Use quantifiers inference manager for lemma management (#5867)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / quantifiers / quant_util.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file quant_util.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Morgan Deters, Mathias Preiner
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief quantifier util
13 **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include <iostream>
21 #include <map>
22 #include <vector>
24 #include "theory/quantifiers/quantifiers_inference_manager.h"
25 #include "theory/quantifiers/quantifiers_registry.h"
26 #include "theory/quantifiers/quantifiers_state.h"
27 #include "theory/theory.h"
28 #include "theory/uf/equality_engine.h"
30 namespace CVC4 {
31 namespace theory {
33 class QuantifiersEngine;
35 namespace quantifiers {
36 class TermDb;
37 class TermUtil;
38 }
40 /** QuantifiersModule class
41 *
42 * This is the virtual class for defining subsolvers of the quantifiers theory.
43 * It has a similar interface to a Theory object.
44 */
45 class QuantifiersModule {
46 public:
47 /** effort levels for quantifiers modules check */
48 enum QEffort
49 {
50 // conflict effort, for conflict-based instantiation
52 // standard effort, for heuristic instantiation
54 // model effort, for model-based instantiation
56 // last call effort, for last resort techniques
58 // none
60 };
62 public:
63 QuantifiersModule(quantifiers::QuantifiersState& qs,
64 quantifiers::QuantifiersInferenceManager& qim,
65 quantifiers::QuantifiersRegistry& qr,
66 QuantifiersEngine* qe);
67 virtual ~QuantifiersModule(){}
68 /** Presolve.
69 *
70 * Called at the beginning of check-sat call.
71 */
72 virtual void presolve() {}
73 /** Needs check.
74 *
75 * Returns true if this module wishes a call to be made
76 * to check(e) during QuantifiersEngine::check(e).
77 */
78 virtual bool needsCheck( Theory::Effort e ) { return e>=Theory::EFFORT_LAST_CALL; }
79 /** Needs model.
80 *
81 * Whether this module needs a model built during a
82 * call to QuantifiersEngine::check(e)
83 * It returns one of QEFFORT_* from quantifiers_engine.h,
84 * which specifies the quantifiers effort in which it requires the model to
85 * be built.
86 */
87 virtual QEffort needsModel(Theory::Effort e);
88 /** Reset.
89 *
90 * Called at the beginning of QuantifiersEngine::check(e).
91 */
92 virtual void reset_round( Theory::Effort e ){}
93 /** Check.
94 *
95 * Called during QuantifiersEngine::check(e) depending
96 * if needsCheck(e) returns true.
97 */
98 virtual void check(Theory::Effort e, QEffort quant_e) = 0;
99 /** Check complete?
100 *
101 * Returns false if the module's reasoning was globally incomplete
102 * (e.g. "sat" must be replaced with "incomplete").
103 *
104 * This is called just before the quantifiers engine will return
105 * with no lemmas added during a LAST_CALL effort check.
106 */
107 virtual bool checkComplete() { return true; }
108 /** Check was complete for quantified formula q
109 *
110 * If for each quantified formula q, some module returns true for
111 * checkCompleteFor( q ),
112 * and no lemmas are added by the quantifiers theory, then we may answer
113 * "sat", unless
114 * we are incomplete for other reasons.
115 */
116 virtual bool checkCompleteFor( Node q ) { return false; }
117 /** Check ownership
118 *
119 * Called once for new quantified formulas that are registered by the
120 * quantifiers theory. The primary purpose of this function is to establish
121 * if this module is the owner of quantified formula q.
122 */
123 virtual void checkOwnership(Node q) {}
124 /** Register quantifier
125 *
126 * Called once for new quantified formulas q that are pre-registered by the
127 * quantifiers theory, after internal ownership of quantified formulas is
128 * finalized. This does context-independent initialization of this module
129 * for quantified formula q.
130 */
131 virtual void registerQuantifier(Node q) {}
132 /** Pre-register quantifier
133 *
134 * Called once for new quantified formulas that are
135 * pre-registered by the quantifiers theory, after
136 * internal ownership of quantified formulas is finalized.
137 */
138 virtual void preRegisterQuantifier(Node q) {}
139 /** Assert node.
140 *
141 * Called when a quantified formula q is asserted to the quantifiers theory
142 */
143 virtual void assertNode(Node q) {}
144 /** Identify this module (for debugging, dynamic configuration, etc..) */
145 virtual std::string identify() const = 0;
146 //----------------------------general queries
147 /** get currently used the equality engine */
148 eq::EqualityEngine* getEqualityEngine() const;
149 /** are n1 and n2 equal in the current used equality engine? */
150 bool areEqual(TNode n1, TNode n2) const;
151 /** are n1 and n2 disequal in the current used equality engine? */
152 bool areDisequal(TNode n1, TNode n2) const;
153 /** get the representative of n in the current used equality engine */
154 TNode getRepresentative(TNode n) const;
155 /** get quantifiers engine that owns this module */
156 QuantifiersEngine* getQuantifiersEngine() const;
157 /** get currently used term database */
158 quantifiers::TermDb* getTermDatabase() const;
159 /** get currently used term utility object */
160 quantifiers::TermUtil* getTermUtil() const;
161 /** get the quantifiers state */
162 quantifiers::QuantifiersState& getState();
163 /** get the quantifiers inference manager */
164 quantifiers::QuantifiersInferenceManager& getInferenceManager();
165 //----------------------------end general queries
166 protected:
167 /** pointer to the quantifiers engine that owns this module */
168 QuantifiersEngine* d_quantEngine;
169 /** The state of the quantifiers engine */
170 quantifiers::QuantifiersState& d_qstate;
171 /** The quantifiers inference manager */
172 quantifiers::QuantifiersInferenceManager& d_qim;
173 /** The quantifiers registry */
174 quantifiers::QuantifiersRegistry& d_qreg;
175 };/* class QuantifiersModule */
177 /** Quantifiers utility
178 *
179 * This is a lightweight version of a quantifiers module that does not implement
180 * methods
181 * for checking satisfiability.
182 */
183 class QuantifiersUtil {
184 public:
185 QuantifiersUtil(){}
186 virtual ~QuantifiersUtil(){}
187 /* reset
188 * Called at the beginning of an instantiation round
189 * Returns false if the reset failed. When reset fails, the utility should
190 * have added a lemma via a call to d_qim.addPendingLemma.
191 */
192 virtual bool reset( Theory::Effort e ) = 0;
193 /* Called for new quantifiers */
194 virtual void registerQuantifier(Node q) = 0;
195 /** Identify this module (for debugging, dynamic configuration, etc..) */
196 virtual std::string identify() const = 0;
197 /** Check complete?
198 *
199 * Returns false if the utility's reasoning was globally incomplete
200 * (e.g. "sat" must be replaced with "incomplete").
201 */
202 virtual bool checkComplete() { return true; }
203 };
205 class QuantPhaseReq
206 {
207 private:
208 /** helper functions compute phase requirements */
209 void computePhaseReqs( Node n, bool polarity, std::map< Node, int >& phaseReqs );
210 public:
211 QuantPhaseReq(){}
212 QuantPhaseReq( Node n, bool computeEq = false );
213 ~QuantPhaseReq(){}
214 void initialize( Node n, bool computeEq );
215 /** is phase required */
216 bool isPhaseReq( Node lit ) { return d_phase_reqs.find( lit )!=d_phase_reqs.end(); }
217 /** get phase requirement */
218 bool getPhaseReq( Node lit ) { return d_phase_reqs.find( lit )==d_phase_reqs.end() ? false : d_phase_reqs[ lit ]; }
219 /** phase requirements for each quantifier for each instantiation literal */
220 std::map< Node, bool > d_phase_reqs;
221 std::map< Node, bool > d_phase_reqs_equality;
222 std::map< Node, Node > d_phase_reqs_equality_term;
224 static void getPolarity( Node n, int child, bool hasPol, bool pol, bool& newHasPol, bool& newPol );
225 static void getEntailPolarity( Node n, int child, bool hasPol, bool pol, bool& newHasPol, bool& newPol );
226 };
228 /** Types of bounds that can be inferred for quantified formulas */
229 enum BoundVarType
230 {
231 // a variable has a finite bound because it has finite cardinality
233 // a variable has a finite bound because it is in an integer range, e.g.
234 // forall x. u <= x <= l => P(x)
236 // a variable has a finite bound because it is a member of a set, e.g.
237 // forall x. x in S => P(x)
239 // a variable has a finite bound because only a fixed set of terms are
240 // relevant for it in the domain of the quantified formula, e.g.
241 // forall x. ( x = t1 OR ... OR x = tn ) => P(x)
243 // a bound has not been inferred for the variable
245 };
246 }
247 }
249 #endif /* CVC4__THEORY__QUANT_UTIL_H */