Some defensive programming at destruction time, and fix a latent dangling pointer...
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / bv / eager_bitblaster.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file eager_bitblaster.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Original author: Liana Hadarean
5 ** Major contributors: none
6 ** Minor contributors (to current version): none
7 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
8 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2014 New York University and The University of Iowa
9 ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
10 ** information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief
13 **
14 ** Bitblaster for the eager bv solver.
15 **/
17 #include "cvc4_private.h"
19 #include "theory/bv/bitblaster_template.h"
20 #include "theory/bv/options.h"
21 #include "theory/theory_model.h"
22 #include "theory/bv/theory_bv.h"
23 #include "prop/cnf_stream.h"
24 #include "prop/sat_solver_factory.h"
27 using namespace CVC4;
28 using namespace CVC4::theory;
29 using namespace CVC4::theory::bv;
31 void BitblastingRegistrar::preRegister(Node n) {
32 d_bitblaster->bbAtom(n);
33 };
35 EagerBitblaster::EagerBitblaster(TheoryBV* theory_bv)
36 : TBitblaster<Node>()
37 , d_bv(theory_bv)
38 , d_bbAtoms()
39 , d_variables()
40 {
41 d_bitblastingRegistrar = new BitblastingRegistrar(this);
42 d_nullContext = new context::Context();
44 d_satSolver = prop::SatSolverFactory::createMinisat(d_nullContext, "EagerBitblaster");
45 d_cnfStream = new prop::TseitinCnfStream(d_satSolver, d_bitblastingRegistrar, d_nullContext);
47 MinisatEmptyNotify* notify = new MinisatEmptyNotify();
48 d_satSolver->setNotify(notify);
49 }
51 EagerBitblaster::~EagerBitblaster() {
52 delete d_cnfStream;
53 delete d_satSolver;
54 delete d_nullContext;
55 delete d_bitblastingRegistrar;
56 }
58 void EagerBitblaster::bbFormula(TNode node) {
59 d_cnfStream->convertAndAssert(node, false, false);
60 }
62 /**
63 * Bitblasts the atom, assigns it a marker literal, adding it to the SAT solver
64 * NOTE: duplicate clauses are not detected because of marker literal
65 * @param node the atom to be bitblasted
66 *
67 */
68 void EagerBitblaster::bbAtom(TNode node) {
69 node = node.getKind() == kind::NOT? node[0] : node;
70 if (node.getKind() == kind::BITVECTOR_BITOF)
71 return;
72 if (hasBBAtom(node)) {
73 return;
74 }
76 Debug("bitvector-bitblast") << "Bitblasting node " << node <<"\n";
78 // the bitblasted definition of the atom
79 Node normalized = Rewriter::rewrite(node);
80 Node atom_bb = normalized.getKind() != kind::CONST_BOOLEAN ?
81 Rewriter::rewrite(d_atomBBStrategies[normalized.getKind()](normalized, this)) :
82 normalized;
83 // asserting that the atom is true iff the definition holds
84 Node atom_definition = utils::mkNode(kind::IFF, node, atom_bb);
86 AlwaysAssert (options::bitblastMode() == theory::bv::BITBLAST_MODE_EAGER);
87 storeBBAtom(node, atom_definition);
88 d_cnfStream->convertAndAssert(atom_definition, false, false);
89 }
91 void EagerBitblaster::storeBBAtom(TNode atom, Node atom_bb) {
92 // no need to store the definition for the lazy bit-blaster
93 d_bbAtoms.insert(atom);
94 }
96 bool EagerBitblaster::hasBBAtom(TNode atom) const {
97 return d_bbAtoms.find(atom) != d_bbAtoms.end();
98 }
100 void EagerBitblaster::bbTerm(TNode node, Bits& bits) {
101 if (hasBBTerm(node)) {
102 getBBTerm(node, bits);
103 return;
104 }
106 Debug("bitvector-bitblast") << "Bitblasting node " << node <<"\n";
108 d_termBBStrategies[node.getKind()] (node, bits, this);
110 Assert (bits.size() == utils::getSize(node));
112 storeBBTerm(node, bits);
113 }
115 void EagerBitblaster::makeVariable(TNode var, Bits& bits) {
116 Assert(bits.size() == 0);
117 for (unsigned i = 0; i < utils::getSize(var); ++i) {
118 bits.push_back(utils::mkBitOf(var, i));
119 }
120 d_variables.insert(var);
121 }
123 Node EagerBitblaster::getBBAtom(TNode node) const {
124 return node;
125 }
128 /**
129 * Calls the solve method for the Sat Solver.
130 *
131 * @return true for sat, and false for unsat
132 */
134 bool EagerBitblaster::solve() {
135 if (Trace.isOn("bitvector")) {
136 Trace("bitvector") << "EagerBitblaster::solve(). \n";
137 }
138 Debug("bitvector") << "EagerBitblaster::solve(). \n";
139 // TODO: clear some memory
140 // if (something) {
141 // NodeManager* nm= NodeManager::currentNM();
142 // Rewriter::garbageCollect();
143 // nm->reclaimZombiesUntil(options::zombieHuntThreshold());
144 // }
145 return prop::SAT_VALUE_TRUE == d_satSolver->solve();
146 }
149 /**
150 * Returns the value a is currently assigned to in the SAT solver
151 * or null if the value is completely unassigned.
152 *
153 * @param a
154 * @param fullModel whether to create a "full model," i.e., add
155 * constants to equivalence classes that don't already have them
156 *
157 * @return
158 */
159 Node EagerBitblaster::getVarValue(TNode a, bool fullModel) {
160 if (!hasBBTerm(a)) {
161 Assert(isSharedTerm(a));
162 return Node();
163 }
164 Bits bits;
165 getBBTerm(a, bits);
166 Integer value(0);
167 for (int i = bits.size() -1; i >= 0; --i) {
168 prop::SatValue bit_value;
169 if (d_cnfStream->hasLiteral(bits[i])) {
170 prop::SatLiteral bit = d_cnfStream->getLiteral(bits[i]);
171 bit_value = d_satSolver->value(bit);
172 Assert (bit_value != prop::SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN);
173 } else {
174 // the bit is unconstrainted so we can give it an arbitrary value
175 bit_value = prop::SAT_VALUE_FALSE;
176 }
177 Integer bit_int = bit_value == prop::SAT_VALUE_TRUE ? Integer(1) : Integer(0);
178 value = value * 2 + bit_int;
179 }
180 return utils::mkConst(BitVector(bits.size(), value));
181 }
184 void EagerBitblaster::collectModelInfo(TheoryModel* m, bool fullModel) {
185 TNodeSet::const_iterator it = d_variables.begin();
186 for (; it!= d_variables.end(); ++it) {
187 TNode var = *it;
188 if (Theory::theoryOf(var) == theory::THEORY_BV || isSharedTerm(var)) {
189 Node const_value = getVarValue(var, fullModel);
190 if(const_value == Node()) {
191 if( fullModel ){
192 // if the value is unassigned just set it to zero
193 const_value = utils::mkConst(BitVector(utils::getSize(var), 0u));
194 }
195 }
196 if(const_value != Node()) {
197 Debug("bitvector-model") << "TLazyBitblaster::collectModelInfo (assert (= "
198 << var << " "
199 << const_value << "))\n";
200 m->assertEquality(var, const_value, true);
201 }
202 }
203 }
204 }
206 bool EagerBitblaster::isSharedTerm(TNode node) {
207 return d_bv->d_sharedTermsSet.find(node) != d_bv->d_sharedTermsSet.end();
208 }