[cvc5.git] / src / theory / arith / nl / nonlinear_extension.h
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Andrew Reynolds, Gereon Kremer, Tim King
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * Extensions to the theory of arithmetic incomplete handling of nonlinear
14 * multiplication via axiom instantiations.
15 */
20 #include <map>
21 #include <vector>
23 #include "expr/node.h"
24 #include "theory/arith/nl/cad_solver.h"
25 #include "theory/arith/nl/ext/ext_state.h"
26 #include "theory/arith/nl/ext/factoring_check.h"
27 #include "theory/arith/nl/ext/monomial_bounds_check.h"
28 #include "theory/arith/nl/ext/monomial_check.h"
29 #include "theory/arith/nl/ext/proof_checker.h"
30 #include "theory/arith/nl/ext/split_zero_check.h"
31 #include "theory/arith/nl/ext/tangent_plane_check.h"
32 #include "theory/arith/nl/ext_theory_callback.h"
33 #include "theory/arith/nl/iand_solver.h"
34 #include "theory/arith/nl/icp/icp_solver.h"
35 #include "theory/arith/nl/nl_model.h"
36 #include "theory/arith/nl/stats.h"
37 #include "theory/arith/nl/strategy.h"
38 #include "theory/arith/nl/transcendental/transcendental_solver.h"
39 #include "theory/ext_theory.h"
40 #include "theory/theory.h"
41 #include "util/result.h"
43 namespace cvc5 {
44 namespace theory {
45 namespace eq {
46 class EqualityEngine;
47 }
48 namespace arith {
50 class InferenceManager;
51 class TheoryArith;
53 namespace nl {
55 class NlLemma;
57 /** Non-linear extension class
58 *
59 * This class implements model-based refinement schemes
60 * for non-linear arithmetic, described in:
61 *
62 * - "Invariant Checking of NRA Transition Systems
63 * via Incremental Reduction to LRA with EUF" by
64 * Cimatti et al., TACAS 2017.
65 *
66 * - Section 5 of "Desiging Theory Solvers with
67 * Extensions" by Reynolds et al., FroCoS 2017.
68 *
69 * - "Satisfiability Modulo Transcendental
70 * Functions via Incremental Linearization" by Cimatti
71 * et al., CADE 2017.
72 *
73 * It's main functionality is a check(...) method,
74 * which is called by TheoryArithPrivate either:
75 * (1) at full effort with no conflicts or lemmas emitted, or
76 * (2) at last call effort.
77 * In this method, this class calls d_im.lemma(...)
78 * for valid arithmetic theory lemmas, based on the current set of assertions,
79 * where d_im is the inference manager of TheoryArith.
80 */
81 class NonlinearExtension
82 {
83 typedef context::CDHashSet<Node> NodeSet;
85 public:
86 NonlinearExtension(TheoryArith& containing,
87 ArithState& state,
88 eq::EqualityEngine* ee,
89 ProofNodeManager* pnm);
90 ~NonlinearExtension();
91 /**
92 * Does non-context dependent setup for a node connected to a theory.
93 */
94 void preRegisterTerm(TNode n);
95 /** Check at effort level e.
96 *
97 * This call may result in (possibly multiple) calls to d_im.lemma(...)
98 * where d_im is the inference manager of TheoryArith.
99 *
100 * If e is FULL, then we add lemmas based on context-depedent
101 * simplification (see Reynolds et al FroCoS 2017).
102 *
103 * If e is LAST_CALL, we add lemmas based on model-based refinement
104 * (see additionally Cimatti et al., TACAS 2017). The lemmas added at this
105 * effort may be computed during a call to interceptModel as described below.
106 */
107 void check(Theory::Effort e);
108 /** intercept model
109 *
110 * This method is called during TheoryArith::collectModelInfo, which is
111 * invoked after the linear arithmetic solver passes a full effort check
112 * with no lemmas.
113 *
114 * The argument arithModel is a map of the form { v1 -> c1, ..., vn -> cn }
115 * which represents the linear arithmetic theory solver's contribution to the
116 * current candidate model. That is, its collectModelInfo method is requesting
117 * that equalities v1 = c1, ..., vn = cn be added to the current model, where
118 * v1, ..., vn are arithmetic variables and c1, ..., cn are constants. Notice
119 * arithmetic variables may be real-valued terms belonging to other theories,
120 * or abstractions of applications of multiplication (kind NONLINEAR_MULT).
121 *
122 * This method requests that the non-linear solver inspect this model and
123 * do any number of the following:
124 * (1) Construct lemmas based on a model-based refinement procedure inspired
125 * by Cimatti et al., TACAS 2017.,
126 * (2) In the case that the nonlinear solver finds that the current
127 * constraints are satisfiable, it may "repair" the values in the argument
128 * arithModel so that it satisfies certain nonlinear constraints. This may
129 * involve e.g. solving for variables in nonlinear equations.
130 */
131 void interceptModel(std::map<Node, Node>& arithModel,
132 const std::set<Node>& termSet);
133 /** Does this class need a call to check(...) at last call effort? */
134 bool needsCheckLastEffort() const { return d_needsLastCall; }
135 /** presolve
136 *
137 * This function is called during TheoryArith's presolve command.
138 * In this function, we send lemmas we accumulated during preprocessing,
139 * for instance, definitional lemmas from expandDefinitions are sent out
140 * on the output channel of TheoryArith in this function.
141 */
142 void presolve();
144 /** Process side effect se */
145 void processSideEffect(const NlLemma& se);
147 private:
148 /** Model-based refinement
149 *
150 * This is the main entry point of this class for generating lemmas on the
151 * output channel of the theory of arithmetic.
152 *
153 * It is currently run at last call effort. It applies lemma schemas
154 * described in Reynolds et al. FroCoS 2017 that are based on ruling out
155 * the current candidate model.
156 *
157 * This function returns whether we found a satisfying assignment
158 * (Result::Sat::SAT), or not (Result::Sat::UNSAT). Note that UNSAT does not
159 * necessarily means the whole query is UNSAT, but that the linear model was
160 * refuted by a lemma.
161 */
162 Result::Sat modelBasedRefinement(const std::set<Node>& termSet);
164 /** get assertions
165 *
166 * Let M be the set of assertions known by THEORY_ARITH. This function adds a
167 * set of literals M' to assertions such that M' and M are equivalent.
168 *
169 * Examples of how M' differs with M:
170 * (1) M' may not include t < c (in M) if t < c' is in M' for c' < c, where
171 * c and c' are constants,
172 * (2) M' may contain t = c if both t >= c and t <= c are in M.
173 */
174 void getAssertions(std::vector<Node>& assertions);
175 /** check model
176 *
177 * Returns the subset of assertions whose concrete values we cannot show are
178 * true in the current model. Notice that we typically cannot compute concrete
179 * values for assertions involving transcendental functions. Any assertion
180 * whose model value cannot be computed is included in the return value of
181 * this function.
182 */
183 std::vector<Node> checkModelEval(const std::vector<Node>& assertions);
185 //---------------------------check model
186 /** Check model
187 *
188 * Checks the current model based on solving for equalities, and using error
189 * bounds on the Taylor approximation.
190 *
191 * If this function returns true, then all assertions in the input argument
192 * "assertions" are satisfied for all interpretations of variables within
193 * their computed bounds (as stored in d_check_model_bounds).
194 *
195 * For details, see Section 3 of Cimatti et al CADE 2017 under the heading
196 * "Detecting Satisfiable Formulas".
197 */
198 bool checkModel(const std::vector<Node>& assertions);
199 //---------------------------end check model
200 /** compute relevant assertions */
201 void computeRelevantAssertions(const std::vector<Node>& assertions,
202 std::vector<Node>& keep);
204 /** run check strategy
205 *
206 * Check assertions for consistency in the effort LAST_CALL with a subset of
207 * the assertions, false_asserts, that evaluate to false in the current model.
208 *
209 * xts : the list of (non-reduced) extended terms in the current context.
210 *
211 * This method adds lemmas to d_im directly.
212 */
213 void runStrategy(Theory::Effort effort,
214 const std::vector<Node>& assertions,
215 const std::vector<Node>& false_asserts,
216 const std::vector<Node>& xts);
218 /** commonly used terms */
219 Node d_zero;
220 Node d_one;
221 Node d_neg_one;
222 Node d_true;
223 // The theory of arithmetic containing this extension.
224 TheoryArith& d_containing;
225 InferenceManager& d_im;
226 /** The statistics class */
227 NlStats d_stats;
228 // needs last call effort
229 bool d_needsLastCall;
230 /**
231 * The number of times we have the called main check method
232 * (modelBasedRefinement). This counter is used for interleaving strategies.
233 */
234 unsigned d_checkCounter;
235 /** The callback for the extended theory below */
236 NlExtTheoryCallback d_extTheoryCb;
237 /** Extended theory, responsible for context-dependent simplification. */
238 ExtTheory d_extTheory;
239 /** The non-linear model object
240 *
241 * This class is responsible for computing model values for arithmetic terms
242 * and for establishing when we are able to answer "SAT".
243 */
244 NlModel d_model;
246 /** The transcendental extension object
247 *
248 * This is the subsolver responsible for running the procedure for
249 * transcendental functions.
250 */
251 transcendental::TranscendentalSolver d_trSlv;
252 /** The proof checker for proofs of the nlext. */
253 ExtProofRuleChecker d_proofChecker;
254 /**
255 * Holds common lookup data for the checks implemented in the "nl-ext"
256 * solvers (from Cimatti et al., TACAS 2017).
257 */
258 ExtState d_extState;
259 /** Solver for factoring lemmas. */
260 FactoringCheck d_factoringSlv;
261 /** Solver for lemmas about monomial bounds. */
262 MonomialBoundsCheck d_monomialBoundsSlv;
263 /** Solver for lemmas about monomials. */
264 MonomialCheck d_monomialSlv;
265 /** Solver for lemmas that split multiplication at zero. */
266 SplitZeroCheck d_splitZeroSlv;
267 /** Solver for tangent plane lemmas. */
268 TangentPlaneCheck d_tangentPlaneSlv;
269 /** The CAD-based solver */
270 CadSolver d_cadSlv;
271 /** The ICP-based solver */
272 icp::ICPSolver d_icpSlv;
273 /** The integer and solver
274 *
275 * This is the subsolver responsible for running the procedure for
276 * constraints involving integer and.
277 */
278 IAndSolver d_iandSlv;
280 /** The strategy for the nonlinear extension. */
281 Strategy d_strategy;
283 /**
284 * The approximations computed during collectModelInfo. For details, see
285 * NlModel::getModelValueRepair.
286 */
287 std::map<Node, std::pair<Node, Node>> d_approximations;
288 /**
289 * The witnesses computed during collectModelInfo. For details, see
290 * NlModel::getModelValueRepair.
291 */
292 std::map<Node, Node> d_witnesses;
293 }; /* class NonlinearExtension */
295 } // namespace nl
296 } // namespace arith
297 } // namespace theory
298 } // namespace cvc5