Ensure exported sygus solutions match grammar (#4270)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / datatypes / theory_datatypes_utils.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file theory_datatypes_utils.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Util functions for theory datatypes.
13 **
14 ** Util functions for theory datatypes.
15 **/
17 #include "cvc4_private.h"
22 #include <vector>
24 #include "expr/dtype.h"
25 #include "expr/node.h"
26 #include "expr/node_manager_attributes.h"
28 namespace CVC4 {
29 namespace theory {
31 // ----------------------- sygus datatype attributes
32 /** sygus var num */
33 struct SygusVarNumAttributeId
34 {
35 };
36 typedef expr::Attribute<SygusVarNumAttributeId, uint64_t> SygusVarNumAttribute;
38 /**
39 * Attribute true for enumerators whose current model values were registered by
40 * the datatypes sygus solver, and were not excluded by sygus symmetry breaking.
41 * This is set by the datatypes sygus solver during LAST_CALL effort checks for
42 * each active sygus enumerator.
43 */
44 struct SygusSymBreakOkAttributeId
45 {
46 };
47 typedef expr::Attribute<SygusSymBreakOkAttributeId, bool>
48 SygusSymBreakOkAttribute;
50 /** sygus var free
51 *
52 * This attribute is used to mark whether sygus operators have free occurrences
53 * of variables from the formal argument list of the function-to-synthesize.
54 *
55 * We store three possible cases for sygus operators op:
56 * (1) op.getAttribute(SygusVarFreeAttribute())==Node::null()
57 * In this case, op has no free variables from the formal argument list of the
58 * function-to-synthesize.
59 * (2) op.getAttribute(SygusVarFreeAttribute())==v, where v is a bound variable.
60 * In this case, op has exactly one free variable, v.
61 * (3) op.getAttribute(SygusVarFreeAttribute())==op
62 * In this case, op has an arbitrary set (cardinality >1) of free variables from
63 * the formal argument list of the function to synthesize.
64 *
65 * This attribute is used to compute applySygusArgs below.
66 */
67 struct SygusVarFreeAttributeId
68 {
69 };
70 typedef expr::Attribute<SygusVarFreeAttributeId, Node> SygusVarFreeAttribute;
71 // ----------------------- end sygus datatype attributes
73 namespace datatypes {
74 namespace utils {
76 /** get instantiate cons
77 *
78 * This returns the term C( sel^{C,1}( n ), ..., sel^{C,m}( n ) ),
79 * where C is the index^{th} constructor of datatype dt.
80 */
81 Node getInstCons(Node n, const DType& dt, int index);
82 /** is instantiation cons
83 *
84 * If this method returns a value >=0, then that value, call it index,
85 * is such that n = C( sel^{C,1}( t ), ..., sel^{C,m}( t ) ),
86 * where C is the index^{th} constructor of dt.
87 */
88 int isInstCons(Node t, Node n, const DType& dt);
89 /** is tester
90 *
91 * This method returns a value >=0 if n is a tester predicate. The return
92 * value indicates the constructor index that the tester n is for. If this
93 * method returns a value >=0, then it updates a to the argument that the
94 * tester n applies to.
95 */
96 int isTester(Node n, Node& a);
97 /** is tester, same as above but does not update an argument */
98 int isTester(Node n);
99 /**
100 * Get the index of a constructor or tester in its datatype, or the
101 * index of a selector in its constructor. (Zero is always the
102 * first index.)
103 */
104 size_t indexOf(Node n);
105 /**
106 * Get the index of constructor corresponding to selector.
107 * (Zero is always the first index.)
108 */
109 size_t cindexOf(Node n);
110 /**
111 * Get the datatype of n.
112 */
113 const DType& datatypeOf(Node n);
114 /** make tester is-C( n ), where C is the i^{th} constructor of dt */
115 Node mkTester(Node n, int i, const DType& dt);
116 /** make tester split
117 *
118 * Returns the formula (OR is-C1( n ) ... is-Ck( n ) ), where C1...Ck
119 * are the constructors of n's type (dt).
120 */
121 Node mkSplit(Node n, const DType& dt);
122 /** returns true iff n is a constructor term with no datatype children */
123 bool isNullaryApplyConstructor(Node n);
124 /** returns true iff c is a constructor with no datatype children */
125 bool isNullaryConstructor(const DTypeConstructor& c);
126 /** check clash
127 *
128 * This method returns true if and only if n1 and n2 have a skeleton that has
129 * conflicting constructors at some term position.
130 * Examples of terms that clash are:
131 * C( x, y ) and D( z )
132 * C( D( x ), y ) and C( E( x ), y )
133 * Examples of terms that do not clash are:
134 * C( x, y ) and C( D( x ), y )
135 * C( D( x ), y ) and C( x, E( z ) )
136 * C( x, y ) and z
137 */
138 bool checkClash(Node n1, Node n2, std::vector<Node>& rew);
140 // ------------------------ sygus utils
142 /** get operator kind for sygus builtin
143 *
144 * This returns the Kind corresponding to applications of the operator op
145 * when building the builtin version of sygus terms. This is used by the
146 * function mkSygusTerm.
147 */
148 Kind getOperatorKindForSygusBuiltin(Node op);
149 /**
150 * Returns the total version of Kind k if it is a partial operator, or
151 * otherwise k itself.
152 */
153 Kind getEliminateKind(Kind k);
154 /**
155 * Returns a version of n where all partial functions such as bvudiv
156 * have been replaced by their total versions like bvudiv_total.
157 */
158 Node eliminatePartialOperators(Node n);
159 /** make sygus term
160 *
161 * This function returns a builtin term f( children[0], ..., children[n] )
162 * where f is the builtin op that the i^th constructor of sygus datatype dt
163 * encodes. If doBetaReduction is true, then lambdas are eagerly eliminated
164 * via beta reduction.
165 *
166 * If isExternal is true, then the returned term respects the original grammar
167 * that was provided. This includes the use of defined functions.
168 */
169 Node mkSygusTerm(const DType& dt,
170 unsigned i,
171 const std::vector<Node>& children,
172 bool doBetaReduction = true,
173 bool isExternal = false);
174 /**
175 * Same as above, but we already have the sygus operator op. The above method
176 * is syntax sugar for calling this method on dt[i].getSygusOp().
177 */
178 Node mkSygusTerm(Node op,
179 const std::vector<Node>& children,
180 bool doBetaReduction = true);
181 /**
182 * n is a builtin term that is an application of operator op.
183 *
184 * This returns an n' such that (eval n args) is n', where n' is a instance of
185 * n for the appropriate substitution.
186 *
187 * For example, given a function-to-synthesize with formal argument list (x,y),
188 * say we have grammar:
189 * A -> A+A | A+x | A+(x+y) | y
190 * These lead to constructors with sygus ops:
191 * C1 / (lambda w1 w2. w1+w2)
192 * C2 / (lambda w1. w1+x)
193 * C3 / (lambda w1. w1+(x+y))
194 * C4 / y
195 * Examples of calling this function:
196 * applySygusArgs( dt, C1, (APPLY_UF (lambda w1 w2. w1+w2) t1 t2), { 3, 5 } )
197 * ... returns (APPLY_UF (lambda w1 w2. w1+w2) t1 t2).
198 * applySygusArgs( dt, C2, (APPLY_UF (lambda w1. w1+x) t1), { 3, 5 } )
199 * ... returns (APPLY_UF (lambda w1. w1+3) t1).
200 * applySygusArgs( dt, C3, (APPLY_UF (lambda w1. w1+(x+y)) t1), { 3, 5 } )
201 * ... returns (APPLY_UF (lambda w1. w1+(3+5)) t1).
202 * applySygusArgs( dt, C4, y, { 3, 5 } )
203 * ... returns 5.
204 * Notice the attribute SygusVarFreeAttribute is applied to C1, C2, C3, C4,
205 * to cache the results of whether the evaluation of this constructor needs
206 * a substitution over the formal argument list of the function-to-synthesize.
207 */
208 Node applySygusArgs(const DType& dt,
209 Node op,
210 Node n,
211 const std::vector<Node>& args);
212 /** Sygus to builtin
213 *
214 * This method converts a constant term of SyGuS datatype type to its builtin
215 * equivalent. For example, given input C_*( C_x(), C_y() ), this method returns
216 * x*y, assuming C_+, C_x, and C_y have sygus operators *, x, and y
217 * respectively.
218 *
219 * If isExternal is true, then the returned term respects the original grammar
220 * that was provided. This includes the use of defined functions. This argument
221 * should typically be false, unless we are e.g. exporting the value of the
222 * term as a final solution.
223 */
224 Node sygusToBuiltin(Node c, bool isExternal = false);
225 /** Sygus to builtin eval
226 *
227 * This method returns the rewritten form of (DT_SYGUS_EVAL n args). Notice that
228 * n does not necessarily need to be a constant.
229 *
230 * It does so by (1) converting constant subterms of n to builtin terms and
231 * evaluating them on the arguments args, (2) unfolding non-constant
232 * applications of sygus constructors in n with respect to args and (3)
233 * converting all other non-constant subterms of n to applications of
235 *
236 * For example, if
237 * n = C_+( C_*( C_x(), C_y() ), n' ), and args = { 3, 4 }
238 * where n' is a variable, then this method returns:
239 * 12 + (DT_SYGUS_EVAL n' 3 4)
240 * Notice that the subterm C_*( C_x(), C_y() ) is converted to its builtin
241 * equivalent x*y and evaluated under the substition { x -> 3, x -> 4 } giving
242 * 12. The subterm n' is non-constant and thus we return its evaluation under
243 * 3,4, giving the term (DT_SYGUS_EVAL n' 3 4). Since the top-level constructor
244 * is C_+, these terms are added together to give the result.
245 */
246 Node sygusToBuiltinEval(Node n, const std::vector<Node>& args);
248 // ------------------------ end sygus utils
250 } // namespace utils
251 } // namespace datatypes
252 } // namespace theory
253 } // namespace CVC4
255 #endif