bv: Refactor getEqualityStatus and use for both bitblasting solvers. (#6933)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / bv / bv_solver_bitblast.cpp
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Mathias Preiner, Gereon Kremer, Andres Noetzli
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * Bit-blasting solver that supports multiple SAT backends.
14 */
16 #include "theory/bv/bv_solver_bitblast.h"
18 #include "options/bv_options.h"
19 #include "prop/sat_solver_factory.h"
20 #include "smt/smt_statistics_registry.h"
21 #include "theory/bv/theory_bv.h"
22 #include "theory/bv/theory_bv_utils.h"
23 #include "theory/theory_model.h"
25 namespace cvc5 {
26 namespace theory {
27 namespace bv {
29 /**
30 * Notifies the BV solver when assertions were reset.
31 *
32 * This class is notified after every user-context pop and maintains a flag
33 * that indicates whether assertions have been reset. If the user-context level
34 * reaches level 0 it means that the assertions were reset.
35 */
36 class NotifyResetAssertions : public context::ContextNotifyObj
37 {
38 public:
39 NotifyResetAssertions(context::Context* c)
40 : context::ContextNotifyObj(c, false),
41 d_context(c),
42 d_doneResetAssertions(false)
43 {
44 }
46 bool doneResetAssertions() { return d_doneResetAssertions; }
48 void reset() { d_doneResetAssertions = false; }
50 protected:
51 void contextNotifyPop() override
52 {
53 // If the user-context level reaches 0 it means that reset-assertions was
54 // called.
55 if (d_context->getLevel() == 0)
56 {
57 d_doneResetAssertions = true;
58 }
59 }
61 private:
62 /** The user-context. */
63 context::Context* d_context;
65 /** Flag to notify whether reset assertions was called. */
66 bool d_doneResetAssertions;
67 };
69 /**
70 * Bit-blasting registrar.
71 *
72 * The CnfStream calls preRegister() if it encounters a theory atom.
73 * This registrar bit-blasts given atom and remembers which bit-vector atoms
74 * were bit-blasted.
75 *
76 * This registrar is needed when --bitblast=eager is enabled.
77 */
78 class BBRegistrar : public prop::Registrar
79 {
80 public:
81 BBRegistrar(NodeBitblaster* bb) : d_bitblaster(bb) {}
83 void preRegister(Node n) override
84 {
85 if (d_registeredAtoms.find(n) != d_registeredAtoms.end())
86 {
87 return;
88 }
89 /* We are only interested in bit-vector atoms. */
90 if ((n.getKind() == kind::EQUAL && n[0].getType().isBitVector())
91 || n.getKind() == kind::BITVECTOR_ULT
92 || n.getKind() == kind::BITVECTOR_ULE
93 || n.getKind() == kind::BITVECTOR_SLT
94 || n.getKind() == kind::BITVECTOR_SLE)
95 {
96 d_registeredAtoms.insert(n);
97 d_bitblaster->bbAtom(n);
98 }
99 }
101 std::unordered_set<TNode>& getRegisteredAtoms() { return d_registeredAtoms; }
103 private:
104 /** The bitblaster used. */
105 NodeBitblaster* d_bitblaster;
107 /** Stores bit-vector atoms encounterd on preRegister(). */
108 std::unordered_set<TNode> d_registeredAtoms;
109 };
111 BVSolverBitblast::BVSolverBitblast(TheoryState* s,
112 TheoryInferenceManager& inferMgr,
113 ProofNodeManager* pnm)
114 : BVSolver(*s, inferMgr),
115 d_bitblaster(new NodeBitblaster(s)),
116 d_bbRegistrar(new BBRegistrar(d_bitblaster.get())),
117 d_nullContext(new context::Context()),
118 d_bbFacts(s->getSatContext()),
119 d_bbInputFacts(s->getSatContext()),
120 d_assumptions(s->getSatContext()),
121 d_assertions(s->getSatContext()),
122 d_epg(pnm ? new EagerProofGenerator(pnm, s->getUserContext(), "")
123 : nullptr),
124 d_factLiteralCache(s->getSatContext()),
125 d_literalFactCache(s->getSatContext()),
126 d_propagate(options::bitvectorPropagate()),
127 d_resetNotify(new NotifyResetAssertions(s->getUserContext()))
128 {
129 if (pnm != nullptr)
130 {
131 d_bvProofChecker.registerTo(pnm->getChecker());
132 }
134 initSatSolver();
135 }
137 void BVSolverBitblast::postCheck(Theory::Effort level)
138 {
139 if (level != Theory::Effort::EFFORT_FULL)
140 {
141 /* Do bit-level propagation only if the SAT solver supports it. */
142 if (!d_propagate || !d_satSolver->setPropagateOnly())
143 {
144 return;
145 }
146 }
148 // If we permanently added assertions to the SAT solver and the assertions
149 // were reset, we have to reset the SAT solver and the CNF stream.
150 if (options::bvAssertInput() && d_resetNotify->doneResetAssertions())
151 {
152 d_satSolver.reset(nullptr);
153 d_cnfStream.reset(nullptr);
154 initSatSolver();
155 d_resetNotify->reset();
156 }
158 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
160 /* Process input assertions bit-blast queue. */
161 while (!d_bbInputFacts.empty())
162 {
163 Node fact = d_bbInputFacts.front();
164 d_bbInputFacts.pop();
165 /* Bit-blast fact and cache literal. */
166 if (d_factLiteralCache.find(fact) == d_factLiteralCache.end())
167 {
168 if (fact.getKind() == kind::BITVECTOR_EAGER_ATOM)
169 {
170 handleEagerAtom(fact, true);
171 }
172 else
173 {
174 d_bitblaster->bbAtom(fact);
175 Node bb_fact = d_bitblaster->getStoredBBAtom(fact);
176 d_cnfStream->convertAndAssert(bb_fact, false, false);
177 }
178 }
179 d_assertions.push_back(fact);
180 }
182 /* Process bit-blast queue and store SAT literals. */
183 while (!d_bbFacts.empty())
184 {
185 Node fact = d_bbFacts.front();
186 d_bbFacts.pop();
187 /* Bit-blast fact and cache literal. */
188 if (d_factLiteralCache.find(fact) == d_factLiteralCache.end())
189 {
190 prop::SatLiteral lit;
191 if (fact.getKind() == kind::BITVECTOR_EAGER_ATOM)
192 {
193 handleEagerAtom(fact, false);
194 lit = d_cnfStream->getLiteral(fact[0]);
195 }
196 else
197 {
198 d_bitblaster->bbAtom(fact);
199 Node bb_fact = d_bitblaster->getStoredBBAtom(fact);
200 d_cnfStream->ensureLiteral(bb_fact);
201 lit = d_cnfStream->getLiteral(bb_fact);
202 }
203 d_factLiteralCache[fact] = lit;
204 d_literalFactCache[lit] = fact;
205 }
206 d_assumptions.push_back(d_factLiteralCache[fact]);
207 }
209 std::vector<prop::SatLiteral> assumptions(d_assumptions.begin(),
210 d_assumptions.end());
211 prop::SatValue val = d_satSolver->solve(assumptions);
213 if (val == prop::SatValue::SAT_VALUE_FALSE)
214 {
215 std::vector<prop::SatLiteral> unsat_assumptions;
216 d_satSolver->getUnsatAssumptions(unsat_assumptions);
218 Node conflict;
219 // Unsat assumptions produce conflict.
220 if (unsat_assumptions.size() > 0)
221 {
222 std::vector<Node> conf;
223 for (const prop::SatLiteral& lit : unsat_assumptions)
224 {
225 conf.push_back(d_literalFactCache[lit]);
226 Debug("bv-bitblast")
227 << "unsat assumption (" << lit << "): " << conf.back() << std::endl;
228 }
229 conflict = nm->mkAnd(conf);
230 }
231 else // Input assertions produce conflict.
232 {
233 std::vector<Node> assertions(d_assertions.begin(), d_assertions.end());
234 conflict = nm->mkAnd(assertions);
235 }
236 d_im.conflict(conflict, InferenceId::BV_BITBLAST_CONFLICT);
237 }
238 }
240 bool BVSolverBitblast::preNotifyFact(
241 TNode atom, bool pol, TNode fact, bool isPrereg, bool isInternal)
242 {
243 Valuation& val = d_state.getValuation();
245 /**
246 * Check whether `fact` is an input assertion on user-level 0.
247 *
248 * If this is the case we can assert `fact` to the SAT solver instead of
249 * using assumptions.
250 */
251 if (options::bvAssertInput() && val.isSatLiteral(fact)
252 && val.getDecisionLevel(fact) == 0 && val.getIntroLevel(fact) == 0)
253 {
254 Assert(!val.isDecision(fact));
255 d_bbInputFacts.push_back(fact);
256 }
257 else
258 {
259 d_bbFacts.push_back(fact);
260 }
262 return false; // Return false to enable equality engine reasoning in Theory.
263 }
265 TrustNode BVSolverBitblast::explain(TNode n)
266 {
267 Debug("bv-bitblast") << "explain called on " << n << std::endl;
268 return d_im.explainLit(n);
269 }
271 void BVSolverBitblast::computeRelevantTerms(std::set<Node>& termSet)
272 {
273 /* BITVECTOR_EAGER_ATOM wraps input assertions that may also contain
274 * equalities. As a result, these equalities are not handled by the equality
275 * engine and terms below these equalities do not appear in `termSet`.
276 * We need to make sure that we compute model values for all relevant terms
277 * in BitblastMode::EAGER and therefore add all variables from the
278 * bit-blaster to `termSet`.
279 */
280 if (options::bitblastMode() == options::BitblastMode::EAGER)
281 {
282 d_bitblaster->computeRelevantTerms(termSet);
283 }
284 }
286 bool BVSolverBitblast::collectModelValues(TheoryModel* m,
287 const std::set<Node>& termSet)
288 {
289 for (const auto& term : termSet)
290 {
291 if (!d_bitblaster->isVariable(term))
292 {
293 continue;
294 }
296 Node value = getValue(term, true);
297 Assert(value.isConst());
298 if (!m->assertEquality(term, value, true))
299 {
300 return false;
301 }
302 }
304 // In eager bitblast mode we also have to collect the model values for
305 // Boolean variables in the CNF stream.
306 if (options::bitblastMode() == options::BitblastMode::EAGER)
307 {
308 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
309 std::vector<TNode> vars;
310 d_cnfStream->getBooleanVariables(vars);
311 for (TNode var : vars)
312 {
313 Assert(d_cnfStream->hasLiteral(var));
314 prop::SatLiteral bit = d_cnfStream->getLiteral(var);
315 prop::SatValue value = d_satSolver->value(bit);
316 Assert(value != prop::SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN);
317 if (!m->assertEquality(
318 var, nm->mkConst(value == prop::SAT_VALUE_TRUE), true))
319 {
320 return false;
321 }
322 }
323 }
325 return true;
326 }
328 void BVSolverBitblast::initSatSolver()
329 {
330 switch (options::bvSatSolver())
331 {
332 case options::SatSolverMode::CRYPTOMINISAT:
333 d_satSolver.reset(prop::SatSolverFactory::createCryptoMinisat(
334 smtStatisticsRegistry(), "theory::bv::BVSolverBitblast::"));
335 break;
336 default:
337 d_satSolver.reset(prop::SatSolverFactory::createCadical(
338 smtStatisticsRegistry(), "theory::bv::BVSolverBitblast::"));
339 }
340 d_cnfStream.reset(new prop::CnfStream(d_satSolver.get(),
341 d_bbRegistrar.get(),
342 d_nullContext.get(),
343 nullptr,
344 smt::currentResourceManager(),
345 prop::FormulaLitPolicy::INTERNAL,
346 "theory::bv::BVSolverBitblast"));
347 }
349 Node BVSolverBitblast::getValue(TNode node, bool initialize)
350 {
351 if (node.isConst())
352 {
353 return node;
354 }
356 if (!d_bitblaster->hasBBTerm(node))
357 {
358 return initialize ? utils::mkConst(utils::getSize(node), 0u) : Node();
359 }
361 std::vector<Node> bits;
362 d_bitblaster->getBBTerm(node, bits);
363 Integer value(0), one(1), zero(0), bit;
364 for (size_t i = 0, size = bits.size(), j = size - 1; i < size; ++i, --j)
365 {
366 if (d_cnfStream->hasLiteral(bits[j]))
367 {
368 prop::SatLiteral lit = d_cnfStream->getLiteral(bits[j]);
369 prop::SatValue val = d_satSolver->modelValue(lit);
370 bit = val == prop::SatValue::SAT_VALUE_TRUE ? one : zero;
371 }
372 else
373 {
374 if (!initialize) return Node();
375 bit = zero;
376 }
377 value = value * 2 + bit;
378 }
379 return utils::mkConst(bits.size(), value);
380 }
382 void BVSolverBitblast::handleEagerAtom(TNode fact, bool assertFact)
383 {
384 Assert(fact.getKind() == kind::BITVECTOR_EAGER_ATOM);
386 if (assertFact)
387 {
388 d_cnfStream->convertAndAssert(fact[0], false, false);
389 }
390 else
391 {
392 d_cnfStream->ensureLiteral(fact[0]);
393 }
395 /* convertAndAssert() does not make the connection between the bit-vector
396 * atom and it's bit-blasted form (it only calls preRegister() from the
397 * registrar). Thus, we add the equalities now. */
398 auto& registeredAtoms = d_bbRegistrar->getRegisteredAtoms();
399 for (auto atom : registeredAtoms)
400 {
401 Node bb_atom = d_bitblaster->getStoredBBAtom(atom);
402 d_cnfStream->convertAndAssert(atom.eqNode(bb_atom), false, false);
403 }
404 // Clear cache since we only need to do this once per bit-blasted atom.
405 registeredAtoms.clear();
406 }
408 } // namespace bv
409 } // namespace theory
410 } // namespace cvc5