Merge branch '1.4.x'
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / quantifiers / inst_match_generator.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file inst_match_generator.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Original author: Andrew Reynolds
5 ** Major contributors: Morgan Deters
6 ** Minor contributors (to current version): none
7 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
8 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2014 New York University and The University of Iowa
9 ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
10 ** information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief inst match generator class
13 **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include "theory/quantifiers/inst_match.h"
21 #include <map>
23 namespace CVC4 {
24 namespace theory {
26 class QuantifiersEngine;
27 namespace quantifiers{
28 class TermArgTrie;
29 }
31 namespace inst {
33 /** base class for producing InstMatch objects */
34 class IMGenerator {
35 public:
36 /** reset instantiation round (call this at beginning of instantiation round) */
37 virtual void resetInstantiationRound( QuantifiersEngine* qe ) = 0;
38 /** reset, eqc is the equivalence class to search in (any if eqc=null) */
39 virtual void reset( Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) = 0;
40 /** get the next match. must call reset( eqc ) before this function. */
41 virtual bool getNextMatch( Node f, InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) = 0;
42 /** add instantiations directly */
43 virtual int addInstantiations( Node f, InstMatch& baseMatch, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) = 0;
44 /** add ground term t, called when t is added to term db */
45 virtual int addTerm( Node f, Node t, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) { return 0; }
46 /** set active add */
47 virtual void setActiveAdd( bool val ) {}
48 };/* class IMGenerator */
50 class CandidateGenerator;
52 class InstMatchGenerator : public IMGenerator {
53 protected:
54 bool d_needsReset;
55 /** candidate generator */
56 CandidateGenerator* d_cg;
57 /** policy to use for matching */
58 int d_matchPolicy;
59 /** children generators */
60 std::vector< InstMatchGenerator* > d_children;
61 std::vector< int > d_children_index;
62 /** the next generator in order */
63 InstMatchGenerator* d_next;
64 /** eq class */
65 Node d_eq_class;
66 /** variable numbers */
67 std::map< int, int > d_var_num;
68 /** initialize pattern */
69 void initialize( QuantifiersEngine* qe, std::vector< InstMatchGenerator * > & gens );
70 /** children types 0 : variable, 1 : child term, -1 : ground term */
71 std::vector< int > d_children_types;
72 /** continue */
73 bool continueNextMatch( Node f, InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
74 public:
75 enum {
76 //options for producing matches
78 //others (internally used)
80 };
81 public:
82 /** get the match against ground term or formula t.
83 d_match_pattern and t should have the same shape.
84 only valid for use where !d_match_pattern.isNull().
85 */
86 bool getMatch( Node f, Node t, InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
88 /** constructors */
89 InstMatchGenerator( Node pat );
90 InstMatchGenerator();
91 /** destructor */
92 ~InstMatchGenerator(){}
93 /** The pattern we are producing matches for.
94 If null, this is a multi trigger that is merging matches from d_children.
95 */
96 Node d_pattern;
97 /** match pattern */
98 Node d_match_pattern;
99 /** match pattern op */
100 Node d_match_pattern_op;
101 public:
102 /** reset instantiation round (call this whenever equivalence classes have changed) */
103 void resetInstantiationRound( QuantifiersEngine* qe );
104 /** reset, eqc is the equivalence class to search in (any if eqc=null) */
105 void reset( Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
106 /** get the next match. must call reset( eqc ) before this function. */
107 bool getNextMatch( Node f, InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
108 /** add instantiations */
109 int addInstantiations( Node f, InstMatch& baseMatch, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
110 /** add ground term t */
111 int addTerm( Node f, Node t, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
113 bool d_active_add;
114 void setActiveAdd( bool val );
116 static InstMatchGenerator* mkInstMatchGenerator( Node pat, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
117 static InstMatchGenerator* mkInstMatchGenerator( std::vector< Node >& pats, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
118 };/* class InstMatchGenerator */
120 //match generator for boolean term ITEs
121 class VarMatchGeneratorBooleanTerm : public InstMatchGenerator {
122 public:
123 VarMatchGeneratorBooleanTerm( Node var, Node comp );
124 Node d_comp;
125 bool d_rm_prev;
126 /** reset instantiation round (call this at beginning of instantiation round) */
127 void resetInstantiationRound( QuantifiersEngine* qe ){}
128 /** reset, eqc is the equivalence class to search in (any if eqc=null) */
129 void reset( Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe ){ d_eq_class = eqc; }
130 /** get the next match. must call reset( eqc ) before this function. */
131 bool getNextMatch( Node f, InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
132 /** add instantiations directly */
133 int addInstantiations( Node f, InstMatch& baseMatch, QuantifiersEngine* qe ){ return 0; }
134 };
136 //match generator for purified terms (matched term is substituted into d_subs)
137 class VarMatchGeneratorTermSubs : public InstMatchGenerator {
138 public:
139 VarMatchGeneratorTermSubs( Node var, Node subs );
140 TNode d_var;
141 Node d_subs;
142 bool d_rm_prev;
143 /** reset instantiation round (call this at beginning of instantiation round) */
144 void resetInstantiationRound( QuantifiersEngine* qe ){}
145 /** reset, eqc is the equivalence class to search in (any if eqc=null) */
146 void reset( Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe ){ d_eq_class = eqc; }
147 /** get the next match. must call reset( eqc ) before this function. */
148 bool getNextMatch( Node f, InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
149 /** add instantiations directly */
150 int addInstantiations( Node f, InstMatch& baseMatch, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) { return 0; }
151 };
153 /** smart multi-trigger implementation */
154 class InstMatchGeneratorMulti : public IMGenerator {
155 private:
156 /** indexed trie */
157 typedef std::pair< std::pair< int, int >, InstMatchTrie* > IndexedTrie;
158 /** process new match */
159 void processNewMatch( QuantifiersEngine* qe, InstMatch& m, int fromChildIndex, int& addedLemmas );
160 /** process new instantiations */
161 void processNewInstantiations( QuantifiersEngine* qe, InstMatch& m, int& addedLemmas, InstMatchTrie* tr,
162 std::vector< IndexedTrie >& unique_var_tries,
163 int trieIndex, int childIndex, int endChildIndex, bool modEq );
164 /** process new instantiations 2 */
165 void processNewInstantiations2( QuantifiersEngine* qe, InstMatch& m, int& addedLemmas,
166 std::vector< IndexedTrie >& unique_var_tries,
167 int uvtIndex, InstMatchTrie* tr = NULL, int trieIndex = 0 );
168 private:
169 /** var contains (variable indices) for each pattern node */
170 std::map< Node, std::vector< int > > d_var_contains;
171 /** variable indices contained to pattern nodes */
172 std::map< int, std::vector< Node > > d_var_to_node;
173 /** quantifier to use */
174 Node d_f;
175 /** policy to use for matching */
176 int d_matchPolicy;
177 /** children generators */
178 std::vector< InstMatchGenerator* > d_children;
179 /** inst match tries for each child */
180 std::vector< InstMatchTrieOrdered > d_children_trie;
181 /** calculate matches */
182 void calculateMatches( QuantifiersEngine* qe );
183 public:
184 /** constructors */
185 InstMatchGeneratorMulti( Node f, std::vector< Node >& pats, QuantifiersEngine* qe, int matchOption = 0 );
186 /** destructor */
187 ~InstMatchGeneratorMulti(){}
188 /** reset instantiation round (call this whenever equivalence classes have changed) */
189 void resetInstantiationRound( QuantifiersEngine* qe );
190 /** reset, eqc is the equivalence class to search in (any if eqc=null) */
191 void reset( Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
192 /** get the next match. must call reset( eqc ) before this function. (not implemented) */
193 bool getNextMatch( Node f, InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) { return false; }
194 /** add instantiations */
195 int addInstantiations( Node f, InstMatch& baseMatch, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
196 /** add ground term t */
197 int addTerm( Node f, Node t, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
198 };/* class InstMatchGeneratorMulti */
200 /** smart (single)-trigger implementation */
201 class InstMatchGeneratorSimple : public IMGenerator {
202 private:
203 /** quantifier for match term */
204 Node d_f;
205 /** match term */
206 Node d_match_pattern;
207 /** operator */
208 Node d_op;
209 /** to indicies */
210 std::map< int, int > d_var_num;
211 /** add instantiations */
212 void addInstantiations( InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe, int& addedLemmas, int argIndex, quantifiers::TermArgTrie* tat );
213 public:
214 /** constructors */
215 InstMatchGeneratorSimple( Node f, Node pat );
216 /** destructor */
217 ~InstMatchGeneratorSimple(){}
218 /** reset instantiation round (call this whenever equivalence classes have changed) */
219 void resetInstantiationRound( QuantifiersEngine* qe );
220 /** reset, eqc is the equivalence class to search in (any if eqc=null) */
221 void reset( Node eqc, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) {}
222 /** get the next match. must call reset( eqc ) before this function. (not implemented) */
223 bool getNextMatch( Node f, InstMatch& m, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) { return false; }
224 /** add instantiations */
225 int addInstantiations( Node f, InstMatch& baseMatch, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
226 /** add ground term t, possibly add instantiations */
227 int addTerm( Node f, Node t, QuantifiersEngine* qe );
228 };/* class InstMatchGeneratorSimple */
230 }
231 }
232 }
234 #endif