Fix rewrite for eliminating constant factors of PI from argument to sine (#8031)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / arith / arith_static_learner.cpp
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Tim King, Dejan Jovanovic, Andres Noetzli
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * [[ Add one-line brief description here ]]
14 *
15 * [[ Add lengthier description here ]]
16 * \todo document this file
17 */
19 #include <vector>
21 #include "base/output.h"
22 #include "expr/node_algorithm.h"
23 #include "options/arith_options.h"
24 #include "smt/smt_statistics_registry.h"
25 #include "theory/arith/arith_static_learner.h"
26 #include "theory/arith/arith_utilities.h"
27 #include "theory/arith/normal_form.h"
28 #include "theory/rewriter.h"
30 using namespace std;
31 using namespace cvc5::kind;
33 namespace cvc5 {
34 namespace theory {
35 namespace arith {
38 ArithStaticLearner::ArithStaticLearner(context::Context* userContext) :
39 d_minMap(userContext),
40 d_maxMap(userContext),
41 d_statistics()
42 {
43 }
45 ArithStaticLearner::~ArithStaticLearner(){
46 }
48 ArithStaticLearner::Statistics::Statistics()
49 : d_iteMinMaxApplications(smtStatisticsRegistry().registerInt(
50 "theory::arith::iteMinMaxApplications")),
51 d_iteConstantApplications(smtStatisticsRegistry().registerInt(
52 "theory::arith::iteConstantApplications"))
53 {
54 }
56 void ArithStaticLearner::staticLearning(TNode n, NodeBuilder& learned)
57 {
58 vector<TNode> workList;
59 workList.push_back(n);
60 TNodeSet processed;
62 //Contains an underapproximation of nodes that must hold.
63 TNodeSet defTrue;
65 defTrue.insert(n);
67 while(!workList.empty()) {
68 n = workList.back();
70 bool unprocessedChildren = false;
71 for(TNode::iterator i = n.begin(), iend = n.end(); i != iend; ++i) {
72 if(processed.find(*i) == processed.end()) {
73 // unprocessed child
74 workList.push_back(*i);
75 unprocessedChildren = true;
76 }
77 }
78 if(n.getKind() == AND && defTrue.find(n) != defTrue.end() ){
79 for(TNode::iterator i = n.begin(), iend = n.end(); i != iend; ++i) {
80 defTrue.insert(*i);
81 }
82 }
84 if(unprocessedChildren) {
85 continue;
86 }
88 workList.pop_back();
89 // has node n been processed in the meantime ?
90 if(processed.find(n) != processed.end()) {
91 continue;
92 }
93 processed.insert(n);
95 process(n,learned, defTrue);
97 }
98 }
100 void ArithStaticLearner::process(TNode n,
101 NodeBuilder& learned,
102 const TNodeSet& defTrue)
103 {
104 Debug("arith::static") << "===================== looking at " << n << endl;
106 switch(n.getKind()){
107 case ITE:
108 if (expr::hasBoundVar(n))
109 {
110 // Unsafe with non-ground ITEs; do nothing
111 Debug("arith::static")
112 << "(potentially) non-ground ITE, ignoring..." << endl;
113 break;
114 }
116 if(n[0].getKind() != EQUAL &&
117 isRelationOperator(n[0].getKind()) ){
118 iteMinMax(n, learned);
119 }
121 if((d_minMap.find(n[1]) != d_minMap.end() && d_minMap.find(n[2]) != d_minMap.end()) ||
122 (d_maxMap.find(n[1]) != d_maxMap.end() && d_maxMap.find(n[2]) != d_maxMap.end())) {
123 iteConstant(n, learned);
124 }
125 break;
128 // Mark constants as minmax
129 d_minMap.insert(n, n.getConst<Rational>());
130 d_maxMap.insert(n, n.getConst<Rational>());
131 break;
132 default: // Do nothing
133 break;
134 }
135 }
137 void ArithStaticLearner::iteMinMax(TNode n, NodeBuilder& learned)
138 {
139 Assert(n.getKind() == kind::ITE);
140 Assert(n[0].getKind() != EQUAL);
141 Assert(isRelationOperator(n[0].getKind()));
143 TNode c = n[0];
144 Kind k = oldSimplifiedKind(c);
145 TNode t = n[1];
146 TNode e = n[2];
147 TNode cleft = (c.getKind() == NOT) ? c[0][0] : c[0];
148 TNode cright = (c.getKind() == NOT) ? c[0][1] : c[1];
150 if((t == cright) && (e == cleft)){
151 TNode tmp = t;
152 t = e;
153 e = tmp;
154 k = reverseRelationKind(k);
155 }
156 //(ite (< x y) x y)
157 //(ite (x < y) x y)
158 //(ite (x - y < 0) x y)
159 // ----------------
160 // (ite (x - y < -c) )
162 if(t == cleft && e == cright){
163 // t == cleft && e == cright
164 Assert(t == cleft);
165 Assert(e == cright);
166 switch(k){
167 case LT: // (ite (< x y) x y)
168 case LEQ: { // (ite (<= x y) x y)
169 Node nLeqX = NodeBuilder(LEQ) << n << t;
170 Node nLeqY = NodeBuilder(LEQ) << n << e;
171 Debug("arith::static") << n << "is a min =>" << nLeqX << nLeqY << endl;
172 learned << nLeqX << nLeqY;
173 ++(d_statistics.d_iteMinMaxApplications);
174 break;
175 }
176 case GT: // (ite (> x y) x y)
177 case GEQ: { // (ite (>= x y) x y)
178 Node nGeqX = NodeBuilder(GEQ) << n << t;
179 Node nGeqY = NodeBuilder(GEQ) << n << e;
180 Debug("arith::static") << n << "is a max =>" << nGeqX << nGeqY << endl;
181 learned << nGeqX << nGeqY;
182 ++(d_statistics.d_iteMinMaxApplications);
183 break;
184 }
185 default: Unreachable();
186 }
187 }
188 }
190 void ArithStaticLearner::iteConstant(TNode n, NodeBuilder& learned)
191 {
192 Assert(n.getKind() == ITE);
194 Debug("arith::static") << "iteConstant(" << n << ")" << endl;
196 if (d_minMap.find(n[1]) != d_minMap.end() && d_minMap.find(n[2]) != d_minMap.end()) {
197 const DeltaRational& first = d_minMap[n[1]];
198 const DeltaRational& second = d_minMap[n[2]];
199 DeltaRational min = std::min(first, second);
200 CDNodeToMinMaxMap::const_iterator minFind = d_minMap.find(n);
201 if (minFind == d_minMap.end() || (*minFind).second < min) {
202 d_minMap.insert(n, min);
203 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
204 Node nGeqMin = nm->mkNode(
205 min.getInfinitesimalPart() == 0 ? kind::GEQ : kind::GT,
206 n,
207 nm->mkConstRealOrInt(n.getType(), min.getNoninfinitesimalPart()));
208 learned << nGeqMin;
209 Debug("arith::static") << n << " iteConstant" << nGeqMin << endl;
210 ++(d_statistics.d_iteConstantApplications);
211 }
212 }
214 if (d_maxMap.find(n[1]) != d_maxMap.end() && d_maxMap.find(n[2]) != d_maxMap.end()) {
215 const DeltaRational& first = d_maxMap[n[1]];
216 const DeltaRational& second = d_maxMap[n[2]];
217 DeltaRational max = std::max(first, second);
218 CDNodeToMinMaxMap::const_iterator maxFind = d_maxMap.find(n);
219 if (maxFind == d_maxMap.end() || (*maxFind).second > max) {
220 d_maxMap.insert(n, max);
221 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
222 Node nLeqMax = nm->mkNode(
223 max.getInfinitesimalPart() == 0 ? kind::LEQ : kind::LT,
224 n,
225 nm->mkConstRealOrInt(n.getType(), max.getNoninfinitesimalPart()));
226 learned << nLeqMax;
227 Debug("arith::static") << n << " iteConstant" << nLeqMax << endl;
228 ++(d_statistics.d_iteConstantApplications);
229 }
230 }
231 }
233 std::set<Node> listToSet(TNode l){
234 std::set<Node> ret;
235 while(l.getKind() == OR){
236 Assert(l.getNumChildren() == 2);
237 ret.insert(l[0]);
238 l = l[1];
239 }
240 return ret;
241 }
243 void ArithStaticLearner::addBound(TNode n) {
245 CDNodeToMinMaxMap::const_iterator minFind = d_minMap.find(n[0]);
246 CDNodeToMinMaxMap::const_iterator maxFind = d_maxMap.find(n[0]);
248 Rational constant = n[1].getConst<Rational>();
249 DeltaRational bound = constant;
251 switch(Kind k = n.getKind()) {
252 case kind::LT: bound = DeltaRational(constant, -1); CVC5_FALLTHROUGH;
253 case kind::LEQ:
254 if (maxFind == d_maxMap.end() || (*maxFind).second > bound)
255 {
256 d_maxMap.insert(n[0], bound);
257 Debug("arith::static") << "adding bound " << n << endl;
258 }
259 break;
260 case kind::GT: bound = DeltaRational(constant, 1); CVC5_FALLTHROUGH;
261 case kind::GEQ:
262 if (minFind == d_minMap.end() || (*minFind).second < bound)
263 {
264 d_minMap.insert(n[0], bound);
265 Debug("arith::static") << "adding bound " << n << endl;
266 }
267 break;
268 default: Unhandled() << k; break;
269 }
270 }
272 } // namespace arith
273 } // namespace theory
274 } // namespace cvc5