(proof-new) proofs for ArithCongMan -> ee facts (#5207)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / arith / congruence_manager.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file congruence_manager.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Tim King, Andrew Reynolds, Dejan Jovanovic
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief [[ Add one-line brief description here ]]
13 **
14 ** [[ Add lengthier description here ]]
15 ** \todo document this file
16 **/
18 #include "theory/arith/congruence_manager.h"
20 #include "base/output.h"
21 #include "smt/smt_statistics_registry.h"
22 #include "theory/arith/arith_utilities.h"
23 #include "theory/arith/constraint.h"
24 #include "options/arith_options.h"
26 namespace CVC4 {
27 namespace theory {
28 namespace arith {
30 ArithCongruenceManager::ArithCongruenceManager(
31 context::Context* c,
32 context::UserContext* u,
33 ConstraintDatabase& cd,
34 SetupLiteralCallBack setup,
35 const ArithVariables& avars,
36 RaiseEqualityEngineConflict raiseConflict,
37 ProofNodeManager* pnm)
38 : d_inConflict(c),
39 d_raiseConflict(raiseConflict),
40 d_notify(*this),
41 d_keepAlive(c),
42 d_propagatations(c),
43 d_explanationMap(c),
44 d_constraintDatabase(cd),
45 d_setupLiteral(setup),
46 d_avariables(avars),
47 d_ee(nullptr),
48 d_satContext(c),
49 d_userContext(u),
50 d_pnm(pnm),
51 // Construct d_pfGenEe with the SAT context, since its proof include
52 // unclosed assumptions of theory literals.
53 d_pfGenEe(
54 new EagerProofGenerator(pnm, c, "ArithCongruenceManager::pfGenEe")),
55 // Construct d_pfGenEe with the USER context, since its proofs are closed.
56 d_pfGenExplain(new EagerProofGenerator(
57 pnm, u, "ArithCongruenceManager::pfGenExplain")),
58 d_pfee(nullptr)
59 {
60 }
62 ArithCongruenceManager::~ArithCongruenceManager() {}
64 bool ArithCongruenceManager::needsEqualityEngine(EeSetupInfo& esi)
65 {
66 esi.d_notify = &d_notify;
67 esi.d_name = "theory::arith::ArithCongruenceManager";
68 return true;
69 }
71 void ArithCongruenceManager::finishInit(eq::EqualityEngine* ee,
72 eq::ProofEqEngine* pfee)
73 {
74 Assert(ee != nullptr);
75 d_ee = ee;
76 d_ee->addFunctionKind(kind::NONLINEAR_MULT);
77 d_ee->addFunctionKind(kind::EXPONENTIAL);
78 d_ee->addFunctionKind(kind::SINE);
79 d_ee->addFunctionKind(kind::IAND);
80 // have proof equality engine only if proofs are enabled
81 Assert(isProofEnabled() == (pfee != nullptr));
82 d_pfee = pfee;
83 }
85 ArithCongruenceManager::Statistics::Statistics():
86 d_watchedVariables("theory::arith::congruence::watchedVariables", 0),
87 d_watchedVariableIsZero("theory::arith::congruence::watchedVariableIsZero", 0),
88 d_watchedVariableIsNotZero("theory::arith::congruence::watchedVariableIsNotZero", 0),
89 d_equalsConstantCalls("theory::arith::congruence::equalsConstantCalls", 0),
90 d_propagations("theory::arith::congruence::propagations", 0),
91 d_propagateConstraints("theory::arith::congruence::propagateConstraints", 0),
92 d_conflicts("theory::arith::congruence::conflicts", 0)
93 {
94 smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_watchedVariables);
95 smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_watchedVariableIsZero);
96 smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_watchedVariableIsNotZero);
97 smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_equalsConstantCalls);
98 smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_propagations);
99 smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_propagateConstraints);
100 smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_conflicts);
101 }
103 ArithCongruenceManager::Statistics::~Statistics(){
104 smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_watchedVariables);
105 smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_watchedVariableIsZero);
106 smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_watchedVariableIsNotZero);
107 smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_equalsConstantCalls);
108 smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_propagations);
109 smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_propagateConstraints);
110 smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_conflicts);
111 }
113 ArithCongruenceManager::ArithCongruenceNotify::ArithCongruenceNotify(ArithCongruenceManager& acm)
114 : d_acm(acm)
115 {}
117 bool ArithCongruenceManager::ArithCongruenceNotify::eqNotifyTriggerPredicate(
118 TNode predicate, bool value)
119 {
120 Assert(predicate.getKind() == kind::EQUAL);
121 Debug("arith::congruences")
122 << "ArithCongruenceNotify::eqNotifyTriggerPredicate(" << predicate << ", "
123 << (value ? "true" : "false") << ")" << std::endl;
124 if (value) {
125 return d_acm.propagate(predicate);
126 }
127 return d_acm.propagate(predicate.notNode());
128 }
130 bool ArithCongruenceManager::ArithCongruenceNotify::eqNotifyTriggerTermEquality(TheoryId tag, TNode t1, TNode t2, bool value) {
131 Debug("arith::congruences") << "ArithCongruenceNotify::eqNotifyTriggerTermEquality(" << t1 << ", " << t2 << ", " << (value ? "true" : "false") << ")" << std::endl;
132 if (value) {
133 return d_acm.propagate(t1.eqNode(t2));
134 } else {
135 return d_acm.propagate(t1.eqNode(t2).notNode());
136 }
137 }
138 void ArithCongruenceManager::ArithCongruenceNotify::eqNotifyConstantTermMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2) {
139 Debug("arith::congruences") << "ArithCongruenceNotify::eqNotifyConstantTermMerge(" << t1 << ", " << t2 << std::endl;
140 d_acm.propagate(t1.eqNode(t2));
141 }
142 void ArithCongruenceManager::ArithCongruenceNotify::eqNotifyNewClass(TNode t) {
143 }
144 void ArithCongruenceManager::ArithCongruenceNotify::eqNotifyMerge(TNode t1,
145 TNode t2)
146 {
147 }
148 void ArithCongruenceManager::ArithCongruenceNotify::eqNotifyDisequal(TNode t1, TNode t2, TNode reason) {
149 }
151 void ArithCongruenceManager::raiseConflict(Node conflict){
152 Assert(!inConflict());
153 Debug("arith::conflict") << "difference manager conflict " << conflict << std::endl;
154 d_inConflict.raise();
155 d_raiseConflict.raiseEEConflict(conflict);
156 }
157 bool ArithCongruenceManager::inConflict() const{
158 return d_inConflict.isRaised();
159 }
161 bool ArithCongruenceManager::hasMorePropagations() const {
162 return !d_propagatations.empty();
163 }
164 const Node ArithCongruenceManager::getNextPropagation() {
165 Assert(hasMorePropagations());
166 Node prop = d_propagatations.front();
167 d_propagatations.dequeue();
168 return prop;
169 }
171 bool ArithCongruenceManager::canExplain(TNode n) const {
172 return d_explanationMap.find(n) != d_explanationMap.end();
173 }
175 Node ArithCongruenceManager::externalToInternal(TNode n) const{
176 Assert(canExplain(n));
177 ExplainMap::const_iterator iter = d_explanationMap.find(n);
178 size_t pos = (*iter).second;
179 return d_propagatations[pos];
180 }
182 void ArithCongruenceManager::pushBack(TNode n){
183 d_explanationMap.insert(n, d_propagatations.size());
184 d_propagatations.enqueue(n);
186 ++(d_statistics.d_propagations);
187 }
188 void ArithCongruenceManager::pushBack(TNode n, TNode r){
189 d_explanationMap.insert(r, d_propagatations.size());
190 d_explanationMap.insert(n, d_propagatations.size());
191 d_propagatations.enqueue(n);
193 ++(d_statistics.d_propagations);
194 }
195 void ArithCongruenceManager::pushBack(TNode n, TNode r, TNode w){
196 d_explanationMap.insert(w, d_propagatations.size());
197 d_explanationMap.insert(r, d_propagatations.size());
198 d_explanationMap.insert(n, d_propagatations.size());
199 d_propagatations.enqueue(n);
201 ++(d_statistics.d_propagations);
202 }
204 void ArithCongruenceManager::watchedVariableIsZero(ConstraintCP lb, ConstraintCP ub){
205 Assert(lb->isLowerBound());
206 Assert(ub->isUpperBound());
207 Assert(lb->getVariable() == ub->getVariable());
208 Assert(lb->getValue().sgn() == 0);
209 Assert(ub->getValue().sgn() == 0);
211 ++(d_statistics.d_watchedVariableIsZero);
213 ArithVar s = lb->getVariable();
214 TNode eq = d_watchedEqualities[s];
215 ConstraintCP eqC = d_constraintDatabase.getConstraint(
216 s, ConstraintType::Equality, lb->getValue());
217 NodeBuilder<> reasonBuilder(Kind::AND);
218 auto pfLb = lb->externalExplainByAssertions(reasonBuilder);
219 auto pfUb = ub->externalExplainByAssertions(reasonBuilder);
220 Node reason = safeConstructNary(reasonBuilder);
221 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pf{};
222 if (isProofEnabled())
223 {
224 pf = d_pnm->mkNode(
225 PfRule::ARITH_TRICHOTOMY, {pfLb, pfUb}, {eqC->getProofLiteral()});
226 pf = d_pnm->mkNode(PfRule::MACRO_SR_PRED_TRANSFORM, {pf}, {eq});
227 }
229 d_keepAlive.push_back(reason);
230 Trace("arith-ee") << "Asserting an equality on " << s << ", on trichotomy"
231 << std::endl;
232 Trace("arith-ee") << " based on " << lb << std::endl;
233 Trace("arith-ee") << " based on " << ub << std::endl;
234 assertionToEqualityEngine(true, s, reason, pf);
235 }
237 void ArithCongruenceManager::watchedVariableIsZero(ConstraintCP eq){
238 Debug("arith::cong") << "Cong::watchedVariableIsZero: " << *eq << std::endl;
240 Assert(eq->isEquality());
241 Assert(eq->getValue().sgn() == 0);
243 ++(d_statistics.d_watchedVariableIsZero);
245 ArithVar s = eq->getVariable();
247 //Explain for conflict is correct as these proofs are generated
248 //and stored eagerly
249 //These will be safe for propagation later as well
250 NodeBuilder<> nb(Kind::AND);
251 // An open proof of eq from literals now in reason.
252 if (Debug.isOn("arith::cong"))
253 {
254 eq->printProofTree(Debug("arith::cong"));
255 }
256 auto pf = eq->externalExplainByAssertions(nb);
257 if (isProofEnabled())
258 {
259 pf = d_pnm->mkNode(
260 PfRule::MACRO_SR_PRED_TRANSFORM, {pf}, {d_watchedEqualities[s]});
261 }
262 Node reason = safeConstructNary(nb);
264 d_keepAlive.push_back(reason);
265 assertionToEqualityEngine(true, s, reason, pf);
266 }
268 void ArithCongruenceManager::watchedVariableCannotBeZero(ConstraintCP c){
269 Debug("arith::cong::notzero")
270 << "Cong::watchedVariableCannotBeZero " << *c << std::endl;
271 ++(d_statistics.d_watchedVariableIsNotZero);
273 ArithVar s = c->getVariable();
274 Node disEq = d_watchedEqualities[s].negate();
276 //Explain for conflict is correct as these proofs are generated and stored eagerly
277 //These will be safe for propagation later as well
278 NodeBuilder<> nb(Kind::AND);
279 // An open proof of eq from literals now in reason.
280 auto pf = c->externalExplainByAssertions(nb);
281 if (Debug.isOn("arith::cong::notzero"))
282 {
283 Debug("arith::cong::notzero") << " original proof ";
284 pf->printDebug(Debug("arith::cong::notzero"));
285 Debug("arith::cong::notzero") << std::endl;
286 }
287 Node reason = safeConstructNary(nb);
288 if (isProofEnabled())
289 {
290 if (c->getType() == ConstraintType::Disequality)
291 {
292 Assert(c->getLiteral() == d_watchedEqualities[s].negate());
293 // We have to prove equivalence to the watched disequality.
294 pf = d_pnm->mkNode(PfRule::MACRO_SR_PRED_TRANSFORM, {pf}, {disEq});
295 }
296 else
297 {
298 Debug("arith::cong::notzero")
299 << " proof modification needed" << std::endl;
301 // Four cases:
302 // c has form x_i = d, d > 0 => multiply c by -1 in Farkas proof
303 // c has form x_i = d, d > 0 => multiply c by 1 in Farkas proof
304 // c has form x_i <= d, d < 0 => multiply c by 1 in Farkas proof
305 // c has form x_i >= d, d > 0 => multiply c by -1 in Farkas proof
306 const bool scaleCNegatively = c->getType() == ConstraintType::LowerBound
307 || (c->getType() == ConstraintType::Equality
308 && c->getValue().sgn() > 0);
309 const int cSign = scaleCNegatively ? -1 : 1;
310 TNode isZero = d_watchedEqualities[s];
311 const auto isZeroPf = d_pnm->mkAssume(isZero);
312 const auto nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
313 const auto sumPf = d_pnm->mkNode(
315 {isZeroPf, pf},
316 // Trick for getting correct, opposing signs.
317 {nm->mkConst(Rational(-1 * cSign)), nm->mkConst(Rational(cSign))});
318 const auto botPf = d_pnm->mkNode(
319 PfRule::MACRO_SR_PRED_TRANSFORM, {sumPf}, {nm->mkConst(false)});
320 std::vector<Node> assumption = {isZero};
321 pf = d_pnm->mkScope(botPf, assumption, false);
322 Debug("arith::cong::notzero") << " new proof ";
323 pf->printDebug(Debug("arith::cong::notzero"));
324 Debug("arith::cong::notzero") << std::endl;
325 }
326 Assert(pf->getResult() == disEq);
327 }
328 d_keepAlive.push_back(reason);
329 assertionToEqualityEngine(false, s, reason, pf);
330 }
333 bool ArithCongruenceManager::propagate(TNode x){
334 Debug("arith::congruenceManager")<< "ArithCongruenceManager::propagate("<<x<<")"<<std::endl;
335 if(inConflict()){
336 return true;
337 }
339 Node rewritten = Rewriter::rewrite(x);
341 //Need to still propagate this!
342 if(rewritten.getKind() == kind::CONST_BOOLEAN){
343 pushBack(x);
345 if(rewritten.getConst<bool>()){
346 return true;
347 }else{
348 ++(d_statistics.d_conflicts);
350 Node conf = flattenAnd(explainInternal(x));
351 raiseConflict(conf);
352 Debug("arith::congruenceManager") << "rewritten to false "<<x<<" with explanation "<< conf << std::endl;
353 return false;
354 }
355 }
357 Assert(rewritten.getKind() != kind::CONST_BOOLEAN);
359 ConstraintP c = d_constraintDatabase.lookup(rewritten);
360 if(c == NullConstraint){
361 //using setup as there may not be a corresponding congruence literal yet
362 d_setupLiteral(rewritten);
363 c = d_constraintDatabase.lookup(rewritten);
364 Assert(c != NullConstraint);
365 }
367 Debug("arith::congruenceManager")<< "x is "
368 << c->hasProof() << " "
369 << (x == rewritten) << " "
370 << c->canBePropagated() << " "
371 << c->negationHasProof() << std::endl;
373 if(c->negationHasProof()){
374 Node expC = explainInternal(x);
375 ConstraintCP negC = c->getNegation();
376 Node neg = negC->externalExplainByAssertions();
377 Node conf = expC.andNode(neg);
378 Node final = flattenAnd(conf);
380 ++(d_statistics.d_conflicts);
381 raiseConflict(final);
382 Debug("arith::congruenceManager") << "congruenceManager found a conflict " << final << std::endl;
383 return false;
384 }
386 // Cases for propagation
387 // C : c has a proof
388 // S : x == rewritten
389 // P : c can be propagated
390 //
391 // CSP
392 // 000 : propagate x, and mark C it as being explained
393 // 001 : propagate x, and propagate c after marking it as being explained
394 // 01* : propagate x, mark c but do not propagate c
395 // 10* : propagate x, do not mark c and do not propagate c
396 // 11* : drop the constraint, do not propagate x or c
398 if(!c->hasProof() && x != rewritten){
399 if(c->assertedToTheTheory()){
400 pushBack(x, rewritten, c->getWitness());
401 }else{
402 pushBack(x, rewritten);
403 }
405 c->setEqualityEngineProof();
406 if(c->canBePropagated() && !c->assertedToTheTheory()){
408 ++(d_statistics.d_propagateConstraints);
409 c->propagate();
410 }
411 }else if(!c->hasProof() && x == rewritten){
412 if(c->assertedToTheTheory()){
413 pushBack(x, c->getWitness());
414 }else{
415 pushBack(x);
416 }
417 c->setEqualityEngineProof();
418 }else if(c->hasProof() && x != rewritten){
419 if(c->assertedToTheTheory()){
420 pushBack(x);
421 }else{
422 pushBack(x);
423 }
424 }else{
425 Assert(c->hasProof() && x == rewritten);
426 }
427 return true;
428 }
430 void ArithCongruenceManager::explain(TNode literal, std::vector<TNode>& assumptions) {
431 if (literal.getKind() != kind::NOT) {
432 d_ee->explainEquality(literal[0], literal[1], true, assumptions);
433 } else {
434 d_ee->explainEquality(literal[0][0], literal[0][1], false, assumptions);
435 }
436 }
438 void ArithCongruenceManager::enqueueIntoNB(const std::set<TNode> s, NodeBuilder<>& nb){
439 std::set<TNode>::const_iterator it = s.begin();
440 std::set<TNode>::const_iterator it_end = s.end();
441 for(; it != it_end; ++it) {
442 nb << *it;
443 }
444 }
446 Node ArithCongruenceManager::explainInternal(TNode internal){
447 std::vector<TNode> assumptions;
448 explain(internal, assumptions);
450 std::set<TNode> assumptionSet;
451 assumptionSet.insert(assumptions.begin(), assumptions.end());
453 if (assumptionSet.size() == 1) {
454 // All the same, or just one
455 return assumptions[0];
456 }else{
457 NodeBuilder<> conjunction(kind::AND);
458 enqueueIntoNB(assumptionSet, conjunction);
459 return conjunction;
460 }
461 }
463 TrustNode ArithCongruenceManager::explain(TNode external)
464 {
465 Trace("arith-ee") << "Ask for explanation of " << external << std::endl;
466 Node internal = externalToInternal(external);
467 Trace("arith-ee") << "...internal = " << internal << std::endl;
468 Node exp = explainInternal(internal);
469 if (isProofEnabled())
470 {
471 Node impl = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(Kind::IMPLIES, exp, external);
472 // For now, we just trust
473 auto pfOfImpl = d_pnm->mkNode(PfRule::INT_TRUST, {}, {impl});
474 return d_pfGenExplain->mkTrustNode(impl, pfOfImpl);
475 }
476 return TrustNode::mkTrustPropExp(external, exp, nullptr);
477 }
479 void ArithCongruenceManager::explain(TNode external, NodeBuilder<>& out){
480 Node internal = externalToInternal(external);
482 std::vector<TNode> assumptions;
483 explain(internal, assumptions);
484 std::set<TNode> assumptionSet;
485 assumptionSet.insert(assumptions.begin(), assumptions.end());
487 enqueueIntoNB(assumptionSet, out);
488 }
490 void ArithCongruenceManager::addWatchedPair(ArithVar s, TNode x, TNode y){
491 Assert(!isWatchedVariable(s));
493 Debug("arith::congruenceManager")
494 << "addWatchedPair(" << s << ", " << x << ", " << y << ")" << std::endl;
497 ++(d_statistics.d_watchedVariables);
499 d_watchedVariables.add(s);
501 Node eq = x.eqNode(y);
502 d_watchedEqualities.set(s, eq);
503 }
505 void ArithCongruenceManager::assertLitToEqualityEngine(
506 Node lit, TNode reason, std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pf)
507 {
508 bool isEquality = lit.getKind() != Kind::NOT;
509 Node eq = isEquality ? lit : lit[0];
510 Assert(eq.getKind() == Kind::EQUAL);
512 Trace("arith-ee") << "Assert to Eq " << lit << ", reason " << reason
513 << std::endl;
514 if (isProofEnabled())
515 {
516 if (CDProof::isSame(lit, reason))
517 {
518 Trace("arith-pfee") << "Asserting only, b/c implied by symm" << std::endl;
519 // The equality engine doesn't ref-count for us...
520 d_keepAlive.push_back(eq);
521 d_keepAlive.push_back(reason);
522 d_ee->assertEquality(eq, isEquality, reason);
523 }
524 else if (hasProofFor(lit))
525 {
526 Trace("arith-pfee") << "Skipping b/c already done" << std::endl;
527 }
528 else
529 {
530 setProofFor(lit, pf);
531 Trace("arith-pfee") << "Actually asserting" << std::endl;
532 if (Debug.isOn("arith-pfee"))
533 {
534 Trace("arith-pfee") << "Proof: ";
535 pf->printDebug(Trace("arith-pfee"));
536 Trace("arith-pfee") << std::endl;
537 }
538 // The proof equality engine *does* ref-count for us...
539 d_pfee->assertFact(lit, reason, d_pfGenEe.get());
540 }
541 }
542 else
543 {
544 // The equality engine doesn't ref-count for us...
545 d_keepAlive.push_back(eq);
546 d_keepAlive.push_back(reason);
547 d_ee->assertEquality(eq, isEquality, reason);
548 }
549 }
551 void ArithCongruenceManager::assertionToEqualityEngine(
552 bool isEquality, ArithVar s, TNode reason, std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pf)
553 {
554 Assert(isWatchedVariable(s));
556 TNode eq = d_watchedEqualities[s];
557 Assert(eq.getKind() == kind::EQUAL);
559 Node lit = isEquality ? Node(eq) : eq.notNode();
560 Trace("arith-ee") << "Assert to Eq " << eq << ", pol " << isEquality
561 << ", reason " << reason << std::endl;
562 assertLitToEqualityEngine(lit, reason, pf);
563 }
565 bool ArithCongruenceManager::hasProofFor(TNode f) const
566 {
567 Assert(isProofEnabled());
568 if (d_pfGenEe->hasProofFor(f))
569 {
570 return true;
571 }
572 Node sym = CDProof::getSymmFact(f);
573 Assert(!sym.isNull());
574 return d_pfGenEe->hasProofFor(sym);
575 }
577 void ArithCongruenceManager::setProofFor(TNode f,
578 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pf) const
579 {
580 Assert(!hasProofFor(f));
581 d_pfGenEe->mkTrustNode(f, pf);
582 Node symF = CDProof::getSymmFact(f);
583 auto symPf = d_pnm->mkNode(PfRule::SYMM, {pf}, {});
584 d_pfGenEe->mkTrustNode(symF, symPf);
585 }
587 void ArithCongruenceManager::equalsConstant(ConstraintCP c){
588 Assert(c->isEquality());
590 ++(d_statistics.d_equalsConstantCalls);
591 Debug("equalsConstant") << "equals constant " << c << std::endl;
593 ArithVar x = c->getVariable();
594 Node xAsNode = d_avariables.asNode(x);
595 Node asRational = mkRationalNode(c->getValue().getNoninfinitesimalPart());
597 // No guarentee this is in normal form!
598 // Note though, that it happens to be in proof normal form!
599 Node eq = xAsNode.eqNode(asRational);
600 d_keepAlive.push_back(eq);
602 NodeBuilder<> nb(Kind::AND);
603 auto pf = c->externalExplainByAssertions(nb);
604 Node reason = safeConstructNary(nb);
605 d_keepAlive.push_back(reason);
607 Trace("arith-ee") << "Assert equalsConstant " << eq << ", reason " << reason << std::endl;
608 assertLitToEqualityEngine(eq, reason, pf);
609 }
611 void ArithCongruenceManager::equalsConstant(ConstraintCP lb, ConstraintCP ub){
612 Assert(lb->isLowerBound());
613 Assert(ub->isUpperBound());
614 Assert(lb->getVariable() == ub->getVariable());
616 ++(d_statistics.d_equalsConstantCalls);
617 Debug("equalsConstant") << "equals constant " << lb << std::endl
618 << ub << std::endl;
620 ArithVar x = lb->getVariable();
621 NodeBuilder<> nb(Kind::AND);
622 auto pfLb = lb->externalExplainByAssertions(nb);
623 auto pfUb = ub->externalExplainByAssertions(nb);
624 Node reason = safeConstructNary(nb);
626 Node xAsNode = d_avariables.asNode(x);
627 Node asRational = mkRationalNode(lb->getValue().getNoninfinitesimalPart());
629 // No guarentee this is in normal form!
630 // Note though, that it happens to be in proof normal form!
631 Node eq = xAsNode.eqNode(asRational);
632 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pf;
633 if (isProofEnabled())
634 {
635 pf = d_pnm->mkNode(PfRule::ARITH_TRICHOTOMY, {pfLb, pfUb}, {eq});
636 }
637 d_keepAlive.push_back(eq);
638 d_keepAlive.push_back(reason);
640 Trace("arith-ee") << "Assert equalsConstant2 " << eq << ", reason " << reason << std::endl;
642 assertLitToEqualityEngine(eq, reason, pf);
643 }
645 bool ArithCongruenceManager::isProofEnabled() const { return d_pnm != nullptr; }
647 std::vector<Node> andComponents(TNode an)
648 {
649 auto nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
650 if (an == nm->mkConst(true))
651 {
652 return {};
653 }
654 else if (an.getKind() != Kind::AND)
655 {
656 return {an};
657 }
658 std::vector<Node> a{};
659 a.reserve(an.getNumChildren());
660 a.insert(a.end(), an.begin(), an.end());
661 return a;
662 }
664 }/* CVC4::theory::arith namespace */
665 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
666 }/* CVC4 namespace */