(proof-new) Make shared solver proof producing (#5169)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / combination_engine.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file combination_engine.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Abstract interface for theory combination.
13 **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include <vector>
21 #include <memory>
23 #include "theory/eager_proof_generator.h"
24 #include "theory/ee_manager.h"
25 #include "theory/model_manager.h"
26 #include "theory/shared_solver.h"
28 namespace CVC4 {
30 class TheoryEngine;
32 namespace theory {
34 /**
35 * Manager for doing theory combination. This class is responsible for:
36 * (1) Initializing the various components of theory combination (equality
37 * engine manager, model manager, shared solver) based on the equality engine
38 * mode, and
39 * (2) Implementing the main combination method (combineTheories).
40 */
41 class CombinationEngine
42 {
43 public:
44 CombinationEngine(TheoryEngine& te,
45 const std::vector<Theory*>& paraTheories,
46 ProofNodeManager* pnm);
47 virtual ~CombinationEngine();
49 /** Finish initialization */
50 void finishInit();
52 //-------------------------- equality engine
53 /** Get equality engine theory information for theory with identifier tid. */
54 const EeTheoryInfo* getEeTheoryInfo(TheoryId tid) const;
55 /**
56 * Get the "core" equality engine. This is the equality engine that
57 * quantifiers should use.
58 */
59 eq::EqualityEngine* getCoreEqualityEngine();
60 //-------------------------- end equality engine
61 //-------------------------- model
62 /**
63 * Reset the model maintained by this class. This resets all local information
64 * that is unique to each check.
65 */
66 void resetModel();
67 /**
68 * Build the model maintained by this class.
69 *
70 * @return true if model building was successful.
71 */
72 virtual bool buildModel() = 0;
73 /**
74 * Post process the model maintained by this class. This is called after
75 * a successful call to buildModel. This does any theory-specific
76 * postprocessing of the model.
77 *
78 * @param incomplete Whether we are answering "unknown" instead of "sat".
79 */
80 void postProcessModel(bool incomplete);
81 /**
82 * Get the model object maintained by this class.
83 */
84 TheoryModel* getModel();
85 //-------------------------- end model
86 /**
87 * Get the shared solver, which is the active component of theory combination
88 * that TheoryEngine interacts with prior to calling combineTheories.
89 */
90 SharedSolver* getSharedSolver();
91 /**
92 * Called at the beginning of full effort
93 */
94 virtual void resetRound();
95 /**
96 * Combine theories, called after FULL effort passes with no lemmas
97 * and before LAST_CALL effort is run. This adds necessary lemmas for
98 * theory combination (e.g. splitting lemmas) to the parent TheoryEngine.
99 */
100 virtual void combineTheories() = 0;
102 protected:
103 /** Is proof enabled? */
104 bool isProofEnabled() const;
105 /**
106 * Get model equality engine notify. Return the notification object for
107 * who listens to the model's equality engine (if any).
108 */
109 virtual eq::EqualityEngineNotify* getModelEqualityEngineNotify();
110 /** Send lemma to the theory engine, atomsTo is the theory to send atoms to */
111 void sendLemma(TrustNode trn, TheoryId atomsTo);
112 /** Reference to the theory engine */
113 TheoryEngine& d_te;
114 /** The proof node manager */
115 ProofNodeManager* d_pnm;
116 /** Logic info of theory engine (cached) */
117 const LogicInfo& d_logicInfo;
118 /** List of parametric theories of theory engine */
119 const std::vector<Theory*> d_paraTheories;
120 /**
121 * The equality engine manager we are using. This class is responsible for
122 * configuring equality engines for each theory.
123 */
124 std::unique_ptr<EqEngineManager> d_eemanager;
125 /**
126 * The model manager we are using. This class is responsible for building the
127 * model.
128 */
129 std::unique_ptr<ModelManager> d_mmanager;
130 /**
131 * The shared solver. This class is responsible for performing combination
132 * tasks (e.g. preregistration) during solving.
133 */
134 std::unique_ptr<SharedSolver> d_sharedSolver;
135 /**
136 * An eager proof generator, if proofs are enabled. This proof generator is
137 * responsible for proofs of splitting lemmas generated in combineTheories.
138 */
139 std::unique_ptr<EagerProofGenerator> d_cmbsPg;
140 };
142 } // namespace theory
143 } // namespace CVC4