Eliminate calls to currentSmtEngine (#7060)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / quantifiers / expr_miner.cpp
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Andrew Reynolds, Andres Noetzli, Aina Niemetz
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * Implementation of expr_miner.
14 */
16 #include "theory/quantifiers/expr_miner.h"
18 #include "expr/skolem_manager.h"
19 #include "options/quantifiers_options.h"
20 #include "theory/quantifiers/term_util.h"
21 #include "theory/rewriter.h"
23 using namespace std;
24 using namespace cvc5::kind;
26 namespace cvc5 {
27 namespace theory {
28 namespace quantifiers {
30 void ExprMiner::initialize(const std::vector<Node>& vars, SygusSampler* ss)
31 {
32 d_sampler = ss;
33 d_vars.insert(d_vars.end(), vars.begin(), vars.end());
34 }
36 Node ExprMiner::convertToSkolem(Node n)
37 {
38 if (d_skolems.empty())
39 {
40 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
41 SkolemManager* sm = nm->getSkolemManager();
42 for (const Node& v : d_vars)
43 {
44 Node sk = sm->mkDummySkolem("rrck", v.getType());
45 d_skolems.push_back(sk);
46 d_fv_to_skolem[v] = sk;
47 }
48 }
49 return n.substitute(
50 d_vars.begin(), d_vars.end(), d_skolems.begin(), d_skolems.end());
51 }
53 void ExprMiner::initializeChecker(std::unique_ptr<SmtEngine>& checker,
54 Node query)
55 {
56 Assert (!query.isNull());
57 if (Options::current().quantifiers.sygusExprMinerCheckTimeoutWasSetByUser)
58 {
59 initializeSubsolver(
60 checker, nullptr, true, options::sygusExprMinerCheckTimeout());
61 }
62 else
63 {
64 initializeSubsolver(checker);
65 }
66 // also set the options
67 checker->setOption("sygus-rr-synth-input", "false");
68 checker->setOption("input-language", "smt2");
69 // Convert bound variables to skolems. This ensures the satisfiability
70 // check is ground.
71 Node squery = convertToSkolem(query);
72 checker->assertFormula(squery);
73 }
75 Result ExprMiner::doCheck(Node query)
76 {
77 Node queryr = Rewriter::rewrite(query);
78 if (queryr.isConst())
79 {
80 if (!queryr.getConst<bool>())
81 {
82 return Result(Result::UNSAT);
83 }
84 else
85 {
86 return Result(Result::SAT);
87 }
88 }
89 std::unique_ptr<SmtEngine> smte;
90 initializeChecker(smte, query);
91 return smte->checkSat();
92 }
94 } // namespace quantifiers
95 } // namespace theory
96 } // namespace cvc5