Add the combination engine (#4939)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / ee_manager_distributed.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file ee_manager_distributed.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Management of a distributed approach for equality sharing.
13 **/
15 #include "theory/ee_manager_distributed.h"
17 #include "theory/quantifiers_engine.h"
18 #include "theory/theory_engine.h"
20 namespace CVC4 {
21 namespace theory {
23 EqEngineManagerDistributed::EqEngineManagerDistributed(TheoryEngine& te)
24 : d_te(te), d_masterEENotify(nullptr)
25 {
26 }
28 EqEngineManagerDistributed::~EqEngineManagerDistributed()
29 {
30 // pop the model context which we pushed on initialization
31 d_modelEeContext.pop();
32 }
34 void EqEngineManagerDistributed::initializeTheories()
35 {
36 context::Context* c = d_te.getSatContext();
38 // allocate equality engines per theory
39 for (TheoryId theoryId = theory::THEORY_FIRST;
40 theoryId != theory::THEORY_LAST;
41 ++theoryId)
42 {
43 Theory* t = d_te.theoryOf(theoryId);
44 if (t == nullptr)
45 {
46 // theory not active, skip
47 continue;
48 }
49 // always allocate an object in d_einfo here
50 EeTheoryInfo& eet = d_einfo[theoryId];
51 EeSetupInfo esi;
52 if (!t->needsEqualityEngine(esi))
53 {
54 // theory said it doesn't need an equality engine, skip
55 continue;
56 }
57 // allocate the equality engine
58 eet.d_allocEe.reset(allocateEqualityEngine(esi, c));
59 // the theory uses the equality engine
60 eet.d_usedEe = eet.d_allocEe.get();
61 }
63 const LogicInfo& logicInfo = d_te.getLogicInfo();
64 if (logicInfo.isQuantified())
65 {
66 // construct the master equality engine
67 Assert(d_masterEqualityEngine == nullptr);
68 QuantifiersEngine* qe = d_te.getQuantifiersEngine();
69 Assert(qe != nullptr);
70 d_masterEENotify.reset(new MasterNotifyClass(qe));
71 d_masterEqualityEngine.reset(new eq::EqualityEngine(*d_masterEENotify.get(),
72 d_te.getSatContext(),
73 "theory::master",
74 false));
76 for (TheoryId theoryId = theory::THEORY_FIRST;
77 theoryId != theory::THEORY_LAST;
78 ++theoryId)
79 {
80 Theory* t = d_te.theoryOf(theoryId);
81 if (t == nullptr)
82 {
83 // theory not active, skip
84 continue;
85 }
86 EeTheoryInfo& eet = d_einfo[theoryId];
87 // Get the allocated equality engine, and connect it to the master
88 // equality engine.
89 eq::EqualityEngine* eeAlloc = eet.d_allocEe.get();
90 if (eeAlloc != nullptr)
91 {
92 // set the master equality engine of the theory's equality engine
93 eeAlloc->setMasterEqualityEngine(d_masterEqualityEngine.get());
94 }
95 }
96 }
97 }
99 void EqEngineManagerDistributed::initializeModel(
100 TheoryModel* m, eq::EqualityEngineNotify* notify)
101 {
102 Assert(m != nullptr);
103 // initialize the model equality engine
104 EeSetupInfo esim;
105 if (m->needsEqualityEngine(esim))
106 {
107 // use the provided notification object
108 esim.d_notify = notify;
109 d_modelEqualityEngine.reset(
110 allocateEqualityEngine(esim, &d_modelEeContext));
111 m->setEqualityEngine(d_modelEqualityEngine.get());
112 }
113 else
114 {
115 AlwaysAssert(false) << "Expected model to use equality engine";
116 }
117 m->finishInit();
118 // We push a context during initialization since the model is cleared during
119 // collectModelInfo using pop/push.
120 d_modelEeContext.push();
121 }
123 void EqEngineManagerDistributed::MasterNotifyClass::eqNotifyNewClass(TNode t)
124 {
125 // adds t to the quantifiers term database
126 d_quantEngine->eqNotifyNewClass(t);
127 }
129 context::Context* EqEngineManagerDistributed::getModelEqualityEngineContext()
130 {
131 return &d_modelEeContext;
132 }
134 eq::EqualityEngine* EqEngineManagerDistributed::getModelEqualityEngine()
135 {
136 return d_modelEqualityEngine.get();
137 }
139 eq::EqualityEngine* EqEngineManagerDistributed::getCoreEqualityEngine()
140 {
141 return d_masterEqualityEngine.get();
142 }
144 eq::EqualityEngine* EqEngineManagerDistributed::allocateEqualityEngine(
145 EeSetupInfo& esi, context::Context* c)
146 {
147 if (esi.d_notify != nullptr)
148 {
149 return new eq::EqualityEngine(
150 *esi.d_notify, c, esi.d_name, esi.d_constantsAreTriggers);
151 }
152 // the theory doesn't care about explicit notifications
153 return new eq::EqualityEngine(c, esi.d_name, esi.d_constantsAreTriggers);
154 }
156 } // namespace theory
157 } // namespace CVC4