[cvc5.git] / src / theory / bags / theory_bags.cpp
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Mudathir Mohamed, Haniel Barbosa, Andrew Reynolds
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * Bags theory.
14 */
16 #include "theory/bags/theory_bags.h"
18 #include "proof/proof_checker.h"
19 #include "smt/logic_exception.h"
20 #include "theory/bags/normal_form.h"
21 #include "theory/rewriter.h"
22 #include "theory/theory_model.h"
24 using namespace cvc5::kind;
26 namespace cvc5 {
27 namespace theory {
28 namespace bags {
30 TheoryBags::TheoryBags(Env& env, OutputChannel& out, Valuation valuation)
31 : Theory(THEORY_BAGS, env, out, valuation),
32 d_state(getSatContext(), getUserContext(), valuation),
33 d_im(*this, d_state, d_pnm),
34 d_ig(&d_state, &d_im),
35 d_notify(*this, d_im),
36 d_statistics(),
37 d_rewriter(&d_statistics.d_rewrites),
38 d_termReg(d_state, d_im),
39 d_solver(d_state, d_im, d_termReg)
40 {
41 // use the official theory state and inference manager objects
42 d_theoryState = &d_state;
43 d_inferManager = &d_im;
44 }
46 TheoryBags::~TheoryBags() {}
48 TheoryRewriter* TheoryBags::getTheoryRewriter() { return &d_rewriter; }
50 ProofRuleChecker* TheoryBags::getProofChecker() { return nullptr; }
52 bool TheoryBags::needsEqualityEngine(EeSetupInfo& esi)
53 {
54 esi.d_notify = &d_notify;
55 esi.d_name = "theory::bags::ee";
56 return true;
57 }
59 void TheoryBags::finishInit()
60 {
61 Assert(d_equalityEngine != nullptr);
63 // choice is used to eliminate witness
64 d_valuation.setUnevaluatedKind(WITNESS);
66 // functions we are doing congruence over
67 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(UNION_MAX);
68 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(UNION_DISJOINT);
69 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(INTERSECTION_MIN);
70 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(DIFFERENCE_SUBTRACT);
71 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(DIFFERENCE_REMOVE);
72 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(BAG_COUNT);
73 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(DUPLICATE_REMOVAL);
74 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(MK_BAG);
75 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(BAG_CARD);
76 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(BAG_FROM_SET);
77 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(BAG_TO_SET);
78 }
80 void TheoryBags::postCheck(Effort effort)
81 {
82 d_im.doPendingFacts();
83 // TODO issue #78: add Assert(d_strat.isStrategyInit());
84 if (!d_state.isInConflict() && !d_valuation.needCheck())
85 // TODO issue #78: add && d_strat.hasStrategyEffort(e))
86 {
87 Trace("bags::TheoryBags::postCheck") << "effort: " << std::endl;
89 // TODO issue #78: add ++(d_statistics.d_checkRuns);
90 bool sentLemma = false;
91 bool hadPending = false;
92 Trace("bags-check") << "Full effort check..." << std::endl;
93 do
94 {
95 d_im.reset();
96 // TODO issue #78: add ++(d_statistics.d_strategyRuns);
97 Trace("bags-check") << " * Run strategy..." << std::endl;
98 // TODO issue #78: add runStrategy(e);
100 d_solver.postCheck();
102 // remember if we had pending facts or lemmas
103 hadPending = d_im.hasPending();
104 // Send the facts *and* the lemmas. We send lemmas regardless of whether
105 // we send facts since some lemmas cannot be dropped. Other lemmas are
106 // otherwise avoided by aborting the strategy when a fact is ready.
107 d_im.doPending();
108 // Did we successfully send a lemma? Notice that if hasPending = true
109 // and sentLemma = false, then the above call may have:
110 // (1) had no pending lemmas, but successfully processed pending facts,
111 // (2) unsuccessfully processed pending lemmas.
112 // In either case, we repeat the strategy if we are not in conflict.
113 sentLemma = d_im.hasSentLemma();
114 if (Trace.isOn("bags-check"))
115 {
116 // TODO: clean this Trace("bags-check") << " ...finish run strategy: ";
117 Trace("bags-check") << (hadPending ? "hadPending " : "");
118 Trace("bags-check") << (sentLemma ? "sentLemma " : "");
119 Trace("bags-check") << (d_state.isInConflict() ? "conflict " : "");
120 if (!hadPending && !sentLemma && !d_state.isInConflict())
121 {
122 Trace("bags-check") << "(none)";
123 }
124 Trace("bags-check") << std::endl;
125 }
126 // repeat if we did not add a lemma or conflict, and we had pending
127 // facts or lemmas.
128 } while (!d_state.isInConflict() && !sentLemma && hadPending);
129 }
130 Trace("bags-check") << "Theory of bags, done check : " << effort << std::endl;
131 Assert(!d_im.hasPendingFact());
132 Assert(!d_im.hasPendingLemma());
133 }
135 void TheoryBags::notifyFact(TNode atom,
136 bool polarity,
137 TNode fact,
138 bool isInternal)
139 {
140 }
142 bool TheoryBags::collectModelValues(TheoryModel* m,
143 const std::set<Node>& termSet)
144 {
145 Trace("bags-model") << "TheoryBags : Collect model values" << std::endl;
147 Trace("bags-model") << "Term set: " << termSet << std::endl;
149 std::set<Node> processedBags;
151 // get the relevant bag equivalence classes
152 for (const Node& n : termSet)
153 {
154 TypeNode tn = n.getType();
155 if (!tn.isBag())
156 {
157 // we are only concerned here about bag terms
158 continue;
159 }
160 Node r = d_state.getRepresentative(n);
161 if (processedBags.find(r) != processedBags.end())
162 {
163 // skip bags whose representatives are already processed
164 continue;
165 }
167 processedBags.insert(r);
169 std::set<Node> solverElements = d_state.getElements(r);
170 std::set<Node> elements;
171 // only consider terms in termSet and ignore other elements in the solver
172 std::set_intersection(termSet.begin(),
173 termSet.end(),
174 solverElements.begin(),
175 solverElements.end(),
176 std::inserter(elements, elements.begin()));
177 Trace("bags-model") << "Elements of bag " << n << " are: " << std::endl
178 << elements << std::endl;
179 std::map<Node, Node> elementReps;
180 for (const Node& e : elements)
181 {
182 Node key = d_state.getRepresentative(e);
183 Node countTerm = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(BAG_COUNT, e, r);
184 Node value = d_state.getRepresentative(countTerm);
185 elementReps[key] = value;
186 }
187 Node rep = NormalForm::constructBagFromElements(tn, elementReps);
188 rep = Rewriter::rewrite(rep);
190 Trace("bags-model") << "rep of " << n << " is: " << rep << std::endl;
191 for (std::pair<Node, Node> pair : elementReps)
192 {
193 m->assertSkeleton(pair.first);
194 m->assertSkeleton(pair.second);
195 }
196 m->assertEquality(rep, n, true);
197 m->assertSkeleton(rep);
198 }
199 return true;
200 }
202 TrustNode TheoryBags::explain(TNode node) { return d_im.explainLit(node); }
204 Node TheoryBags::getModelValue(TNode node) { return Node::null(); }
206 void TheoryBags::preRegisterTerm(TNode n)
207 {
208 Trace("bags::TheoryBags::preRegisterTerm") << n << std::endl;
209 switch (n.getKind())
210 {
211 case BAG_CARD:
212 case BAG_FROM_SET:
213 case BAG_TO_SET:
215 {
216 std::stringstream ss;
217 ss << "Term of kind " << n.getKind() << " is not supported yet";
218 throw LogicException(ss.str());
219 }
220 default: break;
221 }
222 }
224 void TheoryBags::presolve() {}
226 /**************************** eq::NotifyClass *****************************/
228 void TheoryBags::eqNotifyNewClass(TNode n) {}
230 void TheoryBags::eqNotifyMerge(TNode n1, TNode n2) {}
232 void TheoryBags::eqNotifyDisequal(TNode n1, TNode n2, TNode reason) {}
234 void TheoryBags::NotifyClass::eqNotifyNewClass(TNode n)
235 {
236 Debug("bags-eq") << "[bags-eq] eqNotifyNewClass:"
237 << " n = " << n << std::endl;
238 d_theory.eqNotifyNewClass(n);
239 }
241 void TheoryBags::NotifyClass::eqNotifyMerge(TNode n1, TNode n2)
242 {
243 Debug("bags-eq") << "[bags-eq] eqNotifyMerge:"
244 << " n1 = " << n1 << " n2 = " << n2 << std::endl;
245 d_theory.eqNotifyMerge(n1, n2);
246 }
248 void TheoryBags::NotifyClass::eqNotifyDisequal(TNode n1, TNode n2, TNode reason)
249 {
250 Debug("bags-eq") << "[bags-eq] eqNotifyDisequal:"
251 << " n1 = " << n1 << " n2 = " << n2 << " reason = " << reason
252 << std::endl;
253 d_theory.eqNotifyDisequal(n1, n2, reason);
254 }
256 } // namespace bags
257 } // namespace theory
258 } // namespace cvc5