Merged bit-vector and uf proof branch.
[cvc5.git] / src / smt / smt_globals.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file smt_globals.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Original author: Tim King
5 ** Major contributors: none
6 ** Minor contributors (to current version): none
7 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
8 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2015 New York University and The University of Iowa
9 ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
10 ** information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief SmtGlobals is a light container for psuedo-global datastructures
13 ** that are set by the user.
14 **
15 ** SmtGlobals is a light container for psuedo-global datastructures
16 ** that are set by the user. These contain paramaters for infrequently
17 ** used modes: Portfolio and Replay. There should be exactly one of these
18 ** per SmtEngine with the same lifetime as the SmtEngine.
19 ** A user directly passes these as pointers and is resonsible for cleaning up
20 ** the memory.
21 **
22 ** Basically, the problem this class is solving is that previously these were
23 ** using smt_options.h and the Options class as globals for these same
24 ** datastructures.
25 **
26 ** This class is NOT a good long term solution, but is a reasonable stop gap.
27 **/
29 #include "cvc4_public.h"
31 #ifndef __CVC4__SMT__SMT_GLOBALS_H
32 #define __CVC4__SMT__SMT_GLOBALS_H
34 #include <iosfwd>
35 #include <string>
36 #include <utility>
38 #include "expr/expr_stream.h"
39 #include "options/option_exception.h"
40 #include "smt_util/lemma_input_channel.h"
41 #include "smt_util/lemma_output_channel.h"
43 namespace CVC4 {
45 /**
46 * SmtGlobals is a wrapper around 4 pointers:
47 * - getReplayLog()
48 * - getReplayStream()
49 * - getLemmaInputChannel()
50 * - getLemmaOutputChannel()
51 *
52 * The user can directly set these and is responsible for handling the
53 * memory for these. These datastructures are used for the Replay and Portfolio
54 * modes.
55 */
56 class CVC4_PUBLIC SmtGlobals {
57 public:
58 /** Creates an empty SmtGlobals with all 4 pointers initially NULL. */
59 SmtGlobals();
60 ~SmtGlobals();
62 /** This setsReplayLog based on --replay-log */
63 void parseReplayLog(std::string optarg) throw (OptionException);
64 void setReplayLog(std::ostream*);
65 std::ostream* getReplayLog() { return d_replayLog; }
67 void setReplayStream(ExprStream* stream);
68 ExprStream* getReplayStream() { return d_replayStream; }
70 void setLemmaInputChannel(LemmaInputChannel* in);
71 LemmaInputChannel* getLemmaInputChannel() { return d_lemmaInputChannel; }
73 void setLemmaOutputChannel(LemmaOutputChannel* out);
74 LemmaOutputChannel* getLemmaOutputChannel() { return d_lemmaOutputChannel; }
76 private:
77 // Disable copy constructor.
78 SmtGlobals(const SmtGlobals&) CVC4_UNDEFINED;
80 // Disable assignment operator.
81 SmtGlobals& operator=(const SmtGlobals&) CVC4_UNDEFINED;
83 static std::pair<bool, std::ostream*>
84 checkReplayLogFilename(std::string optarg) throw (OptionException);
86 /**
87 * d_gcReplayLog is true iff d_replayLog was allocated by parseReplayLog.
88 */
89 bool d_gcReplayLog;
91 /** This captures the old options::replayLog .*/
92 std::ostream* d_replayLog;
94 /** This captures the old options::replayStream .*/
95 ExprStream* d_replayStream;
97 /** This captures the old options::lemmaInputChannel .*/
98 LemmaInputChannel* d_lemmaInputChannel;
100 /** This captures the old options::lemmaOutputChannel .*/
101 LemmaOutputChannel* d_lemmaOutputChannel;
102 }; /* class SmtGlobals */
104 } /* namespace CVC4 */
106 #endif /* __CVC4__SMT__SMT_GLOBALS_H */