[cvc5.git] / src / theory / arith / nl / cad / cdcac.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file cdcac.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Gereon Kremer
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Implements the CDCAC approach.
13 **
14 ** Implements the CDCAC approach as described in
15 ** https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.05633.pdf.
16 **/
18 #include "theory/arith/nl/cad/cdcac.h"
20 #ifdef CVC4_POLY_IMP
22 #include "options/arith_options.h"
23 #include "theory/arith/nl/cad/projections.h"
24 #include "theory/arith/nl/cad/variable_ordering.h"
25 #include "theory/arith/nl/nl_model.h"
27 namespace std {
28 /** Generic streaming operator for std::vector. */
29 template <typename T>
30 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<T>& v)
31 {
32 CVC5::container_to_stream(os, v);
33 return os;
34 }
35 } // namespace std
37 namespace CVC5 {
38 namespace theory {
39 namespace arith {
40 namespace nl {
41 namespace cad {
43 CDCAC::CDCAC(context::Context* ctx,
44 ProofNodeManager* pnm,
45 const std::vector<poly::Variable>& ordering)
46 : d_variableOrdering(ordering)
47 {
48 if (pnm != nullptr)
49 {
50 d_proof.reset(new CADProofGenerator(ctx, pnm));
51 }
52 }
54 void CDCAC::reset()
55 {
56 d_constraints.reset();
57 d_assignment.clear();
58 }
60 void CDCAC::computeVariableOrdering()
61 {
62 // Actually compute the variable ordering
63 d_variableOrdering = d_varOrder(d_constraints.getConstraints(),
64 VariableOrderingStrategy::BROWN);
65 Trace("cdcac") << "Variable ordering is now " << d_variableOrdering
66 << std::endl;
68 // Write variable ordering back to libpoly.
69 lp_variable_order_t* vo = poly::Context::get_context().get_variable_order();
70 lp_variable_order_clear(vo);
71 for (const auto& v : d_variableOrdering)
72 {
73 lp_variable_order_push(vo, v.get_internal());
74 }
75 }
77 void CDCAC::retrieveInitialAssignment(NlModel& model, const Node& ran_variable)
78 {
79 if (!options::nlCadUseInitial()) return;
80 d_initialAssignment.clear();
81 Trace("cdcac") << "Retrieving initial assignment:" << std::endl;
82 for (const auto& var : d_variableOrdering)
83 {
84 Node v = getConstraints().varMapper()(var);
85 Node val = model.computeConcreteModelValue(v);
86 poly::Value value = node_to_value(val, ran_variable);
87 Trace("cdcac") << "\t" << var << " = " << value << std::endl;
88 d_initialAssignment.emplace_back(value);
89 }
90 }
91 Constraints& CDCAC::getConstraints() { return d_constraints; }
92 const Constraints& CDCAC::getConstraints() const { return d_constraints; }
94 const poly::Assignment& CDCAC::getModel() const { return d_assignment; }
96 const std::vector<poly::Variable>& CDCAC::getVariableOrdering() const
97 {
98 return d_variableOrdering;
99 }
101 std::vector<CACInterval> CDCAC::getUnsatIntervals(std::size_t cur_variable)
102 {
103 std::vector<CACInterval> res;
104 for (const auto& c : d_constraints.getConstraints())
105 {
106 const poly::Polynomial& p = std::get<0>(c);
107 poly::SignCondition sc = std::get<1>(c);
108 const Node& n = std::get<2>(c);
110 if (main_variable(p) != d_variableOrdering[cur_variable])
111 {
112 // Constraint is in another variable, ignore it.
113 continue;
114 }
116 Trace("cdcac") << "Infeasible intervals for " << p << " " << sc
117 << " 0 over " << d_assignment << std::endl;
118 auto intervals = infeasible_regions(p, d_assignment, sc);
119 for (const auto& i : intervals)
120 {
121 Trace("cdcac") << "-> " << i << std::endl;
122 PolyVector l, u, m, d;
123 m.add(p);
124 m.pushDownPolys(d, d_variableOrdering[cur_variable]);
125 if (!is_minus_infinity(get_lower(i))) l = m;
126 if (!is_plus_infinity(get_upper(i))) u = m;
127 res.emplace_back(CACInterval{i, l, u, m, d, {n}});
128 if (isProofEnabled())
129 {
130 d_proof->addDirect(
131 d_constraints.varMapper()(d_variableOrdering[cur_variable]),
132 d_constraints.varMapper(),
133 p,
134 d_assignment,
135 sc,
136 i,
137 n);
138 }
139 }
140 }
141 pruneRedundantIntervals(res);
142 return res;
143 }
145 bool CDCAC::sampleOutsideWithInitial(const std::vector<CACInterval>& infeasible,
146 poly::Value& sample,
147 std::size_t cur_variable)
148 {
149 if (options::nlCadUseInitial() && cur_variable < d_initialAssignment.size())
150 {
151 const poly::Value& suggested = d_initialAssignment[cur_variable];
152 for (const auto& i : infeasible)
153 {
154 if (poly::contains(i.d_interval, suggested))
155 {
156 d_initialAssignment.clear();
157 return sampleOutside(infeasible, sample);
158 }
159 }
160 Trace("cdcac") << "Using suggested initial value" << std::endl;
161 sample = suggested;
162 return true;
163 }
164 return sampleOutside(infeasible, sample);
165 }
167 PolyVector CDCAC::requiredCoefficients(const poly::Polynomial& p) const
168 {
169 PolyVector res;
170 for (long deg = degree(p); deg >= 0; --deg)
171 {
172 auto coeff = coefficient(p, deg);
173 if (lp_polynomial_is_constant(coeff.get_internal())) break;
174 res.add(coeff);
175 if (evaluate_constraint(coeff, d_assignment, poly::SignCondition::NE))
176 {
177 break;
178 }
179 }
180 return res;
181 }
183 PolyVector CDCAC::constructCharacterization(std::vector<CACInterval>& intervals)
184 {
185 Assert(!intervals.empty()) << "A covering can not be empty";
186 Trace("cdcac") << "Constructing characterization now" << std::endl;
187 PolyVector res;
189 for (std::size_t i = 0, n = intervals.size(); i < n - 1; ++i)
190 {
191 cad::makeFinestSquareFreeBasis(intervals[i], intervals[i + 1]);
192 }
194 for (const auto& i : intervals)
195 {
196 Trace("cdcac") << "Considering " << i.d_interval << std::endl;
197 Trace("cdcac") << "-> " << i.d_lowerPolys << " / " << i.d_upperPolys
198 << " and " << i.d_mainPolys << " / " << i.d_downPolys
199 << std::endl;
200 Trace("cdcac") << "-> " << i.d_origins << std::endl;
201 for (const auto& p : i.d_downPolys)
202 {
203 // Add all polynomial from lower levels.
204 res.add(p);
205 }
206 for (const auto& p : i.d_mainPolys)
207 {
208 Trace("cdcac") << "Discriminant of " << p << " -> " << discriminant(p)
209 << std::endl;
210 // Add all discriminants
211 res.add(discriminant(p));
213 for (const auto& q : requiredCoefficients(p))
214 {
215 // Add all required coefficients
216 Trace("cdcac") << "Coeff of " << p << " -> " << q << std::endl;
217 res.add(q);
218 }
219 for (const auto& q : i.d_lowerPolys)
220 {
221 if (p == q) continue;
222 // Check whether p(s \times a) = 0 for some a <= l
223 if (!hasRootBelow(q, get_lower(i.d_interval))) continue;
224 Trace("cdcac") << "Resultant of " << p << " and " << q << " -> "
225 << resultant(p, q) << std::endl;
226 res.add(resultant(p, q));
227 }
228 for (const auto& q : i.d_upperPolys)
229 {
230 if (p == q) continue;
231 // Check whether p(s \times a) = 0 for some a >= u
232 if (!hasRootAbove(q, get_upper(i.d_interval))) continue;
233 Trace("cdcac") << "Resultant of " << p << " and " << q << " -> "
234 << resultant(p, q) << std::endl;
235 res.add(resultant(p, q));
236 }
237 }
238 }
240 for (std::size_t i = 0, n = intervals.size(); i < n - 1; ++i)
241 {
242 // Add resultants of consecutive intervals.
243 for (const auto& p : intervals[i].d_upperPolys)
244 {
245 for (const auto& q : intervals[i + 1].d_lowerPolys)
246 {
247 Trace("cdcac") << "Resultant of " << p << " and " << q << " -> "
248 << resultant(p, q) << std::endl;
249 res.add(resultant(p, q));
250 }
251 }
252 }
254 res.reduce();
255 res.makeFinestSquareFreeBasis();
257 return res;
258 }
260 CACInterval CDCAC::intervalFromCharacterization(
261 const PolyVector& characterization,
262 std::size_t cur_variable,
263 const poly::Value& sample)
264 {
265 PolyVector l;
266 PolyVector u;
267 PolyVector m;
268 PolyVector d;
270 for (const auto& p : characterization)
271 {
272 // Add polynomials to main
273 m.add(p);
274 }
275 // Push lower-dimensional polys to down
276 m.pushDownPolys(d, d_variableOrdering[cur_variable]);
278 // Collect -oo, all roots, oo
279 std::vector<poly::Value> roots;
280 roots.emplace_back(poly::Value::minus_infty());
281 for (const auto& p : m)
282 {
283 auto tmp = isolate_real_roots(p, d_assignment);
284 roots.insert(roots.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
285 }
286 roots.emplace_back(poly::Value::plus_infty());
287 std::sort(roots.begin(), roots.end());
289 // Now find the interval bounds
290 poly::Value lower;
291 poly::Value upper;
292 for (std::size_t i = 0, n = roots.size(); i < n; ++i)
293 {
294 if (sample < roots[i])
295 {
296 lower = roots[i - 1];
297 upper = roots[i];
298 break;
299 }
300 if (roots[i] == sample)
301 {
302 lower = sample;
303 upper = sample;
304 break;
305 }
306 }
307 Assert(!is_none(lower) && !is_none(upper));
309 if (!is_minus_infinity(lower))
310 {
311 // Identify polynomials that have a root at the lower bound
312 d_assignment.set(d_variableOrdering[cur_variable], lower);
313 for (const auto& p : m)
314 {
315 if (evaluate_constraint(p, d_assignment, poly::SignCondition::EQ))
316 {
317 l.add(p, true);
318 }
319 }
320 d_assignment.unset(d_variableOrdering[cur_variable]);
321 }
322 if (!is_plus_infinity(upper))
323 {
324 // Identify polynomials that have a root at the upper bound
325 d_assignment.set(d_variableOrdering[cur_variable], upper);
326 for (const auto& p : m)
327 {
328 if (evaluate_constraint(p, d_assignment, poly::SignCondition::EQ))
329 {
330 u.add(p, true);
331 }
332 }
333 d_assignment.unset(d_variableOrdering[cur_variable]);
334 }
336 if (lower == upper)
337 {
338 // construct a point interval
339 return CACInterval{
340 poly::Interval(lower, false, upper, false), l, u, m, d, {}};
341 }
342 else
343 {
344 // construct an open interval
345 Assert(lower < upper);
346 return CACInterval{
347 poly::Interval(lower, true, upper, true), l, u, m, d, {}};
348 }
349 }
351 std::vector<CACInterval> CDCAC::getUnsatCover(std::size_t curVariable,
352 bool returnFirstInterval)
353 {
354 if (isProofEnabled())
355 {
356 d_proof->startRecursive();
357 }
358 Trace("cdcac") << "Looking for unsat cover for "
359 << d_variableOrdering[curVariable] << std::endl;
360 std::vector<CACInterval> intervals = getUnsatIntervals(curVariable);
362 if (Trace.isOn("cdcac"))
363 {
364 Trace("cdcac") << "Unsat intervals for " << d_variableOrdering[curVariable]
365 << ":" << std::endl;
366 for (const auto& i : intervals)
367 {
368 Trace("cdcac") << "-> " << i.d_interval << " from " << i.d_origins
369 << std::endl;
370 }
371 }
372 poly::Value sample;
374 while (sampleOutsideWithInitial(intervals, sample, curVariable))
375 {
376 if (!checkIntegrality(curVariable, sample))
377 {
378 // the variable is integral, but the sample is not.
379 Trace("cdcac") << "Used " << sample << " for integer variable "
380 << d_variableOrdering[curVariable] << std::endl;
381 auto newInterval = buildIntegralityInterval(curVariable, sample);
382 Trace("cdcac") << "Adding integrality interval " << newInterval.d_interval
383 << std::endl;
384 intervals.emplace_back(newInterval);
385 pruneRedundantIntervals(intervals);
386 continue;
387 }
388 d_assignment.set(d_variableOrdering[curVariable], sample);
389 Trace("cdcac") << "Sample: " << d_assignment << std::endl;
390 if (curVariable == d_variableOrdering.size() - 1)
391 {
392 // We have a full assignment. SAT!
393 Trace("cdcac") << "Found full assignment: " << d_assignment << std::endl;
394 return {};
395 }
396 if (isProofEnabled())
397 {
398 d_proof->startScope();
399 }
400 // Recurse to next variable
401 auto cov = getUnsatCover(curVariable + 1);
402 if (cov.empty())
403 {
404 // Found SAT!
405 Trace("cdcac") << "SAT!" << std::endl;
406 return {};
407 }
408 Trace("cdcac") << "Refuting Sample: " << d_assignment << std::endl;
409 auto characterization = constructCharacterization(cov);
410 Trace("cdcac") << "Characterization: " << characterization << std::endl;
412 d_assignment.unset(d_variableOrdering[curVariable]);
414 auto newInterval =
415 intervalFromCharacterization(characterization, curVariable, sample);
416 newInterval.d_origins = collectConstraints(cov);
417 intervals.emplace_back(newInterval);
418 if (isProofEnabled())
419 {
420 auto cell = d_proof->constructCell(
421 d_constraints.varMapper()(d_variableOrdering[curVariable]),
422 newInterval,
423 d_assignment,
424 sample,
425 d_constraints.varMapper());
426 d_proof->endScope(cell);
427 }
429 if (returnFirstInterval)
430 {
431 return intervals;
432 }
434 Trace("cdcac") << "Added " << intervals.back().d_interval << std::endl;
435 Trace("cdcac") << "\tlower: " << intervals.back().d_lowerPolys
436 << std::endl;
437 Trace("cdcac") << "\tupper: " << intervals.back().d_upperPolys
438 << std::endl;
439 Trace("cdcac") << "\tmain: " << intervals.back().d_mainPolys
440 << std::endl;
441 Trace("cdcac") << "\tdown: " << intervals.back().d_downPolys
442 << std::endl;
443 Trace("cdcac") << "\torigins: " << intervals.back().d_origins << std::endl;
445 // Remove redundant intervals
446 pruneRedundantIntervals(intervals);
447 }
449 if (Trace.isOn("cdcac"))
450 {
451 Trace("cdcac") << "Returning intervals for "
452 << d_variableOrdering[curVariable] << ":" << std::endl;
453 for (const auto& i : intervals)
454 {
455 Trace("cdcac") << "-> " << i.d_interval << std::endl;
456 }
457 }
458 if (isProofEnabled())
459 {
460 d_proof->endRecursive();
461 }
462 return intervals;
463 }
465 void CDCAC::startNewProof()
466 {
467 if (isProofEnabled())
468 {
469 d_proof->startNewProof();
470 }
471 }
473 ProofGenerator* CDCAC::closeProof(const std::vector<Node>& assertions)
474 {
475 if (isProofEnabled())
476 {
477 d_proof->endScope(assertions);
478 return d_proof->getProofGenerator();
479 }
480 return nullptr;
481 }
483 bool CDCAC::checkIntegrality(std::size_t cur_variable, const poly::Value& value)
484 {
485 Node var = d_constraints.varMapper()(d_variableOrdering[cur_variable]);
486 if (var.getType() != NodeManager::currentNM()->integerType())
487 {
488 // variable is not integral
489 return true;
490 }
491 return poly::represents_integer(value);
492 }
494 CACInterval CDCAC::buildIntegralityInterval(std::size_t cur_variable,
495 const poly::Value& value)
496 {
497 poly::Variable var = d_variableOrdering[cur_variable];
498 poly::Integer below = poly::floor(value);
499 poly::Integer above = poly::ceil(value);
500 // construct var \in (below, above)
501 return CACInterval{poly::Interval(below, above),
502 {var - below},
503 {var - above},
504 {var - below, var - above},
505 {},
506 {}};
507 }
509 bool CDCAC::hasRootAbove(const poly::Polynomial& p,
510 const poly::Value& val) const
511 {
512 auto roots = poly::isolate_real_roots(p, d_assignment);
513 return std::any_of(roots.begin(), roots.end(), [&val](const poly::Value& r) {
514 return r >= val;
515 });
516 }
518 bool CDCAC::hasRootBelow(const poly::Polynomial& p,
519 const poly::Value& val) const
520 {
521 auto roots = poly::isolate_real_roots(p, d_assignment);
522 return std::any_of(roots.begin(), roots.end(), [&val](const poly::Value& r) {
523 return r <= val;
524 });
525 }
527 void CDCAC::pruneRedundantIntervals(std::vector<CACInterval>& intervals)
528 {
529 if (isProofEnabled())
530 {
531 std::vector<CACInterval> allIntervals = intervals;
532 cleanIntervals(intervals);
533 d_proof->pruneChildren([&allIntervals, &intervals](std::size_t i) {
534 return std::find(intervals.begin(), intervals.end(), allIntervals[i])
535 != intervals.end();
536 });
537 }
538 else
539 {
540 cleanIntervals(intervals);
541 }
542 }
544 } // namespace cad
545 } // namespace nl
546 } // namespace arith
547 } // namespace theory
548 } // namespace CVC5
550 #endif