Add skolem definition manager (#6187)
[cvc5.git] / src / smt / term_formula_removal.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file term_formula_removal.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Dejan Jovanovic, Morgan Deters
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Removal of term formulas
13 **
14 ** Removal of term formulas.
15 **/
17 #include "cvc4_private.h"
19 #pragma once
21 #include <unordered_set>
22 #include <vector>
24 #include "context/cdinsert_hashmap.h"
25 #include "context/context.h"
26 #include "expr/node.h"
27 #include "expr/term_context.h"
28 #include "theory/trust_node.h"
29 #include "util/hash.h"
31 namespace CVC4 {
33 class LazyCDProof;
34 class ProofNodeManager;
35 class TConvProofGenerator;
37 class RemoveTermFormulas {
38 public:
39 RemoveTermFormulas(context::UserContext* u, ProofNodeManager* pnm = nullptr);
40 ~RemoveTermFormulas();
42 /**
43 * By introducing skolem variables, this function removes all occurrences of:
44 * (1) term ITEs,
45 * (2) terms of type Boolean that are not Boolean term variables,
46 * (3) lambdas, and
47 * (4) Hilbert choice expressions.
48 * from assertions.
49 * All additional assertions are pushed into assertions. iteSkolemMap
50 * contains a map from introduced skolem variables to the index in
51 * assertions containing the new definition created in conjunction
52 * with that skolem variable.
53 *
54 * As an example of (1):
55 * f( (ite C 0 1)) = 2
56 * becomes
57 * f( k ) = 2 ^ ite( C, k=0, k=1 )
58 *
59 * As an example of (2):
60 * g( (and C1 C2) ) = 3
61 * becomes
62 * g( k ) = 3 ^ ( k <=> (and C1 C2) )
63 *
64 * As an example of (3):
65 * (lambda x. t[x]) = f
66 * becomes
67 * (forall x. k(x) = t[x]) ^ k = f
68 * where k is a fresh skolem function.
69 * This is sometimes called "lambda lifting"
70 *
71 * As an example of (4):
72 * (witness x. P( x ) ) = t
73 * becomes
74 * P( k ) ^ k = t
75 * where k is a fresh skolem constant.
76 *
77 * With reportDeps true, report reasoning dependences to the proof
78 * manager (for unsat cores).
79 *
80 * @param assertion The assertion to remove term formulas from
81 * @param newAsserts The new assertions corresponding to axioms for newly
82 * introduced skolems.
83 * @param newSkolems The skolems corresponding to each of the newAsserts.
84 * @param fixedPoint Whether to run term formula removal on the lemmas in
85 * newAsserts. This adds new assertions to this vector until a fixed
86 * point is reached. When this option is true, all lemmas in newAsserts
87 * have all term formulas removed.
88 * @return a trust node of kind TrustNodeKind::REWRITE whose
89 * right hand side is assertion after removing term formulas, and the proof
90 * generator (if provided) that can prove the equivalence.
91 */
92 theory::TrustNode run(TNode assertion,
93 std::vector<theory::TrustNode>& newAsserts,
94 std::vector<Node>& newSkolems,
95 bool fixedPoint = false);
96 /**
97 * Same as above, but does not track lemmas, and does not run to fixed point.
98 * The relevant lemmas can be extracted by the caller later using getSkolems
99 * and getLemmaForSkolem.
100 */
101 theory::TrustNode run(TNode assertion);
102 /**
103 * Same as above, but transforms a lemma, returning a LEMMA trust node that
104 * proves the same formula as lem with term formulas removed.
105 */
106 theory::TrustNode runLemma(theory::TrustNode lem,
107 std::vector<theory::TrustNode>& newAsserts,
108 std::vector<Node>& newSkolems,
109 bool fixedPoint = false);
111 /**
112 * Get proof generator that is responsible for all proofs for removing term
113 * formulas from nodes. When proofs are enabled, the returned trust node
114 * of the run method use this proof generator (the trust nodes in newAsserts
115 * do not use this generator).
116 */
117 ProofGenerator* getTConvProofGenerator();
119 /**
120 * Get axiom for term n. This returns the axiom that this class uses to
121 * eliminate the term n, which is determined by its top-most symbol. For
122 * example, if n is (ite n1 n2 n3), this returns the formula:
123 * (ite n1 (= (ite n1 n2 n3) n2) (= (ite n1 n2 n3) n3))
124 */
125 static Node getAxiomFor(Node n);
127 private:
128 typedef context::CDInsertHashMap<
129 std::pair<Node, uint32_t>,
130 Node,
131 PairHashFunction<Node, uint32_t, NodeHashFunction> >
132 TermFormulaCache;
133 /** term formula removal cache
134 *
135 * This stores the results of term formula removal for inputs to the run(...)
136 * function below, where the integer in the pair we hash on is the
137 * result of cacheVal below.
138 */
139 TermFormulaCache d_tfCache;
141 /** skolem cache
142 *
143 * This is a cache that maps terms to the skolem we use to replace them.
144 *
145 * Notice that this cache is necessary in addition to d_tfCache, since
146 * we should use the same skolem to replace terms, regardless of the input
147 * arguments to run(...). For example:
148 *
149 * ite( G, a, b ) = c ^ forall x. P( ite( G, a, b ), x )
150 *
151 * should be processed to:
152 *
153 * k = c ^ forall x. P( k, x ) ^ ite( G, k=a, k=b )
154 *
155 * where notice
156 * d_skolem_cache[ite( G, a, b )] = k, and
157 * d_tfCache[<ite( G, a, b ),0>] = d_tfCache[<ite( G, a, b ),1>] = k.
158 */
159 context::CDInsertHashMap<Node, Node, NodeHashFunction> d_skolem_cache;
161 /** gets the skolem for node
162 *
163 * This returns the d_skolem_cache value for node, if it exists as a key
164 * in the above map, or the null node otherwise.
165 */
166 inline Node getSkolemForNode(Node node) const;
168 /** Pointer to a proof node manager */
169 ProofNodeManager* d_pnm;
170 /**
171 * A proof generator for the term conversion.
172 */
173 std::unique_ptr<TConvProofGenerator> d_tpg;
174 /**
175 * A proof generator for skolems we introduce that are based on axioms that
176 * this class is responsible for.
177 */
178 std::unique_ptr<LazyCDProof> d_lp;
179 /**
180 * The remove term formula context, which computes hash values for term
181 * contexts.
182 */
183 RtfTermContext d_rtfc;
185 /**
186 * Removes terms of the forms described above from formula assertion.
187 * All additional assertions and skolems are pushed into newAsserts and
188 * newSkolems, which are always of the same length.
189 *
190 * This uses a term-context-sensitive stack to process assertion. It returns
191 * the version of assertion with all term formulas removed.
192 */
193 Node runInternal(TNode assertion,
194 std::vector<theory::TrustNode>& newAsserts,
195 std::vector<Node>& newSkolems);
196 /**
197 * This is called on curr of the form (t, val) where t is a term and val is
198 * a term context identifier computed by RtfTermContext. If curr should be
199 * replaced by a skolem, this method returns this skolem k. If this was the
200 * first time that t was encountered, we set newLem to the lemma for the
201 * skolem that axiomatizes k.
202 *
203 * Otherwise, if t should not be replaced in the term context, this method
204 * returns the null node.
205 */
206 Node runCurrent(std::pair<Node, uint32_t>& curr, theory::TrustNode& newLem);
208 /** Whether proofs are enabled */
209 bool isProofEnabled() const;
210 };/* class RemoveTTE */
212 }/* CVC4 namespace */