Cleanup in transcendental solver, add ApproximationBounds struct. (#5945)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / logic_info.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file logic_info.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Morgan Deters, Andrew Reynolds, Tim King
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief A class giving information about a logic (group a theory modules
13 ** and configuration information)
14 **
15 ** A class giving information about a logic (group of theory modules and
16 ** configuration information).
17 **/
19 #include "cvc4_public.h"
21 #ifndef CVC4__LOGIC_INFO_H
22 #define CVC4__LOGIC_INFO_H
24 #include <string>
25 #include <vector>
26 #include "expr/kind.h"
28 namespace CVC4 {
30 /**
31 * A LogicInfo instance describes a collection of theory modules and some
32 * basic configuration about them. Conceptually, it provides a background
33 * context for all operations in CVC4. Typically, when CVC4's SmtEngine
34 * is created, it is issued a setLogic() command indicating features of the
35 * assertions and queries to follow---for example, whether quantifiers are
36 * used, whether integers or reals (or both) will be used, etc.
37 *
38 * Most places in CVC4 will only ever need to access a const reference to an
39 * instance of this class. Such an instance is generally set by the SmtEngine
40 * when setLogic() is called. However, mutating member functions are also
41 * provided by this class so that it can be used as a more general mechanism
42 * (e.g., for communicating to the SmtEngine which theories should be used,
43 * rather than having to provide an SMT-LIB string).
44 */
45 class CVC4_PUBLIC LogicInfo {
46 mutable std::string d_logicString; /**< an SMT-LIB-like logic string */
47 std::vector<bool> d_theories; /**< set of active theories */
48 size_t d_sharingTheories; /**< count of theories that need sharing */
50 /** are integers used in this logic? */
51 bool d_integers;
52 /** are reals used in this logic? */
53 bool d_reals;
54 /** transcendentals in this logic? */
55 bool d_transcendentals;
56 /** linear-only arithmetic in this logic? */
57 bool d_linear;
58 /** difference-only arithmetic in this logic? */
59 bool d_differenceLogic;
60 /** cardinality constraints in this logic? */
61 bool d_cardinalityConstraints;
62 /** higher-order constraints in this logic? */
63 bool d_higherOrder;
65 bool d_locked; /**< is this LogicInfo instance locked (and thus immutable)? */
67 /**
68 * Returns true iff this is a "true" theory (one that must be worried
69 * about for sharing
70 */
71 static inline bool isTrueTheory(theory::TheoryId theory) {
72 switch(theory) {
73 case theory::THEORY_BUILTIN:
74 case theory::THEORY_BOOL:
75 case theory::THEORY_QUANTIFIERS:
76 return false;
77 default:
78 return true;
79 }
80 }
82 public:
84 /**
85 * Constructs a LogicInfo for the most general logic (quantifiers, all
86 * background theory modules, ...).
87 */
88 LogicInfo();
90 /**
91 * Construct a LogicInfo from an SMT-LIB-like logic string.
92 * Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the logic string cannot
93 * be interpreted.
94 */
95 LogicInfo(std::string logicString);
97 /**
98 * Construct a LogicInfo from an SMT-LIB-like logic string.
99 * Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the logic string cannot
100 * be interpreted.
101 */
102 LogicInfo(const char* logicString);
106 /**
107 * Get an SMT-LIB-like logic string. These are only guaranteed to
108 * be SMT-LIB-compliant if an SMT-LIB-compliant string was used in
109 * the constructor and no mutating functions were called.
110 */
111 std::string getLogicString() const;
113 /** Is sharing enabled for this logic? */
114 bool isSharingEnabled() const;
116 /** Is the given theory module active in this logic? */
117 bool isTheoryEnabled(theory::TheoryId theory) const;
119 /** Is this a quantified logic? */
120 bool isQuantified() const;
122 /** Is this the all-inclusive logic? */
123 bool hasEverything() const;
125 /** Is this the all-exclusive logic? (Here, that means propositional logic) */
126 bool hasNothing() const;
128 /**
129 * Is this a pure logic (only one "true" background theory). Quantifiers
130 * can exist in such logics though; to test for quantifier-free purity,
131 * use "isPure(theory) && !isQuantified()".
132 */
133 bool isPure(theory::TheoryId theory) const;
135 // these are for arithmetic
137 /** Are integers in this logic? */
138 bool areIntegersUsed() const;
140 /** Are reals in this logic? */
141 bool areRealsUsed() const;
143 /** Are transcendentals in this logic? */
144 bool areTranscendentalsUsed() const;
146 /** Does this logic only linear arithmetic? */
147 bool isLinear() const;
149 /** Does this logic only permit difference reasoning? (implies linear) */
150 bool isDifferenceLogic() const;
152 /** Does this logic allow cardinality constraints? */
153 bool hasCardinalityConstraints() const;
155 /** Is this a higher order logic? */
156 bool isHigherOrder() const;
160 /**
161 * Initialize the LogicInfo with an SMT-LIB-like logic string.
162 * Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the string can't be
163 * interpreted.
164 */
165 void setLogicString(std::string logicString);
167 /**
168 * Enable all functionality. All theories, plus quantifiers, will be
169 * enabled.
170 */
171 void enableEverything();
173 /**
174 * Disable all functionality. The result will be a LogicInfo with
175 * the BUILTIN and BOOLEAN theories enabled only ("QF_SAT").
176 */
177 void disableEverything();
179 /**
180 * Enable the given theory module.
181 */
182 void enableTheory(theory::TheoryId theory);
184 /**
185 * Disable the given theory module. THEORY_BUILTIN and THEORY_BOOL cannot
186 * be disabled (and if given here, the request will be silently ignored).
187 */
188 void disableTheory(theory::TheoryId theory);
190 /**
191 * Quantifiers are a special case, since two theory modules handle them.
192 */
193 void enableQuantifiers() {
194 enableTheory(theory::THEORY_QUANTIFIERS);
195 }
197 /**
198 * Quantifiers are a special case, since two theory modules handle them.
199 */
200 void disableQuantifiers() {
201 disableTheory(theory::THEORY_QUANTIFIERS);
202 }
204 /**
205 * Enable everything that is needed for sygus with respect to this logic info.
206 * This means enabling quantifiers, datatypes, UF, integers, and higher order.
207 */
208 void enableSygus();
209 /**
210 * Enable everything that is needed for separation logic. This means enabling
211 * the theories of separation logic, UF and sets.
212 */
213 void enableSeparationLogic();
215 // these are for arithmetic
217 /** Enable the use of integers in this logic. */
218 void enableIntegers();
219 /** Disable the use of integers in this logic. */
220 void disableIntegers();
221 /** Enable the use of reals in this logic. */
222 void enableReals();
223 /** Disable the use of reals in this logic. */
224 void disableReals();
225 /** Enable the use of transcendentals in this logic. */
226 void arithTranscendentals();
227 /** Only permit difference arithmetic in this logic. */
228 void arithOnlyDifference();
229 /** Only permit linear arithmetic in this logic. */
230 void arithOnlyLinear();
231 /** Permit nonlinear arithmetic in this logic. */
232 void arithNonLinear();
234 // for cardinality constraints
236 /** Enable the use of cardinality constraints in this logic. */
237 void enableCardinalityConstraints();
238 /** Disable the use of cardinality constraints in this logic. */
239 void disableCardinalityConstraints();
241 // for higher-order
243 /** Enable the use of higher-order in this logic. */
244 void enableHigherOrder();
245 /** Disable the use of higher-order in this logic. */
246 void disableHigherOrder();
250 /** Lock this LogicInfo, disabling further mutation and allowing queries */
251 void lock() { d_locked = true; }
252 /** Check whether this LogicInfo is locked, disallowing further mutation */
253 bool isLocked() const { return d_locked; }
254 /** Get a copy of this LogicInfo that is identical, but unlocked */
255 LogicInfo getUnlockedCopy() const;
259 /** Are these two LogicInfos equal? */
260 bool operator==(const LogicInfo& other) const;
262 /** Are these two LogicInfos disequal? */
263 bool operator!=(const LogicInfo& other) const {
264 return !(*this == other);
265 }
267 /** Is this LogicInfo "greater than" (does it contain everything and more) the other? */
268 bool operator>(const LogicInfo& other) const {
269 return *this >= other && *this != other;
270 }
272 /** Is this LogicInfo "less than" (does it contain strictly less) the other? */
273 bool operator<(const LogicInfo& other) const {
274 return *this <= other && *this != other;
275 }
276 /** Is this LogicInfo "less than or equal" the other? */
277 bool operator<=(const LogicInfo& other) const;
279 /** Is this LogicInfo "greater than or equal" the other? */
280 bool operator>=(const LogicInfo& other) const;
282 /** Are two LogicInfos comparable? That is, is one of <= or > true? */
283 bool isComparableTo(const LogicInfo& other) const {
284 return *this <= other || *this >= other;
285 }
287 };/* class LogicInfo */
289 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const LogicInfo& logic) CVC4_PUBLIC;
291 }/* CVC4 namespace */
293 #endif /* CVC4__LOGIC_INFO_H */