Quantifiers subdirectories (#1608)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / quantifiers / ematching / inst_match_generator.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file inst_match_generator.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Morgan Deters, Andrew Reynolds, Tim King
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2017 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief inst match generator class
13 **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include <map>
21 #include "theory/quantifiers/inst_match_trie.h"
23 namespace CVC4 {
24 namespace theory {
26 class QuantifiersEngine;
27 namespace quantifiers{
28 class TermArgTrie;
29 }
31 namespace inst {
33 class Trigger;
35 /** IMGenerator class
36 *
37 * Virtual base class for generating InstMatch objects, which correspond to
38 * quantifier instantiations. The main use of this class is as a backend utility
39 * to Trigger (see theory/quantifiers/ematching/trigger.h).
40 *
41 * Some functions below take as argument a pointer to the current quantifiers
42 * engine, which is used for making various queries about what terms and
43 * equalities exist in the current context.
44 *
45 * Some functions below take a pointer to a parent Trigger object, which is used
46 * to post-process and finalize the instantiations through
47 * sendInstantiation(...), where the parent trigger will make calls to
48 * qe->getInstantiate()->addInstantiation(...). The latter function is the entry
49 * point in which instantiate lemmas are enqueued to be sent on the output
50 * channel.
51 */
52 class IMGenerator {
53 public:
54 virtual ~IMGenerator() {}
55 /** Reset instantiation round.
56 *
57 * Called once at beginning of an instantiation round.
58 */
59 virtual void resetInstantiationRound(QuantifiersEngine* qe) {}
60 /** Reset.
61 *
62 * eqc is the equivalence class to search in (any if eqc=null).
63 * Returns true if this generator can produce instantiations, and false
64 * otherwise. An example of when it returns false is if it can be determined
65 * that no appropriate matchable terms occur based on eqc.
66 */
67 virtual bool reset(Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe) { return true; }
68 /** Get the next match.
69 *
70 * Must call reset( eqc ) before this function. This constructs an
71 * instantiation, which it populates in data structure m,
72 * based on the current context using the implemented matching algorithm.
73 *
74 * q is the quantified formula we are adding instantiations for
75 * m is the InstMatch object we are generating
76 *
77 * Returns a value >0 if an instantiation was successfully generated
78 */
79 virtual int getNextMatch(Node q,
80 InstMatch& m,
81 QuantifiersEngine* qe,
82 Trigger* tparent)
83 {
84 return 0;
85 }
86 /** add instantiations
87 *
88 * This add all available instantiations for q based on the current context
89 * using the implemented matching algorithm. It typically is implemented as a
90 * fixed point of getNextMatch above.
91 *
92 * It returns the number of instantiations added using calls to calls to
93 * Instantiate::addInstantiation(...).
94 */
95 virtual int addInstantiations(Node q,
96 QuantifiersEngine* qe,
97 Trigger* tparent)
98 {
99 return 0;
100 }
101 /** get active score
102 *
103 * A heuristic value indicating how active this generator is.
104 */
105 virtual int getActiveScore( QuantifiersEngine * qe ) { return 0; }
106 protected:
107 /** send instantiation
108 *
109 * This method sends instantiation, specified by m, to the parent trigger
110 * object, which will in turn make a call to
111 * Instantiate::addInstantiation(...). This method returns true if a
112 * call to Instantiate::addInstantiation(...) was successfully made,
113 * indicating that an instantiation was enqueued in the quantifier engine's
114 * lemma cache.
115 */
116 bool sendInstantiation(Trigger* tparent, InstMatch& m);
117 };/* class IMGenerator */
119 class CandidateGenerator;
121 /** InstMatchGenerator class
122 *
123 * This is the default generator class for non-simple single triggers, that is,
124 * triggers composed of a single term with nested term applications.
125 * For example, { f( y, f( x, a ) ) } and { f( g( x ), a ) } are non-simple
126 * triggers.
127 *
128 * Handling non-simple triggers is done by constructing a linked list of
129 * InstMatchGenerator classes (see mkInstMatchGenerator), where each
130 * InstMatchGenerator has a "d_next" pointer. If d_next is NULL,
131 * then this is the end of the InstMatchGenerator and the last
132 * InstMatchGenerator is responsible for finalizing the instantiation.
133 *
134 * For (EX1), for the trigger f( y, f( x, a ) ), we construct the linked list:
135 *
136 * [ f( y, f( x, a ) ) ] -> [ f( x, a ) ] -> NULL
137 *
138 * In a call to getNextMatch,
139 * if we match against a ground term f( b, c ), then the first InstMatchGenerator
140 * in this list binds y to b, and tells the InstMatchGenerator [ f( x, a ) ] to
141 * match f-applications in the equivalence class of c.
142 *
143 * CVC4 employs techniques that ensure that the number of instantiations
144 * is worst-case polynomial wrt the number of ground terms.
145 * Consider the axiom/pattern/context (EX2) :
146 *
147 * axiom : forall x1 x2 x3 x4. F[ x1...x4 ]
148 *
149 * trigger : P( f( x1 ), f( x2 ), f( x3 ), f( x4 ) )
150 *
151 * ground context : ~P( a, a, a, a ), a = f( c_1 ) = ... = f( c_100 )
152 *
153 * If E-matching were applied exhaustively, then x1, x2, x3, x4 would be
154 * instantiated with all combinations of c_1, ... c_100, giving 100^4
155 * instantiations.
156 *
157 * Instead, we enforce that at most 1 instantiation is produced for a
158 * ( pattern, ground term ) pair per round. Meaning, only one instantiation is
159 * generated when matching P( a, a, a, a ) against the generator
160 * [P( f( x1 ), f( x2 ), f( x3 ), f( x4 ) )]. For details, see Section 3 of
161 * Reynolds, Vampire 2016.
162 *
163 * To enforce these policies, we use a flag "d_active_add" which dictates the
164 * behavior of the last element in the linked list. If d_active_add is
165 * true -> a call to getNextMatch(...) returns 1 only if adding the
166 * instantiation via a call to IMGenerator::sendInstantiation(...)
167 * successfully enqueues a lemma via a call to
168 * Instantiate::addInstantiation(...). This call may fail e.g. if we
169 * have already added the instantiation, or the instantiation is
170 * entailed.
171 * false -> a call to getNextMatch(...) returns 1 whenever an m is
172 * constructed, where typically the caller would use m.
173 * This is important since a return value >0 signals that the current matched
174 * terms should be flushed. Consider the above example (EX1), where
175 * [ f(y,f(x,a)) ] is being matched against f(b,c),
176 * [ f(x,a) ] is being matched against f(d,a) where c=f(d,a)
177 * A successfully added instantiation { x->d, y->b } here signals we should
178 * not produce further instantiations that match f(y,f(x,a)) with f(b,c).
179 *
180 * A number of special cases of triggers are covered by this generator (see
181 * implementation of initialize), including :
182 * Literal triggers, e.g. x >= a, ~x = y
183 * Selector triggers, e.g. head( x )
184 * Triggers with invertible subterms, e.g. f( x+1 )
185 * Variable triggers, e.g. x
186 *
187 * All triggers above can be in the context of an equality, e.g.
188 * { f( y, f( x, a ) ) = b } is a trigger that matches f( y, f( x, a ) ) to
189 * ground terms in the equivalence class of b.
190 * { ~f( y, f( x, a ) ) = b } is a trigger that matches f( y, f( x, a ) ) to any
191 * ground terms not in the equivalence class of b.
192 */
193 class InstMatchGenerator : public IMGenerator {
194 public:
195 /** destructor */
196 ~InstMatchGenerator() override;
198 /** Reset instantiation round. */
199 void resetInstantiationRound(QuantifiersEngine* qe) override;
200 /** Reset. */
201 bool reset(Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe) override;
202 /** Get the next match. */
203 int getNextMatch(Node q,
204 InstMatch& m,
205 QuantifiersEngine* qe,
206 Trigger* tparent) override;
207 /** Add instantiations. */
208 int addInstantiations(Node q,
209 QuantifiersEngine* qe,
210 Trigger* tparent) override;
212 /** set active add flag (true by default)
213 *
214 * If active add is true, we call sendInstantiation in calls to getNextMatch,
215 * instead of returning the match. This is necessary so that we can ensure
216 * policies that are dependent upon knowing when instantiations are
217 * successfully added to the output channel through
218 * Instantiate::addInstantiation(...).
219 */
220 void setActiveAdd(bool val);
221 /** Get active score for this inst match generator
222 *
223 * See Trigger::getActiveScore for details.
224 */
225 int getActiveScore(QuantifiersEngine* qe) override;
226 /** exclude match
227 *
228 * Exclude matching d_match_pattern with Node n on subsequent calls to
229 * getNextMatch.
230 */
231 void excludeMatch(Node n) { d_curr_exclude_match[n] = true; }
232 /** Get current match.
233 * Returns the term we are currently matching.
234 */
235 Node getCurrentMatch() { return d_curr_matched; }
236 /** set that this match generator is independent
237 *
238 * A match generator is indepndent when this generator fails to produce a
239 * match in a call to getNextMatch, the overall matching fails.
240 */
241 void setIndependent() { d_independent_gen = true; }
242 //-------------------------------construction of inst match generators
243 /** mkInstMatchGenerator for single triggers, calls the method below */
244 static InstMatchGenerator* mkInstMatchGenerator(Node q,
245 Node pat,
246 QuantifiersEngine* qe);
247 /** mkInstMatchGenerator for the multi trigger case
248 *
249 * This linked list of InstMatchGenerator classes with one
250 * InstMatchGeneratorMultiLinear at the head and a list of trailing
251 * InstMatchGenerators corresponding to each unique subterm of pats with
252 * free variables.
253 */
254 static InstMatchGenerator* mkInstMatchGeneratorMulti(Node q,
255 std::vector<Node>& pats,
256 QuantifiersEngine* qe);
257 /** mkInstMatchGenerator
258 *
259 * This generates a linked list of InstMatchGenerators for each unique
260 * subterm of pats with free variables.
261 *
262 * q is the quantified formula associated with the generator we are making
263 * pats is a set of terms we are making InstMatchGenerator nodes for
264 * qe is a pointer to the quantifiers engine (used for querying necessary
265 * information during initialization) pat_map_init maps from terms to
266 * generators we have already made for them.
267 *
268 * It calls initialize(...) for all InstMatchGenerators generated by this call.
269 */
270 static InstMatchGenerator* mkInstMatchGenerator(
271 Node q,
272 std::vector<Node>& pats,
273 QuantifiersEngine* qe,
274 std::map<Node, InstMatchGenerator*>& pat_map_init);
275 //-------------------------------end construction of inst match generators
277 protected:
278 /** constructors
279 *
280 * These are intentionally private, and are called during linked list
281 * construction in mkInstMatchGenerator.
282 */
283 InstMatchGenerator(Node pat);
284 InstMatchGenerator();
285 /** The pattern we are producing matches for.
286 *
287 * This term and d_match_pattern can be different since this
288 * term may involve information regarding phase and (dis)equality entailment,
289 * or other special cases of Triggers.
290 *
291 * For example, for the trigger for P( x ) = false, which matches P( x ) with
292 * P( t ) in the equivalence class of false,
293 * P( x ) = false is d_pattern
294 * P( x ) is d_match_pattern
295 * Another example, for pure theory triggers like head( x ), we have
296 * head( x ) is d_pattern
297 * x is d_match_pattern
298 * since head( x ) can match any (List) datatype term x.
299 *
300 * If null, this is a multi trigger that is merging matches from d_children,
301 * which is used in InstMatchGeneratorMulti.
302 */
303 Node d_pattern;
304 /** The match pattern
305 * This is the term that is matched against ground terms,
306 * see examples above.
307 */
308 Node d_match_pattern;
309 /** The current term we are matching. */
310 Node d_curr_matched;
311 /** do we need to call reset on this generator? */
312 bool d_needsReset;
313 /** candidate generator
314 * This is the back-end utility for InstMatchGenerator.
315 * It generates a stream of candidate terms to match against d_match_pattern
316 * below, dependending upon what kind of term we are matching
317 * (e.g. a matchable term, a variable, a relation, etc.).
318 */
319 CandidateGenerator* d_cg;
320 /** children generators
321 * These match generators correspond to the children of the term
322 * we are matching with this generator.
323 * For example [ f( x, a ) ] is a child of [ f( y, f( x, a ) ) ]
324 * in the example (EX1) above.
325 */
326 std::vector<InstMatchGenerator*> d_children;
327 /** for each child, the index in the term
328 * For example [ f( x, a ) ] has index 1 in [ f( y, f( x, a ) ) ]
329 * in the example (EX1) above, indicating it is the 2nd child
330 * of the term.
331 */
332 std::vector<int> d_children_index;
333 /** children types
334 *
335 * If d_match_pattern is an instantiation constant, then this is a singleton
336 * vector containing the variable number of the d_match_pattern itself.
337 * If d_match_patterm is a term of the form f( t1, ..., tn ), then for each
338 * index i, d_children[i] stores the type of node ti is, where:
339 * >= 0 : variable (indicates its number),
340 * -1 : ground term,
341 * -2 : child term.
342 */
343 std::vector<int> d_children_types;
344 /** The next generator in the linked list
345 * that this generator is a part of.
346 */
347 InstMatchGenerator* d_next;
348 /** The equivalence class we are currently matching in. */
349 Node d_eq_class;
350 /** If non-null, then this is a relational trigger of the form x ~
351 * d_eq_class_rel. */
352 Node d_eq_class_rel;
353 /** Excluded matches
354 * Stores the terms we are not allowed to match.
355 * These can for instance be specified by the smt2
356 * extended syntax (! ... :no-pattern).
357 */
358 std::map<Node, bool> d_curr_exclude_match;
359 /** Current first candidate
360 * Used in a key fail-quickly optimization which generates
361 * the first candidate term to match during reset().
362 */
363 Node d_curr_first_candidate;
364 /** Indepdendent generate
365 * If this flag is true, failures to match should be cached.
366 */
367 bool d_independent_gen;
368 /** active add flag, described above. */
369 bool d_active_add;
370 /** cached value of d_match_pattern.getType() */
371 TypeNode d_match_pattern_type;
372 /** the match operator for d_match_pattern
373 *
374 * See TermDatabase::getMatchOperator for details on match operators.
375 */
376 Node d_match_pattern_op;
377 /** get the match against ground term or formula t.
378 *
379 * d_match_pattern and t should have the same shape, that is,
380 * their match operator (see TermDatabase::getMatchOperator) is the same.
381 * only valid for use where !d_match_pattern.isNull().
382 */
383 int getMatch(
384 Node q, Node t, InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe, Trigger* tparent);
385 /** Initialize this generator.
386 *
387 * q is the quantified formula associated with this generator.
388 *
389 * This constructs the appropriate information about what
390 * patterns we are matching and children generators.
391 *
392 * It may construct new (child) generators needed to implement
393 * the matching algorithm for this term. For each new generator
394 * constructed in this way, it adds them to gens.
395 */
396 void initialize(Node q,
397 QuantifiersEngine* qe,
398 std::vector<InstMatchGenerator*>& gens);
399 /** Continue next match
400 *
401 * This is called during getNextMatch when the current generator in the linked
402 * list succesfully satisfies its matching constraint. This function either
403 * calls getNextMatch of the next element in the linked list, or finalizes the
404 * match (calling sendInstantiation(...) if active add is true, or returning a
405 * value >0 if active add is false). Its return value has the same semantics
406 * as getNextMatch.
407 */
408 int continueNextMatch(Node q,
409 InstMatch& m,
410 QuantifiersEngine* qe,
411 Trigger* tparent);
412 /** Get inst match generator
413 *
414 * Gets the InstMatchGenerator that implements the
415 * appropriate matching algorithm for n within q
416 * within a linked list of InstMatchGenerators.
417 */
418 static InstMatchGenerator* getInstMatchGenerator(Node q, Node n);
419 };/* class InstMatchGenerator */
421 /** match generator for Boolean term ITEs
422 * This handles the special case of triggers that look like ite( x, BV1, BV0 ).
423 */
424 class VarMatchGeneratorBooleanTerm : public InstMatchGenerator {
425 public:
426 VarMatchGeneratorBooleanTerm( Node var, Node comp );
428 /** Reset */
429 bool reset(Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe) override
430 {
431 d_eq_class = eqc;
432 return true;
433 }
434 /** Get the next match. */
435 int getNextMatch(Node q,
436 InstMatch& m,
437 QuantifiersEngine* qe,
438 Trigger* tparent) override;
440 private:
441 /** stores the true branch of the Boolean ITE */
442 Node d_comp;
443 /** stores whether we have written a value for var in the current match. */
444 bool d_rm_prev;
445 };
447 /** match generator for purified terms
448 * This handles the special case of invertible terms like x+1 (see
449 * Trigger::getTermInversionVariable).
450 */
451 class VarMatchGeneratorTermSubs : public InstMatchGenerator {
452 public:
453 VarMatchGeneratorTermSubs( Node var, Node subs );
455 /** Reset */
456 bool reset(Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe) override
457 {
458 d_eq_class = eqc;
459 return true;
460 }
461 /** Get the next match. */
462 int getNextMatch(Node q,
463 InstMatch& m,
464 QuantifiersEngine* qe,
465 Trigger* tparent) override;
467 private:
468 /** variable we are matching (x in the example x+1). */
469 TNode d_var;
470 /** cache of d_var.getType() */
471 TypeNode d_var_type;
472 /** The substitution for what we match (x-1 in the example x+1). */
473 Node d_subs;
474 /** stores whether we have written a value for d_var in the current match. */
475 bool d_rm_prev;
476 };
478 /** InstMatchGeneratorMultiLinear class
479 *
480 * This is the default implementation of multi-triggers.
481 *
482 * Handling multi-triggers using this class is done by constructing a linked
483 * list of InstMatchGenerator classes (see mkInstMatchGeneratorMulti), with one
484 * InstMatchGeneratorMultiLinear at the head and a list of trailing
485 * InstMatchGenerators.
486 *
487 * CVC4 employs techniques that ensure that the number of instantiations
488 * is worst-case polynomial wrt the number of ground terms, where this class
489 * lifts this policy to multi-triggers. In particular consider
490 *
491 * multi-trigger : { f( x1 ), f( x2 ), f( x3 ), f( x4 ) }
492 *
493 * For this multi-trigger, we insist that for each i=1...4, and each ground term
494 * t, there is at most 1 instantiation added as a result of matching
495 * ( f( x1 ), f( x2 ), f( x3 ), f( x4 ) )
496 * against ground terms of the form
497 * ( s_1, s_2, s_3, s_4 ) where t = s_i for i=1,...,4.
498 * Meaning we add instantiations for the multi-trigger
499 * ( f( x1 ), f( x2 ), f( x3 ), f( x4 ) ) based on matching pairwise against:
500 * ( f( c_i11 ), f( c_i21 ), f( c_i31 ), f( c_i41 ) )
501 * ( f( c_i12 ), f( c_i22 ), f( c_i32 ), f( c_i42 ) )
502 * ( f( c_i13 ), f( c_i23 ), f( c_i33 ), f( c_i43 ) )
503 * Where we require c_i{jk} != c_i{jl} for each i=1...4, k != l.
504 *
505 * For example, we disallow adding instantiations based on matching against both
506 * ( f( c_1 ), f( c_2 ), f( c_4 ), f( c_6 ) ) and
507 * ( f( c_1 ), f( c_3 ), f( c_5 ), f( c_7 ) )
508 * against ( f( x1 ), f( x2 ), f( x3 ), f( x4 ) ), since f( c_1 ) is matched
509 * against f( x1 ) twice.
510 *
511 * This policy can be disabled by --no-multi-trigger-linear.
512 *
513 */
514 class InstMatchGeneratorMultiLinear : public InstMatchGenerator {
515 friend class InstMatchGenerator;
517 public:
518 /** Reset. */
519 bool reset(Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe) override;
520 /** Get the next match. */
521 int getNextMatch(Node q,
522 InstMatch& m,
523 QuantifiersEngine* qe,
524 Trigger* tparent) override;
526 protected:
527 /** reset the children of this generator */
528 int resetChildren(QuantifiersEngine* qe);
529 /** constructor */
530 InstMatchGeneratorMultiLinear(Node q,
531 std::vector<Node>& pats,
532 QuantifiersEngine* qe);
533 };/* class InstMatchGeneratorMulti */
535 /** InstMatchGeneratorMulti
536 *
537 * This is an earlier implementation of multi-triggers
538 * that is enabled by --multi-trigger-cache.
539 * This generator takes the product of instantiations
540 * found by single trigger matching, and does
541 * not have the guarantee that the number of
542 * instantiations is polynomial wrt the number of
543 * ground terms.
544 */
545 class InstMatchGeneratorMulti : public IMGenerator {
546 public:
547 /** constructors */
548 InstMatchGeneratorMulti(Node q,
549 std::vector<Node>& pats,
550 QuantifiersEngine* qe);
551 /** destructor */
552 ~InstMatchGeneratorMulti() override;
554 /** Reset instantiation round. */
555 void resetInstantiationRound(QuantifiersEngine* qe) override;
556 /** Reset. */
557 bool reset(Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe) override;
558 /** Add instantiations. */
559 int addInstantiations(Node q,
560 QuantifiersEngine* qe,
561 Trigger* tparent) override;
563 private:
564 /** indexed trie */
565 typedef std::pair< std::pair< int, int >, InstMatchTrie* > IndexedTrie;
566 /** process new match
567 *
568 * Called during addInstantiations(...).
569 * Indicates we produced a match m for child fromChildIndex
570 * addedLemmas is how many instantiations we succesfully send
571 * via IMGenerator::sendInstantiation(...) calls.
572 */
573 void processNewMatch(QuantifiersEngine* qe,
574 Trigger* tparent,
575 InstMatch& m,
576 int fromChildIndex,
577 int& addedLemmas);
578 /** helper for process new match
579 * tr is the inst match trie (term index) we are currently traversing.
580 * trieIndex is depth we are in trie tr.
581 * childIndex is the index of the term in the multi trigger we are currently
582 * processing.
583 * endChildIndex is the index of the term in the multi trigger that generated
584 * a new term, and hence we will end when the product
585 * computed by this function returns to.
586 * modEq is whether we are matching modulo equality.
587 */
588 void processNewInstantiations(QuantifiersEngine* qe,
589 Trigger* tparent,
590 InstMatch& m,
591 int& addedLemmas,
592 InstMatchTrie* tr,
593 int trieIndex,
594 int childIndex,
595 int endChildIndex,
596 bool modEq);
597 /** Map from pattern nodes to indices of variables they contain. */
598 std::map< Node, std::vector< int > > d_var_contains;
599 /** Map from variable indices to pattern nodes that contain them. */
600 std::map< int, std::vector< Node > > d_var_to_node;
601 /** quantified formula we are producing matches for */
602 Node d_quant;
603 /** children generators
604 * These are inst match generators for each term in the multi trigger.
605 */
606 std::vector< InstMatchGenerator* > d_children;
607 /** variable orderings
608 * Stores a heuristically determined variable ordering (unique
609 * variables first) for each term in the multi trigger.
610 */
611 std::map< unsigned, InstMatchTrie::ImtIndexOrder* > d_imtio;
612 /** inst match tries for each child node
613 * This data structure stores all InstMatch objects generated
614 * by matching for each term in the multi trigger.
615 */
616 std::vector< InstMatchTrieOrdered > d_children_trie;
617 };/* class InstMatchGeneratorMulti */
619 /** InstMatchGeneratorSimple class
620 *
621 * This is the default generator class for simple single triggers.
622 * For example, { f( x, a ) }, { f( x, x ) } and { f( x, y ) } are simple single
623 * triggers. In practice, around 70-90% of triggers are simple single triggers.
624 *
625 * Notice that simple triggers also can have an attached polarity.
626 * For example, { P( x ) = false }, { f( x, y ) = a } and { ~f( a, x ) = b } are
627 * simple single triggers.
628 *
629 * The implementation traverses the term indices in TermDatabase for adding
630 * instantiations, which is more efficient than the techniques required for
631 * handling non-simple single triggers.
632 *
633 * In contrast to other instantiation generators, it does not call
634 * IMGenerator::sendInstantiation and for performance reasons instead calls
635 * qe->getInstantiate()->addInstantiation(...) directly.
636 */
637 class InstMatchGeneratorSimple : public IMGenerator {
638 public:
639 /** constructors */
640 InstMatchGeneratorSimple(Node q, Node pat, QuantifiersEngine* qe);
642 /** Reset instantiation round. */
643 void resetInstantiationRound(QuantifiersEngine* qe) override;
644 /** Add instantiations. */
645 int addInstantiations(Node q,
646 QuantifiersEngine* qe,
647 Trigger* tparent) override;
648 /** Get active score. */
649 int getActiveScore(QuantifiersEngine* qe) override;
651 private:
652 /** quantified formula for the trigger term */
653 Node d_quant;
654 /** the trigger term */
655 Node d_match_pattern;
656 /** equivalence class polarity information
657 *
658 * This stores the required polarity/equivalence class with this trigger.
659 * If d_eqc is non-null, we only produce matches { x->t } such that
660 * our context does not entail
661 * ( d_match_pattern*{ x->t } = d_eqc) if d_pol = true, or
662 * ( d_match_pattern*{ x->t } != d_eqc) if d_pol = false.
663 * where * denotes application of substitution.
664 */
665 bool d_pol;
666 Node d_eqc;
667 /** Match pattern arg types.
668 * Cached values of d_match_pattern[i].getType().
669 */
670 std::vector< TypeNode > d_match_pattern_arg_types;
671 /** The match operator d_match_pattern (see TermDb::getMatchOperator). */
672 Node d_op;
673 /** Map from child number to variable index. */
674 std::map< int, int > d_var_num;
675 /** add instantiations, helper function.
676 *
677 * m is the current match we are building,
678 * addedLemmas is the number of lemmas we have added via calls to
679 * qe->getInstantiate()->aaddInstantiation(...),
680 * argIndex is the argument index in d_match_pattern we are currently
681 * matching,
682 * tat is the term index we are currently traversing.
683 */
684 void addInstantiations(InstMatch& m,
685 QuantifiersEngine* qe,
686 int& addedLemmas,
687 unsigned argIndex,
688 quantifiers::TermArgTrie* tat);
689 };/* class InstMatchGeneratorSimple */
690 }
691 }
692 }
694 #endif