Merge branch '1.4.x'.
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / quantifiers / quant_conflict_find.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file quant_conflict_find.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Original author: Andrew Reynolds
5 ** Major contributors: none
6 ** Minor contributors (to current version): none
7 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
8 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2014 New York University and The University of Iowa
9 ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
10 ** information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief quantifiers conflict find class
13 **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include "context/cdhashmap.h"
21 #include "context/cdchunk_list.h"
22 #include "theory/quantifiers_engine.h"
23 #include "theory/quantifiers/term_database.h"
25 namespace CVC4 {
26 namespace theory {
27 namespace quantifiers {
29 class QuantConflictFind;
30 class QuantInfo;
32 //match generator
33 class MatchGen {
34 friend class QuantInfo;
35 private:
36 //current children information
37 int d_child_counter;
38 //children of this object
39 std::vector< int > d_children_order;
40 unsigned getNumChildren() { return d_children.size(); }
41 MatchGen * getChild( int i ) { return &d_children[d_children_order[i]]; }
42 //MatchGen * getChild( int i ) { return &d_children[i]; }
43 //current matching information
44 std::vector< TermArgTrie * > d_qn;
45 std::vector< std::map< TNode, TermArgTrie >::iterator > d_qni;
46 bool doMatching( QuantConflictFind * p, QuantInfo * qi );
47 //for matching : each index is either a variable or a ground term
48 unsigned d_qni_size;
49 std::map< int, int > d_qni_var_num;
50 std::map< int, TNode > d_qni_gterm;
51 std::map< int, TNode > d_qni_gterm_rep;
52 std::map< int, int > d_qni_bound;
53 std::vector< int > d_qni_bound_except;
54 std::map< int, TNode > d_qni_bound_cons;
55 std::map< int, int > d_qni_bound_cons_var;
56 std::map< int, int >::iterator d_binding_it;
57 //std::vector< int > d_independent;
58 bool d_matched_basis;
59 bool d_binding;
60 //int getVarBindingVar();
61 std::map< int, Node > d_ground_eval;
62 //determine variable order
63 void determineVariableOrder( QuantInfo * qi, std::vector< int >& bvars );
64 void collectBoundVar( QuantInfo * qi, Node n, std::vector< int >& cbvars );
65 public:
66 //type of the match generator
67 enum {
68 typ_invalid,
69 typ_ground,
70 typ_pred,
71 typ_eq,
72 typ_formula,
73 typ_var,
74 typ_ite_var,
75 typ_bool_var,
76 typ_tconstraint,
77 typ_tsym,
78 };
79 void debugPrintType( const char * c, short typ, bool isTrace = false );
80 public:
81 MatchGen() : d_type( typ_invalid ){}
82 MatchGen( QuantInfo * qi, Node n, bool isVar = false );
83 bool d_tgt;
84 bool d_tgt_orig;
85 bool d_wasSet;
86 Node d_n;
87 std::vector< MatchGen > d_children;
88 short d_type;
89 bool d_type_not;
90 void reset_round( QuantConflictFind * p );
91 void reset( QuantConflictFind * p, bool tgt, QuantInfo * qi );
92 bool getNextMatch( QuantConflictFind * p, QuantInfo * qi );
93 bool getExplanation( QuantConflictFind * p, QuantInfo * qi, std::vector< Node >& exp );
94 Node getExplanationTerm( QuantConflictFind * p, QuantInfo * qi, Node t, std::vector< Node >& exp );
95 bool isValid() { return d_type!=typ_invalid; }
96 void setInvalid();
98 // is this term treated as UF application?
99 static bool isHandledBoolConnective( TNode n );
100 static bool isHandledUfTerm( TNode n );
101 static Node getOperator( QuantConflictFind * p, Node n );
102 //can this node be handled by the algorithm
103 static bool isHandled( TNode n );
104 };
106 //info for quantifiers
107 class QuantInfo {
108 private:
109 void registerNode( Node n, bool hasPol, bool pol, bool beneathQuant = false );
110 void flatten( Node n, bool beneathQuant );
111 private: //for completing match
112 std::vector< int > d_unassigned;
113 std::vector< TypeNode > d_unassigned_tn;
114 int d_unassigned_nvar;
115 int d_una_index;
116 std::vector< int > d_una_eqc_count;
117 public:
118 QuantInfo() : d_mg( NULL ) {}
119 ~QuantInfo() { delete d_mg; }
120 std::vector< TNode > d_vars;
121 std::map< TNode, int > d_var_num;
122 std::vector< int > d_tsym_vars;
123 std::map< TNode, bool > d_inMatchConstraint;
124 std::map< int, std::vector< Node > > d_var_constraint[2];
125 int getVarNum( TNode v ) { return d_var_num.find( v )!=d_var_num.end() ? d_var_num[v] : -1; }
126 bool isVar( TNode v ) { return d_var_num.find( v )!=d_var_num.end(); }
127 int getNumVars() { return (int)d_vars.size(); }
128 TNode getVar( int i ) { return d_vars[i]; }
130 MatchGen * d_mg;
131 Node d_q;
132 std::map< int, MatchGen * > d_var_mg;
133 void reset_round( QuantConflictFind * p );
134 public:
135 //initialize
136 void initialize( Node q, Node qn );
137 //current constraints
138 std::vector< TNode > d_match;
139 std::vector< TNode > d_match_term;
140 std::map< int, std::map< TNode, int > > d_curr_var_deq;
141 std::map< Node, bool > d_tconstraints;
142 int getCurrentRepVar( int v );
143 TNode getCurrentValue( TNode n );
144 TNode getCurrentExpValue( TNode n );
145 bool getCurrentCanBeEqual( QuantConflictFind * p, int v, TNode n, bool chDiseq = false );
146 int addConstraint( QuantConflictFind * p, int v, TNode n, bool polarity );
147 int addConstraint( QuantConflictFind * p, int v, TNode n, int vn, bool polarity, bool doRemove );
148 bool setMatch( QuantConflictFind * p, int v, TNode n );
149 bool isMatchSpurious( QuantConflictFind * p );
150 bool isTConstraintSpurious( QuantConflictFind * p, std::vector< Node >& terms );
151 bool entailmentTest( QuantConflictFind * p, Node lit, bool chEnt = true );
152 bool completeMatch( QuantConflictFind * p, std::vector< int >& assigned, bool doContinue = false );
153 void revertMatch( std::vector< int >& assigned );
154 void debugPrintMatch( const char * c );
155 bool isConstrainedVar( int v );
156 public:
157 void getMatch( std::vector< Node >& terms );
158 };
160 class QuantConflictFind : public QuantifiersModule
161 {
162 friend class MatchGen;
163 friend class QuantInfo;
164 typedef context::CDChunkList<Node> NodeList;
165 typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, bool, NodeHashFunction> NodeBoolMap;
166 private:
167 context::Context* d_c;
168 context::CDO< bool > d_conflict;
169 std::vector< Node > d_quant_order;
170 std::map< Kind, Node > d_zero;
171 //for storing nodes created during t-constraint solving (prevents memory leaks)
172 std::vector< Node > d_tempCache;
173 private:
174 std::map< Node, Node > d_op_node;
175 int d_fid_count;
176 std::map< Node, int > d_fid;
177 Node mkEqNode( Node a, Node b );
178 public: //for ground terms
179 Node d_true;
180 Node d_false;
181 TNode getZero( Kind k );
182 private:
183 Node evaluateTerm( Node n );
184 int evaluate( Node n, bool pref = false, bool hasPref = false );
185 private:
186 //currently asserted quantifiers
187 NodeList d_qassert;
188 std::map< Node, QuantInfo > d_qinfo;
189 private: //for equivalence classes
190 eq::EqualityEngine * getEqualityEngine();
191 bool areDisequal( Node n1, Node n2 );
192 bool areEqual( Node n1, Node n2 );
193 Node getRepresentative( Node n );
194 TermDb* getTermDatabase();
195 // type -> list(eqc)
196 std::map< TypeNode, std::vector< TNode > > d_eqcs;
197 std::map< TypeNode, Node > d_model_basis;
198 public:
199 enum {
200 effort_conflict,
201 effort_prop_eq,
202 effort_mc,
203 };
204 short d_effort;
205 void setEffort( int e ) { d_effort = e; }
206 static short getMaxQcfEffort();
207 bool areMatchEqual( TNode n1, TNode n2 );
208 bool areMatchDisequal( TNode n1, TNode n2 );
209 public:
210 QuantConflictFind( QuantifiersEngine * qe, context::Context* c );
211 /** register quantifier */
212 void registerQuantifier( Node q );
213 public:
214 /** assert quantifier */
215 void assertNode( Node q );
216 /** new node */
217 void newEqClass( Node n );
218 /** merge */
219 void merge( Node a, Node b );
220 /** assert disequal */
221 void assertDisequal( Node a, Node b );
222 /** needs check */
223 bool needsCheck( Theory::Effort level );
224 /** reset round */
225 void reset_round( Theory::Effort level );
226 /** check */
227 void check( Theory::Effort level, unsigned quant_e );
228 private:
229 bool d_needs_computeRelEqr;
230 public:
231 void computeRelevantEqr();
232 private:
233 void debugPrint( const char * c );
234 //for debugging
235 std::vector< Node > d_quants;
236 std::map< Node, int > d_quant_id;
237 void debugPrintQuant( const char * c, Node q );
238 void debugPrintQuantBody( const char * c, Node q, Node n, bool doVarNum = true );
239 public:
240 /** statistics class */
241 class Statistics {
242 public:
243 IntStat d_inst_rounds;
244 IntStat d_conflict_inst;
245 IntStat d_prop_inst;
246 IntStat d_entailment_checks;
247 Statistics();
248 ~Statistics();
249 };
250 Statistics d_statistics;
251 /** Identify this module */
252 std::string identify() const { return "QcfEngine"; }
253 };
255 }
256 }
257 }
259 #endif