Statistics on instantiations per quantified formula. (#4719)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / quantifiers / quantifiers_attributes.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file quantifiers_attributes.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Mathias Preiner
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Attributes for the theory quantifiers
13 **
14 ** Attributes for the theory quantifiers.
15 **/
17 #include "cvc4_private.h"
22 #include "expr/attribute.h"
23 #include "expr/node.h"
25 namespace CVC4 {
26 namespace theory {
28 class QuantifiersEngine;
30 /** Attribute true for function definition quantifiers */
31 struct FunDefAttributeId {};
32 typedef expr::Attribute< FunDefAttributeId, bool > FunDefAttribute;
34 /** Attribute true for quantifiers that we are doing quantifier elimination on */
35 struct QuantElimAttributeId {};
36 typedef expr::Attribute< QuantElimAttributeId, bool > QuantElimAttribute;
38 /** Attribute true for quantifiers that we are doing partial quantifier elimination on */
39 struct QuantElimPartialAttributeId {};
40 typedef expr::Attribute< QuantElimPartialAttributeId, bool > QuantElimPartialAttribute;
42 /** Attribute true for quantifiers that are SyGus conjectures */
43 struct SygusAttributeId {};
44 typedef expr::Attribute< SygusAttributeId, bool > SygusAttribute;
46 /**Attribute to give names to quantified formulas */
47 struct QuantNameAttributeId
48 {
49 };
50 typedef expr::Attribute<QuantNameAttributeId, bool> QuantNameAttribute;
52 struct InstLevelAttributeId
53 {
54 };
55 typedef expr::Attribute<InstLevelAttributeId, uint64_t> InstLevelAttribute;
57 /** Attribute for setting printing information for sygus variables
58 *
59 * For variable d of sygus datatype type, if
60 * d.getAttribute(SygusPrintProxyAttribute) = t, then printing d will print t.
61 */
62 struct SygusPrintProxyAttributeId
63 {
64 };
65 typedef expr::Attribute<SygusPrintProxyAttributeId, Node>
66 SygusPrintProxyAttribute;
68 /** Attribute for specifying a "side condition" for a sygus conjecture
69 *
70 * A sygus conjecture of the form exists f. forall x. P[f,x] whose side
71 * condition is C[f] has the semantics exists f. C[f] ^ forall x. P[f,x].
72 */
73 struct SygusSideConditionAttributeId
74 {
75 };
76 typedef expr::Attribute<SygusSideConditionAttributeId, Node>
77 SygusSideConditionAttribute;
79 /** Attribute for indicating that a sygus variable encodes a term
80 *
81 * This is used, e.g., for abduction where the formal argument list of the
82 * abduct-to-synthesize corresponds to the free variables of the sygus
83 * problem.
84 */
85 struct SygusVarToTermAttributeId
86 {
87 };
88 typedef expr::Attribute<SygusVarToTermAttributeId, Node>
89 SygusVarToTermAttribute;
91 namespace quantifiers {
93 /** Attribute priority for rewrite rules */
94 //struct RrPriorityAttributeId {};
95 //typedef expr::Attribute< RrPriorityAttributeId, uint64_t > RrPriorityAttribute;
97 /** This struct stores attributes for a single quantified formula */
98 struct QAttributes
99 {
100 public:
101 QAttributes()
102 : d_hasPattern(false),
103 d_sygus(false),
104 d_qinstLevel(-1),
105 d_quant_elim(false),
106 d_quant_elim_partial(false)
107 {
108 }
109 ~QAttributes(){}
110 /** does the quantified formula have a pattern? */
111 bool d_hasPattern;
112 /** if non-null, this quantified formula is a function definition for function
113 * d_fundef_f */
114 Node d_fundef_f;
115 /** is this formula marked as a sygus conjecture? */
116 bool d_sygus;
117 /** side condition for sygus conjectures */
118 Node d_sygusSideCondition;
119 /** stores the maximum instantiation level allowed for this quantified formula
120 * (-1 means allow any) */
121 int d_qinstLevel;
122 /** is this formula marked for quantifier elimination? */
123 bool d_quant_elim;
124 /** is this formula marked for partial quantifier elimination? */
125 bool d_quant_elim_partial;
126 /** the instantiation pattern list for this quantified formula (its 3rd child)
127 */
128 Node d_ipl;
129 /** The name of this quantified formula, used for :qid */
130 Node d_name;
131 /** The (internal) quantifier id associated with this formula */
132 Node d_qid_num;
133 /** is this quantified formula a function definition? */
134 bool isFunDef() const { return !d_fundef_f.isNull(); }
135 /**
136 * Is this a standard quantifier? A standard quantifier is one that we can
137 * perform destructive updates (variable elimination, miniscoping, etc).
138 *
139 * A quantified formula is not standard if it is sygus, one for which
140 * we are performing quantifier elimination, is a function definition, or
141 * has a name.
142 */
143 bool isStandard() const;
144 };
146 /** This class caches information about attributes of quantified formulas
147 *
148 * It also has static utility functions used for determining attributes and
149 * information about
150 * quantified formulas.
151 */
152 class QuantAttributes
153 {
154 public:
155 QuantAttributes( QuantifiersEngine * qe );
156 ~QuantAttributes(){}
157 /** set user attribute
158 * This function applies an attribute
159 * This can be called when we mark expressions with attributes, e.g. (! q
160 * :attribute attr [node_values, str_value...]),
161 * It can also be called internally in various ways (for SyGus, quantifier
162 * elimination, etc.)
163 */
164 static void setUserAttribute(const std::string& attr,
165 Node q,
166 std::vector<Node>& node_values,
167 std::string str_value);
169 /** compute quantifier attributes */
170 static void computeQuantAttributes(Node q, QAttributes& qa);
171 /** compute the attributes for q */
172 void computeAttributes(Node q);
174 /** is fun def */
175 static bool checkFunDef( Node q );
176 /** is fun def */
177 static bool checkFunDefAnnotation( Node ipl );
178 /** is sygus conjecture */
179 static bool checkSygusConjecture( Node q );
180 /** is sygus conjecture */
181 static bool checkSygusConjectureAnnotation( Node ipl );
182 /** get fun def body */
183 static Node getFunDefHead( Node q );
184 /** get fun def body */
185 static Node getFunDefBody( Node q );
186 /** is quant elim annotation */
187 static bool checkQuantElimAnnotation( Node ipl );
189 /** is function definition */
190 bool isFunDef( Node q );
191 /** is sygus conjecture */
192 bool isSygus( Node q );
193 /** get instantiation level */
194 int getQuantInstLevel( Node q );
195 /** get rewrite rule priority */
196 int getRewriteRulePriority( Node q );
197 /** is quant elim */
198 bool isQuantElim( Node q );
199 /** is quant elim partial */
200 bool isQuantElimPartial( Node q );
201 /** get quant name, which is used for :qid */
202 Node getQuantName(Node q) const;
203 /** get (internal) quant id num */
204 int getQuantIdNum( Node q );
205 /** get (internal)quant id num */
206 Node getQuantIdNumNode( Node q );
208 /** set instantiation level attr */
209 static void setInstantiationLevelAttr(Node n, uint64_t level);
210 /** set instantiation level attr */
211 static void setInstantiationLevelAttr(Node n, Node qn, uint64_t level);
213 private:
214 /** pointer to quantifiers engine */
215 QuantifiersEngine * d_quantEngine;
216 /** cache of attributes */
217 std::map< Node, QAttributes > d_qattr;
218 /** function definitions */
219 std::map< Node, bool > d_fun_defs;
220 };
222 }
223 }
224 }
226 #endif