Simplify and fix check models (#5685)
[cvc5.git] / src / smt / sygus_solver.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file sygus_solver.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Haniel Barbosa, Abdalrhman Mohamed
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief The solver for sygus queries
13 **/
15 #include "smt/sygus_solver.h"
17 #include "expr/dtype.h"
18 #include "options/quantifiers_options.h"
19 #include "options/smt_options.h"
20 #include "printer/printer.h"
21 #include "smt/dump.h"
22 #include "smt/preprocessor.h"
23 #include "smt/smt_solver.h"
24 #include "theory/quantifiers/quantifiers_attributes.h"
25 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_grammar_cons.h"
26 #include "theory/smt_engine_subsolver.h"
28 using namespace CVC4::theory;
29 using namespace CVC4::kind;
31 namespace CVC4 {
32 namespace smt {
34 SygusSolver::SygusSolver(SmtSolver& sms,
35 Preprocessor& pp,
36 context::UserContext* u,
37 OutputManager& outMgr)
38 : d_smtSolver(sms),
39 d_pp(pp),
40 d_sygusConjectureStale(u, true),
41 d_outMgr(outMgr)
42 {
43 }
45 SygusSolver::~SygusSolver() {}
47 void SygusSolver::declareSygusVar(const std::string& id,
48 Node var,
49 TypeNode type)
50 {
51 Trace("smt") << "SygusSolver::declareSygusVar: " << id << " " << var << " "
52 << type << "\n";
53 Assert(var.getType() == type);
54 d_sygusVars.push_back(var);
55 // don't need to set that the conjecture is stale
56 }
58 void SygusSolver::declareSynthFun(const std::string& id,
59 Node fn,
60 TypeNode sygusType,
61 bool isInv,
62 const std::vector<Node>& vars)
63 {
64 Trace("smt") << "SygusSolver::declareSynthFun: " << id << "\n";
65 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
66 d_sygusFunSymbols.push_back(fn);
67 if (!vars.empty())
68 {
69 Node bvl = nm->mkNode(BOUND_VAR_LIST, vars);
70 // use an attribute to mark its bound variable list
71 SygusSynthFunVarListAttribute ssfvla;
72 fn.setAttribute(ssfvla, bvl);
73 }
74 // whether sygus type encodes syntax restrictions
75 if (sygusType.isDatatype() && sygusType.getDType().isSygus())
76 {
77 Node sym = nm->mkBoundVar("sfproxy", sygusType);
78 // use an attribute to mark its grammar
79 SygusSynthGrammarAttribute ssfga;
80 fn.setAttribute(ssfga, sym);
81 }
83 // sygus conjecture is now stale
84 setSygusConjectureStale();
85 }
87 void SygusSolver::assertSygusConstraint(Node constraint)
88 {
89 Trace("smt") << "SygusSolver::assertSygusConstrant: " << constraint << "\n";
90 d_sygusConstraints.push_back(constraint);
92 // sygus conjecture is now stale
93 setSygusConjectureStale();
94 }
96 void SygusSolver::assertSygusInvConstraint(Node inv,
97 Node pre,
98 Node trans,
99 Node post)
100 {
101 Trace("smt") << "SygusSolver::assertSygusInvConstrant: " << inv << " " << pre
102 << " " << trans << " " << post << "\n";
103 // build invariant constraint
105 // get variables (regular and their respective primed versions)
106 std::vector<Node> terms;
107 std::vector<Node> vars;
108 std::vector<Node> primed_vars;
109 terms.push_back(inv);
110 terms.push_back(pre);
111 terms.push_back(trans);
112 terms.push_back(post);
113 // variables are built based on the invariant type
114 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
115 std::vector<TypeNode> argTypes = inv.getType().getArgTypes();
116 for (const TypeNode& tn : argTypes)
117 {
118 vars.push_back(nm->mkBoundVar(tn));
119 d_sygusVars.push_back(vars.back());
120 std::stringstream ss;
121 ss << vars.back() << "'";
122 primed_vars.push_back(nm->mkBoundVar(ss.str(), tn));
123 d_sygusVars.push_back(primed_vars.back());
124 }
126 // make relevant terms; 0 -> Inv, 1 -> Pre, 2 -> Trans, 3 -> Post
127 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
128 {
129 Node op = terms[i];
130 Trace("smt-debug") << "Make inv-constraint term #" << i << " : " << op
131 << " with type " << op.getType() << "...\n";
132 std::vector<Node> children;
133 children.push_back(op);
134 // transition relation applied over both variable lists
135 if (i == 2)
136 {
137 children.insert(children.end(), vars.begin(), vars.end());
138 children.insert(children.end(), primed_vars.begin(), primed_vars.end());
139 }
140 else
141 {
142 children.insert(children.end(), vars.begin(), vars.end());
143 }
144 terms[i] = nm->mkNode(APPLY_UF, children);
145 // make application of Inv on primed variables
146 if (i == 0)
147 {
148 children.clear();
149 children.push_back(op);
150 children.insert(children.end(), primed_vars.begin(), primed_vars.end());
151 terms.push_back(nm->mkNode(APPLY_UF, children));
152 }
153 }
154 // make constraints
155 std::vector<Node> conj;
156 conj.push_back(nm->mkNode(IMPLIES, terms[1], terms[0]));
157 Node term0_and_2 = nm->mkNode(AND, terms[0], terms[2]);
158 conj.push_back(nm->mkNode(IMPLIES, term0_and_2, terms[4]));
159 conj.push_back(nm->mkNode(IMPLIES, terms[0], terms[3]));
160 Node constraint = nm->mkNode(AND, conj);
162 d_sygusConstraints.push_back(constraint);
164 // sygus conjecture is now stale
165 setSygusConjectureStale();
166 }
168 Result SygusSolver::checkSynth(Assertions& as)
169 {
170 if (options::incrementalSolving())
171 {
172 // TODO (project #7)
173 throw ModalException(
174 "Cannot make check-synth commands when incremental solving is enabled");
175 }
176 Trace("smt") << "SygusSolver::checkSynth" << std::endl;
177 std::vector<Node> query;
178 if (d_sygusConjectureStale)
179 {
180 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
181 // build synthesis conjecture from asserted constraints and declared
182 // variables/functions
183 Node sygusVar = nm->mkSkolem("sygus", nm->booleanType());
184 Node inst_attr = nm->mkNode(INST_ATTRIBUTE, sygusVar);
185 Node sygusAttr = nm->mkNode(INST_PATTERN_LIST, inst_attr);
186 std::vector<Node> bodyv;
187 Trace("smt") << "Sygus : Constructing sygus constraint...\n";
188 size_t nconstraints = d_sygusConstraints.size();
189 Node body = nconstraints == 0
190 ? nm->mkConst(true)
191 : (nconstraints == 1 ? d_sygusConstraints[0]
192 : nm->mkNode(AND, d_sygusConstraints));
193 body = body.notNode();
194 Trace("smt") << "...constructed sygus constraint " << body << std::endl;
195 if (!d_sygusVars.empty())
196 {
197 Node boundVars = nm->mkNode(BOUND_VAR_LIST, d_sygusVars);
198 body = nm->mkNode(EXISTS, boundVars, body);
199 Trace("smt") << "...constructed exists " << body << std::endl;
200 }
201 if (!d_sygusFunSymbols.empty())
202 {
203 Node boundVars = nm->mkNode(BOUND_VAR_LIST, d_sygusFunSymbols);
204 body = nm->mkNode(FORALL, boundVars, body, sygusAttr);
205 }
206 Trace("smt") << "...constructed forall " << body << std::endl;
208 // set attribute for synthesis conjecture
209 SygusAttribute sa;
210 sygusVar.setAttribute(sa, true);
212 Trace("smt") << "Check synthesis conjecture: " << body << std::endl;
213 if (Dump.isOn("raw-benchmark"))
214 {
215 d_outMgr.getPrinter().toStreamCmdCheckSynth(d_outMgr.getDumpOut());
216 }
218 d_sygusConjectureStale = false;
220 // TODO (project #7): if incremental, we should push a context and assert
221 query.push_back(body);
222 }
224 Result r = d_smtSolver.checkSatisfiability(as, query, false, false);
226 // Check that synthesis solutions satisfy the conjecture
227 if (options::checkSynthSol()
228 && r.asSatisfiabilityResult().isSat() == Result::UNSAT)
229 {
230 checkSynthSolution(as);
231 }
232 return r;
233 }
235 bool SygusSolver::getSynthSolutions(std::map<Node, Node>& sol_map)
236 {
237 Trace("smt") << "SygusSolver::getSynthSolutions" << std::endl;
238 std::map<Node, std::map<Node, Node>> sol_mapn;
239 // fail if the theory engine does not have synthesis solutions
240 TheoryEngine* te = d_smtSolver.getTheoryEngine();
241 Assert(te != nullptr);
242 if (!te->getSynthSolutions(sol_mapn))
243 {
244 return false;
245 }
246 for (std::pair<const Node, std::map<Node, Node>>& cs : sol_mapn)
247 {
248 for (std::pair<const Node, Node>& s : cs.second)
249 {
250 sol_map[s.first] = s.second;
251 }
252 }
253 return true;
254 }
256 void SygusSolver::checkSynthSolution(Assertions& as)
257 {
258 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
259 Notice() << "SygusSolver::checkSynthSolution(): checking synthesis solution"
260 << std::endl;
261 std::map<Node, std::map<Node, Node>> sol_map;
262 // Get solutions and build auxiliary vectors for substituting
263 TheoryEngine* te = d_smtSolver.getTheoryEngine();
264 if (!te->getSynthSolutions(sol_map))
265 {
266 InternalError()
267 << "SygusSolver::checkSynthSolution(): No solution to check!";
268 return;
269 }
270 if (sol_map.empty())
271 {
272 InternalError() << "SygusSolver::checkSynthSolution(): Got empty solution!";
273 return;
274 }
275 Trace("check-synth-sol") << "Got solution map:\n";
276 // the set of synthesis conjectures in our assertions
277 std::unordered_set<Node, NodeHashFunction> conjs;
278 // For each of the above conjectures, the functions-to-synthesis and their
279 // solutions. This is used as a substitution below.
280 std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>> fvarMap;
281 std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>> fsolMap;
282 for (const std::pair<const Node, std::map<Node, Node>>& cmap : sol_map)
283 {
284 Trace("check-synth-sol") << "For conjecture " << cmap.first << ":\n";
285 conjs.insert(cmap.first);
286 std::vector<Node>& fvars = fvarMap[cmap.first];
287 std::vector<Node>& fsols = fsolMap[cmap.first];
288 for (const std::pair<const Node, Node>& pair : cmap.second)
289 {
290 Trace("check-synth-sol")
291 << " " << pair.first << " --> " << pair.second << "\n";
292 fvars.push_back(pair.first);
293 fsols.push_back(pair.second);
294 }
295 }
296 Trace("check-synth-sol") << "Starting new SMT Engine\n";
298 Trace("check-synth-sol") << "Retrieving assertions\n";
299 // Build conjecture from original assertions
300 context::CDList<Node>* alist = as.getAssertionList();
301 if (alist == nullptr)
302 {
303 Trace("check-synth-sol") << "No assertions to check\n";
304 return;
305 }
306 // auxiliary assertions
307 std::vector<Node> auxAssertions;
308 // expand definitions cache
309 std::unordered_map<Node, Node, NodeHashFunction> cache;
310 for (Node assertion : *alist)
311 {
312 Notice() << "SygusSolver::checkSynthSolution(): checking assertion "
313 << assertion << std::endl;
314 Trace("check-synth-sol") << "Retrieving assertion " << assertion << "\n";
315 // Apply any define-funs from the problem.
316 Node n = d_pp.expandDefinitions(assertion, cache);
317 Notice() << "SygusSolver::checkSynthSolution(): -- expands to " << n
318 << std::endl;
319 Trace("check-synth-sol") << "Expanded assertion " << n << "\n";
320 if (conjs.find(n) == conjs.end())
321 {
322 Trace("check-synth-sol") << "It is an auxiliary assertion\n";
323 auxAssertions.push_back(n);
324 }
325 else
326 {
327 Trace("check-synth-sol") << "It is a synthesis conjecture\n";
328 }
329 }
330 // check all conjectures
331 for (Node conj : conjs)
332 {
333 // Start new SMT engine to check solutions
334 std::unique_ptr<SmtEngine> solChecker;
335 initializeSubsolver(solChecker);
336 solChecker->getOptions().set(options::checkSynthSol, false);
337 solChecker->getOptions().set(options::sygusRecFun, false);
338 // get the solution for this conjecture
339 std::vector<Node>& fvars = fvarMap[conj];
340 std::vector<Node>& fsols = fsolMap[conj];
341 // Apply solution map to conjecture body
342 Node conjBody;
343 /* Whether property is quantifier free */
344 if (conj[1].getKind() != EXISTS)
345 {
346 conjBody = conj[1].substitute(
347 fvars.begin(), fvars.end(), fsols.begin(), fsols.end());
348 }
349 else
350 {
351 conjBody = conj[1][1].substitute(
352 fvars.begin(), fvars.end(), fsols.begin(), fsols.end());
354 /* Skolemize property */
355 std::vector<Node> vars, skos;
356 for (unsigned j = 0, size = conj[1][0].getNumChildren(); j < size; ++j)
357 {
358 vars.push_back(conj[1][0][j]);
359 std::stringstream ss;
360 ss << "sk_" << j;
361 skos.push_back(nm->mkSkolem(ss.str(), conj[1][0][j].getType()));
362 Trace("check-synth-sol") << "\tSkolemizing " << conj[1][0][j] << " to "
363 << skos.back() << "\n";
364 }
365 conjBody = conjBody.substitute(
366 vars.begin(), vars.end(), skos.begin(), skos.end());
367 }
368 Notice() << "SygusSolver::checkSynthSolution(): -- body substitutes to "
369 << conjBody << std::endl;
370 Trace("check-synth-sol")
371 << "Substituted body of assertion to " << conjBody << "\n";
372 solChecker->assertFormula(conjBody);
373 // Assert all auxiliary assertions. This may include recursive function
374 // definitions that were added as assertions to the sygus problem.
375 for (Node a : auxAssertions)
376 {
377 solChecker->assertFormula(a);
378 }
379 Result r = solChecker->checkSat();
380 Notice() << "SygusSolver::checkSynthSolution(): result is " << r
381 << std::endl;
382 Trace("check-synth-sol") << "Satsifiability check: " << r << "\n";
383 if (r.asSatisfiabilityResult().isUnknown())
384 {
385 InternalError() << "SygusSolver::checkSynthSolution(): could not check "
386 "solution, result "
387 "unknown.";
388 }
389 else if (r.asSatisfiabilityResult().isSat())
390 {
391 InternalError()
392 << "SygusSolver::checkSynthSolution(): produced solution leads to "
393 "satisfiable negated conjecture.";
394 }
395 }
396 }
398 void SygusSolver::setSygusConjectureStale()
399 {
400 if (d_sygusConjectureStale)
401 {
402 // already stale
403 return;
404 }
405 d_sygusConjectureStale = true;
406 // TODO (project #7): if incremental, we should pop a context
407 }
409 } // namespace smt
410 } // namespace CVC4