_H
15 #include <vector>
16 #include "expr/expr.h"
17 #include "expr/expr_manager.h"
18 #include "util/result.h"
19 #include "util/model.h"
20 #include "util/options.h"
22 // In terms of abstraction, this is below (and provides services to)
23 // ValidityChecker and above (and requires the services of)
24 // PropEngine.
26 namespace CVC4 {
28 class Command;
30 // TODO: SAT layer (esp. CNF- versus non-clausal solvers under the
31 // hood): use a type parameter and have check() delegate, or subclass
32 // SmtEngine and override check()?
33 //
34 // Probably better than that is to have a configuration object that
35 // indicates which passes are desired. The configuration occurs
36 // elsewhere (and can even occur at runtime). A simple "pass manager"
37 // of sorts determines check()'s behavior.
38 //
39 // The CNF conversion can go on in PropEngine.
41 class SmtEngine {
42 /** Current set of assertions. */
43 // TODO: make context-aware to handle user-level push/pop.
44 std::vector<Expr> d_assertList;
46 /** Our expression manager */
47 ExprManager *d_em;
49 /** User-level options */
50 Options *d_opts;
52 /**
53 * Pre-process an Expr. This is expected to be highly-variable,
54 * with a lot of "source-level configurability" to add multiple
55 * passes over the Expr. TODO: may need to specify a LEVEL of
56 * preprocessing (certain contexts need more/less ?).
57 */
58 void preprocess(Expr);
60 /**
61 * Adds a formula to the current context.
62 */
63 void addFormula(Expr);
65 /**
66 * Full check of consistency in current context. Returns true iff
67 * consistent.
68 */
69 Result check();
71 /**
72 * Quick check of consistency in current context: calls
73 * processAssertionList() then look for inconsistency (based only on
74 * that).
75 */
76 Result quickCheck();
78 /**
79 * Process the assertion list: for literals and conjunctions of
80 * literals, assert to T-solver.
81 */
82 void processAssertionList();
84 public:
85 /*
86 * Construct an SmtEngine with the given expression manager and user options.
87 */
88 SmtEngine(ExprManager* em, Options* opts) throw() : d_em(em), d_opts(opts) {}
90 /**
91 * Execute a command.
92 */
93 void doCommand(Command*);
95 /**
96 * Add a formula to the current context: preprocess, do per-theory
97 * setup, use processAssertionList(), asserting to T-solver for
98 * literals and conjunction of literals. Returns false iff
99 * inconsistent.
100 */
101 Result assert(Expr);
103 /**
104 * Add a formula to the current context and call check(). Returns
105 * true iff consistent.
106 */
107 Result query(Expr);
109 /**
110 * Add a formula to the current context and call check(). Returns
111 * true iff consistent.
112 */
113 Result checkSat(Expr);
115 /**
116 * Simplify a formula without doing "much" work. Requires assist
117 * from the SAT Engine.
118 */
119 Expr simplify(Expr);
121 /**
122 * Get a (counter)model (only if preceded by a SAT or INVALID query.
123 */
124 Model getModel();
126 /**
127 * Push a user-level context.
128 */
129 void push();
131 /**
132 * Pop a user-level context. Throws an exception if nothing to pop.
133 */
134 void pop();
135 };/* class SmtEngine */
137 }/* CVC4 namespace */
139 #endif /* __CVC4__SMT_ENGINE_H */