FloatingPoint: Separate out symFPU glue code. (#5492)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / eager_proof_generator.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file eager_proof_generator.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief The eager proof generator class
13 **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include "context/cdhashmap.h"
21 #include "expr/node.h"
22 #include "expr/proof_generator.h"
23 #include "expr/proof_node.h"
24 #include "theory/trust_node.h"
26 namespace CVC4 {
27 namespace theory {
29 /**
30 * An eager proof generator, with explicit proof caching.
31 *
32 * The intended use of this class is to store proofs for lemmas and conflicts
33 * at the time they are sent out on the ProofOutputChannel. This means that the
34 * getProofForConflict and getProofForLemma methods are lookups in a
35 * (user-context depedent) map, the field d_proofs below.
36 *
37 * In detail, the method setProofForConflict(conf, pf) should be called prior to
38 * calling ProofOutputChannel(TrustNode(conf,X)), where X is this generator.
39 * Similarly for setProofForLemma.
40 *
41 * The intended usage of this class in combination with OutputChannel is
42 * the following:
43 * //-----------------------------------------------------------
44 * class MyEagerProofGenerator : public EagerProofGenerator
45 * {
46 * public:
47 * TrustNode getProvenConflictByMethodX(...)
48 * {
49 * // construct a conflict
50 * Node conf = [construct conflict];
51 * // construct a proof for conf
52 * std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pf = [construct the proof for conf];
53 * // wrap the conflict in a trust node
54 * return mkTrustNode(conf,pf);
55 * }
56 * };
57 * // [1] Make objects given user context u and output channel out.
58 *
59 * MyEagerProofGenerator epg(u);
60 * OutputChannel out;
61 *
62 * // [2] Assume epg realizes there is a conflict. We have it store the proof
63 * // internally and return the conflict node paired with epg.
64 *
65 * TrustNode pconf = epg.getProvenConflictByMethodX(...);
66 *
67 * // [3] Send the conflict on the output channel.
68 *
69 * out.trustedConflict(pconf);
70 *
71 * // [4] The trust node has information about what is proven and who can
72 * // prove it, where this association is valid in the remainder of the user
73 * // context.
74 *
75 * Node conf = pconf.getProven();
76 * ProofGenerator * pg = pconf.getGenerator();
77 * std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pf = pg->getProofForConflict(conf);
78 * //-----------------------------------------------------------
79 * In other words, the proof generator epg is responsible for creating and
80 * storing the proof internally, and the proof output channel is responsible for
81 * maintaining the map that epg is who to ask for the proof of the conflict.
82 */
83 class EagerProofGenerator : public ProofGenerator
84 {
85 typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, std::shared_ptr<ProofNode>, NodeHashFunction>
86 NodeProofNodeMap;
88 public:
89 EagerProofGenerator(ProofNodeManager* pnm,
90 context::Context* c = nullptr,
91 std::string name = "EagerProofGenerator");
92 ~EagerProofGenerator() {}
93 /** Get the proof for formula f. */
94 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> getProofFor(Node f) override;
95 /** Can we give the proof for formula f? */
96 bool hasProofFor(Node f) override;
97 /**
98 * Set proof for fact f, called when pf is a proof of f.
99 *
100 * @param f The fact proven by pf,
101 * @param pf The proof to store in this class.
102 */
103 void setProofFor(Node f, std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pf);
104 /**
105 * Make trust node: wrap n in a trust node with this generator, and have it
106 * store the proof pf to lemma or conflict n.
107 *
108 * @param n The proven node,
109 * @param pf The proof of n,
110 * @param isConflict Whether the returned trust node is a conflict (otherwise
111 * it is a lemma),
112 * @return The trust node corresponding to the fact that this generator has
113 * a proof of n.
114 */
115 TrustNode mkTrustNode(Node n,
116 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pf,
117 bool isConflict = false);
118 /**
119 * Make trust node from a single step proof. This is a convenience function
120 * that avoids the need to explictly construct ProofNode by the caller.
121 *
122 * @param conc The conclusion of the rule,
123 * @param id The rule of the proof concluding conc
124 * @param exp The explanation (premises) to the proof concluding conc,
125 * @param args The arguments to the proof concluding conc,
126 * @param isConflict Whether the returned trust node is a conflict (otherwise
127 * it is a lemma),
128 * @return The trust node corresponding to the fact that this generator has
129 * a proof of (children => exp), or of exp if children is empty.
130 */
131 TrustNode mkTrustNode(Node conc,
132 PfRule id,
133 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
134 const std::vector<Node>& args,
135 bool isConflict = false);
136 /**
137 * Make trust node: wrap `exp => n` in a trust node with this generator, and
138 * have it store the proof `pf` too.
139 *
140 * @param n The implication
141 * @param exp A conjunction of literals that imply it
142 * @param pf The proof of exp => n,
143 * @return The trust node corresponding to the fact that this generator has
144 * a proof of exp => n.
145 */
146 TrustNode mkTrustedPropagation(Node n,
147 Node exp,
148 std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pf);
149 //--------------------------------------- common proofs
150 /**
151 * This returns the trust node corresponding to the splitting lemma
152 * (or f (not f)) and this generator. The method registers its proof in the
153 * map maintained by this class.
154 */
155 TrustNode mkTrustNodeSplit(Node f);
156 //--------------------------------------- end common proofs
157 /** identify */
158 std::string identify() const override;
160 protected:
161 /** Set that pf is the proof for conflict conf */
162 void setProofForConflict(Node conf, std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pf);
163 /** Set that pf is the proof for lemma lem */
164 void setProofForLemma(Node lem, std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pf);
165 /** Set that pf is the proof for explained propagation */
166 void setProofForPropExp(TNode lit, Node exp, std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> pf);
167 /** The proof node manager */
168 ProofNodeManager* d_pnm;
169 /** Name identifier */
170 std::string d_name;
171 /** A dummy context used by this class if none is provided */
172 context::Context d_context;
173 /**
174 * A user-context-dependent map from lemmas and conflicts to proofs provided
175 * by calls to setProofForConflict and setProofForLemma above.
176 */
177 NodeProofNodeMap d_proofs;
178 };
180 } // namespace theory
181 } // namespace CVC4
183 #endif /* CVC4__THEORY__PROOF_GENERATOR_H */