Get rid of some static objects in arithmetic theory (#8146)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / arith / soi_simplex.h
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Tim King, Morgan Deters, Mathias Preiner
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * This is an implementation of the Simplex Module for the Simplex for
14 * DPLL(T) decision procedure.
15 *
16 * This implements the Simplex module for the Simpelx for DPLL(T) decision
17 * procedure.
18 * See the Simplex for DPLL(T) technical report for more background.(citation?)
19 * This shares with the theory a Tableau, and a PartialModel that:
20 * - satisfies the equalities in the Tableau, and
21 * - the assignment for the non-basic variables satisfies their bounds.
22 * This is required to either produce a conflict or satisifying PartialModel.
23 * Further, we require being told when a basic variable updates its value.
24 *
25 * During the Simplex search we maintain a queue of variables.
26 * The queue is required to contain all of the basic variables that voilate
27 * their bounds.
28 * As elimination from the queue is more efficient to be done lazily,
29 * we do not maintain that the queue of variables needs to be only basic
30 * variables or only variables that satisfy their bounds.
31 *
32 * The simplex procedure roughly follows Alberto's thesis. (citation?)
33 * There is one round of selecting using a heuristic pivoting rule.
34 * (See PreferenceFunction Documentation for the available options.)
35 * The non-basic variable is the one that appears in the fewest pivots.
36 * (Bruno says that Leonardo invented this first.)
37 * After this, Bland's pivot rule is invoked.
38 *
39 * During this proccess, we periodically inspect the queue of variables to
40 * 1) remove now extraneous extries,
41 * 2) detect conflicts that are "waiting" on the queue but may not be detected
42 * by the current queue heuristics, and
43 * 3) detect multiple conflicts.
44 *
45 * Conflicts are greedily slackened to use the weakest bounds that still
46 * produce the conflict.
47 *
48 * Extra things tracked atm: (Subject to change at Tim's whims)
49 * - A superset of all of the newly pivoted variables.
50 * - A queue of additional conflicts that were discovered by Simplex.
51 * These are theory valid and are currently turned into lemmas
52 */
54 #include "cvc5_private.h"
56 #pragma once
58 #include "theory/arith/linear_equality.h"
59 #include "theory/arith/simplex.h"
60 #include "theory/arith/simplex_update.h"
61 #include "util/dense_map.h"
62 #include "util/statistics_stats.h"
64 namespace cvc5 {
65 namespace theory {
66 namespace arith {
68 class SumOfInfeasibilitiesSPD : public SimplexDecisionProcedure {
69 public:
70 SumOfInfeasibilitiesSPD(Env& env,
71 LinearEqualityModule& linEq,
72 ErrorSet& errors,
73 RaiseConflict conflictChannel,
74 TempVarMalloc tvmalloc);
76 Result::Sat findModel(bool exactResult) override;
78 // other error variables are dropping
79 WitnessImprovement dualLikeImproveError(ArithVar evar);
80 WitnessImprovement primalImproveError(ArithVar evar);
82 private:
83 /** The current sum of infeasibilities variable. */
84 ArithVar d_soiVar;
86 // dual like
87 // - found conflict
88 // - satisfied error set
89 Result::Sat sumOfInfeasibilities();
91 int32_t d_pivotBudget;
93 WitnessImprovement d_prevWitnessImprovement;
94 uint32_t d_witnessImprovementInARow;
96 uint32_t degeneratePivotsInARow() const;
98 static constexpr uint32_t s_focusThreshold = 6;
99 static constexpr uint32_t s_maxDegeneratePivotsBeforeBlandsOnLeaving = 100;
100 static constexpr uint32_t s_maxDegeneratePivotsBeforeBlandsOnEntering = 10;
102 DenseMap<uint32_t> d_leavingCountSinceImprovement;
103 void increaseLeavingCount(ArithVar x){
104 if(!d_leavingCountSinceImprovement.isKey(x)){
105 d_leavingCountSinceImprovement.set(x,1);
106 }else{
107 (d_leavingCountSinceImprovement.get(x))++;
108 }
109 }
110 LinearEqualityModule::UpdatePreferenceFunction selectLeavingFunction(ArithVar x){
111 bool useBlands = d_leavingCountSinceImprovement.isKey(x) &&
112 d_leavingCountSinceImprovement[x] >= s_maxDegeneratePivotsBeforeBlandsOnEntering;
113 if(useBlands) {
114 return &LinearEqualityModule::preferWitness<false>;
115 } else {
116 return &LinearEqualityModule::preferWitness<true>;
117 }
118 }
120 void debugPrintSignal(ArithVar updated) const;
122 ArithVarVec d_sgnDisagreements;
124 void logPivot(WitnessImprovement w);
126 void updateAndSignal(const UpdateInfo& selected, WitnessImprovement w);
128 UpdateInfo selectUpdate(LinearEqualityModule::UpdatePreferenceFunction upf,
129 LinearEqualityModule::VarPreferenceFunction bpf);
132 // UpdateInfo selectUpdateForDualLike(ArithVar basic){
133 // TimerStat::CodeTimer codeTimer(d_statistics.d_selectUpdateForDualLike);
135 // LinearEqualityModule::UpdatePreferenceFunction upf =
136 // &LinearEqualityModule::preferWitness<true>;
137 // LinearEqualityModule::VarPreferenceFunction bpf =
138 // &LinearEqualityModule::minVarOrder;
139 // return selectPrimalUpdate(basic, upf, bpf);
140 // }
142 // UpdateInfo selectUpdateForPrimal(ArithVar basic, bool useBlands){
143 // TimerStat::CodeTimer codeTimer(d_statistics.d_selectUpdateForPrimal);
145 // LinearEqualityModule::UpdatePreferenceFunction upf = useBlands ?
146 // &LinearEqualityModule::preferWitness<false>:
147 // &LinearEqualityModule::preferWitness<true>;
149 // LinearEqualityModule::VarPreferenceFunction bpf = useBlands ?
150 // &LinearEqualityModule::minVarOrder :
151 // &LinearEqualityModule::minRowLength;
152 // bpf = &LinearEqualityModule::minVarOrder;
154 // return selectPrimalUpdate(basic, upf, bpf);
155 // }
156 // WitnessImprovement selectFocusImproving() ;
157 WitnessImprovement soiRound();
158 WitnessImprovement SOIConflict();
159 std::vector< ArithVarVec > greedyConflictSubsets();
160 bool generateSOIConflict(const ArithVarVec& subset);
162 // WitnessImprovement focusUsingSignDisagreements(ArithVar basic);
163 // WitnessImprovement focusDownToLastHalf();
164 // WitnessImprovement adjustFocusShrank(const ArithVarVec& drop);
165 // WitnessImprovement focusDownToJust(ArithVar v);
168 void adjustFocusAndError(const UpdateInfo& up, const AVIntPairVec& focusChanges);
170 /**
171 * This is the main simplex for DPLL(T) loop.
172 * It runs for at most maxIterations.
173 *
174 * Returns true iff it has found a conflict.
175 * d_conflictVariable will be set and the conflict for this row is reported.
176 */
177 bool searchForFeasibleSolution(uint32_t maxIterations);
179 bool initialProcessSignals(){
180 TimerStat &timer = d_statistics.d_initialSignalsTime;
181 IntStat& conflictStat = d_statistics.d_initialConflicts;
182 return standardProcessSignals(timer, conflictStat);
183 }
185 void quickExplain();
186 DenseSet d_qeInSoi;
187 DenseSet d_qeInUAndNotInSoi;
188 ArithVarVec d_qeConflict;
189 ArithVarVec d_qeGreedyOrder;
190 sgn_table d_qeSgns;
192 uint32_t quickExplainRec(uint32_t cEnd, uint32_t uEnd);
193 void qeAddRange(uint32_t begin, uint32_t end);
194 void qeRemoveRange(uint32_t begin, uint32_t end);
195 void qeSwapRange(uint32_t N, uint32_t r, uint32_t s);
197 unsigned trySet(const ArithVarVec& set);
198 unsigned tryAllSubsets(const ArithVarVec& set, unsigned depth, ArithVarVec& tmp);
200 /** These fields are designed to be accessible to TheoryArith methods. */
201 class Statistics {
202 public:
203 TimerStat d_initialSignalsTime;
204 IntStat d_initialConflicts;
206 IntStat d_soiFoundUnsat;
207 IntStat d_soiFoundSat;
208 IntStat d_soiMissed;
210 IntStat d_soiConflicts;
211 IntStat d_hasToBeMinimal;
212 IntStat d_maybeNotMinimal;
214 TimerStat d_soiTimer;
215 TimerStat d_soiFocusConstructionTimer;
216 TimerStat d_soiConflictMinimization;
217 TimerStat d_selectUpdateForSOI;
219 ReferenceStat<uint32_t> d_finalCheckPivotCounter;
221 Statistics(const std::string& name, uint32_t& pivots);
222 } d_statistics;
223 };/* class FCSimplexDecisionProcedure */
225 } // namespace arith
226 } // namespace theory
227 } // namespace cvc5