Support get-abduct-next (#7850)
[cvc5.git] / src / smt / solver_engine.cpp
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Andrew Reynolds, Morgan Deters, Abdalrhman Mohamed
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * The main entry point into the cvc5 library's SMT interface.
14 */
16 #include "smt/solver_engine.h"
18 #include "base/check.h"
19 #include "base/exception.h"
20 #include "base/modal_exception.h"
21 #include "base/output.h"
22 #include "decision/decision_engine.h"
23 #include "expr/bound_var_manager.h"
24 #include "expr/node.h"
25 #include "options/base_options.h"
26 #include "options/expr_options.h"
27 #include "options/language.h"
28 #include "options/main_options.h"
29 #include "options/option_exception.h"
30 #include "options/options_public.h"
31 #include "options/parser_options.h"
32 #include "options/printer_options.h"
33 #include "options/proof_options.h"
34 #include "options/smt_options.h"
35 #include "options/theory_options.h"
36 #include "printer/printer.h"
37 #include "proof/unsat_core.h"
38 #include "prop/prop_engine.h"
39 #include "smt/abduction_solver.h"
40 #include "smt/abstract_values.h"
41 #include "smt/assertions.h"
42 #include "smt/check_models.h"
43 #include "smt/env.h"
44 #include "smt/interpolation_solver.h"
45 #include "smt/listeners.h"
46 #include "smt/logic_exception.h"
47 #include "smt/model_blocker.h"
48 #include "smt/model_core_builder.h"
49 #include "smt/preprocessor.h"
50 #include "smt/proof_manager.h"
51 #include "smt/quant_elim_solver.h"
52 #include "smt/set_defaults.h"
53 #include "smt/smt_solver.h"
54 #include "smt/solver_engine_scope.h"
55 #include "smt/solver_engine_state.h"
56 #include "smt/solver_engine_stats.h"
57 #include "smt/sygus_solver.h"
58 #include "smt/unsat_core_manager.h"
59 #include "theory/quantifiers/instantiation_list.h"
60 #include "theory/quantifiers/quantifiers_attributes.h"
61 #include "theory/quantifiers_engine.h"
62 #include "theory/rewriter.h"
63 #include "theory/smt_engine_subsolver.h"
64 #include "theory/theory_engine.h"
65 #include "util/random.h"
66 #include "util/rational.h"
67 #include "util/resource_manager.h"
68 #include "util/sexpr.h"
69 #include "util/statistics_registry.h"
71 // required for hacks related to old proofs for unsat cores
72 #include "base/configuration.h"
73 #include "base/configuration_private.h"
75 using namespace std;
76 using namespace cvc5::smt;
77 using namespace cvc5::preprocessing;
78 using namespace cvc5::prop;
79 using namespace cvc5::context;
80 using namespace cvc5::theory;
82 namespace cvc5 {
84 SolverEngine::SolverEngine(NodeManager* nm, const Options* optr)
85 : d_env(new Env(nm, optr)),
86 d_state(new SolverEngineState(*d_env.get(), *this)),
87 d_absValues(new AbstractValues(getNodeManager())),
88 d_asserts(new Assertions(*d_env.get(), *d_absValues.get())),
89 d_routListener(new ResourceOutListener(*this)),
90 d_smtSolver(nullptr),
91 d_checkModels(nullptr),
92 d_pfManager(nullptr),
93 d_ucManager(nullptr),
94 d_sygusSolver(nullptr),
95 d_abductSolver(nullptr),
96 d_interpolSolver(nullptr),
97 d_quantElimSolver(nullptr),
98 d_isInternalSubsolver(false),
99 d_stats(nullptr),
100 d_scope(nullptr)
101 {
102 // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! temporary hack: this makes the current SolverEngine
103 // we are constructing the current SolverEngine in scope for the lifetime of
104 // this SolverEngine, or until another SolverEngine is constructed (that
105 // SolverEngine is then in scope during its lifetime). This is mostly to
106 // ensure that options are always in scope, for e.g. printing expressions,
107 // which rely on knowing the output language. Notice that the SolverEngine may
108 // spawn new SolverEngine "subsolvers" internally. These are created, used,
109 // and deleted in a modular fashion while not interleaving calls to the master
110 // SolverEngine. Thus the hack here does not break this use case. On the other
111 // hand, this hack breaks use cases where multiple SolverEngine objects are
112 // created by the user.
113 d_scope.reset(new SolverEngineScope(this));
114 // listen to resource out
115 getResourceManager()->registerListener(d_routListener.get());
116 // make statistics
117 d_stats.reset(new SolverEngineStatistics());
118 // make the SMT solver
119 d_smtSolver.reset(new SmtSolver(*d_env, *d_state, *d_absValues, *d_stats));
120 // make the SyGuS solver
121 d_sygusSolver.reset(new SygusSolver(*d_env.get(), *d_smtSolver));
122 // make the quantifier elimination solver
123 d_quantElimSolver.reset(new QuantElimSolver(*d_env.get(), *d_smtSolver));
124 }
126 bool SolverEngine::isFullyInited() const { return d_state->isFullyInited(); }
127 bool SolverEngine::isQueryMade() const { return d_state->isQueryMade(); }
128 size_t SolverEngine::getNumUserLevels() const
129 {
130 return d_state->getNumUserLevels();
131 }
132 SmtMode SolverEngine::getSmtMode() const { return d_state->getMode(); }
133 bool SolverEngine::isSmtModeSat() const
134 {
135 SmtMode mode = getSmtMode();
136 return mode == SmtMode::SAT || mode == SmtMode::SAT_UNKNOWN;
137 }
138 Result SolverEngine::getStatusOfLastCommand() const
139 {
140 return d_state->getStatus();
141 }
142 context::UserContext* SolverEngine::getUserContext()
143 {
144 return d_env->getUserContext();
145 }
146 context::Context* SolverEngine::getContext() { return d_env->getContext(); }
148 TheoryEngine* SolverEngine::getTheoryEngine()
149 {
150 return d_smtSolver->getTheoryEngine();
151 }
153 prop::PropEngine* SolverEngine::getPropEngine()
154 {
155 return d_smtSolver->getPropEngine();
156 }
158 void SolverEngine::finishInit()
159 {
160 if (d_state->isFullyInited())
161 {
162 // already initialized, return
163 return;
164 }
166 // Notice that finishInitInternal is called when options are finalized. If we
167 // are parsing smt2, this occurs at the moment we enter "Assert mode", page 52
168 // of SMT-LIB 2.6 standard.
170 // set the logic
171 const LogicInfo& logic = getLogicInfo();
172 if (!logic.isLocked())
173 {
174 setLogicInternal();
175 }
177 // set the random seed
178 Random::getRandom().setSeed(d_env->getOptions().driver.seed);
180 // Call finish init on the set defaults module. This inializes the logic
181 // and the best default options based on our heuristics.
182 SetDefaults sdefaults(*d_env, d_isInternalSubsolver);
183 sdefaults.setDefaults(d_env->d_logic, getOptions());
185 if (d_env->getOptions().smt.produceProofs)
186 {
187 // ensure bound variable uses canonical bound variables
188 getNodeManager()->getBoundVarManager()->enableKeepCacheValues();
189 // make the proof manager
190 d_pfManager.reset(new PfManager(*d_env.get()));
191 PreprocessProofGenerator* pppg = d_pfManager->getPreprocessProofGenerator();
192 // start the unsat core manager
193 d_ucManager.reset(new UnsatCoreManager());
194 // enable it in the assertions pipeline
195 d_asserts->enableProofs(pppg);
196 // enabled proofs in the preprocessor
197 d_smtSolver->getPreprocessor()->enableProofs(pppg);
198 }
200 Trace("smt-debug") << "SolverEngine::finishInit" << std::endl;
201 d_smtSolver->finishInit();
203 // now can construct the SMT-level model object
204 TheoryEngine* te = d_smtSolver->getTheoryEngine();
205 Assert(te != nullptr);
206 TheoryModel* tm = te->getModel();
207 if (tm != nullptr)
208 {
209 // make the check models utility
210 d_checkModels.reset(new CheckModels(*d_env.get()));
211 }
213 // global push/pop around everything, to ensure proper destruction
214 // of context-dependent data structures
215 d_state->setup();
217 Trace("smt-debug") << "Set up assertions..." << std::endl;
218 d_asserts->finishInit();
220 // subsolvers
221 if (d_env->getOptions().smt.produceAbducts)
222 {
223 d_abductSolver.reset(new AbductionSolver(*d_env.get()));
224 }
225 if (d_env->getOptions().smt.produceInterpols
226 != options::ProduceInterpols::NONE)
227 {
228 d_interpolSolver.reset(new InterpolationSolver(*d_env));
229 }
231 AlwaysAssert(getPropEngine()->getAssertionLevel() == 0)
232 << "The PropEngine has pushed but the SolverEngine "
233 "hasn't finished initializing!";
235 Assert(getLogicInfo().isLocked());
237 // store that we are finished initializing
238 d_state->finishInit();
239 Trace("smt-debug") << "SolverEngine::finishInit done" << std::endl;
240 }
242 void SolverEngine::shutdown()
243 {
244 d_state->shutdown();
246 d_smtSolver->shutdown();
248 d_env->shutdown();
249 }
251 SolverEngine::~SolverEngine()
252 {
253 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
255 try
256 {
257 shutdown();
259 // global push/pop around everything, to ensure proper destruction
260 // of context-dependent data structures
261 d_state->cleanup();
263 // destroy all passes before destroying things that they refer to
264 d_smtSolver->getPreprocessor()->cleanup();
266 d_pfManager.reset(nullptr);
267 d_ucManager.reset(nullptr);
269 d_absValues.reset(nullptr);
270 d_asserts.reset(nullptr);
272 d_abductSolver.reset(nullptr);
273 d_interpolSolver.reset(nullptr);
274 d_quantElimSolver.reset(nullptr);
275 d_sygusSolver.reset(nullptr);
276 d_smtSolver.reset(nullptr);
278 d_stats.reset(nullptr);
279 d_routListener.reset(nullptr);
280 // destroy the state
281 d_state.reset(nullptr);
282 // destroy the environment
283 d_env.reset(nullptr);
284 }
285 catch (Exception& e)
286 {
287 d_env->warning() << "cvc5 threw an exception during cleanup." << std::endl << e << std::endl;
288 }
289 }
291 void SolverEngine::setLogic(const LogicInfo& logic)
292 {
293 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
294 if (d_state->isFullyInited())
295 {
296 throw ModalException(
297 "Cannot set logic in SolverEngine after the engine has "
298 "finished initializing.");
299 }
300 d_env->d_logic = logic;
301 d_userLogic = logic;
302 setLogicInternal();
303 }
305 void SolverEngine::setLogic(const std::string& s)
306 {
307 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
308 try
309 {
310 setLogic(LogicInfo(s));
311 }
312 catch (IllegalArgumentException& e)
313 {
314 throw LogicException(e.what());
315 }
316 }
318 void SolverEngine::setLogic(const char* logic) { setLogic(string(logic)); }
320 const LogicInfo& SolverEngine::getLogicInfo() const
321 {
322 return d_env->getLogicInfo();
323 }
325 LogicInfo SolverEngine::getUserLogicInfo() const
326 {
327 // Lock the logic to make sure that this logic can be queried. We create a
328 // copy of the user logic here to keep this method const.
329 LogicInfo res = d_userLogic;
330 res.lock();
331 return res;
332 }
334 void SolverEngine::setLogicInternal()
335 {
336 Assert(!d_state->isFullyInited())
337 << "setting logic in SolverEngine but the engine has already"
338 " finished initializing for this run";
339 d_env->d_logic.lock();
340 d_userLogic.lock();
341 }
343 void SolverEngine::setInfo(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
344 {
345 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
347 Trace("smt") << "SMT setInfo(" << key << ", " << value << ")" << endl;
349 if (key == "filename")
350 {
351 d_env->d_options.driver.filename = value;
352 d_env->d_originalOptions->driver.filename = value;
353 d_env->getStatisticsRegistry().registerValue<std::string>(
354 "driver::filename", value);
355 }
356 else if (key == "smt-lib-version"
357 && !getOptions().base.inputLanguageWasSetByUser)
358 {
359 if (value != "2" && value != "2.6")
360 {
361 d_env->warning() << "SMT-LIB version " << value
362 << " unsupported, defaulting to language (and semantics of) "
363 "SMT-LIB 2.6\n";
364 }
365 getOptions().base.inputLanguage = Language::LANG_SMTLIB_V2_6;
366 // also update the output language
367 if (!getOptions().base.outputLanguageWasSetByUser)
368 {
369 setOption("output-language", "smtlib2.6");
370 getOptions().base.outputLanguageWasSetByUser = false;
371 }
372 }
373 else if (key == "status")
374 {
375 d_state->notifyExpectedStatus(value);
376 }
377 }
379 bool SolverEngine::isValidGetInfoFlag(const std::string& key) const
380 {
381 if (key == "all-statistics" || key == "error-behavior" || key == "filename"
382 || key == "name" || key == "version" || key == "authors"
383 || key == "status" || key == "time" || key == "reason-unknown"
384 || key == "assertion-stack-levels" || key == "all-options")
385 {
386 return true;
387 }
388 return false;
389 }
391 std::string SolverEngine::getInfo(const std::string& key) const
392 {
393 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
395 Trace("smt") << "SMT getInfo(" << key << ")" << endl;
396 if (key == "all-statistics")
397 {
398 return toSExpr(d_env->getStatisticsRegistry().begin(),
399 d_env->getStatisticsRegistry().end());
400 }
401 if (key == "error-behavior")
402 {
403 return "immediate-exit";
404 }
405 if (key == "filename")
406 {
407 return d_env->getOptions().driver.filename;
408 }
409 if (key == "name")
410 {
411 return toSExpr(Configuration::getName());
412 }
413 if (key == "version")
414 {
415 return toSExpr(Configuration::getVersionString());
416 }
417 if (key == "authors")
418 {
419 return toSExpr("the " + Configuration::getName() + " authors");
420 }
421 if (key == "status")
422 {
423 // sat | unsat | unknown
424 Result status = d_state->getStatus();
425 switch (status.asSatisfiabilityResult().isSat())
426 {
427 case Result::SAT: return "sat";
428 case Result::UNSAT: return "unsat";
429 default: return "unknown";
430 }
431 }
432 if (key == "time")
433 {
434 return toSExpr(std::clock());
435 }
436 if (key == "reason-unknown")
437 {
438 Result status = d_state->getStatus();
439 if (!status.isNull() && status.isUnknown())
440 {
441 std::stringstream ss;
442 ss << status.whyUnknown();
443 std::string s = ss.str();
444 transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower);
445 return s;
446 }
447 else
448 {
449 throw RecoverableModalException(
450 "Can't get-info :reason-unknown when the "
451 "last result wasn't unknown!");
452 }
453 }
454 if (key == "assertion-stack-levels")
455 {
456 size_t ulevel = d_state->getNumUserLevels();
457 AlwaysAssert(ulevel <= std::numeric_limits<unsigned long int>::max());
458 return toSExpr(ulevel);
459 }
460 Assert(key == "all-options");
461 // get the options, like all-statistics
462 std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> res;
463 for (const auto& opt : options::getNames())
464 {
465 res.emplace_back(
466 std::vector<std::string>{opt, options::get(getOptions(), opt)});
467 }
468 return toSExpr(res);
469 }
471 void SolverEngine::debugCheckFormals(const std::vector<Node>& formals,
472 Node func)
473 {
474 for (std::vector<Node>::const_iterator i = formals.begin();
475 i != formals.end();
476 ++i)
477 {
478 if ((*i).getKind() != kind::BOUND_VARIABLE)
479 {
480 stringstream ss;
481 ss << "All formal arguments to defined functions must be "
482 "BOUND_VARIABLEs, but in the\n"
483 << "definition of function " << func << ", formal\n"
484 << " " << *i << "\n"
485 << "has kind " << (*i).getKind();
486 throw TypeCheckingExceptionPrivate(func, ss.str());
487 }
488 }
489 }
491 void SolverEngine::debugCheckFunctionBody(Node formula,
492 const std::vector<Node>& formals,
493 Node func)
494 {
495 TypeNode formulaType = formula.getType(d_env->getOptions().expr.typeChecking);
496 TypeNode funcType = func.getType();
497 // We distinguish here between definitions of constants and functions,
498 // because the type checking for them is subtly different. Perhaps we
499 // should instead have SolverEngine::defineFunction() and
500 // SolverEngine::defineConstant() for better clarity, although then that
501 // doesn't match the SMT-LIBv2 standard...
502 if (formals.size() > 0)
503 {
504 TypeNode rangeType = funcType.getRangeType();
505 if (!formulaType.isComparableTo(rangeType))
506 {
507 stringstream ss;
508 ss << "Type of defined function does not match its declaration\n"
509 << "The function : " << func << "\n"
510 << "Declared type : " << rangeType << "\n"
511 << "The body : " << formula << "\n"
512 << "Body type : " << formulaType;
513 throw TypeCheckingExceptionPrivate(func, ss.str());
514 }
515 }
516 else
517 {
518 if (!formulaType.isComparableTo(funcType))
519 {
520 stringstream ss;
521 ss << "Declared type of defined constant does not match its definition\n"
522 << "The constant : " << func << "\n"
523 << "Declared type : " << funcType << "\n"
524 << "The definition : " << formula << "\n"
525 << "Definition type: " << formulaType;
526 throw TypeCheckingExceptionPrivate(func, ss.str());
527 }
528 }
529 }
531 void SolverEngine::defineFunction(Node func,
532 const std::vector<Node>& formals,
533 Node formula,
534 bool global)
535 {
536 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
537 finishInit();
538 d_state->doPendingPops();
539 Trace("smt") << "SMT defineFunction(" << func << ")" << endl;
540 debugCheckFormals(formals, func);
542 // type check body
543 debugCheckFunctionBody(formula, formals, func);
545 // Substitute out any abstract values in formula
546 Node def = d_absValues->substituteAbstractValues(formula);
547 if (!formals.empty())
548 {
549 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
550 def = nm->mkNode(
551 kind::LAMBDA, nm->mkNode(kind::BOUND_VAR_LIST, formals), def);
552 }
553 // A define-fun is treated as a (higher-order) assertion. It is provided
554 // to the assertions object. It will be added as a top-level substitution
555 // within this class, possibly multiple times if global is true.
556 Node feq = func.eqNode(def);
557 d_asserts->addDefineFunDefinition(feq, global);
558 }
560 void SolverEngine::defineFunctionsRec(
561 const std::vector<Node>& funcs,
562 const std::vector<std::vector<Node>>& formals,
563 const std::vector<Node>& formulas,
564 bool global)
565 {
566 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
567 finishInit();
568 d_state->doPendingPops();
569 Trace("smt") << "SMT defineFunctionsRec(...)" << endl;
571 if (funcs.size() != formals.size() && funcs.size() != formulas.size())
572 {
573 stringstream ss;
574 ss << "Number of functions, formals, and function bodies passed to "
575 "defineFunctionsRec do not match:"
576 << "\n"
577 << " #functions : " << funcs.size() << "\n"
578 << " #arg lists : " << formals.size() << "\n"
579 << " #function bodies : " << formulas.size() << "\n";
580 throw ModalException(ss.str());
581 }
582 for (unsigned i = 0, size = funcs.size(); i < size; i++)
583 {
584 // check formal argument list
585 debugCheckFormals(formals[i], funcs[i]);
586 // type check body
587 debugCheckFunctionBody(formulas[i], formals[i], funcs[i]);
588 }
590 NodeManager* nm = getNodeManager();
591 for (unsigned i = 0, size = funcs.size(); i < size; i++)
592 {
593 // we assert a quantified formula
594 Node func_app;
595 // make the function application
596 if (formals[i].empty())
597 {
598 // it has no arguments
599 func_app = funcs[i];
600 }
601 else
602 {
603 std::vector<Node> children;
604 children.push_back(funcs[i]);
605 children.insert(children.end(), formals[i].begin(), formals[i].end());
606 func_app = nm->mkNode(kind::APPLY_UF, children);
607 }
608 Node lem = nm->mkNode(kind::EQUAL, func_app, formulas[i]);
609 if (!formals[i].empty())
610 {
611 // set the attribute to denote this is a function definition
612 Node aexpr = nm->mkNode(kind::INST_ATTRIBUTE, func_app);
613 aexpr = nm->mkNode(kind::INST_PATTERN_LIST, aexpr);
614 FunDefAttribute fda;
615 func_app.setAttribute(fda, true);
616 // make the quantified formula
617 Node boundVars = nm->mkNode(kind::BOUND_VAR_LIST, formals[i]);
618 lem = nm->mkNode(kind::FORALL, boundVars, lem, aexpr);
619 }
620 // Assert the quantified formula. Notice we don't call assertFormula
621 // directly, since we should call a private member method since we have
622 // already ensuring this SolverEngine is initialized above.
623 // add define recursive definition to the assertions
624 d_asserts->addDefineFunDefinition(lem, global);
625 }
626 }
628 void SolverEngine::defineFunctionRec(Node func,
629 const std::vector<Node>& formals,
630 Node formula,
631 bool global)
632 {
633 std::vector<Node> funcs;
634 funcs.push_back(func);
635 std::vector<std::vector<Node>> formals_multi;
636 formals_multi.push_back(formals);
637 std::vector<Node> formulas;
638 formulas.push_back(formula);
639 defineFunctionsRec(funcs, formals_multi, formulas, global);
640 }
642 Result SolverEngine::quickCheck()
643 {
644 Assert(d_state->isFullyInited());
645 Trace("smt") << "SMT quickCheck()" << endl;
646 const std::string& filename = d_env->getOptions().driver.filename;
647 return Result(
649 }
651 TheoryModel* SolverEngine::getAvailableModel(const char* c) const
652 {
653 if (!d_env->getOptions().theory.assignFunctionValues)
654 {
655 std::stringstream ss;
656 ss << "Cannot " << c << " when --assign-function-values is false.";
657 throw RecoverableModalException(ss.str().c_str());
658 }
660 if (d_state->getMode() != SmtMode::SAT
661 && d_state->getMode() != SmtMode::SAT_UNKNOWN)
662 {
663 std::stringstream ss;
664 ss << "Cannot " << c
665 << " unless immediately preceded by SAT/NOT_ENTAILED or UNKNOWN "
666 "response.";
667 throw RecoverableModalException(ss.str().c_str());
668 }
670 if (!d_env->getOptions().smt.produceModels)
671 {
672 std::stringstream ss;
673 ss << "Cannot " << c << " when produce-models options is off.";
674 throw ModalException(ss.str().c_str());
675 }
677 TheoryEngine* te = d_smtSolver->getTheoryEngine();
678 Assert(te != nullptr);
679 TheoryModel* m = te->getBuiltModel();
681 if (m == nullptr)
682 {
683 std::stringstream ss;
684 ss << "Cannot " << c
685 << " since model is not available. Perhaps the most recent call to "
686 "check-sat was interrupted?";
687 throw RecoverableModalException(ss.str().c_str());
688 }
690 return m;
691 }
693 QuantifiersEngine* SolverEngine::getAvailableQuantifiersEngine(
694 const char* c) const
695 {
696 QuantifiersEngine* qe = d_smtSolver->getQuantifiersEngine();
697 if (qe == nullptr)
698 {
699 std::stringstream ss;
700 ss << "Cannot " << c << " when quantifiers are not present.";
701 throw ModalException(ss.str().c_str());
702 }
703 return qe;
704 }
706 void SolverEngine::notifyPushPre()
707 {
708 d_smtSolver->processAssertions(*d_asserts);
709 }
711 void SolverEngine::notifyPushPost()
712 {
713 TimerStat::CodeTimer pushPopTimer(d_stats->d_pushPopTime);
714 Assert(getPropEngine() != nullptr);
715 getPropEngine()->push();
716 }
718 void SolverEngine::notifyPopPre()
719 {
720 TimerStat::CodeTimer pushPopTimer(d_stats->d_pushPopTime);
721 PropEngine* pe = getPropEngine();
722 Assert(pe != nullptr);
723 pe->pop();
724 }
726 void SolverEngine::notifyPostSolvePre()
727 {
728 PropEngine* pe = getPropEngine();
729 Assert(pe != nullptr);
730 pe->resetTrail();
731 }
733 void SolverEngine::notifyPostSolvePost()
734 {
735 TheoryEngine* te = getTheoryEngine();
736 Assert(te != nullptr);
737 te->postsolve();
738 }
740 Result SolverEngine::checkSat()
741 {
742 Node nullNode;
743 return checkSat(nullNode);
744 }
746 Result SolverEngine::checkSat(const Node& assumption)
747 {
748 std::vector<Node> assump;
749 if (!assumption.isNull())
750 {
751 assump.push_back(assumption);
752 }
753 return checkSatInternal(assump, false);
754 }
756 Result SolverEngine::checkSat(const std::vector<Node>& assumptions)
757 {
758 return checkSatInternal(assumptions, false);
759 }
761 Result SolverEngine::checkEntailed(const Node& node)
762 {
763 return checkSatInternal(
764 node.isNull() ? std::vector<Node>() : std::vector<Node>{node},
765 true)
766 .asEntailmentResult();
767 }
769 Result SolverEngine::checkEntailed(const std::vector<Node>& nodes)
770 {
771 return checkSatInternal(nodes, true).asEntailmentResult();
772 }
774 Result SolverEngine::checkSatInternal(const std::vector<Node>& assumptions,
775 bool isEntailmentCheck)
776 {
777 try
778 {
779 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
780 finishInit();
782 Trace("smt") << "SolverEngine::"
783 << (isEntailmentCheck ? "checkEntailed" : "checkSat") << "("
784 << assumptions << ")" << endl;
785 // check the satisfiability with the solver object
786 Result r = d_smtSolver->checkSatisfiability(
787 *d_asserts.get(), assumptions, isEntailmentCheck);
789 Trace("smt") << "SolverEngine::"
790 << (isEntailmentCheck ? "query" : "checkSat") << "("
791 << assumptions << ") => " << r << endl;
793 // Check that SAT results generate a model correctly.
794 if (d_env->getOptions().smt.checkModels)
795 {
796 if (r.asSatisfiabilityResult().isSat() == Result::SAT)
797 {
798 checkModel();
799 }
800 }
801 // Check that UNSAT results generate a proof correctly.
802 if (d_env->getOptions().smt.checkProofs)
803 {
804 if (r.asSatisfiabilityResult().isSat() == Result::UNSAT)
805 {
806 checkProof();
807 }
808 }
809 // Check that UNSAT results generate an unsat core correctly.
810 if (d_env->getOptions().smt.checkUnsatCores)
811 {
812 if (r.asSatisfiabilityResult().isSat() == Result::UNSAT)
813 {
814 TimerStat::CodeTimer checkUnsatCoreTimer(d_stats->d_checkUnsatCoreTime);
815 checkUnsatCore();
816 }
817 }
818 if (d_env->getOptions().base.statisticsEveryQuery)
819 {
820 printStatisticsDiff();
821 }
822 return r;
823 }
824 catch (UnsafeInterruptException& e)
825 {
826 AlwaysAssert(getResourceManager()->out());
827 // Notice that we do not notify the state of this result. If we wanted to
828 // make the solver resume a working state after an interupt, then we would
829 // implement a different callback and use it here, e.g.
830 // d_state.notifyCheckSatInterupt.
831 Result::UnknownExplanation why = getResourceManager()->outOfResources()
832 ? Result::RESOURCEOUT
833 : Result::TIMEOUT;
835 if (d_env->getOptions().base.statisticsEveryQuery)
836 {
837 printStatisticsDiff();
838 }
839 return Result(
840 Result::SAT_UNKNOWN, why, d_env->getOptions().driver.filename);
841 }
842 }
844 std::vector<Node> SolverEngine::getUnsatAssumptions(void)
845 {
846 Trace("smt") << "SMT getUnsatAssumptions()" << endl;
847 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
848 if (!d_env->getOptions().smt.unsatAssumptions)
849 {
850 throw ModalException(
851 "Cannot get unsat assumptions when produce-unsat-assumptions option "
852 "is off.");
853 }
854 if (d_state->getMode() != SmtMode::UNSAT)
855 {
856 throw RecoverableModalException(
857 "Cannot get unsat assumptions unless immediately preceded by "
859 }
860 finishInit();
861 UnsatCore core = getUnsatCoreInternal();
862 std::vector<Node> res;
863 std::vector<Node>& assumps = d_asserts->getAssumptions();
864 for (const Node& e : assumps)
865 {
866 if (std::find(core.begin(), core.end(), e) != core.end())
867 {
868 res.push_back(e);
869 }
870 }
871 return res;
872 }
874 Result SolverEngine::assertFormula(const Node& formula)
875 {
876 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
877 finishInit();
878 d_state->doPendingPops();
880 Trace("smt") << "SolverEngine::assertFormula(" << formula << ")" << endl;
882 // Substitute out any abstract values in ex
883 Node n = d_absValues->substituteAbstractValues(formula);
885 d_asserts->assertFormula(n);
886 return quickCheck().asEntailmentResult();
887 } /* SolverEngine::assertFormula() */
889 /*
890 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
891 Handling SyGuS commands
892 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
893 */
895 void SolverEngine::declareSygusVar(Node var)
896 {
897 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
898 d_sygusSolver->declareSygusVar(var);
899 }
901 void SolverEngine::declareSynthFun(Node func,
902 TypeNode sygusType,
903 bool isInv,
904 const std::vector<Node>& vars)
905 {
906 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
907 finishInit();
908 d_state->doPendingPops();
909 d_sygusSolver->declareSynthFun(func, sygusType, isInv, vars);
910 }
911 void SolverEngine::declareSynthFun(Node func,
912 bool isInv,
913 const std::vector<Node>& vars)
914 {
915 // use a null sygus type
916 TypeNode sygusType;
917 declareSynthFun(func, sygusType, isInv, vars);
918 }
920 void SolverEngine::assertSygusConstraint(Node n, bool isAssume)
921 {
922 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
923 finishInit();
924 d_sygusSolver->assertSygusConstraint(n, isAssume);
925 }
927 void SolverEngine::assertSygusInvConstraint(Node inv,
928 Node pre,
929 Node trans,
930 Node post)
931 {
932 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
933 finishInit();
934 d_sygusSolver->assertSygusInvConstraint(inv, pre, trans, post);
935 }
937 Result SolverEngine::checkSynth(bool isNext)
938 {
939 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
940 finishInit();
941 if (isNext && d_state->getMode() != SmtMode::SYNTH)
942 {
943 throw RecoverableModalException(
944 "Cannot check-synth-next unless immediately preceded by a successful "
945 "call to check-synth(-next).");
946 }
947 Result r = d_sygusSolver->checkSynth(*d_asserts, isNext);
948 d_state->notifyCheckSynthResult(r);
949 return r;
950 }
952 /*
953 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
954 End of Handling SyGuS commands
955 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
956 */
958 void SolverEngine::declarePool(const Node& p,
959 const std::vector<Node>& initValue)
960 {
961 Assert(p.isVar() && p.getType().isSet());
962 finishInit();
963 QuantifiersEngine* qe = getAvailableQuantifiersEngine("declareTermPool");
964 qe->declarePool(p, initValue);
965 }
967 Node SolverEngine::simplify(const Node& ex)
968 {
969 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
970 finishInit();
971 d_state->doPendingPops();
972 // ensure we've processed assertions
973 d_smtSolver->processAssertions(*d_asserts);
974 return d_smtSolver->getPreprocessor()->simplify(ex);
975 }
977 Node SolverEngine::expandDefinitions(const Node& ex)
978 {
979 getResourceManager()->spendResource(Resource::PreprocessStep);
980 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
981 finishInit();
982 d_state->doPendingPops();
983 return d_smtSolver->getPreprocessor()->expandDefinitions(ex);
984 }
986 // TODO(#1108): Simplify the error reporting of this method.
987 Node SolverEngine::getValue(const Node& ex) const
988 {
989 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
991 Trace("smt") << "SMT getValue(" << ex << ")" << endl;
992 TypeNode expectedType = ex.getType();
994 // Substitute out any abstract values in ex and expand
995 Node n = d_smtSolver->getPreprocessor()->expandDefinitions(ex);
997 Trace("smt") << "--- getting value of " << n << endl;
998 // There are two ways model values for terms are computed (for historical
999 // reasons). One way is that used in check-model; the other is that
1000 // used by the Model classes. It's not clear to me exactly how these
1001 // two are different, but they need to be unified. This ugly hack here
1002 // is to fix bug 554 until we can revamp boolean-terms and models [MGD]
1004 // AJR : necessary?
1005 if (!n.getType().isFunction())
1006 {
1007 n = d_env->getRewriter()->rewrite(n);
1008 }
1010 Trace("smt") << "--- getting value of " << n << endl;
1011 TheoryModel* m = getAvailableModel("get-value");
1012 Assert(m != nullptr);
1013 Node resultNode = m->getValue(n);
1014 Trace("smt") << "--- got value " << n << " = " << resultNode << endl;
1015 Trace("smt") << "--- type " << resultNode.getType() << endl;
1016 Trace("smt") << "--- expected type " << expectedType << endl;
1018 // type-check the result we got
1019 // Notice that lambdas have function type, which does not respect the subtype
1020 // relation, so we ignore them here.
1021 Assert(resultNode.isNull() || resultNode.getKind() == kind::LAMBDA
1022 || resultNode.getType().isSubtypeOf(expectedType))
1023 << "Run with -t smt for details.";
1025 // Ensure it's a constant, or a lambda (for uninterpreted functions). This
1026 // assertion only holds for models that do not have approximate values.
1027 Assert(m->hasApproximations() || resultNode.getKind() == kind::LAMBDA
1028 || resultNode.isConst());
1030 if (d_env->getOptions().smt.abstractValues && resultNode.getType().isArray())
1031 {
1032 resultNode = d_absValues->mkAbstractValue(resultNode);
1033 Trace("smt") << "--- abstract value >> " << resultNode << endl;
1034 }
1036 return resultNode;
1037 }
1039 std::vector<Node> SolverEngine::getValues(const std::vector<Node>& exprs) const
1040 {
1041 std::vector<Node> result;
1042 for (const Node& e : exprs)
1043 {
1044 result.push_back(getValue(e));
1045 }
1046 return result;
1047 }
1049 std::vector<Node> SolverEngine::getModelDomainElements(TypeNode tn) const
1050 {
1051 Assert(tn.isSort());
1052 TheoryModel* m = getAvailableModel("getModelDomainElements");
1053 return m->getDomainElements(tn);
1054 }
1056 bool SolverEngine::isModelCoreSymbol(Node n)
1057 {
1058 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1059 Assert(n.isVar());
1060 const Options& opts = d_env->getOptions();
1061 if (opts.smt.modelCoresMode == options::ModelCoresMode::NONE)
1062 {
1063 // if the model core mode is none, we are always a model core symbol
1064 return true;
1065 }
1066 TheoryModel* tm = getAvailableModel("isModelCoreSymbol");
1067 // compute the model core if not done so already
1068 if (!tm->isUsingModelCore())
1069 {
1070 // If we enabled model cores, we compute a model core for m based on our
1071 // (expanded) assertions using the model core builder utility. Notice that
1072 // we get the assertions using the getAssertionsInternal, which does not
1073 // impact whether we are in "sat" mode
1074 std::vector<Node> asserts = getAssertionsInternal();
1075 d_smtSolver->getPreprocessor()->expandDefinitions(asserts);
1076 ModelCoreBuilder mcb(*d_env.get());
1077 mcb.setModelCore(asserts, tm, opts.smt.modelCoresMode);
1078 }
1079 return tm->isModelCoreSymbol(n);
1080 }
1082 std::string SolverEngine::getModel(const std::vector<TypeNode>& declaredSorts,
1083 const std::vector<Node>& declaredFuns)
1084 {
1085 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1086 // !!! Note that all methods called here should have a version at the API
1087 // level. This is to ensure that the information associated with a model is
1088 // completely accessible by the user. This is currently not rigorously
1089 // enforced. An alternative design would be to have this method implemented
1090 // at the API level, but this makes exceptions in the text interface less
1091 // intuitive.
1092 TheoryModel* tm = getAvailableModel("get model");
1093 // use the smt::Model model utility for printing
1094 const Options& opts = d_env->getOptions();
1095 bool isKnownSat = (d_state->getMode() == SmtMode::SAT);
1096 Model m(isKnownSat, opts.driver.filename);
1097 // set the model declarations, which determines what is printed in the model
1098 for (const TypeNode& tn : declaredSorts)
1099 {
1100 m.addDeclarationSort(tn, getModelDomainElements(tn));
1101 }
1102 bool usingModelCores =
1103 (opts.smt.modelCoresMode != options::ModelCoresMode::NONE);
1104 for (const Node& n : declaredFuns)
1105 {
1106 if (usingModelCores && !tm->isModelCoreSymbol(n))
1107 {
1108 // skip if not in model core
1109 continue;
1110 }
1111 Node value = tm->getValue(n);
1112 m.addDeclarationTerm(n, value);
1113 }
1114 // for separation logic
1115 TypeNode locT, dataT;
1116 if (getSepHeapTypes(locT, dataT))
1117 {
1118 std::pair<Node, Node> sh = getSepHeapAndNilExpr();
1119 m.setHeapModel(sh.first, sh.second);
1120 }
1121 // print the model
1122 std::stringstream ssm;
1123 ssm << m;
1124 return ssm.str();
1125 }
1127 Result SolverEngine::blockModel()
1128 {
1129 Trace("smt") << "SMT blockModel()" << endl;
1130 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1132 finishInit();
1134 TheoryModel* m = getAvailableModel("block model");
1136 if (d_env->getOptions().smt.blockModelsMode == options::BlockModelsMode::NONE)
1137 {
1138 std::stringstream ss;
1139 ss << "Cannot block model when block-models is set to none.";
1140 throw RecoverableModalException(ss.str().c_str());
1141 }
1143 // get expanded assertions
1144 std::vector<Node> eassertsProc = getExpandedAssertions();
1145 ModelBlocker mb(*d_env.get());
1146 Node eblocker = mb.getModelBlocker(
1147 eassertsProc, m, d_env->getOptions().smt.blockModelsMode);
1148 Trace("smt") << "Block formula: " << eblocker << std::endl;
1149 return assertFormula(eblocker);
1150 }
1152 Result SolverEngine::blockModelValues(const std::vector<Node>& exprs)
1153 {
1154 Trace("smt") << "SMT blockModelValues()" << endl;
1155 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1157 finishInit();
1159 TheoryModel* m = getAvailableModel("block model values");
1161 // get expanded assertions
1162 std::vector<Node> eassertsProc = getExpandedAssertions();
1163 // we always do block model values mode here
1164 ModelBlocker mb(*d_env.get());
1165 Node eblocker = mb.getModelBlocker(
1166 eassertsProc, m, options::BlockModelsMode::VALUES, exprs);
1167 return assertFormula(eblocker);
1168 }
1170 std::pair<Node, Node> SolverEngine::getSepHeapAndNilExpr(void)
1171 {
1172 if (!getLogicInfo().isTheoryEnabled(THEORY_SEP))
1173 {
1174 const char* msg =
1175 "Cannot obtain separation logic expressions if not using the "
1176 "separation logic theory.";
1177 throw RecoverableModalException(msg);
1178 }
1179 Node heap;
1180 Node nil;
1181 TheoryModel* tm = getAvailableModel("get separation logic heap and nil");
1182 if (!tm->getHeapModel(heap, nil))
1183 {
1184 const char* msg =
1185 "Failed to obtain heap/nil "
1186 "expressions from theory model.";
1187 throw RecoverableModalException(msg);
1188 }
1189 return std::make_pair(heap, nil);
1190 }
1192 std::vector<Node> SolverEngine::getAssertionsInternal()
1193 {
1194 Assert(d_state->isFullyInited());
1195 const context::CDList<Node>& al = d_asserts->getAssertionList();
1196 std::vector<Node> res;
1197 for (const Node& n : al)
1198 {
1199 res.emplace_back(n);
1200 }
1201 return res;
1202 }
1204 const Options& SolverEngine::options() const { return d_env->getOptions(); }
1206 std::vector<Node> SolverEngine::getExpandedAssertions()
1207 {
1208 std::vector<Node> easserts = getAssertions();
1209 // must expand definitions
1210 d_smtSolver->getPreprocessor()->expandDefinitions(easserts);
1211 return easserts;
1212 }
1213 Env& SolverEngine::getEnv() { return *d_env.get(); }
1215 void SolverEngine::declareSepHeap(TypeNode locT, TypeNode dataT)
1216 {
1217 if (!getLogicInfo().isTheoryEnabled(THEORY_SEP))
1218 {
1219 const char* msg =
1220 "Cannot declare heap if not using the separation logic theory.";
1221 throw RecoverableModalException(msg);
1222 }
1223 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1224 finishInit();
1225 TheoryEngine* te = getTheoryEngine();
1226 te->declareSepHeap(locT, dataT);
1227 }
1229 bool SolverEngine::getSepHeapTypes(TypeNode& locT, TypeNode& dataT)
1230 {
1231 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1232 finishInit();
1233 TheoryEngine* te = getTheoryEngine();
1234 return te->getSepHeapTypes(locT, dataT);
1235 }
1237 Node SolverEngine::getSepHeapExpr() { return getSepHeapAndNilExpr().first; }
1239 Node SolverEngine::getSepNilExpr() { return getSepHeapAndNilExpr().second; }
1241 void SolverEngine::checkProof()
1242 {
1243 Assert(d_env->getOptions().smt.produceProofs);
1244 // internal check the proof
1245 PropEngine* pe = getPropEngine();
1246 Assert(pe != nullptr);
1247 if (d_env->getOptions().proof.proofCheck == options::ProofCheckMode::EAGER)
1248 {
1249 pe->checkProof(d_asserts->getAssertionList());
1250 }
1251 Assert(pe->getProof() != nullptr);
1252 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pePfn = pe->getProof();
1253 if (d_env->getOptions().smt.checkProofs)
1254 {
1255 d_pfManager->checkProof(pePfn, *d_asserts);
1256 }
1257 }
1259 StatisticsRegistry& SolverEngine::getStatisticsRegistry()
1260 {
1261 return d_env->getStatisticsRegistry();
1262 }
1264 UnsatCore SolverEngine::getUnsatCoreInternal()
1265 {
1266 if (!d_env->getOptions().smt.unsatCores)
1267 {
1268 throw ModalException(
1269 "Cannot get an unsat core when produce-unsat-cores or produce-proofs "
1270 "option is off.");
1271 }
1272 if (d_state->getMode() != SmtMode::UNSAT)
1273 {
1274 throw RecoverableModalException(
1275 "Cannot get an unsat core unless immediately preceded by "
1276 "UNSAT/ENTAILED response.");
1277 }
1278 // generate with new proofs
1279 PropEngine* pe = getPropEngine();
1280 Assert(pe != nullptr);
1282 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pepf;
1283 if (options().smt.unsatCoresMode == options::UnsatCoresMode::ASSUMPTIONS)
1284 {
1285 pepf = pe->getRefutation();
1286 }
1287 else
1288 {
1289 pepf = pe->getProof();
1290 }
1291 Assert(pepf != nullptr);
1292 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pfn = d_pfManager->getFinalProof(pepf, *d_asserts);
1293 std::vector<Node> core;
1294 d_ucManager->getUnsatCore(pfn, *d_asserts, core);
1295 if (options().smt.minimalUnsatCores)
1296 {
1297 core = reduceUnsatCore(core);
1298 }
1299 return UnsatCore(core);
1300 }
1302 std::vector<Node> SolverEngine::reduceUnsatCore(const std::vector<Node>& core)
1303 {
1304 Assert(options().smt.unsatCores)
1305 << "cannot reduce unsat core if unsat cores are turned off";
1307 d_env->verbose(1) << "SolverEngine::reduceUnsatCore(): reducing unsat core"
1308 << std::endl;
1309 std::unordered_set<Node> removed;
1310 for (const Node& skip : core)
1311 {
1312 std::unique_ptr<SolverEngine> coreChecker;
1313 initializeSubsolver(coreChecker, *d_env.get());
1314 coreChecker->setLogic(getLogicInfo());
1315 coreChecker->getOptions().smt.checkUnsatCores = false;
1316 // disable all proof options
1317 coreChecker->getOptions().smt.produceProofs = false;
1318 coreChecker->getOptions().smt.checkProofs = false;
1320 for (const Node& ucAssertion : core)
1321 {
1322 if (ucAssertion != skip && removed.find(ucAssertion) == removed.end())
1323 {
1324 Node assertionAfterExpansion = expandDefinitions(ucAssertion);
1325 coreChecker->assertFormula(assertionAfterExpansion);
1326 }
1327 }
1328 Result r;
1329 try
1330 {
1331 r = coreChecker->checkSat();
1332 }
1333 catch (...)
1334 {
1335 throw;
1336 }
1338 if (r.asSatisfiabilityResult().isSat() == Result::UNSAT)
1339 {
1340 removed.insert(skip);
1341 }
1342 else if (r.asSatisfiabilityResult().isUnknown())
1343 {
1344 d_env->warning()
1345 << "SolverEngine::reduceUnsatCore(): could not reduce unsat core "
1346 "due to "
1347 "unknown result.";
1348 }
1349 }
1351 if (removed.empty())
1352 {
1353 return core;
1354 }
1355 else
1356 {
1357 std::vector<Node> newUcAssertions;
1358 for (const Node& n : core)
1359 {
1360 if (removed.find(n) == removed.end())
1361 {
1362 newUcAssertions.push_back(n);
1363 }
1364 }
1366 return newUcAssertions;
1367 }
1368 }
1370 void SolverEngine::checkUnsatCore()
1371 {
1372 Assert(d_env->getOptions().smt.unsatCores)
1373 << "cannot check unsat core if unsat cores are turned off";
1375 d_env->verbose(1) << "SolverEngine::checkUnsatCore(): generating unsat core"
1376 << std::endl;
1377 UnsatCore core = getUnsatCore();
1379 // initialize the core checker
1380 std::unique_ptr<SolverEngine> coreChecker;
1381 initializeSubsolver(coreChecker, *d_env.get());
1382 coreChecker->getOptions().smt.checkUnsatCores = false;
1383 // disable all proof options
1384 coreChecker->getOptions().smt.produceProofs = false;
1385 coreChecker->getOptions().smt.checkProofs = false;
1387 // set up separation logic heap if necessary
1388 TypeNode sepLocType, sepDataType;
1389 if (getSepHeapTypes(sepLocType, sepDataType))
1390 {
1391 coreChecker->declareSepHeap(sepLocType, sepDataType);
1392 }
1394 d_env->verbose(1) << "SolverEngine::checkUnsatCore(): pushing core assertions"
1395 << std::endl;
1396 theory::TrustSubstitutionMap& tls = d_env->getTopLevelSubstitutions();
1397 for (UnsatCore::iterator i = core.begin(); i != core.end(); ++i)
1398 {
1399 Node assertionAfterExpansion = tls.apply(*i);
1400 d_env->verbose(1) << "SolverEngine::checkUnsatCore(): pushing core member "
1401 << *i << ", expanded to " << assertionAfterExpansion
1402 << std::endl;
1403 coreChecker->assertFormula(assertionAfterExpansion);
1404 }
1405 Result r;
1406 try
1407 {
1408 r = coreChecker->checkSat();
1409 }
1410 catch (...)
1411 {
1412 throw;
1413 }
1414 d_env->verbose(1) << "SolverEngine::checkUnsatCore(): result is " << r
1415 << std::endl;
1416 if (r.asSatisfiabilityResult().isUnknown())
1417 {
1418 d_env->warning() << "SolverEngine::checkUnsatCore(): could not check core result "
1419 "unknown."
1420 << std::endl;
1421 }
1422 else if (r.asSatisfiabilityResult().isSat())
1423 {
1424 InternalError()
1425 << "SolverEngine::checkUnsatCore(): produced core was satisfiable.";
1426 }
1427 }
1429 void SolverEngine::checkModel(bool hardFailure)
1430 {
1431 const context::CDList<Node>& al = d_asserts->getAssertionList();
1432 // --check-model implies --produce-assertions, which enables the
1433 // assertion list, so we should be ok.
1434 Assert(d_env->getOptions().smt.produceAssertions)
1435 << "don't have an assertion list to check in SolverEngine::checkModel()";
1437 TimerStat::CodeTimer checkModelTimer(d_stats->d_checkModelTime);
1439 d_env->verbose(1) << "SolverEngine::checkModel(): generating model"
1440 << std::endl;
1441 TheoryModel* m = getAvailableModel("check model");
1442 Assert(m != nullptr);
1444 // check the model with the theory engine for debugging
1445 if (options().smt.debugCheckModels)
1446 {
1447 TheoryEngine* te = getTheoryEngine();
1448 Assert(te != nullptr);
1449 te->checkTheoryAssertionsWithModel(hardFailure);
1450 }
1452 // check the model with the check models utility
1453 Assert(d_checkModels != nullptr);
1454 d_checkModels->checkModel(m, al, hardFailure);
1455 }
1457 UnsatCore SolverEngine::getUnsatCore()
1458 {
1459 Trace("smt") << "SMT getUnsatCore()" << std::endl;
1460 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1461 finishInit();
1462 return getUnsatCoreInternal();
1463 }
1465 void SolverEngine::getRelevantInstantiationTermVectors(
1466 std::map<Node, InstantiationList>& insts, bool getDebugInfo)
1467 {
1468 Assert(d_state->getMode() == SmtMode::UNSAT);
1469 // generate with new proofs
1470 PropEngine* pe = getPropEngine();
1471 Assert(pe != nullptr);
1472 Assert(pe->getProof() != nullptr);
1473 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pfn =
1474 d_pfManager->getFinalProof(pe->getProof(), *d_asserts);
1475 d_ucManager->getRelevantInstantiations(pfn, insts, getDebugInfo);
1476 }
1478 std::string SolverEngine::getProof()
1479 {
1480 Trace("smt") << "SMT getProof()\n";
1481 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1482 finishInit();
1483 if (!d_env->getOptions().smt.produceProofs)
1484 {
1485 throw ModalException("Cannot get a proof when proof option is off.");
1486 }
1487 if (d_state->getMode() != SmtMode::UNSAT)
1488 {
1489 throw RecoverableModalException(
1490 "Cannot get a proof unless immediately preceded by "
1491 "UNSAT/ENTAILED response.");
1492 }
1493 // the prop engine has the proof of false
1494 PropEngine* pe = getPropEngine();
1495 Assert(pe != nullptr);
1496 Assert(pe->getProof() != nullptr);
1497 Assert(d_pfManager);
1498 std::ostringstream ss;
1499 d_pfManager->printProof(ss, pe->getProof(), *d_asserts);
1500 return ss.str();
1501 }
1503 void SolverEngine::printInstantiations(std::ostream& out)
1504 {
1505 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1506 finishInit();
1507 QuantifiersEngine* qe = getAvailableQuantifiersEngine("printInstantiations");
1509 // First, extract and print the skolemizations
1510 bool printed = false;
1511 bool reqNames = !d_env->getOptions().printer.printInstFull;
1512 // only print when in list mode
1513 if (d_env->getOptions().printer.printInstMode == options::PrintInstMode::LIST)
1514 {
1515 std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>> sks;
1516 qe->getSkolemTermVectors(sks);
1517 for (const std::pair<const Node, std::vector<Node>>& s : sks)
1518 {
1519 Node name;
1520 if (!qe->getNameForQuant(s.first, name, reqNames))
1521 {
1522 // did not have a name and we are only printing formulas with names
1523 continue;
1524 }
1525 SkolemList slist(name, s.second);
1526 out << slist;
1527 printed = true;
1528 }
1529 }
1531 // Second, extract and print the instantiations
1532 std::map<Node, InstantiationList> rinsts;
1533 if (d_env->getOptions().smt.produceProofs
1534 && (!d_env->getOptions().smt.unsatCores
1535 || d_env->getOptions().smt.unsatCoresMode
1536 == options::UnsatCoresMode::FULL_PROOF)
1537 && getSmtMode() == SmtMode::UNSAT)
1538 {
1539 // minimize instantiations based on proof manager
1540 getRelevantInstantiationTermVectors(
1541 rinsts, options().driver.dumpInstantiationsDebug);
1542 }
1543 else
1544 {
1545 std::map<Node, std::vector<std::vector<Node>>> insts;
1546 getInstantiationTermVectors(insts);
1547 for (const std::pair<const Node, std::vector<std::vector<Node>>>& i : insts)
1548 {
1549 // convert to instantiation list
1550 Node q = i.first;
1551 InstantiationList& ilq = rinsts[q];
1552 ilq.initialize(q);
1553 for (const std::vector<Node>& ii : i.second)
1554 {
1555 ilq.d_inst.push_back(InstantiationVec(ii));
1556 }
1557 }
1558 }
1559 for (std::pair<const Node, InstantiationList>& i : rinsts)
1560 {
1561 if (i.second.d_inst.empty())
1562 {
1563 // no instantiations, skip
1564 continue;
1565 }
1566 Node name;
1567 if (!qe->getNameForQuant(i.first, name, reqNames))
1568 {
1569 // did not have a name and we are only printing formulas with names
1570 continue;
1571 }
1572 // must have a name
1573 if (d_env->getOptions().printer.printInstMode
1574 == options::PrintInstMode::NUM)
1575 {
1576 out << "(num-instantiations " << name << " " << i.second.d_inst.size()
1577 << ")" << std::endl;
1578 }
1579 else
1580 {
1581 // take the name
1582 i.second.d_quant = name;
1583 Assert(d_env->getOptions().printer.printInstMode
1584 == options::PrintInstMode::LIST);
1585 out << i.second;
1586 }
1587 printed = true;
1588 }
1589 // if we did not print anything, we indicate this
1590 if (!printed)
1591 {
1592 out << "none" << std::endl;
1593 }
1594 }
1596 void SolverEngine::getInstantiationTermVectors(
1597 std::map<Node, std::vector<std::vector<Node>>>& insts)
1598 {
1599 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1600 finishInit();
1601 QuantifiersEngine* qe =
1602 getAvailableQuantifiersEngine("getInstantiationTermVectors");
1603 // get the list of all instantiations
1604 qe->getInstantiationTermVectors(insts);
1605 }
1607 bool SolverEngine::getSynthSolutions(std::map<Node, Node>& solMap)
1608 {
1609 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1610 finishInit();
1611 return d_sygusSolver->getSynthSolutions(solMap);
1612 }
1614 bool SolverEngine::getSubsolverSynthSolutions(std::map<Node, Node>& solMap)
1615 {
1616 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1617 finishInit();
1618 return d_sygusSolver->getSubsolverSynthSolutions(solMap);
1619 }
1621 Node SolverEngine::getQuantifierElimination(Node q, bool doFull, bool strict)
1622 {
1623 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1624 finishInit();
1625 const LogicInfo& logic = getLogicInfo();
1626 if (!logic.isPure(THEORY_ARITH) && strict)
1627 {
1628 d_env->warning() << "Unexpected logic for quantifier elimination " << logic
1629 << endl;
1630 }
1631 return d_quantElimSolver->getQuantifierElimination(
1632 *d_asserts, q, doFull, d_isInternalSubsolver);
1633 }
1635 bool SolverEngine::getInterpol(const Node& conj,
1636 const TypeNode& grammarType,
1637 Node& interpol)
1638 {
1639 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1640 finishInit();
1641 std::vector<Node> axioms = getExpandedAssertions();
1642 bool success =
1643 d_interpolSolver->getInterpol(axioms, conj, grammarType, interpol);
1644 // notify the state of whether the get-interpol call was successfuly, which
1645 // impacts the SMT mode.
1646 d_state->notifyGetInterpol(success);
1647 return success;
1648 }
1650 bool SolverEngine::getInterpol(const Node& conj, Node& interpol)
1651 {
1652 TypeNode grammarType;
1653 return getInterpol(conj, grammarType, interpol);
1654 }
1656 bool SolverEngine::getAbduct(const Node& conj,
1657 const TypeNode& grammarType,
1658 Node& abd)
1659 {
1660 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1661 finishInit();
1662 std::vector<Node> axioms = getExpandedAssertions();
1663 bool success = d_abductSolver->getAbduct(axioms, conj, grammarType, abd);
1664 // notify the state of whether the get-abduct call was successful, which
1665 // impacts the SMT mode.
1666 d_state->notifyGetAbduct(success);
1667 return success;
1668 }
1670 bool SolverEngine::getAbductNext(Node& abd)
1671 {
1672 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1673 finishInit();
1674 if (d_state->getMode() != SmtMode::ABDUCT)
1675 {
1676 throw RecoverableModalException(
1677 "Cannot get-abduct-next unless immediately preceded by a successful "
1678 "call to get-abduct(-next).");
1679 }
1680 bool success = d_abductSolver->getAbductNext(abd);
1681 // notify the state of whether the get-abduct-next call was successful
1682 d_state->notifyGetAbduct(success);
1683 return success;
1684 }
1686 void SolverEngine::getInstantiatedQuantifiedFormulas(std::vector<Node>& qs)
1687 {
1688 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1689 QuantifiersEngine* qe =
1690 getAvailableQuantifiersEngine("getInstantiatedQuantifiedFormulas");
1691 qe->getInstantiatedQuantifiedFormulas(qs);
1692 }
1694 void SolverEngine::getInstantiationTermVectors(
1695 Node q, std::vector<std::vector<Node>>& tvecs)
1696 {
1697 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1698 QuantifiersEngine* qe =
1699 getAvailableQuantifiersEngine("getInstantiationTermVectors");
1700 qe->getInstantiationTermVectors(q, tvecs);
1701 }
1703 std::vector<Node> SolverEngine::getAssertions()
1704 {
1705 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1706 finishInit();
1707 d_state->doPendingPops();
1708 Trace("smt") << "SMT getAssertions()" << endl;
1709 if (!d_env->getOptions().smt.produceAssertions)
1710 {
1711 const char* msg =
1712 "Cannot query the current assertion list when not in "
1713 "produce-assertions mode.";
1714 throw ModalException(msg);
1715 }
1716 return getAssertionsInternal();
1717 }
1719 void SolverEngine::getDifficultyMap(std::map<Node, Node>& dmap)
1720 {
1721 Trace("smt") << "SMT getDifficultyMap()\n";
1722 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1723 finishInit();
1724 if (!d_env->getOptions().smt.produceDifficulty)
1725 {
1726 throw ModalException(
1727 "Cannot get difficulty when difficulty option is off.");
1728 }
1729 // the prop engine has the proof of false
1730 Assert(d_pfManager);
1731 // get difficulty map from theory engine first
1732 TheoryEngine* te = getTheoryEngine();
1733 te->getDifficultyMap(dmap);
1734 // then ask proof manager to translate dmap in terms of the input
1735 d_pfManager->translateDifficultyMap(dmap, *d_asserts);
1736 }
1738 void SolverEngine::push()
1739 {
1740 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1741 finishInit();
1742 d_state->doPendingPops();
1743 Trace("smt") << "SMT push()" << endl;
1744 d_smtSolver->processAssertions(*d_asserts);
1745 d_state->userPush();
1746 }
1748 void SolverEngine::pop()
1749 {
1750 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1751 finishInit();
1752 Trace("smt") << "SMT pop()" << endl;
1753 d_state->userPop();
1755 // Clear out assertion queues etc., in case anything is still in there
1756 d_asserts->clearCurrent();
1757 // clear the learned literals from the preprocessor
1758 d_smtSolver->getPreprocessor()->clearLearnedLiterals();
1760 Trace("userpushpop") << "SolverEngine: popped to level "
1761 << getUserContext()->getLevel() << endl;
1762 // should we reset d_status here?
1763 // SMT-LIBv2 spec seems to imply no, but it would make sense to..
1764 }
1766 void SolverEngine::resetAssertions()
1767 {
1768 SolverEngineScope smts(this);
1770 if (!d_state->isFullyInited())
1771 {
1772 // We're still in Start Mode, nothing asserted yet, do nothing.
1773 // (see solver execution modes in the SMT-LIB standard)
1774 Assert(getContext()->getLevel() == 0);
1775 Assert(getUserContext()->getLevel() == 0);
1776 return;
1777 }
1779 Trace("smt") << "SMT resetAssertions()" << endl;
1781 d_asserts->clearCurrent();
1782 d_state->notifyResetAssertions();
1783 // push the state to maintain global context around everything
1784 d_state->setup();
1786 // reset SmtSolver, which will construct a new prop engine
1787 d_smtSolver->resetAssertions();
1788 }
1790 void SolverEngine::interrupt()
1791 {
1792 if (!d_state->isFullyInited())
1793 {
1794 return;
1795 }
1796 d_smtSolver->interrupt();
1797 }
1799 void SolverEngine::setResourceLimit(uint64_t units, bool cumulative)
1800 {
1801 if (cumulative)
1802 {
1803 d_env->d_options.base.cumulativeResourceLimit = units;
1804 }
1805 else
1806 {
1807 d_env->d_options.base.perCallResourceLimit = units;
1808 }
1809 }
1810 void SolverEngine::setTimeLimit(uint64_t millis)
1811 {
1812 d_env->d_options.base.perCallMillisecondLimit = millis;
1813 }
1815 unsigned long SolverEngine::getResourceUsage() const
1816 {
1817 return getResourceManager()->getResourceUsage();
1818 }
1820 unsigned long SolverEngine::getTimeUsage() const
1821 {
1822 return getResourceManager()->getTimeUsage();
1823 }
1825 unsigned long SolverEngine::getResourceRemaining() const
1826 {
1827 return getResourceManager()->getResourceRemaining();
1828 }
1830 NodeManager* SolverEngine::getNodeManager() const
1831 {
1832 return d_env->getNodeManager();
1833 }
1835 void SolverEngine::printStatisticsSafe(int fd) const
1836 {
1837 d_env->getStatisticsRegistry().printSafe(fd);
1838 }
1840 void SolverEngine::printStatisticsDiff() const
1841 {
1842 d_env->getStatisticsRegistry().printDiff(*d_env->getOptions().base.err);
1843 d_env->getStatisticsRegistry().storeSnapshot();
1844 }
1846 void SolverEngine::setOption(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
1847 {
1848 Trace("smt") << "SMT setOption(" << key << ", " << value << ")" << endl;
1849 options::set(getOptions(), key, value);
1850 }
1852 void SolverEngine::setIsInternalSubsolver() { d_isInternalSubsolver = true; }
1854 bool SolverEngine::isInternalSubsolver() const { return d_isInternalSubsolver; }
1856 std::string SolverEngine::getOption(const std::string& key) const
1857 {
1858 Trace("smt") << "SMT getOption(" << key << ")" << endl;
1859 return options::get(getOptions(), key);
1860 }
1862 Options& SolverEngine::getOptions() { return d_env->d_options; }
1864 const Options& SolverEngine::getOptions() const { return d_env->getOptions(); }
1866 ResourceManager* SolverEngine::getResourceManager() const
1867 {
1868 return d_env->getResourceManager();
1869 }
1871 const Printer& SolverEngine::getPrinter() const { return d_env->getPrinter(); }
1873 theory::Rewriter* SolverEngine::getRewriter() { return d_env->getRewriter(); }
1875 } // namespace cvc5