[cvc5.git] / src / theory / arith / arith_utilities.cpp
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Andrew Reynolds, Alex Ozdemir, Tim King
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2022 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * Implementation of common functions for dealing with nodes.
14 */
16 #include "arith_utilities.h"
18 #include <cmath>
20 using namespace cvc5::internal::kind;
22 namespace cvc5::internal {
23 namespace theory {
24 namespace arith {
26 Kind joinKinds(Kind k1, Kind k2)
27 {
28 if (k2 < k1)
29 {
30 return joinKinds(k2, k1);
31 }
32 else if (k1 == k2)
33 {
34 return k1;
35 }
36 Assert(isRelationOperator(k1));
37 Assert(isRelationOperator(k2));
38 if (k1 == EQUAL)
39 {
40 if (k2 == LEQ || k2 == GEQ)
41 {
42 return k1;
43 }
44 }
45 else if (k1 == LT)
46 {
47 if (k2 == LEQ)
48 {
49 return k1;
50 }
51 }
52 else if (k1 == LEQ)
53 {
54 if (k2 == GEQ)
55 {
56 return EQUAL;
57 }
58 }
59 else if (k1 == GT)
60 {
61 if (k2 == GEQ)
62 {
63 return k1;
64 }
65 }
67 }
69 Kind transKinds(Kind k1, Kind k2)
70 {
71 if (k2 < k1)
72 {
73 return transKinds(k2, k1);
74 }
75 else if (k1 == k2)
76 {
77 return k1;
78 }
79 Assert(isRelationOperator(k1));
80 Assert(isRelationOperator(k2));
81 if (k1 == EQUAL)
82 {
83 return k2;
84 }
85 else if (k1 == LT)
86 {
87 if (k2 == LEQ)
88 {
89 return k1;
90 }
91 }
92 else if (k1 == GT)
93 {
94 if (k2 == GEQ)
95 {
96 return k1;
97 }
98 }
100 }
102 bool isTranscendentalKind(Kind k)
103 {
104 // many operators are eliminated during rewriting
105 Assert(k != TANGENT && k != COSINE && k != COSECANT
106 && k != SECANT && k != COTANGENT);
107 return k == EXPONENTIAL || k == SINE || k == PI;
108 }
110 Node getApproximateConstant(Node c, bool isLower, unsigned prec)
111 {
112 if (!c.isConst())
113 {
114 Assert(false) << "getApproximateConstant: non-constant input " << c;
115 return Node::null();
116 }
117 Rational cr = c.getConst<Rational>();
119 unsigned lower = 0;
120 unsigned upper = std::pow(10, prec);
122 Rational den = Rational(upper);
123 if (cr.getDenominator() < den.getNumerator())
124 {
125 // denominator is not more than precision, we return it
126 return c;
127 }
129 int csign = cr.sgn();
130 Assert(csign != 0);
131 if (csign == -1)
132 {
133 cr = -cr;
134 }
135 Rational one = Rational(1);
136 Rational ten = Rational(10);
137 Rational pow_ten = Rational(1);
138 // inefficient for large numbers
139 while (cr >= one)
140 {
141 cr = cr / ten;
142 pow_ten = pow_ten * ten;
143 }
144 Rational allow_err = one / den;
146 // now do binary search
147 Rational two = Rational(2);
148 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
149 Node cret;
150 do
151 {
152 unsigned curr = (lower + upper) / 2;
153 Rational curr_r = Rational(curr) / den;
154 Rational err = cr - curr_r;
155 int esign = err.sgn();
156 if (err.abs() <= allow_err)
157 {
158 if (esign == 1 && !isLower)
159 {
160 curr_r = Rational(curr + 1) / den;
161 }
162 else if (esign == -1 && isLower)
163 {
164 curr_r = Rational(curr - 1) / den;
165 }
166 curr_r = curr_r * pow_ten;
167 cret = nm->mkConst(CONST_RATIONAL, csign == 1 ? curr_r : -curr_r);
168 }
169 else
170 {
171 Assert(esign != 0);
172 // update lower/upper
173 if (esign == -1)
174 {
175 upper = curr;
176 }
177 else if (esign == 1)
178 {
179 lower = curr;
180 }
181 }
182 } while (cret.isNull());
183 return cret;
184 }
186 void printRationalApprox(const char* c, Node cr, unsigned prec)
187 {
188 if (!cr.isConst())
189 {
190 Assert(false) << "printRationalApprox: non-constant input " << cr;
191 Trace(c) << cr;
192 return;
193 }
194 Node ca = getApproximateConstant(cr, true, prec);
195 if (ca != cr)
196 {
197 Trace(c) << "(+ ";
198 }
199 Trace(c) << ca;
200 if (ca != cr)
201 {
202 Trace(c) << " [0,10^" << prec << "])";
203 }
204 }
206 Node arithSubstitute(Node n, const Subs& sub)
207 {
208 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
209 std::unordered_map<TNode, Node> visited;
210 std::vector<TNode> visit;
211 visit.push_back(n);
212 do
213 {
214 TNode cur = visit.back();
215 visit.pop_back();
216 auto it = visited.find(cur);
218 if (it == visited.end())
219 {
220 visited[cur] = Node::null();
221 Kind ck = cur.getKind();
222 auto s = sub.find(cur);
223 if (s)
224 {
225 visited[cur] = *s;
226 }
227 else if (cur.getNumChildren() == 0)
228 {
229 visited[cur] = cur;
230 }
231 else
232 {
233 TheoryId ctid = theory::kindToTheoryId(ck);
234 if ((ctid != THEORY_ARITH && ctid != THEORY_BOOL
235 && ctid != THEORY_BUILTIN)
236 || isTranscendentalKind(ck))
237 {
238 // Do not traverse beneath applications that belong to another theory
239 // besides (core) arithmetic. Notice that transcendental function
240 // applications are also not traversed here.
241 visited[cur] = cur;
242 }
243 else
244 {
245 visit.push_back(cur);
246 for (const Node& cn : cur)
247 {
248 visit.push_back(cn);
249 }
250 }
251 }
252 }
253 else if (it->second.isNull())
254 {
255 Node ret = cur;
256 bool childChanged = false;
257 std::vector<Node> children;
258 if (cur.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED)
259 {
260 children.push_back(cur.getOperator());
261 }
262 for (const Node& cn : cur)
263 {
264 it = visited.find(cn);
265 Assert(it != visited.end());
266 Assert(!it->second.isNull());
267 childChanged = childChanged || cn != it->second;
268 children.push_back(it->second);
269 }
270 if (childChanged)
271 {
272 ret = nm->mkNode(cur.getKind(), children);
273 }
274 visited[cur] = ret;
275 }
276 } while (!visit.empty());
277 Assert(visited.find(n) != visited.end());
278 Assert(!visited.find(n)->second.isNull());
279 return visited[n];
280 }
282 Node mkBounded(Node l, Node a, Node u)
283 {
284 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
285 return nm->mkNode(AND, nm->mkNode(GEQ, a, l), nm->mkNode(LEQ, a, u));
286 }
288 Rational leastIntGreaterThan(const Rational& q) { return q.floor() + 1; }
290 Rational greatestIntLessThan(const Rational& q) { return q.ceiling() - 1; }
292 Node negateProofLiteral(TNode n)
293 {
294 auto nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
295 switch (n.getKind())
296 {
297 case Kind::GT:
298 {
299 return nm->mkNode(Kind::LEQ, n[0], n[1]);
300 }
301 case Kind::LT:
302 {
303 return nm->mkNode(Kind::GEQ, n[0], n[1]);
304 }
305 case Kind::LEQ:
306 {
307 return nm->mkNode(Kind::GT, n[0], n[1]);
308 }
309 case Kind::GEQ:
310 {
311 return nm->mkNode(Kind::LT, n[0], n[1]);
312 }
313 case Kind::EQUAL:
314 case Kind::NOT:
315 {
316 return n.negate();
317 }
318 default: Unhandled() << n;
319 }
320 }
322 Node multConstants(const Node& c1, const Node& c2)
323 {
324 Assert(!c1.isNull() && c1.isConst());
325 Assert(!c2.isNull() && c2.isConst());
326 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
327 // real type if either has type real
328 TypeNode tn = c1.getType();
329 if (tn.isInteger())
330 {
331 tn = c2.getType();
332 }
333 Assert(tn.isRealOrInt());
334 return nm->mkConstRealOrInt(
335 tn, Rational(c1.getConst<Rational>() * c2.getConst<Rational>()));
336 }
338 } // namespace arith
339 } // namespace theory
340 } // namespace cvc5::internal