more cleanup of quantifiers code
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / quantifiers / inst_match.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file inst_match.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Original author: ajreynol
5 ** Major contributors: bobot
6 ** Minor contributors (to current version): mdeters
7 ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype.
8 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2012 New York University and The University of Iowa
9 ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
10 ** information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief inst match class
13 **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include "util/hash.h"
22 #include <ext/hash_set>
23 #include <iostream>
24 #include <map>
26 #include "context/cdlist.h"
27 #include "theory/quantifiers/candidate_generator.h"
31 namespace CVC4 {
32 namespace theory {
34 /** Attribute true for nodes that should not be used for matching */
35 struct NoMatchAttributeId {};
36 /** use the special for boolean flag */
37 typedef expr::Attribute< NoMatchAttributeId,
38 bool,
39 expr::attr::NullCleanupStrategy,
40 true // context dependent
41 > NoMatchAttribute;
43 // attribute for "contains instantiation constants from"
44 struct InstConstantAttributeId {};
45 typedef expr::Attribute<InstConstantAttributeId, Node> InstConstantAttribute;
47 struct InstLevelAttributeId {};
48 typedef expr::Attribute<InstLevelAttributeId, uint64_t> InstLevelAttribute;
50 struct InstVarNumAttributeId {};
51 typedef expr::Attribute<InstVarNumAttributeId, uint64_t> InstVarNumAttribute;
53 // Attribute that tell if a node have been asserted in this branch
54 struct AvailableInTermDbId {};
55 /** use the special for boolean flag */
56 typedef expr::Attribute<AvailableInTermDbId,
57 bool,
58 expr::attr::NullCleanupStrategy,
59 true // context dependent
60 > AvailableInTermDb;
63 class QuantifiersEngine;
64 namespace quantifiers{
65 class TermArgTrie;
66 }
68 namespace uf{
69 class InstantiatorTheoryUf;
70 class TheoryUF;
71 }/* CVC4::theory::uf namespace */
73 namespace inst {
75 class EqualityQuery {
76 public:
77 EqualityQuery(){}
78 virtual ~EqualityQuery(){};
79 /** contains term */
80 virtual bool hasTerm( Node a ) = 0;
81 /** get the representative of the equivalence class of a */
82 virtual Node getRepresentative( Node a ) = 0;
83 /** returns true if a and b are equal in the current context */
84 virtual bool areEqual( Node a, Node b ) = 0;
85 /** returns true is a and b are disequal in the current context */
86 virtual bool areDisequal( Node a, Node b ) = 0;
87 /** getInternalRepresentative gets the current best representative in the equivalence class of a, based on some criteria.
88 If cbqi is active, this will return a term in the equivalence class of "a" that does
89 not contain instantiation constants, if such a term exists.
90 */
91 virtual Node getInternalRepresentative( Node a ) = 0;
92 /** get the equality engine associated with this query */
93 virtual eq::EqualityEngine* getEngine() = 0;
94 /** get the equivalence class of a */
95 virtual void getEquivalenceClass( Node a, std::vector< Node >& eqc ) = 0;
96 };/* class EqualityQuery */
98 /** basic class defining an instantiation */
99 class InstMatch {
100 /* map from variable to ground terms */
101 std::map< Node, Node > d_map;
102 public:
103 InstMatch();
104 InstMatch( InstMatch* m );
106 /** set the match of v to m */
107 bool setMatch( EqualityQuery* q, TNode v, TNode m );
108 /* This version tell if the variable has been set */
109 bool setMatch( EqualityQuery* q, TNode v, TNode m, bool & set);
110 /** fill all unfilled values with m */
111 bool add( InstMatch& m );
112 /** if compatible, fill all unfilled values with m and return true
113 return false otherwise */
114 bool merge( EqualityQuery* q, InstMatch& m );
115 /** debug print method */
116 void debugPrint( const char* c );
117 /** is complete? */
118 bool isComplete( Node f ) { return d_map.size()==f[0].getNumChildren(); }
119 /** make complete */
120 void makeComplete( Node f, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
121 /** make internal: ensure that no term in d_map contains instantiation constants */
122 void makeInternal( QuantifiersEngine* qe );
123 /** make representative */
124 void makeRepresentative( QuantifiersEngine* qe );
125 /** get value */
126 Node getValue( Node var );
127 /** clear */
128 void clear(){ d_map.clear(); }
129 /** is_empty */
130 bool empty(){ return d_map.empty(); }
131 /** to stream */
132 inline void toStream(std::ostream& out) const {
133 out << "INST_MATCH( ";
134 for( std::map< Node, Node >::const_iterator it = d_map.begin(); it != d_map.end(); ++it ){
135 if( it != d_map.begin() ){ out << ", "; }
136 out << it->first << " -> " << it->second;
137 }
138 out << " )";
139 }
142 //for rewrite rules
144 /** apply rewrite */
145 void applyRewrite();
146 /** erase */
147 template<class Iterator>
148 void erase(Iterator begin, Iterator end){
149 for(Iterator i = begin; i != end; ++i){
150 d_map.erase(*i);
151 };
152 }
153 void erase(Node node){ d_map.erase(node); }
154 /** get */
155 Node get( TNode var ) { return d_map[var]; }
156 /** set */
157 void set(TNode var, TNode n){
158 //std::cout << "var.getType() " << var.getType() << "n.getType() " << n.getType() << std::endl ;
159 Assert( !var.isNull() );
160 Assert( n.isNull() ||// For a strange use in inst_match.cpp InstMatchGeneratorSimple::addInstantiations
161 var.getType() == n.getType() );
162 d_map[var] = n;
163 }
164 size_t size(){ return d_map.size(); }
165 /* iterator */
166 std::map< Node, Node >::iterator begin(){ return d_map.begin(); };
167 std::map< Node, Node >::iterator end(){ return d_map.end(); };
168 std::map< Node, Node >::iterator find(Node var){ return d_map.find(var); };
169 /* Node used for matching the trigger only for mono-trigger (just for
170 efficiency because I need only that) */
171 Node d_matched;
172 };/* class InstMatch */
174 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const InstMatch& m) {
175 m.toStream(out);
176 return out;
177 }
179 /** trie for InstMatch objects */
180 class InstMatchTrie {
181 public:
182 class ImtIndexOrder {
183 public:
184 std::vector< int > d_order;
185 };/* class InstMatchTrie ImtIndexOrder */
186 private:
187 /** add match m for quantifier f starting at index, take into account equalities q, return true if successful */
188 void addInstMatch2( QuantifiersEngine* qe, Node f, InstMatch& m, int index, ImtIndexOrder* imtio );
189 /** exists match */
190 bool existsInstMatch2( QuantifiersEngine* qe, Node f, InstMatch& m, bool modEq, bool modInst, int index, ImtIndexOrder* imtio );
191 public:
192 /** the data */
193 std::map< Node, InstMatchTrie > d_data;
194 public:
195 InstMatchTrie(){}
196 ~InstMatchTrie(){}
197 public:
198 /** return true if m exists in this trie
199 modEq is if we check modulo equality
200 modInst is if we return true if m is an instance of a match that exists
201 */
202 bool existsInstMatch( QuantifiersEngine* qe, Node f, InstMatch& m, bool modEq = false,
203 bool modInst = false, ImtIndexOrder* imtio = NULL );
204 /** add match m for quantifier f, take into account equalities if modEq = true,
205 if imtio is non-null, this is the order to add to trie
206 return true if successful
207 */
208 bool addInstMatch( QuantifiersEngine* qe, Node f, InstMatch& m, bool modEq = false,
209 bool modInst = false, ImtIndexOrder* imtio = NULL );
210 };/* class InstMatchTrie */
212 class InstMatchTrieOrdered{
213 private:
214 InstMatchTrie::ImtIndexOrder* d_imtio;
215 InstMatchTrie d_imt;
216 public:
217 InstMatchTrieOrdered( InstMatchTrie::ImtIndexOrder* imtio ) : d_imtio( imtio ){}
218 ~InstMatchTrieOrdered(){}
219 /** get ordering */
220 InstMatchTrie::ImtIndexOrder* getOrdering() { return d_imtio; }
221 /** get trie */
222 InstMatchTrie* getTrie() { return &d_imt; }
223 public:
224 /** add match m, return true if successful */
225 bool addInstMatch( QuantifiersEngine* qe, Node f, InstMatch& m, bool modEq = false, bool modInst = false ){
226 return d_imt.addInstMatch( qe, f, m, modEq, modInst, d_imtio );
227 }
228 bool existsInstMatch( QuantifiersEngine* qe, Node f, InstMatch& m, bool modEq = false, bool modInst = false ){
229 return d_imt.existsInstMatch( qe, f, m, modEq, modInst, d_imtio );
230 }
231 };/* class InstMatchTrieOrdered */
233 /** base class for producing InstMatch objects */
234 class IMGenerator {
235 public:
236 /** reset instantiation round (call this at beginning of instantiation round) */
237 virtual void resetInstantiationRound( QuantifiersEngine* qe ) = 0;
238 /** reset, eqc is the equivalence class to search in (any if eqc=null) */
239 virtual void reset( Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) = 0;
240 /** get the next match. must call reset( eqc ) before this function. */
241 virtual bool getNextMatch( InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) = 0;
242 /** return true if whatever Node is substituted for the variables the
243 given Node can't match the pattern */
244 virtual bool nonunifiable( TNode t, const std::vector<Node> & vars) = 0;
245 /** add instantiations directly */
246 virtual int addInstantiations( Node f, InstMatch& baseMatch, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) = 0;
247 /** add ground term t, called when t is added to term db */
248 virtual int addTerm( Node f, Node t, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) = 0;
249 };/* class IMGenerator */
252 class InstMatchGenerator : public IMGenerator {
253 private:
254 /** candidate generator */
255 CandidateGenerator* d_cg;
256 /** policy to use for matching */
257 int d_matchPolicy;
258 /** children generators */
259 std::vector< InstMatchGenerator* > d_children;
260 std::vector< int > d_children_index;
261 /** partial vector */
262 std::vector< InstMatch > d_partial;
263 /** eq class */
264 Node d_eq_class;
265 /** for arithmetic matching */
266 std::map< Node, Node > d_arith_coeffs;
267 /** initialize pattern */
268 void initializePatterns( std::vector< Node >& pats, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
269 void initializePattern( Node pat, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
270 public:
271 enum {
272 //options for producing matches
274 MATCH_GEN_EFFICIENT_E_MATCH, //generate matches via Efficient E-matching for SMT solvers
275 //others (internally used)
278 };
279 private:
280 /** get the next match. must call d_cg->reset( ... ) before using.
281 only valid for use where !d_match_pattern.isNull().
282 */
283 bool getNextMatch2( InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe, bool saveMatched = false );
284 /** for arithmetic */
285 bool getMatchArithmetic( Node t, InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
286 public:
287 /** get the match against ground term or formula t.
288 d_match_pattern and t should have the same shape.
289 only valid for use where !d_match_pattern.isNull().
290 */
291 bool getMatch( Node t, InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
293 /** constructors */
294 InstMatchGenerator( Node pat, QuantifiersEngine* qe, int matchOption = 0 );
295 InstMatchGenerator( std::vector< Node >& pats, QuantifiersEngine* qe, int matchOption = 0 );
296 /** destructor */
297 ~InstMatchGenerator(){}
298 /** The pattern we are producing matches for.
299 If null, this is a multi trigger that is merging matches from d_children.
300 */
301 Node d_pattern;
302 /** match pattern */
303 Node d_match_pattern;
304 public:
305 /** reset instantiation round (call this whenever equivalence classes have changed) */
306 void resetInstantiationRound( QuantifiersEngine* qe );
307 /** reset, eqc is the equivalence class to search in (any if eqc=null) */
308 void reset( Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
309 /** get the next match. must call reset( eqc ) before this function. */
310 bool getNextMatch( InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
311 /** return true if whatever Node is substituted for the variables the
312 given Node can't match the pattern */
313 bool nonunifiable( TNode t, const std::vector<Node> & vars);
314 /** add instantiations */
315 int addInstantiations( Node f, InstMatch& baseMatch, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
316 /** add ground term t */
317 int addTerm( Node f, Node t, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
318 };/* class InstMatchGenerator */
320 /** smart multi-trigger implementation */
321 class InstMatchGeneratorMulti : public IMGenerator {
322 private:
323 /** indexed trie */
324 typedef std::pair< std::pair< int, int >, InstMatchTrie* > IndexedTrie;
325 /** process new match */
326 void processNewMatch( QuantifiersEngine* qe, InstMatch& m, int fromChildIndex, int& addedLemmas );
327 /** process new instantiations */
328 void processNewInstantiations( QuantifiersEngine* qe, InstMatch& m, int& addedLemmas, InstMatchTrie* tr,
329 std::vector< IndexedTrie >& unique_var_tries,
330 int trieIndex, int childIndex, int endChildIndex, bool modEq );
331 /** process new instantiations 2 */
332 void processNewInstantiations2( QuantifiersEngine* qe, InstMatch& m, int& addedLemmas,
333 std::vector< IndexedTrie >& unique_var_tries,
334 int uvtIndex, InstMatchTrie* tr = NULL, int trieIndex = 0 );
335 private:
336 /** var contains (variable indices) for each pattern node */
337 std::map< Node, std::vector< int > > d_var_contains;
338 /** variable indices contained to pattern nodes */
339 std::map< int, std::vector< Node > > d_var_to_node;
340 /** quantifier to use */
341 Node d_f;
342 /** policy to use for matching */
343 int d_matchPolicy;
344 /** children generators */
345 std::vector< InstMatchGenerator* > d_children;
346 /** inst match tries for each child */
347 std::vector< InstMatchTrieOrdered > d_children_trie;
348 /** calculate matches */
349 void calculateMatches( QuantifiersEngine* qe );
350 public:
351 /** constructors */
352 InstMatchGeneratorMulti( Node f, std::vector< Node >& pats, QuantifiersEngine* qe, int matchOption = 0 );
353 /** destructor */
354 ~InstMatchGeneratorMulti(){}
355 /** reset instantiation round (call this whenever equivalence classes have changed) */
356 void resetInstantiationRound( QuantifiersEngine* qe );
357 /** reset, eqc is the equivalence class to search in (any if eqc=null) */
358 void reset( Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
359 /** get the next match. must call reset( eqc ) before this function. (not implemented) */
360 bool getNextMatch( InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) { return false; }
361 /** return true if whatever Node is substituted for the variables the
362 given Node can't match the pattern */
363 bool nonunifiable( TNode t, const std::vector<Node> & vars) { return true; }
364 /** add instantiations */
365 int addInstantiations( Node f, InstMatch& baseMatch, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
366 /** add ground term t */
367 int addTerm( Node f, Node t, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
368 };/* class InstMatchGeneratorMulti */
370 /** smart (single)-trigger implementation */
371 class InstMatchGeneratorSimple : public IMGenerator {
372 private:
373 /** quantifier for match term */
374 Node d_f;
375 /** match term */
376 Node d_match_pattern;
377 /** add instantiations */
378 void addInstantiations( InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe, int& addedLemmas, int argIndex, quantifiers::TermArgTrie* tat );
379 public:
380 /** constructors */
381 InstMatchGeneratorSimple( Node f, Node pat ) : d_f( f ), d_match_pattern( pat ){}
382 /** destructor */
383 ~InstMatchGeneratorSimple(){}
384 /** reset instantiation round (call this whenever equivalence classes have changed) */
385 void resetInstantiationRound( QuantifiersEngine* qe ) {}
386 /** reset, eqc is the equivalence class to search in (any if eqc=null) */
387 void reset( Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) {}
388 /** get the next match. must call reset( eqc ) before this function. (not implemented) */
389 bool getNextMatch( InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) { return false; }
390 /** return true if whatever Node is substituted for the variables the
391 given Node can't match the pattern */
392 bool nonunifiable( TNode t, const std::vector<Node> & vars) { return true; }
393 /** add instantiations */
394 int addInstantiations( Node f, InstMatch& baseMatch, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
395 /** add ground term t, possibly add instantiations */
396 int addTerm( Node f, Node t, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
397 };/* class InstMatchGeneratorSimple */
399 }/* CVC4::theory::inst namespace */
401 typedef CVC4::theory::inst::InstMatch InstMatch;
402 typedef CVC4::theory::inst::EqualityQuery EqualityQuery;
404 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
405 }/* CVC4 namespace */