Rename namespace CVC5 to cvc5. (#6258)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / arith / simplex_update.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file simplex_update.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Tim King, Morgan Deters
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief This provides a class for summarizing pivot proposals.
13 **
14 ** This shares with the theory a Tableau, and a PartialModel that:
15 ** - satisfies the equalities in the Tableau, and
16 ** - the assignment for the non-basic variables satisfies their bounds.
17 ** This maintains the relationship needed by the SimplexDecisionProcedure.
18 **
19 ** In the language of Simplex for DPLL(T), this provides:
20 ** - update()
21 ** - pivotAndUpdate()
22 **
23 ** This class also provides utility functions that require
24 ** using both the Tableau and PartialModel.
25 **/
27 #include "cvc4_private.h"
29 #pragma once
31 #include "theory/arith/delta_rational.h"
32 #include "theory/arith/arithvar.h"
33 #include "theory/arith/constraint_forward.h"
34 #include "util/maybe.h"
36 namespace cvc5 {
37 namespace theory {
38 namespace arith {
40 enum WitnessImprovement {
41 ConflictFound = 0,
42 ErrorDropped = 1,
43 FocusImproved = 2,
44 FocusShrank = 3,
45 Degenerate = 4,
46 BlandsDegenerate = 5,
47 HeuristicDegenerate = 6,
48 AntiProductive = 7
49 };
51 inline bool strongImprovement(WitnessImprovement w){
52 return w <= FocusImproved;
53 }
55 inline bool improvement(WitnessImprovement w){
56 return w <= FocusShrank;
57 }
59 inline bool degenerate(WitnessImprovement w){
60 switch(w){
61 case Degenerate:
62 case BlandsDegenerate:
63 case HeuristicDegenerate:
64 return true;
65 default:
66 return false;
67 }
68 }
70 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, WitnessImprovement w);
72 /**
73 * This class summarizes both potential:
74 * - pivot-and-update operations or
75 * - a pure update operation.
76 * This stores enough information for the various algorithms hat consider these operations.
77 * These require slightly different pieces of information at different points
78 * so they are a bit verbose and paranoid.
79 */
80 class UpdateInfo {
81 private:
83 /**
84 * The nonbasic variables under consideration.
85 * This is either the entering variable on a pivot and update
86 * or the variable being updated.
87 * This can only be set in the constructor or assignment.
88 *
89 * If this uninitialized, then this is ARITHVAR_SENTINEL.
90 */
91 ArithVar d_nonbasic;
93 /**
94 * The sgn of the "intended" derivative (delta) of the update to d_nonbasic.
95 * This is either 1, -1, or 0.
96 * It is "intended" as the delta is always allowed to be 0.
97 * (See debugSgnAgreement().)
98 *
99 * If this uninitialized, then this is 0.
100 * If this is initialized, then it is -1 or 1.
101 *
102 * This can only be set in the constructor or assignment.
103 */
104 int d_nonbasicDirection;
106 /**
107 * The change in the assignment of d_nonbasic.
108 * This is changed via the updateProposal(...) methods.
109 * The value needs to satisfy debugSgnAgreement() or it is in conflict.
110 */
111 Maybe<DeltaRational> d_nonbasicDelta;
113 /**
114 * This is true if the pivot-and-update is *known* to cause a conflict.
115 * This can only be true if it was constructed through the static conflict(...) method.
116 */
117 bool d_foundConflict;
119 /** This is the change in the size of the error set. */
120 Maybe<int> d_errorsChange;
122 /** This is the sgn of the change in the value of the focus set.*/
123 Maybe<int> d_focusDirection;
125 /** This is the sgn of the change in the value of the focus set.*/
126 Maybe<DeltaRational> d_focusChange;
128 /** This is the coefficient in the tableau for the entry.*/
129 Maybe<const Rational*> d_tableauCoefficient;
131 /**
132 * This is the constraint that nonbasic is basic is updating s.t. its variable is against it.
133 * This has 3 different possibilities:
134 * - Unbounded : then this is NullConstraint and unbounded() is true.
135 * - Pivot-And-Update: then this is not NullConstraint and the variable is not d_nonbasic.
136 * - Update: then this is not NullConstraint and the variable is d_nonbasic.
137 */
138 ConstraintP d_limiting;
140 WitnessImprovement d_witness;
142 /**
143 * This returns true if
144 * d_nonbasicDelta is zero() or its sgn() must agree with d_nonbasicDirection.
145 */
146 bool debugSgnAgreement() const {
147 int deltaSgn = d_nonbasicDelta.value().sgn();
148 return deltaSgn == 0 || deltaSgn == d_nonbasicDirection;
149 }
151 /** This private constructor allows for setting conflict to true. */
152 UpdateInfo(bool conflict, ArithVar nb, const DeltaRational& delta, const Rational& r, ConstraintP lim);
154 public:
156 /** This constructs an uninitialized UpdateInfo. */
157 UpdateInfo();
159 /**
160 * This constructs an initialized UpdateInfo.
161 * dir must be 1 or -1.
162 */
163 UpdateInfo(ArithVar nb, int dir);
165 /**
166 * This updates the nonBasicDelta to d and limiting to NullConstraint.
167 * This describes an unbounded() update.
168 */
169 void updateUnbounded(const DeltaRational& d, int ec, int f);
172 void updatePureFocus(const DeltaRational& d, ConstraintP c);
173 //void updatePureError(const DeltaRational& d, Constraint c, int e);
174 //void updatePure(const DeltaRational& d, Constraint c, int e, int f);
176 /**
177 * This updates the nonBasicDelta to d and limiting to c.
178 * This clears errorChange() and focusDir().
179 */
180 void updatePivot(const DeltaRational& d, const Rational& r, ConstraintP c);
182 /**
183 * This updates the nonBasicDelta to d, limiting to c, and errorChange to e.
184 * This clears focusDir().
185 */
186 void updatePivot(const DeltaRational& d, const Rational& r, ConstraintP c, int e);
188 /**
189 * This updates the nonBasicDelta to d, limiting to c, errorChange to e and
190 * focusDir to f.
191 */
192 void witnessedUpdate(const DeltaRational& d, ConstraintP c, int e, int f);
193 void update(const DeltaRational& d, const Rational& r, ConstraintP c, int e, int f);
196 static UpdateInfo conflict(ArithVar nb, const DeltaRational& delta, const Rational& r, ConstraintP lim);
198 inline ArithVar nonbasic() const { return d_nonbasic; }
199 inline bool uninitialized() const {
200 return d_nonbasic == ARITHVAR_SENTINEL;
201 }
203 /**
204 * There is no limiting value to the improvement of the focus.
205 * If this is true, this never describes an update.
206 */
207 inline bool unbounded() const {
208 return d_limiting == NullConstraint;
209 }
211 /**
212 * The update either describes a pivotAndUpdate operation
213 * or it describes just an update.
214 */
215 bool describesPivot() const;
217 /** Returns the . describesPivot() must be true. */
218 ArithVar leaving() const;
220 /**
221 * Returns true if this is *known* to find a conflict.
222 * If true, this must have been made through the static conflict(...) function.
223 */
224 bool foundConflict() const { return d_foundConflict; }
226 /** Returns the direction nonbasic is supposed to move. */
227 inline int nonbasicDirection() const{ return d_nonbasicDirection; }
229 /** Requires errorsChange to be set through setErrorsChange or updateProposal. */
230 inline int errorsChange() const { return d_errorsChange.value(); }
232 /**
233 * If errorsChange has been set, return errorsChange().
234 * Otherwise, return def.
235 */
236 inline int errorsChangeSafe(int def) const {
237 if (d_errorsChange)
238 {
239 return d_errorsChange.value();
240 }
241 else
242 {
243 return def;
244 }
245 }
247 /** Sets the errorChange. */
248 void setErrorsChange(int ec){
249 d_errorsChange = ec;
250 updateWitness();
251 }
254 /** Requires errorsChange to be set through setErrorsChange or updateProposal. */
255 inline int focusDirection() const { return d_focusDirection.value(); }
257 /** Sets the focusDirection. */
258 void setFocusDirection(int fd){
259 Assert(-1 <= fd && fd <= 1);
260 d_focusDirection = fd;
261 updateWitness();
262 }
264 /**
265 * nonbasicDirection must be the same as the sign for the focus function's
266 * coefficient for this to be safe.
267 * The burden for this being safe is on the user!
268 */
269 void determineFocusDirection(){
270 const int deltaSgn = d_nonbasicDelta.value().sgn();
271 setFocusDirection(deltaSgn * d_nonbasicDirection);
272 }
274 /** Requires nonbasicDelta to be set through updateProposal(...). */
275 const DeltaRational& nonbasicDelta() const { return d_nonbasicDelta.value(); }
276 const Rational& getCoefficient() const {
277 Assert(describesPivot());
278 Assert(d_tableauCoefficient.value() != NULL);
279 return *(d_tableauCoefficient.value());
280 }
281 int basicDirection() const {
282 return nonbasicDirection() * (getCoefficient().sgn());
283 }
285 /** Returns the limiting constraint. */
286 inline ConstraintP limiting() const {
287 return d_limiting;
288 }
290 WitnessImprovement getWitness(bool useBlands = false) const{
291 Assert(d_witness == computeWitness());
293 if(d_witness == Degenerate){
294 if(useBlands){
295 return BlandsDegenerate;
296 }else{
297 return HeuristicDegenerate;
298 }
299 }else{
300 return d_witness;
301 }
302 }
304 const DeltaRational& focusChange() const { return d_focusChange.value(); }
305 void setFocusChange(const DeltaRational& fc) {
306 d_focusChange = fc;
307 }
309 /** Outputs the UpdateInfo into out. */
310 void output(std::ostream& out) const;
312 private:
313 void updateWitness() {
314 d_witness = computeWitness();
315 Assert(describesPivot() || improvement(d_witness));
316 }
318 /**
319 * Determines the appropriate WitnessImprovement for the update.
320 * useBlands breaks ties for degenerate pivots.
321 *
322 * This is safe if:
323 * - d_foundConflict is true, or
324 * - d_foundConflict is false and d_errorsChange has been set and d_errorsChange < 0, or
325 * - d_foundConflict is false and d_errorsChange has been set and d_errorsChange >= 0 and d_focusDirection has been set.
326 */
327 WitnessImprovement computeWitness() const {
328 if(d_foundConflict){
329 return ConflictFound;
330 }
331 else if (d_errorsChange.just() && d_errorsChange.value() < 0)
332 {
333 return ErrorDropped;
334 }
335 else if (d_errorsChange.nothing() || d_errorsChange.value() == 0)
336 {
337 if(d_focusDirection.just()){
338 if (d_focusDirection.value() > 0)
339 {
340 return FocusImproved;
341 }
342 else if (d_focusDirection.value() == 0)
343 {
344 return Degenerate;
345 }
346 }
347 }
348 return AntiProductive;
349 }
351 };
353 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const UpdateInfo& up);
355 } // namespace arith
356 } // namespace theory
357 } // namespace cvc5