Simplify and fix check models (#5685)
[cvc5.git] / src / smt / witness_form.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file witness_form.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief The module for managing witness form conversion in proofs
13 **/
15 #include "smt/witness_form.h"
17 #include "expr/skolem_manager.h"
18 #include "theory/rewriter.h"
20 namespace CVC4 {
21 namespace smt {
23 WitnessFormGenerator::WitnessFormGenerator(ProofNodeManager* pnm)
24 : d_tcpg(pnm,
25 nullptr,
26 TConvPolicy::FIXPOINT,
27 TConvCachePolicy::NEVER,
28 "WfGenerator::TConvProofGenerator",
29 nullptr,
30 true),
31 d_wintroPf(pnm, nullptr, nullptr, "WfGenerator::LazyCDProof"),
32 d_pskPf(pnm, nullptr, "WfGenerator::PurifySkolemProof")
33 {
34 }
36 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> WitnessFormGenerator::getProofFor(Node eq)
37 {
38 if (eq.getKind() != kind::EQUAL)
39 {
40 // expecting an equality
41 return nullptr;
42 }
43 Node lhs = eq[0];
44 Node rhs = convertToWitnessForm(eq[0]);
45 if (rhs != eq[1])
46 {
47 // expecting witness form
48 return nullptr;
49 }
50 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pn = d_tcpg.getProofFor(eq);
51 Assert(pn != nullptr);
52 return pn;
53 }
55 std::string WitnessFormGenerator::identify() const
56 {
57 return "WitnessFormGenerator";
58 }
60 Node WitnessFormGenerator::convertToWitnessForm(Node t)
61 {
62 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
63 SkolemManager* skm = nm->getSkolemManager();
64 Node tw = SkolemManager::getWitnessForm(t);
65 if (t == tw)
66 {
67 // trivial case
68 return tw;
69 }
70 std::unordered_set<TNode, TNodeHashFunction>::iterator it;
71 std::vector<TNode> visit;
72 TNode cur;
73 TNode curw;
74 visit.push_back(t);
75 do
76 {
77 cur = visit.back();
78 visit.pop_back();
79 it = d_visited.find(cur);
80 if (it == d_visited.end())
81 {
82 d_visited.insert(cur);
83 curw = SkolemManager::getWitnessForm(cur);
84 // if its witness form is different
85 if (cur != curw)
86 {
87 if (cur.isVar())
88 {
89 Node eq = cur.eqNode(curw);
90 // equality between a variable and its witness form
91 d_eqs.insert(eq);
92 Assert(curw.getKind() == kind::WITNESS);
93 Node skBody = SkolemManager::getSkolemForm(curw[1]);
94 Node exists = nm->mkNode(kind::EXISTS, curw[0], skBody);
95 ProofGenerator* pg = skm->getProofGenerator(exists);
96 if (pg == nullptr)
97 {
98 // it may be a purification skolem
99 pg = convertExistsInternal(exists);
100 if (pg == nullptr)
101 {
102 // if no proof generator is provided, we justify the existential
103 // using the WITNESS_AXIOM trusted rule by providing it to the
104 // call to addLazyStep below.
105 Trace("witness-form")
106 << "WitnessFormGenerator: No proof generator for " << exists
107 << std::endl;
108 }
109 }
110 // --------------------------- from pg
111 // (exists ((x T)) (P x))
112 // --------------------------- WITNESS_INTRO
113 // k = (witness ((x T)) (P x))
114 d_wintroPf.addLazyStep(
115 exists,
116 pg,
118 true,
119 "WitnessFormGenerator::convertToWitnessForm:witness_axiom");
120 d_wintroPf.addStep(eq, PfRule::WITNESS_INTRO, {exists}, {});
121 d_tcpg.addRewriteStep(cur, curw, &d_wintroPf, PfRule::ASSUME, true);
122 }
123 else
124 {
125 // A term whose witness form is different from itself, recurse.
126 // It should be the case that cur has children, since the witness
127 // form of constants are themselves.
128 Assert(cur.getNumChildren() > 0);
129 if (cur.hasOperator())
130 {
131 visit.push_back(cur.getOperator());
132 }
133 visit.insert(visit.end(), cur.begin(), cur.end());
134 }
135 }
136 }
137 } while (!visit.empty());
138 return tw;
139 }
141 bool WitnessFormGenerator::requiresWitnessFormTransform(Node t, Node s) const
142 {
143 return theory::Rewriter::rewrite(t) != theory::Rewriter::rewrite(s);
144 }
146 bool WitnessFormGenerator::requiresWitnessFormIntro(Node t) const
147 {
148 Node tr = theory::Rewriter::rewrite(t);
149 return !tr.isConst() || !tr.getConst<bool>();
150 }
152 const std::unordered_set<Node, NodeHashFunction>&
153 WitnessFormGenerator::getWitnessFormEqs() const
154 {
155 return d_eqs;
156 }
158 ProofGenerator* WitnessFormGenerator::convertExistsInternal(Node exists)
159 {
160 Assert(exists.getKind() == kind::EXISTS);
161 if (exists[0].getNumChildren() == 1 && exists[1].getKind() == kind::EQUAL
162 && exists[1][0] == exists[0][0])
163 {
164 Node tpurified = exists[1][1];
165 Trace("witness-form") << "convertExistsInternal: infer purification "
166 << exists << " for " << tpurified << std::endl;
167 // ------ REFL
168 // t = t
169 // ---------------- EXISTS_INTRO
170 // exists x. x = t
171 // The concluded existential is then used to construct the witness term
172 // via witness intro.
173 Node teq = tpurified.eqNode(tpurified);
174 d_pskPf.addStep(teq, PfRule::REFL, {}, {tpurified});
175 d_pskPf.addStep(exists, PfRule::EXISTS_INTRO, {teq}, {exists});
176 return &d_pskPf;
177 }
178 return nullptr;
179 }
181 } // namespace smt
182 } // namespace CVC4