Reorganize calls to quantifiers engine from SmtEngine layer (#5828)
[cvc5.git] / src / smt / smt_solver.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file smt_solver.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Morgan Deters, Aina Niemetz
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief The solver for SMT queries in an SmtEngine.
13 **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
17 #ifndef CVC4__SMT__SMT_SOLVER_H
18 #define CVC4__SMT__SMT_SOLVER_H
20 #include <vector>
22 #include "expr/node.h"
23 #include "theory/logic_info.h"
24 #include "util/result.h"
26 namespace CVC4 {
28 class SmtEngine;
29 class TheoryEngine;
30 class ResourceManager;
31 class ProofNodeManager;
33 namespace prop {
34 class PropEngine;
35 }
37 namespace theory {
38 class QuantifiersEngine;
39 }
41 namespace smt {
43 class Assertions;
44 class SmtEngineState;
45 class Preprocessor;
46 struct SmtEngineStatistics;
48 /**
49 * A solver for SMT queries.
50 *
51 * This class manages the initialization of the theory engine and propositional
52 * engines and implements the method for checking satisfiability of the current
53 * set of assertions.
54 *
55 * Notice that this class is only conceptually responsible for running
56 * check-sat commands and an interface for sending formulas to the underlying
57 * classes. It does not implement any query techniques beyond getting the result
58 * (unsat/sat/unknown) of check-sat calls. More detailed information (e.g.
59 * models) can be queries using other classes that examine the state of the
60 * TheoryEngine directly, which can be accessed via getTheoryEngine.
61 */
62 class SmtSolver
63 {
64 public:
65 SmtSolver(SmtEngine& smt,
66 SmtEngineState& state,
67 ResourceManager* rm,
68 Preprocessor& pp,
69 SmtEngineStatistics& stats);
70 ~SmtSolver();
71 /**
72 * Create theory engine, prop engine based on the logic info.
73 */
74 void finishInit(const LogicInfo& logicInfo);
75 /** Reset all assertions, global declarations, etc. */
76 void resetAssertions();
77 /**
78 * Interrupt a running query. This can be called from another thread
79 * or from a signal handler. Throws a ModalException if the SmtSolver
80 * isn't currently in a query.
81 */
82 void interrupt();
83 /**
84 * This is called by the destructor of SmtEngine, just before destroying the
85 * PropEngine, TheoryEngine, and DecisionEngine (in that order). It
86 * is important because there are destruction ordering issues
87 * between PropEngine and Theory.
88 */
89 void shutdown();
90 /**
91 * Check satisfiability (used to check satisfiability and entailment)
92 * in SmtEngine. This is done via adding assumptions (when necessary) to
93 * assertions as, preprocessing and pushing assertions into the prop engine
94 * of this class, and checking for satisfiability via the prop engine.
95 *
96 * @param as The object managing the assertions in SmtEngine. This class
97 * maintains a current set of (unprocessed) assertions which are pushed
98 * into the internal members of this class (TheoryEngine and PropEngine)
99 * during this call.
100 * @param assumptions The assumptions for this check-sat call, which are
101 * temporary assertions.
102 * @param inUnsatCore Whether assumptions are in the unsat core.
103 * @param isEntailmentCheck Whether this is an entailment check (assumptions
104 * are negated in this case).
105 */
106 Result checkSatisfiability(Assertions& as,
107 const std::vector<Node>& assumptions,
108 bool inUnsatCore,
109 bool isEntailmentCheck);
110 /**
111 * Process the assertions that have been asserted in as. This moves the set of
112 * assertions that have been buffered into as, preprocesses them, pushes them
113 * into the SMT solver, and clears the buffer.
114 */
115 void processAssertions(Assertions& as);
116 /**
117 * Set proof node manager. Enables proofs in this SmtSolver. Should be
118 * called before finishInit.
119 */
120 void setProofNodeManager(ProofNodeManager* pnm);
121 //------------------------------------------ access methods
122 /** Get a pointer to the TheoryEngine owned by this solver. */
123 TheoryEngine* getTheoryEngine();
124 /** Get a pointer to the PropEngine owned by this solver. */
125 prop::PropEngine* getPropEngine();
126 /** Get a pointer to the QuantifiersEngine owned by this solver. */
127 theory::QuantifiersEngine* getQuantifiersEngine();
128 /** Get a pointer to the preprocessor */
129 Preprocessor* getPreprocessor();
130 //------------------------------------------ end access methods
131 private:
132 /** Reference to the parent SMT engine */
133 SmtEngine& d_smt;
134 /** Reference to the state of the SmtEngine */
135 SmtEngineState& d_state;
136 /** Pointer to a resource manager (owned by SmtEngine) */
137 ResourceManager* d_rm;
138 /** Reference to the preprocessor of SmtEngine */
139 Preprocessor& d_pp;
140 /** Reference to the statistics of SmtEngine */
141 SmtEngineStatistics& d_stats;
142 /**
143 * Pointer to the proof node manager used by this SmtSolver. A non-null
144 * proof node manager indicates that proofs are enabled.
145 */
146 ProofNodeManager* d_pnm;
147 /** The theory engine */
148 std::unique_ptr<TheoryEngine> d_theoryEngine;
149 /** The propositional engine */
150 std::unique_ptr<prop::PropEngine> d_propEngine;
151 };
153 } // namespace smt
154 } // namespace CVC4
156 #endif /* CVC4__SMT__SMT_SOLVER_H */