Remove forward declarations in quantifiers engine (#3156)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / quantifiers / first_order_model.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file first_order_model.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Paul Meng, Morgan Deters
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Model extended classes
13 **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include "expr/attribute.h"
21 #include "theory/theory_model.h"
22 #include "theory/uf/theory_uf_model.h"
24 namespace CVC4 {
25 namespace theory {
27 class QuantifiersEngine;
29 struct ModelBasisAttributeId
30 {
31 };
32 typedef expr::Attribute<ModelBasisAttributeId, bool> ModelBasisAttribute;
33 // for APPLY_UF terms, 1 : term has direct child with model basis attribute,
34 // 0 : term has no direct child with model basis attribute.
35 struct ModelBasisArgAttributeId
36 {
37 };
38 typedef expr::Attribute<ModelBasisArgAttributeId, uint64_t>
39 ModelBasisArgAttribute;
41 namespace quantifiers {
43 class TermDb;
45 namespace fmcheck {
46 class FirstOrderModelFmc;
47 }/* CVC4::theory::quantifiers::fmcheck namespace */
49 struct IsStarAttributeId {};
50 typedef expr::Attribute<IsStarAttributeId, bool> IsStarAttribute;
52 /** Quantifiers representative bound
53 *
54 * This class is used for computing (finite)
55 * bounds for the domain of a quantifier
56 * in the context of a RepSetIterator
57 * (see theory/rep_set.h).
58 */
59 class QRepBoundExt : public RepBoundExt
60 {
61 public:
62 QRepBoundExt(QuantifiersEngine* qe) : d_qe(qe) {}
63 virtual ~QRepBoundExt() {}
64 /** set bound */
65 RepSetIterator::RsiEnumType setBound(Node owner,
66 unsigned i,
67 std::vector<Node>& elements) override;
68 /** reset index */
69 bool resetIndex(RepSetIterator* rsi,
70 Node owner,
71 unsigned i,
72 bool initial,
73 std::vector<Node>& elements) override;
74 /** initialize representative set for type */
75 bool initializeRepresentativesForType(TypeNode tn) override;
76 /** get variable order */
77 bool getVariableOrder(Node owner, std::vector<unsigned>& varOrder) override;
79 private:
80 /** quantifiers engine associated with this bound */
81 QuantifiersEngine* d_qe;
82 /** indices that are bound integer enumeration */
83 std::map<unsigned, bool> d_bound_int;
84 };
86 // TODO (#1301) : document and refactor this class
87 class FirstOrderModel : public TheoryModel
88 {
89 public:
90 FirstOrderModel(QuantifiersEngine* qe, context::Context* c, std::string name);
92 virtual fmcheck::FirstOrderModelFmc* asFirstOrderModelFmc() { return nullptr; }
93 /** assert quantifier */
94 void assertQuantifier( Node n );
95 /** get number of asserted quantifiers */
96 unsigned getNumAssertedQuantifiers();
97 /** get asserted quantifier */
98 Node getAssertedQuantifier( unsigned i, bool ordered = false );
99 /** initialize model for term */
100 void initializeModelForTerm( Node n, std::map< Node, bool >& visited );
101 // initialize the model
102 void initialize();
103 /** get variable id */
104 int getVariableId(TNode q, TNode n) {
105 return d_quant_var_id.find( q )!=d_quant_var_id.end() ? d_quant_var_id[q][n] : -1;
106 }
107 /** do we need to do any work? */
108 bool checkNeeded();
109 /** reset round */
110 void reset_round();
111 /** mark quantified formula relevant */
112 void markRelevant( Node q );
113 /** set quantified formula active/inactive
114 *
115 * This indicates that quantified formula is "inactive", that is, it need
116 * not be considered during this instantiation round.
117 *
118 * A quantified formula may be set inactive if for instance:
119 * - It is entailed by other quantified formulas, or
120 * - All of its instances are known to be true in the current model.
121 *
122 * This method should be called after a call to FirstOrderModel::reset_round,
123 * and before calls to QuantifiersModule check calls. A common place to call
124 * this method is during QuantifiersModule reset_round calls.
125 */
126 void setQuantifierActive( TNode q, bool active );
127 /** is quantified formula active?
128 *
129 * Returns false if there has been a call to setQuantifierActive( q, false )
130 * during this instantiation round.
131 */
132 bool isQuantifierActive(TNode q) const;
133 /** is quantified formula asserted */
134 bool isQuantifierAsserted(TNode q) const;
135 /** get model basis term */
136 Node getModelBasisTerm(TypeNode tn);
137 /** is model basis term */
138 bool isModelBasisTerm(Node n);
139 /** get model basis term for op */
140 Node getModelBasisOpTerm(Node op);
141 /** get model basis */
142 Node getModelBasis(Node q, Node n);
143 /** get model basis arg */
144 unsigned getModelBasisArg(Node n);
145 /** get some domain element */
146 Node getSomeDomainElement(TypeNode tn);
147 /** initialize representative set for type
148 *
149 * This ensures that TheoryModel::d_rep_set
150 * is initialized for type tn. In particular:
151 * (1) If tn is an uninitialized (unconstrained)
152 * uninterpreted sort, then we interpret it
153 * as a set of size one,
154 * (2) If tn is a "small" enumerable finite type,
155 * then we ensure that all its values are in
156 * TheoryModel::d_rep_set.
157 *
158 * Returns true if the initialization was complete,
159 * in that the set for tn in TheoryModel::d_rep_set
160 * has all representatives of type tn.
161 */
162 bool initializeRepresentativesForType(TypeNode tn);
164 protected:
165 /** quant engine */
166 QuantifiersEngine* d_qe;
167 /** list of quantifiers asserted in the current context */
168 context::CDList<Node> d_forall_asserts;
169 /** quantified formulas marked as relevant */
170 std::vector<Node> d_forall_rlv_vec;
171 Node d_last_forall_rlv;
172 std::vector<Node> d_forall_rlv_assert;
173 /** get variable id */
174 std::map<Node, std::map<Node, int> > d_quant_var_id;
175 /** process initialize model for term */
176 virtual void processInitializeModelForTerm(Node n) {}
177 /** process initialize quantifier */
178 virtual void processInitializeQuantifier(Node q) {}
179 /** process initialize */
180 virtual void processInitialize(bool ispre) {}
182 private:
183 // list of inactive quantified formulas
184 std::map<TNode, bool> d_quant_active;
185 /** map from types to model basis terms */
186 std::map<TypeNode, Node> d_model_basis_term;
187 /** map from ops to model basis terms */
188 std::map<Node, Node> d_model_basis_op_term;
189 /** map from instantiation terms to their model basis equivalent */
190 std::map<Node, Node> d_model_basis_body;
191 /** map from universal quantifiers to model basis terms */
192 std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > d_model_basis_terms;
193 /** compute model basis arg */
194 void computeModelBasisArgAttribute(Node n);
195 };/* class FirstOrderModel */
197 namespace fmcheck {
199 class Def;
201 class FirstOrderModelFmc : public FirstOrderModel
202 {
203 friend class FullModelChecker;
205 private:
206 /** models for UF */
207 std::map<Node, Def * > d_models;
208 std::map<TypeNode, Node > d_type_star;
209 /** get current model value */
210 void processInitializeModelForTerm(Node n) override;
212 public:
213 FirstOrderModelFmc(QuantifiersEngine * qe, context::Context* c, std::string name);
214 ~FirstOrderModelFmc() override;
215 FirstOrderModelFmc* asFirstOrderModelFmc() override { return this; }
216 // initialize the model
217 void processInitialize(bool ispre) override;
218 Node getFunctionValue(Node op, const char* argPrefix );
220 bool isStar(Node n);
221 Node getStar(TypeNode tn);
222 };/* class FirstOrderModelFmc */
224 }/* CVC4::theory::quantifiers::fmcheck namespace */
226 }/* CVC4::theory::quantifiers namespace */
227 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
228 }/* CVC4 namespace */
230 #endif /* CVC4__FIRST_ORDER_MODEL_H */