[cvc5.git] / src / smt / sygus_solver.cpp
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Andrew Reynolds, Gereon Kremer, Haniel Barbosa
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2022 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * The solver for SyGuS queries.
14 */
16 #include "smt/sygus_solver.h"
18 #include <sstream>
20 #include "base/modal_exception.h"
21 #include "expr/dtype.h"
22 #include "expr/dtype_cons.h"
23 #include "expr/skolem_manager.h"
24 #include "options/base_options.h"
25 #include "options/option_exception.h"
26 #include "options/quantifiers_options.h"
27 #include "options/smt_options.h"
28 #include "smt/preprocessor.h"
29 #include "smt/smt_solver.h"
30 #include "theory/datatypes/sygus_datatype_utils.h"
31 #include "theory/quantifiers/quantifiers_attributes.h"
32 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_grammar_cons.h"
33 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_utils.h"
34 #include "theory/quantifiers_engine.h"
35 #include "theory/rewriter.h"
36 #include "theory/smt_engine_subsolver.h"
38 using namespace cvc5::internal::theory;
39 using namespace cvc5::internal::kind;
41 namespace cvc5::internal {
42 namespace smt {
44 SygusSolver::SygusSolver(Env& env, SmtSolver& sms)
45 : EnvObj(env),
46 d_smtSolver(sms),
47 d_sygusVars(userContext()),
48 d_sygusConstraints(userContext()),
49 d_sygusAssumps(userContext()),
50 d_sygusFunSymbols(userContext()),
51 d_sygusConjectureStale(userContext(), true),
52 d_subsolverCd(userContext(), nullptr)
53 {
54 }
56 SygusSolver::~SygusSolver() {}
58 void SygusSolver::declareSygusVar(Node var)
59 {
60 Trace("smt") << "SygusSolver::declareSygusVar: " << var << " "
61 << var.getType() << "\n";
62 d_sygusVars.push_back(var);
63 // don't need to set that the conjecture is stale
64 }
66 void SygusSolver::declareSynthFun(Node fn,
67 TypeNode sygusType,
68 bool isInv,
69 const std::vector<Node>& vars)
70 {
71 Trace("smt") << "SygusSolver::declareSynthFun: " << fn << "\n";
72 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
73 d_sygusFunSymbols.push_back(fn);
74 if (!vars.empty())
75 {
76 Node bvl = nm->mkNode(BOUND_VAR_LIST, vars);
77 // use an attribute to mark its bound variable list
78 SygusSynthFunVarListAttribute ssfvla;
79 fn.setAttribute(ssfvla, bvl);
80 }
81 // whether sygus type encodes syntax restrictions
82 if (!sygusType.isNull() && sygusType.isDatatype()
83 && sygusType.getDType().isSygus())
84 {
85 Node sym = nm->mkBoundVar("sfproxy", sygusType);
86 // use an attribute to mark its grammar
87 SygusSynthGrammarAttribute ssfga;
88 fn.setAttribute(ssfga, sym);
89 // we must expand definitions for sygus operators in the block
90 expandDefinitionsSygusDt(sygusType);
91 }
93 // sygus conjecture is now stale
94 d_sygusConjectureStale = true;
95 }
97 void SygusSolver::assertSygusConstraint(Node n, bool isAssume)
98 {
99 Trace("smt") << "SygusSolver::assertSygusConstrant: " << n
100 << ", isAssume=" << isAssume << "\n";
101 if (isAssume)
102 {
103 d_sygusAssumps.push_back(n);
104 }
105 else
106 {
107 d_sygusConstraints.push_back(n);
108 }
110 // sygus conjecture is now stale
111 d_sygusConjectureStale = true;
112 }
114 void SygusSolver::assertSygusInvConstraint(Node inv,
115 Node pre,
116 Node trans,
117 Node post)
118 {
119 Trace("smt") << "SygusSolver::assertSygusInvConstrant: " << inv << " " << pre
120 << " " << trans << " " << post << "\n";
121 // build invariant constraint
123 // get variables (regular and their respective primed versions)
124 std::vector<Node> terms;
125 std::vector<Node> vars;
126 std::vector<Node> primed_vars;
127 terms.push_back(inv);
128 terms.push_back(pre);
129 terms.push_back(trans);
130 terms.push_back(post);
131 // variables are built based on the invariant type
132 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
133 std::vector<TypeNode> argTypes = inv.getType().getArgTypes();
134 for (const TypeNode& tn : argTypes)
135 {
136 vars.push_back(nm->mkBoundVar(tn));
137 d_sygusVars.push_back(vars.back());
138 std::stringstream ss;
139 ss << vars.back() << "'";
140 primed_vars.push_back(nm->mkBoundVar(ss.str(), tn));
141 d_sygusVars.push_back(primed_vars.back());
142 }
144 // make relevant terms; 0 -> Inv, 1 -> Pre, 2 -> Trans, 3 -> Post
145 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
146 {
147 Node op = terms[i];
148 Trace("smt-debug") << "Make inv-constraint term #" << i << " : " << op
149 << " with type " << op.getType() << "...\n";
150 std::vector<Node> children;
151 children.push_back(op);
152 // transition relation applied over both variable lists
153 if (i == 2)
154 {
155 children.insert(children.end(), vars.begin(), vars.end());
156 children.insert(children.end(), primed_vars.begin(), primed_vars.end());
157 }
158 else
159 {
160 children.insert(children.end(), vars.begin(), vars.end());
161 }
162 terms[i] = nm->mkNode(APPLY_UF, children);
163 // make application of Inv on primed variables
164 if (i == 0)
165 {
166 children.clear();
167 children.push_back(op);
168 children.insert(children.end(), primed_vars.begin(), primed_vars.end());
169 terms.push_back(nm->mkNode(APPLY_UF, children));
170 }
171 }
172 // make constraints
173 std::vector<Node> conj;
174 conj.push_back(nm->mkNode(IMPLIES, terms[1], terms[0]));
175 Node term0_and_2 = nm->mkNode(AND, terms[0], terms[2]);
176 conj.push_back(nm->mkNode(IMPLIES, term0_and_2, terms[4]));
177 conj.push_back(nm->mkNode(IMPLIES, terms[0], terms[3]));
178 Node constraint = nm->mkNode(AND, conj);
180 d_sygusConstraints.push_back(constraint);
182 // sygus conjecture is now stale
183 d_sygusConjectureStale = true;
184 }
186 SynthResult SygusSolver::checkSynth(Assertions& as, bool isNext)
187 {
188 Trace("smt") << "SygusSolver::checkSynth" << std::endl;
189 // if applicable, check if the subsolver is the correct one
190 if (!isNext)
191 {
192 // if we are not using check-synth-next, we always reconstruct the solver.
193 d_sygusConjectureStale = true;
194 }
195 if (usingSygusSubsolver() && d_subsolverCd.get() != d_subsolver.get())
196 {
197 // this can occur if we backtrack to a place where we were using a different
198 // subsolver than the current one. In this case, we should reconstruct
199 // the subsolver.
200 d_sygusConjectureStale = true;
201 }
202 if (d_sygusConjectureStale)
203 {
204 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
205 // build synthesis conjecture from asserted constraints and declared
206 // variables/functions
207 Trace("smt") << "Sygus : Constructing sygus constraint...\n";
208 Node body = nm->mkAnd(listToVector(d_sygusConstraints));
209 // note that if there are no constraints, then assumptions are irrelevant
210 if (!d_sygusConstraints.empty() && !d_sygusAssumps.empty())
211 {
212 Node bodyAssump = nm->mkAnd(listToVector(d_sygusAssumps));
213 body = nm->mkNode(IMPLIES, bodyAssump, body);
214 }
215 body = body.notNode();
216 Trace("smt") << "...constructed sygus constraint " << body << std::endl;
217 if (!d_sygusVars.empty())
218 {
219 Node boundVars = nm->mkNode(BOUND_VAR_LIST, listToVector(d_sygusVars));
220 body = nm->mkNode(EXISTS, boundVars, body);
221 Trace("smt") << "...constructed exists " << body << std::endl;
222 }
223 if (!d_sygusFunSymbols.empty())
224 {
225 body = quantifiers::SygusUtils::mkSygusConjecture(
226 listToVector(d_sygusFunSymbols), body);
227 }
228 Trace("smt") << "...constructed forall " << body << std::endl;
230 Trace("smt") << "Check synthesis conjecture: " << body << std::endl;
232 d_sygusConjectureStale = false;
234 d_conj = body;
236 // if we are using a subsolver, initialize it now
237 if (usingSygusSubsolver())
238 {
239 // we generate a new solver engine to do the SyGuS query
240 initializeSygusSubsolver(d_subsolver, as);
242 // store the pointer (context-dependent)
243 d_subsolverCd = d_subsolver.get();
245 // also assert the internal SyGuS conjecture
246 d_subsolver->assertFormula(d_conj);
247 }
248 }
249 else
250 {
251 Assert(d_subsolver != nullptr);
252 }
253 Result r;
254 if (usingSygusSubsolver())
255 {
256 r = d_subsolver->checkSat();
257 }
258 else
259 {
260 std::vector<Node> query;
261 query.push_back(d_conj);
262 r = d_smtSolver.checkSatisfiability(as, query);
263 }
264 // The result returned by the above call is typically "unknown", which may
265 // or may not correspond to a state in which we solved the conjecture
266 // successfully. Instead we call getSynthSolutions below. If this returns
267 // true, then we were successful. In this case, we set the synthesis result to
268 // "solution".
269 //
270 // This behavior is done for 2 reasons:
271 // (1) if we do not negate the synthesis conjecture, the subsolver in some
272 // cases cannot answer "sat", e.g. in the presence of recursive function
273 // definitions. Instead the SyGuS language standard itself indicates that
274 // a correct solution for a conjecture is one where the synthesis conjecture
275 // is *T-valid* (in the presence of defined recursive functions). In other
276 // words, a SyGuS query asks to prove that the conjecture is valid when
277 // witnessed by the given solution.
278 // (2) we do not want the solver to explicitly answer "unsat" by giving an
279 // unsatisfiable set of formulas to the underlying PropEngine, or otherwise
280 // we will not be able to ask for further solutions. This is critical for
281 // incremental solving where multiple solutions are returned for the same
282 // set of constraints. Thus, the internal SyGuS solver will mark unknown
283 // with IncompleteId::QUANTIFIERS_SYGUS_SOLVED. Furthermore, this id may be
284 // overwritten by other means of incompleteness, so we cannot rely on this
285 // identifier being the final reason for unknown.
286 //
287 // Thus, we use getSynthSolutions as means of knowing the conjecture was
288 // solved.
289 SynthResult sr;
290 std::map<Node, Node> sol_map;
291 if (getSynthSolutions(sol_map))
292 {
293 // if we have solutions, we return "solution"
294 sr = SynthResult(SynthResult::SOLUTION);
295 // Check that synthesis solutions satisfy the conjecture
296 if (options().smt.checkSynthSol)
297 {
298 checkSynthSolution(as, sol_map);
299 }
300 }
301 else
302 {
303 // otherwise, we return "unknown"
304 sr = SynthResult(SynthResult::UNKNOWN, UnknownExplanation::UNKNOWN_REASON);
305 }
306 return sr;
307 }
309 bool SygusSolver::getSynthSolutions(std::map<Node, Node>& solMap)
310 {
311 Trace("smt") << "SygusSolver::getSynthSolutions" << std::endl;
312 if (usingSygusSubsolver())
313 {
314 // use the call to get the synth solutions from the subsolver
315 return d_subsolver->getSubsolverSynthSolutions(solMap);
316 }
317 return getSubsolverSynthSolutions(solMap);
318 }
320 bool SygusSolver::getSubsolverSynthSolutions(std::map<Node, Node>& solMap)
321 {
322 Trace("smt") << "SygusSolver::getSubsolverSynthSolutions" << std::endl;
323 std::map<Node, std::map<Node, Node>> solMapn;
324 // fail if the theory engine does not have synthesis solutions
325 QuantifiersEngine* qe = d_smtSolver.getQuantifiersEngine();
326 if (qe == nullptr || !qe->getSynthSolutions(solMapn))
327 {
328 return false;
329 }
330 for (std::pair<const Node, std::map<Node, Node>>& cs : solMapn)
331 {
332 for (std::pair<const Node, Node>& s : cs.second)
333 {
334 solMap[s.first] = s.second;
335 }
336 }
337 return true;
338 }
340 void SygusSolver::checkSynthSolution(Assertions& as,
341 const std::map<Node, Node>& sol_map)
342 {
343 if (isVerboseOn(1))
344 {
345 verbose(1) << "SyGuS::checkSynthSolution: checking synthesis solution"
346 << std::endl;
347 }
348 if (sol_map.empty())
349 {
350 InternalError() << "SygusSolver::checkSynthSolution(): Got empty solution!";
351 return;
352 }
353 Trace("check-synth-sol") << "Got solution map:\n";
354 // the set of synthesis conjectures in our assertions
355 std::unordered_set<Node> conjs;
356 conjs.insert(d_conj);
357 // For each of the above conjectures, the functions-to-synthesis and their
358 // solutions. This is used as a substitution below.
359 std::vector<Node> fvars;
360 std::vector<Node> fsols;
361 for (const std::pair<const Node, Node>& pair : sol_map)
362 {
363 Trace("check-synth-sol")
364 << " " << pair.first << " --> " << pair.second << "\n";
365 fvars.push_back(pair.first);
366 fsols.push_back(pair.second);
367 }
369 Trace("check-synth-sol") << "Starting new SMT Engine\n";
371 Trace("check-synth-sol") << "Retrieving assertions\n";
372 // Build conjecture from original assertions
373 // check all conjectures
374 for (const Node& conj : conjs)
375 {
376 // Start new SMT engine to check solutions
377 std::unique_ptr<SolverEngine> solChecker;
378 initializeSygusSubsolver(solChecker, as);
379 solChecker->getOptions().writeSmt().checkSynthSol = false;
380 solChecker->getOptions().writeQuantifiers().sygusRecFun = false;
381 Assert(conj.getKind() == FORALL);
382 Node conjBody = conj[1];
383 // we must expand definitions here, since define-fun may contain the
384 // function-to-synthesize, which needs to be substituted.
385 conjBody = d_smtSolver.getPreprocessor()->expandDefinitions(conjBody);
386 // Apply solution map to conjecture body
387 conjBody = conjBody.substitute(
388 fvars.begin(), fvars.end(), fsols.begin(), fsols.end());
390 if (isVerboseOn(1))
391 {
392 verbose(1) << "SyGuS::checkSynthSolution: -- body substitutes to "
393 << conjBody << std::endl;
394 }
395 Trace("check-synth-sol")
396 << "Substituted body of assertion to " << conjBody << "\n";
397 solChecker->assertFormula(conjBody);
398 Result r = solChecker->checkSat();
399 if (isVerboseOn(1))
400 {
401 verbose(1) << "SyGuS::checkSynthSolution: result is " << r << std::endl;
402 }
403 Trace("check-synth-sol") << "Satsifiability check: " << r << "\n";
404 if (r.isUnknown())
405 {
406 InternalError() << "SygusSolver::checkSynthSolution(): could not check "
407 "solution, result "
408 "unknown.";
409 }
410 else if (r.getStatus() == Result::SAT)
411 {
412 InternalError()
413 << "SygusSolver::checkSynthSolution(): produced solution leads to "
414 "satisfiable negated conjecture.";
415 }
416 }
417 }
419 void SygusSolver::initializeSygusSubsolver(std::unique_ptr<SolverEngine>& se,
420 Assertions& as)
421 {
422 initializeSubsolver(se, d_env);
423 // carry the ordinary define-fun definitions
424 const context::CDList<Node>& alistDefs = as.getAssertionListDefinitions();
425 std::unordered_set<Node> processed;
426 for (const Node& def : alistDefs)
427 {
428 // only consider define-fun, represented as (= f (lambda ...)).
429 if (def.getKind() == EQUAL)
430 {
431 Assert(def[0].isVar());
432 std::vector<Node> formals;
433 Node dbody = def[1];
434 if (def[1].getKind() == LAMBDA)
435 {
436 formals.insert(formals.end(), def[1][0].begin(), def[1][0].end());
437 dbody = dbody[1];
438 }
439 se->defineFunction(def[0], formals, dbody);
440 processed.insert(def);
441 }
442 }
443 // Also assert auxiliary assertions
444 const context::CDList<Node>& alist = as.getAssertionList();
445 for (size_t i = 0, asize = alist.size(); i < asize; ++i)
446 {
447 Node a = alist[i];
448 // ignore definitions here
449 if (processed.find(a) == processed.end())
450 {
451 se->assertFormula(a);
452 }
453 }
454 }
456 bool SygusSolver::usingSygusSubsolver() const
457 {
458 // use SyGuS subsolver if in incremental mode
459 return options().base.incrementalSolving;
460 }
462 void SygusSolver::expandDefinitionsSygusDt(TypeNode tn) const
463 {
464 std::unordered_set<TypeNode> processed;
465 std::vector<TypeNode> toProcess;
466 toProcess.push_back(tn);
467 size_t index = 0;
468 while (index < toProcess.size())
469 {
470 TypeNode tnp = toProcess[index];
471 index++;
472 Assert(tnp.isDatatype());
473 Assert(tnp.getDType().isSygus());
474 const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DTypeConstructor>>& cons =
475 tnp.getDType().getConstructors();
476 for (const std::shared_ptr<DTypeConstructor>& c : cons)
477 {
478 Node op = c->getSygusOp();
479 // Only expand definitions if the operator is not constant, since
480 // calling expandDefinitions on them should be a no-op. This check
481 // ensures we don't try to expand e.g. bitvector extract operators,
482 // whose type is undefined, and thus should not be passed to
483 // expandDefinitions.
484 Node eop = op.isConst()
485 ? op
486 : d_smtSolver.getPreprocessor()->expandDefinitions(op);
487 eop = rewrite(eop);
488 datatypes::utils::setExpandedDefinitionForm(op, eop);
489 // also must consider the arguments
490 for (unsigned j = 0, nargs = c->getNumArgs(); j < nargs; ++j)
491 {
492 TypeNode tnc = c->getArgType(j);
493 if (tnc.isDatatype() && tnc.getDType().isSygus()
494 && processed.find(tnc) == processed.end())
495 {
496 toProcess.push_back(tnc);
497 processed.insert(tnc);
498 }
499 }
500 }
501 }
502 }
504 std::vector<Node> SygusSolver::listToVector(const NodeList& list)
505 {
506 std::vector<Node> vec;
507 for (const Node& n : list)
508 {
509 vec.push_back(n);
510 }
511 return vec;
512 }
514 } // namespace smt
515 } // namespace cvc5::internal